The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, August 23, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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IIMID KlVK. Okbison
.... El)ITl
Subscription, $1.50 a N ear in AJnce
k.ntrl a sfvoiul-rlaaa mattar, Feb. 10. at
th post orfio at Hood River. Onvm,
under the Art of March S. 1H7V.
A Matter of Judgment
Hood Kiver apple growers will
lf interested in a criticism that
appears in a recent issue of the
Mt'ilfunl Tribune, attributed to
l'rof. S. 15. Hall, who is said to
le an expert horticulturist. Mr,
Hall, after visiting the valley, is
tj noted on returning to Med ford
as follows:
"The orchards in the Hood
Kiver district are not as well
cared for as they are in the
Ilogue Kiver valley," stated Mr.
Hall, "and intelligent cultivation
is far more rare. The orchards
are ragged, and in conversation
u ith fruit growers I did not find
as great a degree of knowledge
as exists among the growers on
the llogue.
"Hood River does raise superb
fruit, but the valley could easily
increase the quality with scien
tific cultivation, such as is prac
ticed in the llogue River valley.
Only a few of the orchards are
in first class condition."
A statement of this character
coming from an expert ought to
have some weight. It is strange,
however, that of all the horticul
tural authorities that have vis
ited Hood River, Mr. Hall is the
first to cast a stone at the meth
ods and intelligence of Hood
River growers. If there is any
thing that the fruit growers of
of this district have received the
palm over other districts for, it
is these sel '-same methods and
their scientific knowledge of the
business. In fact, this has been
the case to such an extent that
Med ford and every other district
in the Northwest has followed
in Hood River's footsteps and
have sent representatives here
to obtain information, which has
been gladly furnished. As to
the orchards looking ragged,
everybody who knows anything
alwut orchard cultivation is
aware that it is eliminated at
this time of year. Perhaps Mr.
Hall's loyalty to Medford has
overreached his judgment.
Business Report Encouraging
Dun's reiort covering the last
year shows that many lines of
trade in the Pacific Northwest
have expanded. Despite the
fact that there has been a down
ward tendency throughout the
country, conditions in Seattle,
Portland, Spokane and Tacoma
have been good. The report
states that trade in Alaska has
In-en about the same as during
the preceding year. The out
look for the future is regarded
as exceptionally encouraging.
I rifw ;itiT anil the mirrouriiliiin
r.itml rv w III li M It tilihiiul -lirli
'I i.v A uuut - J. in Unit diiti- tlnTH
H . lr..-n to - a tjtvut m 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 of
lui li iiih if,icli.M. for which tliat illx.
t rlc t Ih hi i iiutci,
I'ciiiII.Ioii'm J : ill in I -1 'p. t tie Iltil'jtle feature of Unit city that
linww the ilNaf arliiif wIM wcM,
III le Ht'k'er am U'tter than ever
tlilB vear, with more attractloiiH am
larger crow Ih. The ilateM are Sep-tenilM-r
111';. The management Ih
making arraiik'emeiitM for aiMltioiial ii reH never U f, re wen In Oregon.
Ilarrlxliiiri; will have an Interest
1 1 ir ex hllilt iltirlntf t he lat week In
Aiik'iiHt. w hen a potato how will l
pill mi l.y the women of the Im
proMinetit tlnli That Merit on of
t he tale proiliiecH h . 1-1 t 1 potatoeH
iril llilx jearthe crop Ik excellent.
' mxlilerliitf t he prlccH of pota-
t . thlx mIioiiIi attract
mill h at teiithm.
I'urt orfiiM promlMCM Moinethinx
miiiHiial for A iinuct 'Si, anil ;.'.,
ami niiiiotiiiecH an im'ite carnival,
w hi. h In eTp- teil to develop Into an
annual affair. There w III Im a happy
I !' 1 1 naf of the ohl 1 1 II it H ami the
new, Willi i I'liiiliakeH, pioneer reun
ions, prl.ex fur the l.lKUii"t finh
rillilit mill t Ih filiewt fiiriitj.a) lili'Le'l
" - I -
nil frniii the Im'Hi he", ami the hltitortc
, ..i.llli t of Hut I If li.K'k w III Im- fought
i.trr n i it I it. U't ween a trlU- of make.
Ullce Indiana mid the whiten,
rrvurntloi.i an Ulntf iii'ido by
w intern mUroml to hamtlt an mix
irvitHltnttl movement of Itm..' k
era to the rarltio eoant Nttitt tliM
fall. Sivlal t'oloiilnt rati' art It.
effevt fnui KeptetnlNT t OetolnT
W Them rate are iiuall,v mailt
twice a year, la tin uprin and la tin
fall, ami rane froai $' 'hleajfti
to t'2't from the MU.turl river, for
one-way trip.
lurtn the eolonlnt movem.Mit la
theHprinr nearly iMt,(N.o Hople trav
eled to the etat, aeei-nlini; to rut. -maten.
I'nwnt prospect are that
the movement thU fall will even ex
eeed that ninnWT.
November 30th Tt.ank$g.inK Day
Noveinlrer ;U w ill U- 'I hankHlvln
hay. It hart been the tuitoiu to fix
the hint Thurrtday la the month. Imt
thin year Novemler hapei.H to have
live tiiMtead of four Thurmlavn. The
lant one coiner on the ..'Ml., the hint
day of the month, The bank want
in! rrenldent Tuft to proclaim the
iMth an the day for ivint; tliankn,
hut the foothall boyn ihicted ami
the prertldeut decided In their favor.
(I. li. Barton Given Divorce
Thrimh hlrt attrney, S. W. Stark,
i. II. Harton hart len granted a dl
virce from hln wife, KIhIc I,. Itarton.
The dtvree wai IsMicd by .Iih1k
SubrtcrllK for the N'ewn.
In the Circuit Court of Hood River County,
("rtitve H. Steinhoff and
Kdith O. Steinhorf.
Adelia A. Strmnahan. Ella May
Jor.ea, A.B Jonea, Albert K.Stran
ahan. Correan Stranahan, Kt hel
Anderson. Kuy Anilerann, May
Mottmhaw. Fred Mottinhaw. Clin- Summons
ton Mooney. Beasie Muoney. Ho
Mooney, a minor; Klmer tlMcCray,
iruardian of Hope Mooney. a minor:
Cieura W. FanHinit. Marcia I-, .'ar
sons, Samuel L. Hayden, Harriet
P. Hayden. A. T. kin and M. L.
Kin, defendants.
To Klla May Jonatt. A. P. Jonen. Ethel Ander
son. Kuy Anderson. May Motttshaw, Fred Mntti
shaw. Beasie Mooney, Hope M.ney. a minor:
Geortce W. Parsona. Marcia I Parsonn ar.d Har
riet P. Hayden. defendant, impleaded with the
other defendants above named, and each of you;
n the name of the State of Oreiron: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed ajrainst you and each of you in this
court in the above entitled suit, on or before the
laat day of six consecutive weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons as herein
after stated, and !f you fail to so appear and an
swer, for want thereof, plain tiffs will apply to
this court for the relief demanded in their paid
complaint, and will take judgment and decree of
this court in this suit araintt you and each of you
for the reformation of four certain deeds of con
veyance constituting ft continuous chain of title,
by amending and correcting an erroneous descrip
tion of Land contained in and runmna down
through all of said deeds, so that the same will
conform to the real and true intent of the parties
thereto and the said description therein read as
Betrinninfr ftt a point on the quarter-section line
running north and south throuirh Section in
Township 3. North. Range lii. East of the Willam
ette Meridian, chains north of the quarter
section corner on the south boundary line of said
Section 3f: thence runninjr south. us' east, 7.75
chains; thence north, parallel with aaid quarter
section line. 6 chains; thence north. ?y west,
7.75 chains to said quarter section line;and running
thence south along said quarter section line. 6.
chains to the place of beginning.
Said deeds so sought to be reformed are briefly
described as follows:
One deed from Oscar I. Stranahan and Adeha
A. Stranahan, hustand and wife, to George W.
Parsons, dated March l'th. l!. filed for record
ith the County Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon.
on Maren Kith, l'.4, and recorded by him in Deed
Record No. 37 on page M4:
One del from George w. t arsons and Marcia
L. Parsona. husband and wife, to Samuel L. Hay
den, dated January 27th. H5, filed for record with
the County Clerk of Wisro (.ounty, Oregon, on
February 1st. lif, and recorded by him in Deed
Record No, 39 on page 2(Ti;
One deed from Samuel I. Hayden and Harriet
P. Hayden, husttand and wife, to A. T. King and
M. I King, husband and wife, dated March 30th.
107, filed for record with the County Clerk of
W'aaco County, Oregon, and by him recorded in
Lted Record No. 41 on page 411;
And one deed from A. T. King and M. I.. King.
husband and wife, to the said George H. SteinhotT
and Edith O. SteinhotT. plaintiffs in this suit,
dated February 1st. Iuh, filed for record with the
County Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon, on Feb
ruary 13th. lyto, and recorded by him in eed Rec
ord No. 45 on page 310.
On such default or appearance and answer.
plaintiffs will alwj take judgment and decree
against you, and each of you, that thoeenf defend
ants properly chargeable to that duty be directed
and required to make, execute and deliver to these
itaintiffs new deeds of the form and substance of
the said originals, conveying said land according
to such reformed description, within a definitely-
named time to be fixed by the court, after the en
trv of such decree; and in the event that you. or
either of y(u fail, neglect or refuse so to do within
the time so hxed by this court, then the judgment
and decree of this court shall stand as such con
veyances, and you and each of you shall he wholly
excluded from any interest in and to said land;
and will take such other and further equitable re
lief as in the judgment of the court thee plaintiffs
may have shown themselves entitled, together
with the costs and disbursements of this suit.
You and each of you are hereby nerved by pub
lication of this summons by virtue of an order on
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of this court, duly
made, granted and dated on this lrtth day of July.
A. i). lyll, for the service of this summons upon
you and each of you by publication thereof and
in accordance therewith; and which order pre
scribed that you and each of you shall appear and
answer the cjmplaint on or before the last day of
ix consecutive weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, and the lift h day of
July. A. l. lull, aa the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you and each of you
are hereby further notified that aaid date is and
will be the first publication of this summons.
Hood River, Oregon.
July 19 Aus;. 30 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Sealed bils will be received at the office of the
undersigned in the city of Hood River. Oreg.m,
until noon, August 30. lyll, for the furnish
ing of nccsaa ry materials and the eonntrue
tion of a steel bridge across Neal Crk atut 5
milea south of Hood River, in How River county.
Ore. The steel span of said bridge to be l'9t feet
In length with timber approaches about 1') f'-et
sch. and wofrfl-frame superstructure upon con
crete piers under sa d span. The carrying capac
ity of said bridge mi st not tie leu than 2 tons
live weight. Plans and specifications of aaid
bridge can Ire seen at 'iie otfice of W. E. Hanson,
county clerk, on and after August 15, l'Jll. A
certified check for 5 per cent of proprmal must ac
company each bid. The right of rejection of any
and all bids is hereby expnaly reserved,
bated Aug. V. IHIl.
Aug -l-.i4 County Judge, i
In the County Court of the State ,f Oresjon for
H"d Rtver County ,
In th matter of the etat of !
M. H. MOOlJY. Ieceaer t
The undersMfned, having ben appnted by the
County fjrt t the Htat of itrfm for the
county of Hsjd River, administrator the entate
of M H. M'ody. deceaaed. notic w hn -by given
P. the creditor and all perwma havn g claims
against the eat at of said deeeje., tt preaent
them, verified as rwjuired by law. wi'hin m
mtjnths afta the hrmt pubJicatKm of thi notice,
at the otfics of KrnMt C. Smith, in O. Hall
buiMmc. in the city of Hood Kiver, Stat,. f
Oregon. , . - . . . '
Imt of first publication is ine inn nay vi
August, lvll. Chablu Uha Mtr, I
Aug l-ttep f-ft Administrstur. j
This advertised list of delinquent taxes for ths
1 year lilu is in pursuance of an act of the State
I Legislature, which is embodied in Chapter 275 of
The taxes on t he follow ing advert ised real
property in HmJ River County became delinquent
on April 4, UU, and are subject to a penalty of 10
per cent and interest at the rata of 12 per cent
per annum until they shall have been paid.
Any day after the sxpiratun of six months
after the taxes charged against the following real
property are delinquent the Sheriff is authorized,
upon demand of any person making application,
to issue to them a certificate of delinquency upon
payment of the taxes, penalty, interest and cost
of advertising.
Certificates of delinquency shall bear interest
from the date of issuance until redeemed at the
rate of per cent per annum.
Absher A look lass Add., lots 1J and 13.
block H $ 7 41
Martin Case Beginning se cor nel se'
nJ4r. wUMr. s24r. el 10. I to beg. section 17,
township 2N, range 10E. 15 acres 30 75
E K.I wick, e and w add. lot 6. block 5 55
M H A 1 worth. sel4 se'4. section 8. township
IN. range itE 6 12
American Cigar Co e and w add. lota 25,26,
27. 2i and 2i 4
W A Anderson eand w add, lota 13, 14, block
6 16
John Andrew, 11 K Proper, lot 5. block 25 S 35
WA Andrew as ter vol L page 86 of deets.
section 2 township 3 N. range loE 20 90
Apple land & Orchard Co, Harrett and Sip
ma. lot 5. block A 2 75
C S Archer, nc1, sw' e!a nw'i, sections.
township 2N, mnge 9E 21 96
Lulu E Art-her ne'i, section 11, township 2N
range tE 12 3t
W G Arnold et al E Helmont, lots 8 and 9.
sec 34. tpsN. r loE 73 20
Iter! ha Austin, lot 2, sec 10, tp 1 N range loE 12 24
Julia P Ha i ley 7 a in sw' of se' se'-t, sec 7
tplS. r 1"K 17 22
G A Beatty. Park a. Id. lot 10. block 2 ... 3 35
J 1 I Unt n1 - of kits 1 and 2, sec IH. tp IN.
range HE, n' j of lot II, section 7, tp IN,
range E 12 24
E O Blancher, trustee. e'a w1 aw'- ae'.,
sec 3. tp2N. range 1iK 47 34
E K and Sarah A Bradley. H R proper, e' .,
lots 4 and 5. block 34. s1- lots 20 and 21,
block 34 30 45
Bradley Bro as per vol 3, page 25 of D R,
sec 35. township 3 N, range luE 12 lH
Darwin Bradley, Winans's town, lot 8, block
2. lot n block 5 29
W A and O Bradley, beginning 70 feet n of
se corner neS nel thence w 10 nls, n 25 ft,
e 10 rods, s 25 ft, to beginning, sec 27, tp2N,
range loE 4 64
A B Brooke e 15 acres of se1 4 se, sec 28, tp
2 N. range loE 12 87
Mary J Hruwnn'jne1 sec 31. tp 2N, ran ire
1 1 E 14 26
A R Coulter n 25 a of e' j se', sec 8, tplS
range 10 E f4 26
S A Bul.b Wau Park, lots 2. block 1 4 06
Howard Bubh, Park lot i. block 3 11 16
Mathew Buttner. A J erby trustee, s'j nw
nl . sw sec 23. tp IN. range 9 24 48
Ora H Cadwell. Parkhurat, loU 7, 8 and 9.
block 2. IS 9H
lhomas w (.albraith, ne'4, sec 35 tp 2N,
range 9 E.. 19 68
A M Cannon, trustee, ne' nw1 w' , ne'
sec 30. tp2N. range 10E 27 06
W L Carnes, wla se1 iw'( ;iec 14, tp 2N.
ranire loE ... 54 11
John 1). Casey B and S add lota 7. block C ... 2 74
Jjhn Champlin. S Wau. lot 4. block LJ 9 85
Notice of Sale For Delinquent Assessment
Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of
August, lyll, a warrant was duly and regularly
issued by the Recorder of the City of Hood River.
Oregon, to me directed and delivered, command
ing me to forthwith advertise the property men
tioned and described therein against which the
assessment for the cost of the construction of Di
v ii-ion ti of District 6 of the Sewer System of said
city was made, and to sell said property or so
much thereof as cap be sold separately to advan
tage, sufficient to pay said delinquent assessment,
together with interest, costs and disbursements
in the manner provided by law, and to return the
proceeds of such sale to the City Treasurer of the
City of Hon! River. Oregon, and the following is
a description of the property against which as
sessment was levied and which is delinquent, and
gives the name of the person to whom it was as
sessed, and the amount of the assessment thereon
now due. to-wit:
Lot Block Addition Assessed to Amount Costs
1 27 H. H. Pr. Geo. T. Prather $ 1 4.10 S3. 00
20-26 29 " " A. A. Schenck 250.40 3.00
5-6-7 6 Henderson's Jas McBain 67.50 3.00
2 7 Parkhurst A. LStautTer 145.40 3.00
1S115 9 Hull's Sub. Frank Davenport 5.h0 3.00
2S115" 9 " R6.U0
2-3 B Barrett-Sipma Jno Ponnhue esty3 40 3.00
Acreage, beginning 150' west of N. E.
Cor. Block 4. Pleasantview, and be
ing SO'xltiV A. M. Bea'ty 35.90 3.00
Acreage, Imi x4l3', beginning 150 S.
and 41' East of N E. Cor. Block 8,
Parkhurst. A. A. Schenck 296.50
Now, therefore, in pursuance of said warrant
and for the purpose of satisfying the delinquent
assessment mentioned therein, I will on Monday
the 1-th dav of September. 1911. at the hour of ten
o'clock A M. of aaid day. at the front dor of the
City Hall in the City of Hood River, founty of
Hd River, Stato of Oregon, proceed to sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, the several tracts or parcels of land above
mentioned, or so much thereof as can be sold sep
arately to advantage sufficient to pay said delin
quent assessment, together with the interest
costs and disbursements provided by law. ami will
continue said sale from diy today th ereafter
until said property is sold, or so much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy said assessment.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this Itith day of
August, 1111. KUnhKi LEWIS,
Marshal of the City of Hood Kiver, Oregon,
Aug. 16-Sept. 13
Notice of Sale fur Delinquent Assessment
Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of
August. 1H11. a warrant was duly and regularly
issued by the Recorder of the City of Hood River,
Oregon, to me directed and delivered, crmmand
ing me to forthwith advertise the property men
t Mned and described therein against which the
assessment for the cost of the construction of
District 2 of Division 2 of the Sewer System of
said city was made, ami to sell said property or no
much thereof aa ran be sold separately to advan
tage sufficient to pay said delinquent aasessment.
together with interest, costs and disbursements
in the manner provided by law. and to return the
proceeds of iiuch sale to the City Treasurer of the
City of Houd River, Oregon, and the following is
a description of the property againat which as
sessment was levied and which is delinquent, and
gives the name of the person to whom it was
assessed, and the amount of the assessment there
on now due. to-wit:
lyit Block Addition Assessed to Amount Costs
15 y Idlewilde H. A. Pettis 45)0 $4 50
1H-19 9 Idlewilde (.eo Nulherland oo 4.50
5 10 Idlewilde H. T. Coleman 45.00 4.50
4 10 Idlewilde H. T. Coleman 40 'J5
Now, therefore, in pursuance of said warrant
and for the purpose of satisfying the delinquent
assessment mentioned therein, 1 will on Monday,
the lth day of September. 1911, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M of aaid day, at the front door of the
City Hall, in the City of Hood River, County of
Hood River, State of Oregon, proceed to sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, the several tracts or parcels of land above
mentioned, or so much thereof an can be sold
separately to advantage sufficient to pay said de
linquent assessment, together with the interest,
costs and disbursements provided by law. and
will continue said sale from day to day thereafter
until said property is sold, or so much thereof as
may lie necessary to satisfy said assessment.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this day of
August, 9I1. ROBERT LEWIS,
Marshall of the City of Hood River, Oregon.
Aug. 16-Sept, 13
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to provisions
of Ordinance No. 300 of the City of Hood River
that the fxirnmon Council will at the Council
Chambers in said City at the hour of 8 o'clock P.
M. on the 4th day of September. 1111, prnrv to
apportion the profahle cjt of improving the fol
lowing named street by grading, as provided by
said ordinance, to the property owners therein:
Oak Street in the city of Hood River from the
fast line of Front Street to the line of Fifth
S'reet, excepting intersection on First and Oak
Streets; (ascade Avenue from the Went line of
First Street to the West line of Fifth Street:
Front Street from the South line of Oak Street to
the North line of State Street; First Street from
the South fine of Oak Street to the North line of
State Street, Second Street from the South line of
Cascade Avenue to the North line of State Street;
Third Street from the South line of the Oregon
Washington Railroad A Navigation Company's
right of way to the North line of State Street
Fourth Street from the South line of (lumbia
Stwt to the North line of State Street: Fifth
Street from the South line of Cascade Avenue to
the North line of Oak Street.
Notice is further given that all persons having
objections to said apportionment may apear at
said time and place before said Council and be
fully heard in relation thereto. Thin notice is
puhhnhed for ten days in the Hood River News,
the date of the first publication being August
Pith, jrel I Aug. 16-Aug. 30
Administrator's Notice te Creditors
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned
has be.n appointed, by the County Court of Hood
River Oxinfy, Oreg'm, as adminiatratnr of the
estate of llward Me, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of sard decedent
must pretwnt them, duly verified, at my office, at
- Third street. Hood River, Oregon, within six
'rt months from ths dat of this notice, to-wit:
May 21st. 111. J, M. CULHEKTSON.
Msy-Nuvs-6m Administrate.
John E Chappslkt and w 2d. kits 1. 2 and 3
block 9 28
Carrie B Cos. Cass Sd. lot 2 block E B 48
Mary J Connor s1, nw1 sec 21. tp 2N range
HE 19 W
Mihasa Coons. Clark's, lot 7 block 2 1 06
Milisaa Coons, St ran 1st, lot 6. block 2 26 17
E A Covell. swl nw1 iw', sec 13, tp2N,
rangs tE 4 92
L E Crouch swl sw1 sec 9 tp 2N range UK 6 15
Edward Culberttion w S nek nw1, sec 8,
tplS. raugs loE U 68
Edward Culbertauo n' nw1 nw1. sec 8, tp
IS, range 10E 12 30
Edward Cultiertsonw' a1 ne1 nw1, sec 8
tplS. range loE 13 53
Fa t ward Culhertson w1 nc' nw1 sec 8
tp IS. rangs 10E 17 22
K P Dean s n1 s1, aw' nw1 s.-c 10. fp2N
rangs luE 9 84
A F UBoard e and w 2d kU 31. 32. 33. 34
and 35 block tt 43
W L Diel nwL ne1 sec 33. tp 1 N. range loE 9 t4
A F IV Hoard, e and w 2nd. ats 3 & 4 blk 6 ... 18 00
B E Duncan, Waucoma. lot 7 Mock 2 21 31
Henry Steed. Blowers 1st, lot 2 block 2 20 81
C F Durbin, and w 1st lots 47 mid 4 block
10. 37
Geo C Easterly, n 13 a of se' n 4 section 10
tp 2N rangs 10E 29 19
Marion Eccles, nw1 ne1 n' j nw1 sw nw
', section 22. tp2N, range 9K
Hans Eckhart, and w 1st. lotn 45 and 4
block 2
T U Ed berg. and w 2d. lots 11 and 12. block
M F Eggleston et ux, St ran 1st. lots 45 and
19 68
4tv block 3
F R Brydle s1 ne1 sec 4. to IN range 10E
17 25
39 12
Robt R Erwin. sand w 2nd. lots 4, 5. 6, 43,
44. 45. 46. block 9
O B Evinger. as per vol J p 24t of D K. sec
35, tp3N. range 10E
Emma B Everaon, and w 2d, lots 7, 8, 9. 10
16 75
and 11. block 9
W Parol I. beginning 44 rds s of ne cor ne1
nwl4. thence w4ri'n nls, s 274 ft, e 41 rds
n274 ft to beginning. secStp JN. range luE 20 93
F D Fisher, beginning 52' rd e of sw cor
nw1 fee 19, thence n 75 chs, e 1.03 chs, s
7.51 chs. w 13.03 chs to beginning, sec 19,
tp 2N. rangs HE 22 96
Annie h itch, e and w 2d, lots U, 44. 45, 46
and 47. block 6. 46
E T Folts 31 30
F K Forabenr nw1 nw1. sec 30, tp 2N,
range ME ... 13 46
C L Foasburg sw1 aw1, sec 21, tp IN range
9E 20 01
A Fredenbunr. se1, sw1. sec 21 tp IN.
range loE 40 23
O Fredenburg, aw1' sw1, sec 21, tplN,
range loE 39 17
Arthur Fuller, 70 a, vol 3H, p 4 in e part of
se', sw1, part aw .. sec 12. tp 2N, range
10E 172 23
A F Fuller e1 lot 7. sec 34 to 1 N.
C H Cilbert ne'.. kc 21. to IS. ranire 1HK
. 19 b
K J Cilnior and K Swick. a, x?r vol 4, i 13S.
01UK.1W i. tp ZN. ranutf K
H9 73
Frank Gluick.', ne'4.ac20 ti2N. Kll E
16 M3
Culver Cordon. and w 1st. lots 31 and 32.
bliwk 6 37
C A Gove, c and w 2d. lota 32. 33. 34. 3;. 37
3. at and 40. block 8 and kit, 41. 47. and 4
bkx-k t 1 19
Ma S Gray, part Iota 5, 6. 7. S and 9. n of
Lover', Lane, Winan'. add, bUick 8. 11 87
H C Green, w-':, of aa',, ae1.. ne' sec 33. tp
3N. ranire 1 IK 20 13
C W Green, e':, of ae', se', ne', 12 81
V L Greenwood. '. e' a ne1, nw' sec 8, tpl
S, ranire lllK 6 15
Geo W Grillith. Winan's add. lot 3. block 7 2 74
Madison V Grose, ne', sec 2. tplN. ranire HE 31 29
Eli E Hart, lot 13. sec 15. tplN. ranire loE . 6 75
Kli E Hart lot 4. aec 2a. tplN. ranue 10E 54 54
Lottie Habrook. 7''4aotTsof w1, e'a. sw',
se1,. sec 3. tp 2N. ranire JoE 32 99
liertha Hawthorn, e!a e'asw1,. nw'-, w'a
w 2 se', nw', sec lb, ip i N. ranire
36 90
J W Heavener. ', nw1,. se', ne1,. sec 15.
2N. ranire 10E 17 29
Myra Helm. Cascades, lot 2 and 3 block 2 2 03
Sydney E Henderson. B and S. lot 11. block
B 2 74
K W Howard, Idlewilde. lots 3 and 22, block
1 2 64
Florence H udson est, lainnecorsw'.se',,
9 a n of Kiver in nw cor sw:, ne1,, sec 15,
tp 2N. ranire loE 5 43
Viira Hutches, beginning- se cr nw ', se',.w
llWft. n 200 ft. eioii .'t,s2' ft to beifin-
ninir. see 27, tp SN, ranire 10E 1 33
Mrs J Hutaon.e' i e' jne1, ne', ne1, sec 3,
tp2 N. ranire 10E 12 30
Eliza A Iniralls. Winans Town, lot 7 block 5 14
Cora 1 Isenbery. Cue's 2d. lots 5 and 7. block
C 20 60
Annie Johnson. Waucoma, lot 10. block 5 .... 16 95
J A Johnson, e and w 2d, lot 10. block 6 09
David Jones, ne1, sw1,, sec L'l, tp2N. ranire
HE 9 84
W R Jones, a' a se1,. ne', se' k sec 2. tplS,
ranire CE 7 98
N U Jordan, fractional lots 6. 6 and 7, block
1 48 21
F L K el ley. lots 1 and 2. sec 4. tp 1 N. ranire
10E 32 76
V Kelley, e and w 1st: lota 37 and 31- block 2 36
Louise V Kermott, lot 3. sec 7, tp IS, ranire
7. tplN, range 10E and ne', sw', sec 7.
tp IS, range 10E 54 98
Chaa K Knutson. Waucoma. kt 6. block 5 . 42 63
John K Kollock. Idlewilde, lots 7, 8, 9. 10, 11
and 12, block 13 7 91
Ellen Koontz, Stran 1st, lota 27 and 2, block
2 , ... 17 25
J H Krohn. se', se1,, sec 28. tplN. r HE 7 82
Wm It Lanham et al. n 15a. of ne', sw',.
sec 15, tp2iN, rsntre 10E 9 58
Fred Green. Strsn 1st, lot 20 block 4 5 79
Sinir Imp on land not deeded or patented 1 01
1'eter l.enx, ne', e', se1,. sec 26, tp2N rloE 10 01
Alice Lininirer, as per vol 45. p 672 of Deeds
sec 3. tplN, ranire 10E 4 89
Kuth M Little. r nw',. ne', sw1-,. sec 17,tp
2N. ranire HE 12 30
M L I.oy, Winans Add. lots I and 2. block 6 5 48
Terry Investment Co. beirinnina; 27 rods s of
center of sec. s 53 rods, e 32 rods, n 53 rods.
e 32 rods to beginning;. Sec 16. Tp 2 N. K 10
I'erry Investment (.1. s of HE'-, SW', aa
per Vol E. paire 2h5 of Deeds, leas part
sold as shown by lleeds Record 16 23
H F Lynn. Adsms. lot 3. block 3 2 03
Jennie Madden, ascAde Locks, lots 1. 2. 3.
4. 11 and 12. bl.-k 6. lots 3. 4. 6 and 6. block
7. lots 1 and 2. block 9 32 27
C F Mallory. Casrad.K. Ms 3 snd 4, block 1 6 09
J Manrullis. as r Vol 47. F 12. of D K W
C. Sec 14. Tp 2 N. R 10 E 53 99
D S Martin. Stran 2nd add. lot 60. block 1 2 03
W F and Eliza F Moore, as per Vol S, page
326 Deed Records, ix-c 27. tp 2 N. r 10 E 61 83
Edgar F Munson. nc', sec 34, tp 2 N. r 9 E 19 68
H L Muriihy. n'a sw' ,, nw!, ne', sec II, tp
2 N, r 10 E 19 28
Grace E McClain. w' j w', ne1. See 8, tp 2
N. r 10 E 16 06
G W Mcintosh, s'j a'u se', Ine'; sec 11. tp 2
N. r 10 E 64 84
Laura It Nelson, n' i se',, lot. 1 and 2, sec
35. tp 3 N. r E 6 48
Nols Nelson, lot 4. sec 3. tp 2 N. r 9 K 19 58
Helen IMvenport New by. .75 ft S Wauco
ma. lot 5. block A 42 63
Fred E Newby. w 25 ft S Waucoma. lot 6.
block A 8 12
G Richard Nichols, ' t se'-i se',, sS w',
se', nw',, sw', se', sec 5. tp 2 N. r 10 E . 26 60
Aug. Niehans, 31 a in sw' , se as per Vol
F- of Deed, sec 27. tp 2 N. r 10 E 41 11
A H Shelley. 'i se1 , sec 36. tp 2 N. r 10 E 128 36
Edith Kimrnbury and Frank Noble, ne',
se',, 6 a utf c of se ' 1 ne1, sec 32, tp 2 N.
20 acres S5,500-5 1-2 miles from town; 5
acres cleared, fair house, 2 good
springs, fine view of valley and both mountains.
Ked shot soil. Easy terms.
ID acres S8,000-5 miles from town; 1G
acres cleared; 2 acres in trees;
balance in clover and alfalfa. All but one acre
first class apple land. Splendid view. Easy terms.
17 acres ' $12 cr m''erom
shipping station, school, store and
church. All uncleared but fine land for apples.
22 Acres-' $22,000, 3 acrea 2 year old, 19
acres 5 year old Spitz., Newtowns and Ortleys. One of
the sightliest places in the valley and is in the heart of
the apple k rowing section. Near store, school, etc. Term
We have a number of bargains in inside business property-Money Makers
jTh. heiIbronner Tea, "sra
ransa 10 E .... It 01
Albert Norder. ne'.Ine', sec 30. tp 1 N. r 11
E. nwL, nw1,. sec 29. tp 1 N. r 11 K 31 2
Frank and Emma Norsbura;. 17a of nw1,
ne', see 34. tp 1 N. ranira 10 K 81 1
North Hank Nut and Fruit Land Co. s 15a of
ae', ne', see S3, tp 2 N, ranir E 30
E A Norton. Cass add. kit 14. block It 1 35
W M Noursa. s ne', sec S3, tp ! N. r 10 E 35 75
Mattie A Oiler. Winan's add. lot 1. block 7 1 32
S G Ox borrow, lot I in ne, aec 4. tp 2 N,
r 10 K
40 (2
A Fatteraon. ae1, of kit 14 sec 15, tp I N. r
10 E
Chaa I) Perkins, Winans. lota land 2. block 6
John K Fhillipa. beirinninir nw corner nw1,
sec 34. a 17 tula. 30 roils, a I rods. 15
18 61
rods: n 20 rods, w 46 rods, sec 34, tp 9 N.
r 10 E
20 03
Chaa E Fursar. a1, nw1, sec 17, tp 1 S. r 10E 47 23
b Uuarkenbush. 4 a as per ,01 I, pa 133 of
deeds, sec 35. tp 3 N ranira loE 53 07
n C Ransom, lot 3 in . . , ne', aec 4. tp I n.
r 10e. 29 2
harah A Kegnell. ben in 28 r of nw cor sw
'. thence s 100 r. e 6 chs, n luo rds. w 6
chs to beirinnina'. sec 34. tp 3n. r lOe 92 69
J E Reynolds. Idlewilde. lots 23 and 24. blk S 16 94
Henry rues, iota 3 and 4. s' , nw ' , sec 4. tp
Is. r 10, .. 125 02
John Kiea. s'-j sw1, sec . tp Is. r 10e.. 4 65
J W Kurby, H K Froper. loU 16 and 17. bk 32 11 67
L E Roberta, ne'.. lot 12. see 3. tp In. r 10a 16 06
K r. Kobertaon. e-, ae', sec 7. tp 2n. r lie
and nw1, "w1-, w'- nw1, sec 8. tp 2n. r
. . . 87 36
l.illie Kohr, Winans town, lota 3 and 4. bk 5 29
c. l kuou. trwin Watson 2d add, lota 46. 47,
48. bk 6
H S Row. Cascade Locks, lots 3. 4. 5, 6. 7,
bk 1. and lots 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 3. bk 2
Do kits 7. 8. 9, 10. bk 5
Do lota 6, . 7. 8. 9. 10. bk 6
Do lota 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. bk 8
8 72
2 43
3 65
1 65
6 07
Do-Iota 11. 10. 9. 8, S. 4. 6, 6. 7, 12. bk ....
Do-Iota 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. bk 10 09
Do-lot HUM, UHL. bk U 6 07
Do-lota 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. bk 12. ! 53
Do-lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. bk 13. 3 04
J A Kumford. n1, nw1, sec 33. tp 2n, r 9e . 9 84
Ray E Scott, n1, ne', ae1,. sec 18. tp 2n. r
He 33 66
F T Shelley, sw1, sw1, sec 1. tp In. r lOe . 9 78
P T Shelley, nw1, nw1, sec 12. tp In. r 10. .. 18 36
irs n n an rum. De-inninir at sw cor se
'. thence. 27 rds. n 118', rds. w 27 rds.
lis1., rds to beginnine;. sec 34, tp 2n, r 10 . 60 31
Jamea K SimonUn. n',sw', se', sw' sec
20. tp In. r He and ne'-, nw'-, aec 20. tp In.
rite ..,. S1 29
inrs rnea nmail. a ana W 1st aild e'a lot. 14.
15. 16. 17. bk 8. . JO
J F Snyder, a', aw1, and nw1, se1, aec 4. tp
In. r lie. and aw1, ne1, ae1, ae1, nw1, aec
4. tp In. r He 33 26
S Soule. Winans town lots 1, 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. bk 3 86
Silas II Soule. beginning 20 rds n and 6- rds
. of sw cor kit 7. n 60 rds, e 32 rds. s 60 rds
to point 20 rds n of s line of lot, w 32 rds
to beirinnina;, all in kit 7, sec 34, tp 1 n. r
lOe 5 58
Heesie Spangler, Highland add, lot 8. bk 1... 14 21
Keasie Spangler. Winans add, lot 3. bk 2 ... 7 10
F R SpauldinK Jr. lot 1. s 5. tp Is. r lOe..... 10 37
Annie Spring, as per vol 3. pg 366 of Deeds,
sec 6, tp 2n. r 11 37 74
Henry Steed. Adams, lot 2, bk 1 2 (13
W R Stevens. loU L 2. 3. 4, and sw1-, nw1, 13 30
Erne D Stephenson, ne', ne1, sw1, sec 6. tp
2n. r 10e - 16 g
us ura v atone, strananan Id add. lot 43. bk
11 46
9 84
I)r Sturdevant. Winans town, lot 5. blk 1
E L Swank, sw', ne
4 ne' 1
:33, tp2nr 9e
Alonzo lay lor, e'a ne' aw', nwS sec 8, tp
2n. r 10e.
Joseph C Thullen. a1, se',sw', sec 36,tp 2n.
r lOe
Emily Tompkins, se', se', sec 36. tp 3ni r 9e
1 60
42 38
2 36
vv a 1 umer. lu acrea in ne cor lot 5. sec 3,
tp In. r lOe g 15
Ella V Turk. se'. ne1, sec 30. tp 2n. r He ... 6 12
Jay H Upton, se', se1, sec 33, tp 3n. r 9e..... 83
Isaac Vanlllaracom, w', .' sw1, se', sec
10. tp 2n. r lOe 24 14
F J Van Zandt, n 26 a of ae', ne1, sec 33, tp
zn. r se
Chaa Vaacom. val improvementa on land not
II Verbacher. e and w 1st add lota 47 and 48.
blk 9
E H Waters, nw1-, ne1, sec 14. tp 2n. r 9e
J W Watson. 10 rds square in ne1, se1, se',
sec 27, tp 3n. r 10
6 15
1 02
4 92
Jessie B Watt. H K Proper, kits 1 and 2. bk
Jamea T Weart et al,
14. tp In. r 10e..
57 35
ji nw', iw1 ne1, see
91 80
F E Weiss, aa per vol G. pg 192 and L pg 415
of Deeds in se', n' j nw4 and sw', nw',
sec 8. tp 1 n. r He, and ne', ne', see 7, tp
in, r lie
Jessie I Wherry, n' j ne', '., nw1-, sec 17,
tD 2n. r 9e
31 30
19 68
S A W herry, se', ne1, sec 7. tp 2n. r 9e 7 32
7 32
32 63
4 39
j c. Williams, lot 3 and a'3 nw', sec 5, tp 1
n. r Kk
W A Williams. E A W 2d Add. kits 37. 38.
30. 40. 41. 42. bk 6 ...
W R W inans. ne1, nw1, nw1, ne1, aec 16,
tp Is. r 10.
W R Winans, e', ne'-, sw', nw1, ne',
se', sec 1. tp In. r 9e. and sw', sw', see 2,
tp In, r 9e, and lots 4. 5. 6 and 7, aec 6, tp
In. r lOe. and sw'- ne' that nart of se1.
sw', sec 18 not sold to Hall & Thomas, sec
18, tp In. r ltle-
W R Winans, ae'- se1, sw', see 36, tp 2n, r
9 e..
W R Winans. town lots 1. 2. 3, 4. bk 1: lota
84 06
24 60
1. 2. 3. 4. 7. bk 2: kits 1. 4. bk 4: lot 5. 6. bk
5: lots 5. 6. 7. bk 6: lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, bk
7: lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. bk 8: lot 4. bk 9 4 58
Mary Winans. n'sw'-, and n'y ae'-, 24 48
Ida M Wood. H R proper, lots 5 and 20. bk 37 6 09
Jennie Wood, (ass Add. lot 1. bk l 4 06
Annie Woodman. Highland Add. lot 2. bk 2 8 12
G D Woudworth, nw', se', sec 22, tp In, r
10 106 40
Nellie Young. n-'n Parkhurst. lot 1. bk 7 5 48
V C Young, s'.j se', see 28. tp 2n. r He 9 84
A T Xeek. lot 7 in nw', sec 2. tp 2n. r lOe ... 28.52
Mrs L J Schiller, nw1-, nw1-, except begin-
ning ae cor w 80 r n 40 r aely to beginning
sec 36. tp 2n. r lOo..
Portland Ice Go. a'? ne1-, and a1 nw', and 5
a south of O-W K.NKy and n of 1 G ft
T Co in lot 8 sec 26. tp 3n r lOe
N P R R Co. s nw'-. and w'-v sw'. sec 12.
51 48
7 32
tp In. r lOe 13 28
N F R R C. sw', se', sec 29. tp In. r lOe 13 28
N F R K Co, n.', nw', and sw', nw', kc 13.
tp 2. r lOe 8 76
J L and I .aura B Drummond. lota 7 and 8.
sec . tp 2n. r 9e I 66
G L Scarlett, ae1, se', ne1, see 34, tp 2n,
rllle 11 41
Rhoda Itucklin, beginning 33 ft s of nw cor
sw '-,, thence e 25 rods, s 8 rods, e 28 5 r, a
16 r, w 53'a. n 23 r to beginning, sec. 12. tp
2n. r lOe 42 38
J F Minkler. lot 4 and aw ', ne1, sec 4, tp 1
n. r lie
Ethel Rogers, Clark Add, val S 1110. lot 18, bk
C E Taylor. Clark Add. val 3KI0. lot 13, bk 3
Ralph Early. Idlewilde. kits 21 and 22. bk 2 ..
14 67
2 03
2 t
13 60
C yrus R Hoskins, vol 5, pg 107, see 34. tp 3n,
r lOe .
38 06
A C Hageman. n1, n1 sw1-, ae1, sec 19, tp 1
s. r lOe
Frail S Holsteen. sw1, sec 31, tp 2n. r 10
A I. Ksufmsn. II S. kit 3. bk C
Valentine Nehrhauer, a'-, sw', nw1, sec 28,
tp 2n. r 10
M Parkins. Idlewilde. kita 23 and 24. bk 2
Santa Fee Pacific Ry Co, se1, nw1, sec 21,
tp 2n, r e
3 69
14 30
3 76
13 58
24 67
4 93
,'-'-'.'--..-''-':'a.'M,.-aa-fl- -.-Jv 'r. '.araw -.a
Capital and Surplus
Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
Extends a cordial invitation to you, personally to call and open
a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our
savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded
semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfaction.
President, Vice President, Cashier
C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Fike, Chas. G. Pratt, Jos. Copeland
Capital and Surplus $ I 24,000.00
Drafts and Travelers Cheques Sold on All Parts
of United States and Europe
Interest paid on time dejxsits
Savings Department
Livery, Feed
Wholesale and '
Retail Lumber, t-t-1.
Lath, Shingles OlTHlD
Etc. Lumber
delivered to T iimWl
any part of the U"'vr
A preparation for
immediate rclcif of cither
internal or external
Relelvcs pain instantly
The Reliable DruggUU
Safety Deposit Boxes
Storage Rooms.
and Dray ing:
Horses bought, sold or ex
changed. Pleasure parties can
secure first class riSj SU'cial
attention jriven to moving fur
niture and pianos. We do
everything horses can do.
Mood Kiver