THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1G, 1911 7 A WARNING "Probably the most important lesson the orchardists of the Northwest have yet to learn is that cheap nursery trees are an exceedingly dangerous foundation on which to start an orchard -that a few cents economy on such trees at the start is many dollars' loss in the long run." Thus spoke one of America's greatest horticulturists on a recent visit to the Northwest. ' It is a warning that is well merited, for one can visit scarcely any of the newer fruit sections without being appalled by the number of weak, sickly, undersized young trees that stand as incontroverti ble proof of his warning. Any man who will plant anything but the strongest, most vigorous, healthiest trees -of known ancestry trees whose breeding for generations past insure prolific bearing and disease re sisting qualities is bequeathing a legacy of trouble to posterity. The first cost of a fruit tree is an insignificant cost, but the quality and pedigree of that tree is a powerful, perpetual factor to your success or those after you. All of the nursery trees apple stocks of the Hood River Standard Nursery Co. have three-year-old root systems, with one-year straight tops -big, strong, healthy, vigorous trees that will grow when properly planted, and which will bear from one to three years earlier than the so called "yearling" tree promiscuously peddled about, and they will cost you little, if any, more. They are all propagated from the highest earning and best trees of the world famous Hood River Valley-trees whose ancestry and past performances is a matter of careful record. They are in every sense a thoroughbred, pedigreed apple tree. For the season of 1911-12 we can offer a limited amount of extra size apple only. Write for catalog and price list. HOOD RIVER STANDARD NURSERY CO. Phone Odell 8x2 Hood River, Oregon COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSc Veins, ntKNiA, bluuu ruiun No arvtir. opomtiun, many rw permanently run-d In on-Iri-mtruftUt. Moat time-Mving, moat natural, tpoat aaf. A Taiju al anil pt-rniani'iit cum. I giT my word and will cite you toot hiT DVilK'al authority that tun ill fa't. I am cer tainly prepared to cure by eiperieuce and equipment, wlmh ara the kevntonea to euccen. I have the bent equipped medical oltire on the Coa.t. I will (rive JOO to any charity aa guarantee that erery atatement in thia announcement la true. i invite you to come to my oltice. I will explain to yon my treatment for Varlcoae Veina, Hernia. Nervoua Debility, liloori IWio. Pi'ea, Fiatnla, Madder. Kidney. I'roatatie and all Men Ailment! and give you FKF.K a phyaieal eiamlua tion: II nemwaary a micniacopical and chemical analyiia of aecretlona. to determine pathological and bacteriological con. ditiona. Every man ahould take advantage ol thia oppor. lunitT to earn tneir true oonniuon. M ,.rrm....... Aa' urn irnnt .4 ftfrmanrnf iWa vhat I tnre. WRITTEN eUANTE-My written guarantee meana a enre or fie vay 1 guarantee to cure certain ailmenta or refund every dollar you have paid M y aervicea coit you nothing care your Varicoee Veina, Hernia. Pilee. Kiatula. Blood rot eon. or any ailment I guarantee to cure. Termaare reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benente. 9 A at to I F M aanayi. .o i r. . OftV bort A.ti. Smith M. I. I im Ihr onlr pfitint in I'ortlind who ilori not fetrertite ftctitiout mate or pht-tof rph. I puhluh mr irut photnf nph. rorrrct mm? ttwt feffnillr con dint m nthcr 01 ' ton M.000 POISON I ur Pintrnor Kbrlicb'i wodertl nw dn ftirery. "iV ' in curt of Specific Blood Pniton. It cure in OD treat ment aiid li it. rr't minrl of (t)irl ciit. 1 b nrw remedr DR. A. G. SMITH i. uQstmnR IT . roTLHD, oasoos COl BECOPD D1GNIFTINQ THE INDUSTRIES" Thil U Iht title of beautiful 64-paga book, which will "how any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a postal In the mall TODAY and It will be lent FREE. The aim of the College la to dignify and popular!! the Induitrlei. and to irTe ALL the people. It offer couraea In Agriculture. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, Mining En gin eerlng, for.atry, DomaatlOvSclenca and Art, Com. merce. Pharmacy and Music The College opens September tad. Oatajog tree. Addreaa: &IOUTRAK, OBEQON AO&KULTtTEAL OOLUQE, CorvaUla, Oraoa. QMfjnoi' I First F irst Class Livery Phone 5 Transfer and Livery Company Freight and Baggage Transfer (iCMIRAL STORAGU HOOD RIVLR, ORUdON. Well Drilling; Quick ; Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT TOR PARTICULARS ADDRLSS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phonti. 26 ar 2002-1 OVERLAND KILLS AGED MAN NEAR MOSIER An unidentified man, nged about ,'i5. ami wt'll dressed, was killed by westbound train No. 17, Saturday after i between The Da Ilea anl M osier. The engine came upon lilm on a curve, lie wax walking west lacing iv hard wind and III hand were holding on his lint. The train wan running about 2.1 miles an hour on the curve. The stranger did not seem to hear It, and although Kngl- neer Phelps applied the emergency brake the engine went several lengths after hitting the man before It could Htop. He wan not dead when he wnn picked up but expired before M osier wiih reached, and the body was ta ken off at that place- and ordered Kent back to The Dnllen to the coro ner of Yanco county. The hand were thoMe of it labor Iiik man. although tin' clothe were unuHiially rood. lie had a urny nniHtache. In bin telencopt' K'lp w'r, a blue nhlrt and other article. In hi pocket were addree of Walla Walla women. UNEARTHED SKELETON AT CASCADE LOCKS While Sam W'oodard of Cacade Lock, wa iIIkkIkk 1 I'h yrl ln"t week he unearthed the kelcton of ft man. An Iron bolt three feet lx Inchc Iouk wa found with the body and there were two mall hole through the hU nil. County Judge Culberton wa no. tilled and ordered Deputy Sheriff llendrlck to make tin lnvetlKatlon. It I thought that the Hkeleton I that of an Indian perhap burled .10 year ago. W. R. C. Holds Social The Women' Kellef Corp held an enjoyable social lat Wedneday nt the home of Mr. K. D. Ilomewood. A hort program wa rendered after which refrewhinent were erved. The next social will Im held nt the home of Mr. II. Shoemaker, and will be a farewell party for Mr. T. J. Cunning, who will oon leave for California. Member are requested to be prcHcnt n thl may be the lat time Mr. Cunning will be able to meet with them. All ladle are wel come to attend these socials, whether they U'loiig to the corp or not. Coming There 1 a feast In store for the laugh-hungry nt Monroe Opera House on Monday, August L'lst. when Iilchards & Cringle's I'amoiis Minstrel make their appearance. The mere announcement of this company' coming Is usually siilii dent to pack the theatre. Mule need lie said for this company, for they huve In-en coming hen' for over a quarter of a century, and their merit 1 well known. In keeping with the policy of the management, everything 1 brand new. While sev eral of the old favorites still remain, many new face will le seen in the circle thl season. A great ileal of attention ha been paid to the sing ing and dancing portion of the pro gram, and lovers of the old time min strelsy will find much to please them. The vaudeville portion will be the most expensive ever carried by a minstrel company. Fred Simpson's Challenge Hand of twenty-five solo musician are a prominent feature, and the management throw down the gauntlet tJ any minstrel com pany to produce its equal. Watch for the big free street parade at noon. There will be a band concert In front of the theatre at T:"." o'clock In the evening, and the program will range from ragtime to grand opera. Pendleton Round -l p Big Event Attention I now being attracted toward the Pendleton "Round I'p," which w ill Ih held tills year Sept. 11 to Hi. The affair, according to an attractive folder just 1-sued. w ill be conducted thl year on a bigger scale than ever before, and, In fact, will compete very favorably with Frontier Day, the big event In cow boy life held ench year at Cheyenne. The railroad announce special rate for the occasion. Railroads Makes Improvements TheO.-W. II. & N. railroad com pany ha a large crew of men at work laying new rails from Hood Hlver east. The !H pound rail are being torn up nnd I'D pound rallt are Itclng laid. It I understood that the main Hue Is to be shifted several feet north to cut out the curve near the new depot, which will soon be ready for occupany. Japs Climb Alt, Adams F.ven the Japanese have become en thulatle mountain cIIiiiImt. II. Morlaka. M. Mguma, and M. S. Fa llow, the latter of Portland, have Just returned from Klickitat County, where they made the ascent of Mt. Adam and explored the wonderful Ice cave of that region. BRADSHAW RULES IN FAVOROFLABORERS Circuit Judge W. 1,. Iirndshaw, last week rendered a decision over ruling the demurrer to the complaint In the case of Jack Thornton et al of this City against Charle S. Chap man et nl, of Portland, to foreclose a laborer' lien claimed on la.nd for wages earned In slashing tlmlspr. Attorney S. W. Stark brought the milt for Mr. Thornton, under the statute providing a lien to IalKrer for clearing land, and Attorney W, I,. Brewster, of Portland, represent ing Chapman demurred to the com plaint contending that lahlng tlm Iter Is not clearing land, and the case was decided In favor of the laboring men. Mr. Breweter say he will ap peal the case to the Supreme Court. f THE: I APPLE SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE The Davidson Fruit Co. Will Be Prepared to Market Upples and Pears This Season in a way to net the BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS WE ALSO HAVE FOR SALE Apple Boxes, Pear Boxes. Fruit Paper. Etc., at Attractive Prices 2 THE DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY j Office, Ne. Oak Street