8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1911 young Men's CLOTHES deriieimer.Stcin & Qa s if Proving Again that the people of Hood River respond promptly and patronize freely Genuine Bargain Giving Events, regardless of what the pessimist says. We will trust the people to detect the current leading to their best interests. We have made up our minds to make iUI n A A BUSY Tremendous sacrifices on SUMMER GOODS of every description. See us and save big money; yes, big money. All over this store will be foundjthe same Good, Reliable merchandise, priced to mode it quicHJy to make room I for Fall Goods. We cannot go into details, but bve ha)e the bargains, you can just bet your best hat on that. A ru-7 v v 1 -7 vacr7 LOCALSpEUSONALS Burn To Mr and Mr-. . I,. Stuith, July J.'th, a trlrl. W. C. Michael, of tin- ;ihoti Fruit Company, ntruck litre Monday on hln inldMiimnitT apple buying trip. Mm. AIMh Tehln'ttn, of Chicago, and Mr. Taylor, of Iifayet t Ind., are t In guentn of Mm. S. F. Bart men. The ladle are making tour of the count. W. F. Chandler, oj Freno. Calif., wan here Sunday and mad" a tour of the valley. Mr. 'handler In a mem ber of the CnlUurtiia Mat are, be ing ntate nenntor from hln dlntrlet, and linn property In thin nection. J. . lioldthw aite recently returned from an extended trip through Call fornla and report nome very hot weather In tin- tioldeii State. Mr. Joldthwalte wan at Mcdfurd during the neve re ntorni there, and ntatc that treat damage wan done to tin pear crop by the heavy wind. Oil meal ut Whitehead's. Try a loaf of (iood Health Bread at Parker'. "It'n irood to the la-t crumb.'' Save the coupoiin. iood Health l'.read-w hlti', w hole w heat and graham home made, you will like It. Save the conponn. Sold py I'arker'n. (let your butter, guaranteed fresh ejcgs, cream and milk from Purity Dairy Co. Phone 6S-I- Depot Davidson Building. LoM. (iold Brooch, with 25 to 35 pearls and a small diamond, on (street between Fpintopal Church and 725 Sherman avenue, Return to Morlan & Lathrop's. A well known Ien Niolnen woman alter nufferlnn ml-cradly for two day from liowel complaint, wan cured by one done of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholrea and Diarrhoea, Iti-mc-ily. Fornale ly all dealern. I w ill make and hang your w indow fttrecna at the follow lng prices: Half M.reeni., V each; lull mrreens, SI.JO each. Price on screen doors and porches on application. I will be glad to do your repairing or work of any class. intimates furnished on all work if desired. Phone J06-X. right' Carpenter Miup. Mm. J. H. Suthoff left Saturday for a few dayn' vlnlt In Portland and Seattle. W. II. Chipping nnd family and guentn will leave tomorrow for Co liimlila Bench, where they have rented a cottage for the month of Augunt. iiiy Fdwardn. who lian been con fined to h'n home for nome time by lllnenn. In ciinvnlencing, and It In ex pected that he will noon lie aide to lie at buniiien again. A. I j. Brannon. of Trinidad, Col., a prominent merchant of that place, accompanied liy hln wife and non, took a ride over the valley Sunday, an guentn of .1. II. Fredrlcy. Mm. Sarah Fromliach, of Kaunan City, arrived here Sunday, and will reside with Mr. and Mm J. I'. I.ucan, who have entablinhed themnelven In their new home on Oak ntreet. V. J. I.rownell, who wan here four yearn ago and had charge of the In ntallatloll of the Home Telephone Cmipany'n plant, arrived hen-Thum-duy and ha tn-en nperidinir a few dayn at Hood Itiver. Mr. lirowncll In now living at Sioux City, Iowa. Minn Kntella ironlund. of Tyler, Minn., In theguent of Mr. and Mm. '. I. Sonnlchnen, at their home on C.ilumtila ntreet. Minn Oronlund In making an extended tour of the went and han vinlted Spokane, Cociir d'Alene and Spirit Lake After leav ing Hood Itiver nhe will make ntupn at Portland. Tacoina. Seattle and neeral other polntn. Her ttlp will In- of three monthn' duration. Order your lice nupplien early of W W. Iiakin, 1-'u:. Seventh ntrift. Have you heard the latent New York hitn on the phonograph'.' Con-c.-rtn dally at Pller'n liook Store. (iood Health Bread put up In a nanltary wrapper In-fore leaving the 'liakery. !nve the coupoiin. For mile at Parker. An ordinary caw of diarrhoea, can. an ii rule lie cured I y a nlnglc done of Chainlierlalu'n Colli;. Cholera and j Dlarrhin'a Itemcdy. Thin remedy i han no superior for liowel com. j plalutn. For sale by nil dealern. j Mm. W. J. Iton In the guent of Mm. John Dinnmoreat Hood Itiver thin week. Albert S. Hall, l.ical manager for the Pacific power & Unlit Company, wan a week end vlnitor in Portland. William Clark, non of I.. Clark, of Hood Itiver, in a vlnitor at Moro at the home of Mr. and Mm. Oeo. W Ilcrrlan. Minn Ornce Scott, who wan brought to the CottaKt Honpital from ISinxen, In a very critical con dltlon ten dayn njto, died at the hon pltal Sunday evening. J. D. Stack, annlntant Keneral man- aL'er of the O.-W. It. & X. and South ern Pai Ific, wan here on il vlnlt Mon iliiv with hln private car. Mr. Stack wan on a tour of Innpectlon. Mm. Mattel Carter wan taken mid denly neriounly 111 recently and wan nuccennfiilly operated on at the Cot tage Honpital. Mm. Carter In re ported an con vilcnclnn nicely. J. It. Xiinnamnkerand ex-connrenn-man, W. It. F.llln, who han Iteen the trnent of Mr. Xunnamaker for neveral dayn. left Friday mornliiK for a flnli Inu trip aloiitf the Denchuten river. Mm. Sylventer P.. Hall, ntnter-ln- law of Alhert S. Hall, manager of the luht and power company. In hin Kiient, Mm. Hall renhlen at Medford, where her htinliand In principal In t he Mcdfor 1 nchooln. One of the ltli 110 ton compound eiiKlnen lined liy the ().-V. K. A X. on the I.alirande dlvlnion which panned through Hood Itiver Saturday and ntopped here for water, canned a Kood deal of Interent anions a niim her of people who naw It. The en l1ne han lii driving wheeln, e1ht on each nlde, and In ovit PMMI fet-t lotitf with tender. It had been 'n the rail road nhopn at Allilna and wan on Itn way hack to I.a'irande. Try a Sunday at Parkdale Park, Special raten on Mount Hood Kail road. For Sale Some (food hornen and a iiiiuiImt of necond hand rln, cheap. Apply at the Panhlon 1.1 very Stihle. (iet your butter, guaranteed fresh egtc. cream and milk from Purity Dairy Co. Phone 6H-F. Depot Davidson Building. Buy It now. Now In the time to buy a hot tie of Chamberlaln'n Colic, Cholrea and Dlarrhm"i Itemedy. It In almont certain to Im needed Itefnre the nil in mer In needed. ThU remedy han no nuperior. For mile by all dealern. Minn Jane II oe went to Portland Monday for a few dayn ntay at her home in that city. Mr. and Mm. I.. If. Hucsxlnn mo tored to Hie Dallen hint week and were the nucntn of Mr. and Mm. Itoy Hill, of Pry Hollow, for neveral dayn. Chrlntlan Science nervicen are held in Iicadiiitf Itootn, No. (i. Davidnon buildin:, Sunday at 11 a. m. ami Wednenday at H p.,m Sunday nchool at 10 a. m. Mm. Johnnie Davidnon and three children, a ml Mfnn Tlllie Davidnon. of Hood Itiver, are uuenM at the Thoman W'liliu home at Dufur, ac cording to the Dinpatch. Mm. M. I'.. Bronnon. of Clnclnnattl, Ohio, mother of Dr. Malcolm Bronnon, arrived here Wednen day hint and will be the nuent of the doctor and hln wife for a time. Dr. Coffey, the eminent Portland nureon, wan here Sunday to per form an operation. During the pant ten dayn Dr. Coffey han performed neveral operation at Hood Itiver. i:. It. Piper, mauauintf editor of the Oreuonlan, Mm. Piper. Mr. and Mm. Dan J Malarkey and Mr. and Mm. Oncar Hllber Were Hood Itiver vlnltorn Saturday. The party had In-eii tnotorlnx through Oregon, and went from P inland to Mcdford and from there to Crater Fake. From the lake they cronned the ntate to The Dallen, came to Hood Itiver and returned to Portland by boat. Be fore lea vim,', they took a trip through the valley and were entertained at Van Horn Butte by Mm. Willie Van Horn. ItcKiilar Sunday cxcnmlon to Park dale. PleiiHant trip for journelf and rrlendn. Xo dirt or nermn-liood Health P.read-A nanltary wrapper. Save the conponn. For mile at Parker We pay hlithent canh (.rice for over ripe ami cull ntrawU rrien. Crocker Ac !c ItedlliK, Fourth Htrii't, l'tweell Oak an I state. Phone Sf.'T-M. Lost, (iold fJrooch, with 25 to 35 pearls and a small diamond, on street between episcopal Church and 725 Sherman avenue, keturn to Morlan & l.athrop's. Cut and limine may be healed In about one-third the time rciiilred by the iinual treatment by applying Chaiulnrliln' Mnlineiit. It In an antlneptlc and caune Milch Injiiric to Ileal wit hout maturation. Thin lini ment alno relieve norenen of the miiHcle and rheumatic pain. For sale by all dealer. I F. X. l'.lythe npent Thiimday vln Itinghln parentn, Mr. and Mm. S. F. Blyt lie.of T win Oakn Farm. Mm. T. A. Scliall and dauithtem, Dorinand Fait h. came up from Port land Monday inorulnt; to vlnlt Mm. Schall'n parent, Mr. and Mm. Fred Delta. A large gang of men In now em ployed at Ituthton, cntahlinhlng a grade for a long nlding went of town The nlding In to form part of t he dou ble tracking that' the O.-W. It. . X. will event ually lay lictwecii Portland and The Dallen. M. F. McCarty. of the Parln Fair, left for hin annual buying trip of fall and winter good Sunday. Mr. Mc carty will, an iinual, vlnlt the large cltien of the middle went and Atlan tic count In nearch of the latent la the big line of good carried by hln en tablinhmcnt. Minn Maude Carlinle, a teacher of piano, who han been the guent of her nlnter. Mm. Frankly ii Smlt Ii, han de cided to locate In Hood Itiver. Minn Carlinle come well recommended a a teacher, having taught three year at St. Helen' Hall, Portland, and nhe ha junt relumed from a. two yearn' ntay In til.' Fant. In Phila delphia Minn Carlinle taught at Minn Marnhall'n well known Oak Fane School for (ilrlw, ami alno ntudled at the Hyperion School of Munlc. Dur ing the pant year nhe ha lieen a pu of Marlon H. tiheen, In Xew York City. Bent Wyoming lump coal In any iilautily. Trannfer Ar 1 .1 very Co. Phone ."i. Made clea n, I in ked clean, nold cli an (iood Health Bread. Save theeou ponn. Sold by I'arker'n. For Sale A fine lot of hay in the Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or 2002-x. Call up C A. Itlchardn A- Co., phone il, for nome of that dellcloun Ha.cl wood Ice Cream. We deliver any I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -, from I t. up, free of charge. We have nome very at tractive acre age proponllloun in Paradlne farm for home nlte on niib-illvlnloli ncheuii'. Inide city limit. I.. A. Heiidernoii, with .lohn Iceland Hen dersoti, Inc. Illtf Yen, Pifer han the inarveloii new phonograph and only tndentructlble recork. t ha t are the euna t lou of t he phonograph world In the cant. Thrne Indentrucl Ible cylinder record can be uedon any cylinder inaclilne. The whirr of the wood naw re mlndn the liouneholdcr that winter I not mo far away a it may neem. Mm. Truman Butler ami children left Thnrnday morning for the beach where they will occupy the French cottage during the month of Augilnt. They were accompanied by Mr. But ler who wfll remain ten dayn. Mr. and Mm. Fnrl Bartmenn. Mln Floy Hinkle, and Mm. J. A. Ilinkle are In camp at the hoincnlead of Mr. Bartmenn. Another parly that In camping on the place comprlnen Mm. O. P.. Hartley. Mm. (iladyn Hartley Adam. Mr. and Mm. .1 ('. Wllliamn and Minn Thompnon. of Portland. The bent yet. Hazel wood Ice ( ream, bulk or In brickn. Call HI. C. A. lilt-hard A- Co. A Hat key found on the ntreet ha been left at the New oflice to be claimed by It owner. A ntrlng of bead, with a niniill crucifix attached, han been left it t In New oflice andean be had by t he owner on application. For Sale-- A fine lot of hay in the Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood Post Office. Phone, Odell 3.H or 2002.x. If you want to be comfi ir table burn coal. We are prepared to funilnli It In any uantlty. Plenty on hand and more coming. We handle the bent quality of Wyoming coal. Trannfer & I Jvery Company. Phone .". To Exchange A $12,000 Stock of New, Clean General Merchandise located at one of the best trading points in Eastern Oregon. Store is now doing an annual business of $50, 000. Will exchange for a first class Hood River Or chard proposition and pay some cash. Will assume a reasonable amount. This isj well worthy of careful in vestigation. I'nion Services Augtint i; I 'idled Brethren church. Itcv. I '.. Mi l imbcr, preacher. AugUNt Pi christian church. Itcv. . I. B. Parnon, preacher. Aug. IM I 'nlted Brethren church, Itcv. I-;. Mi l Milder, preacher. Augiint -7 Met hodlnt church, Itcv. T. S. Haudnaker, preacher. Whitehead's Utah Land Plaster Arsenate of Lead Vitrol Lime and Sulphur Solution Lime Seed Oats Vetch Whitehead's 0. Y. I-DVVARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Hl.lg. Phon No. iK Al l. KINDS OF Painting and Paperhanging DI-CORATINO WORK (il)AKAN II. I I) FRED WALSH Phone 2HJ-M On The Heights