THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2. 1911 si Great Bargain 103 acres in the Willow Flat Dis trict. 15 acres in trees from one to twelve years old. Soil of the finest "Red Shot' which has made this district famous. Good spring of water. Price $1 30 Per Acre y$ Cash, Balance at 7 Per Cent See This a! Once It The Hood River THE SMITH BLOCK' Real Estate And Insurance GEO. W. DIMICK & GO, Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Office phone 45-L, Residence 345-K CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C. YOUNG, 0 Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters BUTTER AND EGGS FREE JXD PROMPT DELIVERY Phone Main 6 DRAY1NG Furniture and Pianos McOcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 20 Residence 238K TAFT TRANSFER CO. Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley W. S. GR1BBLE The Mt. Hood S tore General Merchandise Hour, Feed, Spray Material Farm Implements : : and :: Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Balcksmiih and Wagonmaker HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 25 Years Experience is a Great Bargain District Land Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Proprietor Hood River, Oregon K Express and B AGGAfiE Stanley Smith Lumber Co. APPLE IN THE APPLE DROP HEAVY IN NEW YORK STATE From KiHlit'Htcr. N. V. the center I of the tilt' apple helt In that state, jeomei the report that dewplte the 1 fact that the il rout h In V extern New- York was effectually broken hint week ly heavy ratlin. pronpect (or appk-- have ehan;eil materially (or the worwe wince lloitomln time. 1 he lon. lry npell f Juue, fol loweil l- the wltlu'rlnji heat of early.luly illil u Kreut ileal of iliim aie. Apples have dropped heavily, It In anserted. and the present out look Is (or a much smaller crop than the heavy Moom Indicated. Baldwins promise to he short. In some orchards which last year hail a full yield there Is nothing now In the way of fruit. In other Baldwin or chard where the crop was Unlit l;it fall there Is a fair show of (rult. It Is not believed Baldwins will be more than half a normal crop, while some say It will not lie'so lare a that. That Ureenlnn, Klnpj and Twenty- Hince will be fairly gnod crops Is the general opinion. Spy also give satisfactory promise In most locali ties. All these varieties have dropped quite extensively the past few wees, but the trees were quite heavily laden and the npples on the trees will be better for the loss. IDAHO ORCHARDIST ADVISES CASH SALES I'reemont Wood, a lare apple or chard owner In Idaho, thinks prices will be ood this year. He advises growers to sell at cash (inures. "The prospects," he declare, "for Kooil prices are more than fair. In thts respect, everything depends uoon the grower himself. Last year a large percentage of the crop fell Into the hands of commission men, ULLIED It was a witty bishop who onre de fined a club ns a place "where women cease from troubling und the weary are at rest." Another amusing defini tion w&9 that given by George Au gustus Sala. "A club." said he. "Is a weapon used by savages to keep the white woman at a distance." Nowa days, however, as Ralph Nevlll re marks In his book. "London Clubs," things are different "Within the last twenty-five years or so the spirit of London club life has entirely changed. The old fashioned clubman, whose whole life was bound up with one or other of these Institutions, Is now practically extinct" Terhaps the most striking story which Mr. Nevill tells regarding Crooks' club Is that concerning the famous duelist. George Robert Fitz gerald, who was executed for murder In 17SU. No first class London club would admit him. Ills name does not appear In the club list, though he must In a sort of way be regarded as having belonged to the club. He was. how ever, in It only once, though it was his boast that he had been unanimously chosen a member. Owing to Fitzgerald's well knowD dueling propensities no first class London club would admit him. Never theless he got Admiral Keith Stewart, who knew that be must fight Fitz gerald or comply, to propose nim for Crooks'. Accordingly the duelist went with the admiral on the day of the election to tie clubhouse and waited down stairs while the ballot was In progress. The result, a foregone conclusion, was unfavorable to tho candidate, not even one white ball being among the black, the admiral having been among the first to deposit his. Mr. Brooks eventually went to tell Fitzgerald, who was waiting In the hall, that there was one black ball nnd that therefore his candidature had failed. Thrusting aside Brooks, who pro tested that nonmembers might not en ter the cluhrooms, Fitzgerald flew up stairs and entered the room. Walk ing np to the fireplace, he thus ad dressed Admiral Stewart. "So, my dear admiral, Mr. Brooks in forms me that I have been elected three times." "Ton have been balloted for, Mr. Fitzgerald, but I nm sorry to say you have not been chosen," said Stewart "Well, th n." replied the duelist, "did you blackball me?" "My good sir." answered the admiral, "how could you suppose su h a thing?" "Oh. I supposed no su-h thing, my dear fellow. I only wnnt to know who It was that dropjx-d the black boll In by accident, as It were." Fitzgerald now went up to each in dividual member nnd put the same question to all In turn. "Did you black ball me. sir?" until lie made tho round of the w hole club, and In each case he received a reply similar to that of the admiral. When he hod finished his Investiga tions he thus addressed the whole body: "You see, gentlemen,, that as WORLD 3) some of whiiiu made advances, with disastrous rults. The only possi ble chance for the grower, umltT ex isting conditions, Is the sale of his crop (. o. l. at his own shipping point. "This ha leen the method adopted (or year by all miecessful associa tion and the most successful grow ers. I understand that some :tle have int-n made on the trees nt fairly good prices, but In my opinion the grower, when wiling his entire crop, should sell delivered at hi packing house rather than upon the tree. In thl way lie control the picking, wheh 1 nlwnyg essential In order to prewrvt hi next year' crop. The grower should be organized, and, whether organized or not, there I no necessity (or alarm about prices. "While the crop Is large, relatively, In the east, the three Tactile North western state and Colorado will not pack more than "0 per cent of last year' crop." PLAN EXPERIMENT STATION FOR HOOD RIVER VALLEY A campaign 1 now being conduct ed by a number o( enthusiastic citi zen and orchardlsts o( the valley to secure (rom the state government an experiment station here, say a dl patch to the Oregonlan. The mat ter ha been recently dfscussed by the Hood Ulver Fellowship Associa tion, an organization of local or chardlsts working for the prevention of orchard disease and pests and for the betterment of horticultural con ditions, and all are reported to be heartily In favor of the movement. Tearing Down Old Buildings To make way for a new building, the old Fashion Stable livery barn, ow ned by ('. A. Hell, has been torn down. The work of removing the building on the lot on which t'upt. MeCan will build, was also com menced Monday. THEGLUB none of you hare blackballed me 1 must be elected. It is Mr. Brooks who has made the mistake." After this nothing more was said by the members, who determined to Ig nore the presence of tbelr dangerous visitor, who drank three bottles of champagne in enforced silence, for no one would answer him when be spoke. When he had gone it was agreed "that half a dozen stout constables should be in waiting the next evening to bear him off to the watch house if he attempted again to Intrude, but Mr. Fitzgerald, aware probably of the reception he might get, never did." Apropos of blackballing, Mr. Nevlll mentions the greatest Instance of blackballing probably ever known, which took place some years ago at a ladles' club, where one candidate re ceived three more black balls than the number of members present a case of excessive zeal Indeed! The practical Joker is naturally not unknown In the most solemn of clubs, and "some irrepressible Jokers have paid for their love of fun by having to resign their membership. One of them, whose escapades were notorious in Loudon twenty years ago. sitting half asleep In a certain bohemlan club, became annoyed at a very red headed waiter who kept buzzing about his choir. The sight of the fiery locks was eventually too much for this wild spirit and, darting np and seiz ing the mun, he emptied a bottle of black Ink over his head before he lould escape. The result of course, teas expulsion from the club, besides which very substantial compensation was rightly paid to the waiter." $100 Reward, $100 The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there I at least one dreaded disease that sci ence ha leen able to cure In all It stages, nnd that - Catarrh, llnll's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fra ternity. Catnrrh lielng a constitu tional disease, require a constitu tional jreatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby de stroying the (oundatlon of thedl- ease and giving tin- patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietor hn ve so much faith In Irs curative power that they offer One Hundred Dolbirs (or any case that It (alls to cure. Send for list o( testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ). Sold by druggist, 7.V. Take Hall Family Fill (or constipation. Oregon Hotel Special Dinners A sMH'lal table d'hote dinner will lw served at the Hotel Oregon every Sunday (rom fulio to 7:110 p. in. for 7." cents. An a la carte meal will nlso be nerval. ."! i-V . v the M 'iti.i. n!i ( lull. I 'in will- h ' SHIP 134 CARLOADS MELONSJN 1 TRAIN The Southern l'aclllc Company ha practically completed one of the greatest crop movement in the hi tory of any transportation company In this country. This movement was the handling of the canteloupe crop o( the Imperial Valley, Califor nia, and of the crop In Arizona nnd Nevada. I'p to and Including mid night. July 2-1, the Southern l'aclllc Company shipped 1M4 car of cante loupe out o( the ImtH-rlal Valley dur ing the season of approximately 2 month. About 100 more car re main to be shipped from thl point to the market. Thl record exceed all previous shipment by approximately 1(X0 car. The canteloupe crop of Ari zona up to and including July 24, amount to 403 car, w ith about 1100 more car to 1r shipped. About 25 more car have already been shipped from the Moapa district In Nevada by the San 1'edro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake road, about 100 more re maining to Ih shipped. Nearly ."li.OOO.OOO pounds of Ice w ere required for the shipping of these can teloupe. The biggest duy' picking wa June 11, when l't.'l carload were harvested. These were hauled from Brawley, the shipping center to Im perial Junction on the main Hue of the Southern 1'acltic, In one train, the length of which was tilT.I feet. considerably more than a tulle long. There were :24 crates In each car and 4."i melons to the crate, or a total number of 14,."M) melons In each car. and In this long train l,livj,14) mel ons. The largest previous train load of canteloupe wa shipped from the Imperial Valley In l'.His, M car when moved over the Southern I'aclfic Hues to eastern points. Two and a quarter million dollars I the estimate of value put on the Imperial canteloupe crop. Skin disease cured. lr. Sowerby. IT'S BOUND TO OCCUR to you that there must be some thing more than pie crust quality to our promises or else more and more thrifty buyers of groceries would not be coming here all the time. Then why don't you in vestigate them for yourself? For Instance Our Gold Medal Butter has no equal. Our Coffees and Teas are the highest grade. Our Simon Pure Lard is 100 per cent leaf lard. Our Van Duzer Extracts are the best. Quality Counts The Star Grocery "Good Things to Eat" Perigo & Son NORTH BEACH is the pleasure haunt In this part of the country thin Bummer. Ita devotee rejoice to learn that they can now ko anl come on a rejrular ncheilule, independent of tides. The popular excursion steamer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland Ash Street docK DAILY, LXCLPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, :30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 I'. M. Alio th Btmpr "H ASSAI.O" levinj Portlnd daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 V. M. (Saturday at 10KX) P. M. Reduced Fares Prevail From All Points In the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Meal cottaire and ramp life, a mafrniflrent hearh that la not surpasr-d anywhfr, frenial and bene ficial elfmate, and all the com forts of home with out coating any more than If you remained at home Call on or writ; to any O-W. ft. A N, agent for complete information; also for copy of oil sum mer book, "Out i rig fn Oregon." VVH. HcHURRAY, Oneral Passenger Agent, O-W. K. 4 N. Co.. Portland, Oregon TORPEDO FLEET INVITED TO VISIT HOOD RIVER Tlu lilted Ktiittu TneMc Torpedo Meet, M'hlt'h him bee u at Seattle for tlielioMeu I'otltitcli celebration, had, according to n dispatch, been Invited by the local Commercial Club to vlHlt thin city when the licet U at Antorln to take part In the naval tleiuonHtra tlon during the Ceutenulal celebra tion. Dr. . S. Mchol, who has Just re turned from Seattle, where he visited IiIh coiiriln. Commodore Mat. Or chard, commander of the I'. S. Ship Went Virginia, stated that he poke with Lieutenant-Commander Ia'wIs Clark KU'hardxon, of the Torpedo Flotilla, concerning the feasibility of bringing a numU'r of the boats here and that the otllccr asserted that he saw no objection to the plan. If the Invitation Is accepted by the govern ment authorities, the fleet will be met here by a warm welcome. Tho Satisfactory Water Supply Problem will be reached by installing Leader Water Supply System You can have abundant watei hot or cold for kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any other purpose required, at a moderate cost. Will also afford fire protection. The most efficient, economical and depend- aDle water supply system to be had. Ask your local dealer to explain about the Leader System or write for our booklet, "How I SoWed the Water Supply Problem." LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22, Decatur, III. Apple Land and Oftloe, No. 9 Oak Stroot, Phono 26 or 2002K, Hood Rlvor THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE COMPLIED STRICTLY WITH THE GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD LAWS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF White River Flour It Is Unbleached Bhe ParKdale Hotel NOW OPEN ffloflem in Gpcry Respect ocateA In trie Kuart cf trta Upper Va((ey Rooms 50c and $1 Meals 35 Cents Rates by the Week I 'ARKDAI.K, OREGON J. M. CLARK, Proprietor Upper Valley Lumber Co. We are now in a position to furnish ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER of the various kinds Apple Boxes and Strawberry Crates for this season. Orders and bills promptly filled. HAY & WEISEL I l-2 miles Southeast of Parkdale first Class Livery Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer (1LNLRAL STORAOI; 4th & State St. 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the placc-Cor. 4th & State ST. PAUL TO HAVE BIG LAND SHOW From Iecetnber 12 to December 23, Inclusive, the Northwestern Land Products Show will be held In the .St. Paul Auditorium under the auspices of the Northwestern Development league. These dates were announced after advices had been received from the various western states and the dates of other shows and expositions had been considered. The dates selected give those who will exhibit In Chica go an opportnnlty to bring their ex hibits here. The Chicago show closes IeceinberU. The entire enterprise has but one object In view, according to olliclals of the league, to aid In the develop ment of Washington, Oregon, Mon tana, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Alaska. Solution of Your in your home a pneumatic Orchard Company HOOD RIVLR, ORLOON, I'hone 248K