THE HOOD RIVER NEWS.IWEDNESDAY. JULY 19. 1911 .) ! THE MERE MAN S 160 Acres in good dairy country, to exchange for Hood River Ranch. No incumbrance and none wanted. $6,000. The Hood River District Land Co. THE SMITH I) LOCK' HOOD RIVER, OREGON Real Estate And Insurance GEO. W. DIMICK & GO. Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Office phone 45-L, Residence 3-15-K 5 CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor s Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters P. UTTER ANT) EGGS FREE .4X1) PROMPT DELIVERY I'hune Main 6 hood klver, Oregon 'y o.a . y. .z..y .. Ai iri-'W' AND BaGGAC.E r h DRAYING mmm Furniture and Vianos McVcd k All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection S, Office I'hone 2 L Residence 2JNK S TAFT TRANSFER CO. s . Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley Stanley Smith Lumber Co. W. S. GRJBBLE The Mt. Hood Store General Merchandise Flour, Feed, fjpray Material Farm Implements :: and :: Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Balcksmith and Wapmaker HORSE r5HOE.ING A SPECIALTY 25 Yea rs Expert ence IN THE I APPLE VIEWPOINT II. S.APPLE EXPORTS LARGEST SINGE 1899 Apple cxjiortM from vnrlniix Aim-rl-nin iiml ('nmii)luu port during the Ht-fiHon of litpt ll mImiyv ninny Impor tant rliimni'H from th preionn year. New York, which wan relctfuteil to third place lat year with only :i!v 'Ml liarrelH ami -I'i.IUtt Iioxch, IcikIh IIiIm year with U'll.TIW barrel, am) !).V.I,!MI Iioxch, according to figureM compilcil liy Maliloa Terljune, freight liroker ami forvviinllnn aetit. Montreal, which took Heconil place in liXi'.i-M with barrel. In fourth on the lint thin hcuhoii with 17J."L'!t barrel ami Iioxch, the boxen U-hiK Includcil In the barrel Hhlp merit tit the rate of three ton bar rel. ItoHton ha HtH'oml place thlM year with W.MMi barrel ami 1 Kl.tKMl boxen. Halifax, which led hiMt ea hoii with r.'s.r.N barrel. 1h repre Hented thin year by only LHCi.-'Mt bar rein and Iioxch. Portland, Me,, whipped 110,:;:;y barrels and boxen t bin year, while St. John Ih repre sented by only ,ss(i barrcln and Iioxch. Liverpool lead thin year In the way of lmportH, having received the larKfHt quantity, J4'.,!.V barrcln and :!til ,'Jii-S hove. London came next, having Imported 4 H!.(i7S barnl ami .".ul.iMH I.oxch. (ilawirow'H lmnortH were Sir, barrel and '.M.-K"! boxen. MamburK received 71.77:5 barrcln and 77, HM Iioxch,. while MancheNter'H lm portn ukk related only 7ti,."ill barrels and 'JHfM b.ixen. The balance went to varloiiH other places. Kxportn of boxed appU-H from New York am) IiiiHton for the Heanon HUH- 11 atfuretfatrd l.lO.'i.ClK Iioxch, art compared with .!),7:il Iioxch during the prevloiiH Heanon. ( )f thin amount Liverpool received .'Mil.l'tW boxen; London, ftil.Wl; (JIhmkow, iil.K".; Hamburg, 77,!M; l'reinen, am) the balance to varloun other pl.icen. lionton Mhlpped to Liverpool V.i.lilJ boxen; to London, 4!,L'7:i; to ilas. jrow, lfi,!):."; and to Manchentcr, Jo,. M7 boxen. The total export nurpaed all rec ords nliice 1MK.I, the nearent approach liclritf the Heanon of VMt 10. STUDY PESTS THAT THREATEN BERRIES W. F. Wllnon, of the entomology department at the Oregon Airrlcul tural CollcKe, accompanied by 1. I. Bailey of the department of plant pathology, made a Hpeclal trip to Portland and North l'lalnn to ntudy condition In the utrawberry bedn of that vicinity, w here It was reported that the root weevlln were at work and were threatening the Industry, together with plant dlncaHcn which hid alno attacked the vlnen. They report quite an amount of damage from the pentn there. Another report of connfderable damage being done to tomato plantn near Independence called Mr. Wllnon there to Investigate plant lice pests latt Thursday, July 1'!. I'pon his re turn he will meet Mr. lialley, A. J. Stover, i. I Mosluette, ntudent an nlstantH, and L S. Scott, a I'nlver slty of Illinois mau here for the sum mer, joining them In a trip to Mary's Teak for the collection of plants and Insects for the college museum and laboratories. CHERRY CROP YIELD SHOWS UP GOOD Notwithstanding the fact that the cherry crop at Hood River wax an nounced to have been seriously In jured early in the season, shipments are much heavier than was expected. In some sections the -yield Is very Hood. The largest shipment has licen sent out by M . Downing,, through the Davidson Fruit Company. Mr. Downing, who has tlue Nuiinamaker place, has shipped In the neighbor hood of L'.nm crates, and has not yet stopped picking. It is expected that his total shipmi :tit will be about -V'nHl. A majority of t hi-fruit shipped by him have been Hiiis and Lam berts with a stiidller shipment of Koyal Amies and lilack llepubllcans. Tlic Apple (irik-wers liiion has made a large niiiiiberof small ship mciits of very tine ft ult. A sample of a surprising yield brought to thecltv was a branch of Ki Inches in length, cut from a tree in t.he Maxwelton or chards on the Wesit Side. It con tained 10.1 large-Hixi d cherries. The branch, which w-jih taken from a IUngtree, welght-d a little over two pounds. There Is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other ills- eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur able. For a great many years doc tors pronounce! It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and In constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constltiitloii.'kl disease and therefore requires coiLt 1 1 ntloiial treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by .1. F. Cheney V Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from I( l drops to one teaspoon fill. It acts 'directly on the blood and mucous surfi ices of t he system. They offer one hur drcd dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CIII:M:Y CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Beautiful West Side Home Offered aUu sacrillce. In Uclmont 'JO acres, mi County road, one-half mile from end of new Macadam road, 6 acres full bearing, ."i acres young trees, ,"i acres nearly ready for plow, balance la parking around house, Im provements valued at $imn),im), actu al cost; new modern house, barn and apple house, with all conveniences, lncimiliig electric llgnts ami com pressed air water system, tools, etc., all under the ditch. Approximately 1000 boxes of apples this year. L. A. H i:mii uxon. Agent, With .1. L. Henderson. Inc, phone II. I OK AlirOMOIill.L: Second hand five passenger I'.. M. I', car, in kooJ condi tion, and SO CHI. Al AS TO Ml AL MOST (d IN AWAY. A. II. M.NNS Ol I ICi: I ioit re cured. Dr. Sowcrby. O.A. C. WEATHER MAN REVIEWSPAST MONTH The only frost ever recorded for June nt the Oregon Agricultural Col lege was on June.L'4 thin year, says W. L. Powers, the college weather observer. In his review of the past month. Though it was not heavy. It Injured corn, beans, potatoes, squashes ami other truck crops In some districts. Thus far this year there has been a detlclency In rainfall of J.Jii Inches, the precipitation for June being 1.0"i Inches a departure of ,1s of an Inch from normal. The greatest amount for any one period of 21 hours was .4 of an Inch. The evaporation dur ing the month was 4.1." Inches. There were 1.1 clear days, partly cloudy and 7 cloudy ones. The mean temperature for J une was ."i! . a de parture from the normal of :l . The highest point was on June lo, when It was M', and the lowest June 24, 2i' The greatest range lu any one day was 41 LIGHTNING KILLS HORSES ON FARM NEAR DALLES Lightning Instantly killed two horses lielonglng to Henry A. Welp, a rancher who lives live miles south of The Dalles, Thursday evening at !::!() o'clock. Timothy and Frank Welp, who were driving behind the tenm In a held, were stunned by the Mash, but were not seriously Injured. Cooks .Man Killed Ity Horse L. M. Kooth. of Cooks, was killed Wednesday while riding. Ills horse reared, fell backwards, and the horn of the saddle penetrated his body. Mr. Ilooth had an Interest In a store at Hood ami at Cm.ks and was ::o years old. HOOD RIVER MINERAL SPRINGS COMPANY Has opened its subscription books for stock in the company. A home company. A rare opportunity. An assured success. Temporary office with the Hood River Realty Co. C. D.NICM.l.SLN, Sec'y Soft Drinks for Family L'se Hood Klver Sweet Cider. Hires' Knot Deer, and Soda Waters of all flavors can be obtained for family use at nil t lie ci mfecl ionery and gro cery stores at .1.0il per dozen, with an allowance of .".Oc per doen for the return of the lot ties to the party from whom purchased. Keep a few bottles In a cool place during the warm weather lloon Kivi n Aiti.i im o u Co. Happiest (iirl in Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes. "I had I n ailing for Home time with chronic constipation ami stomach trouble. I began taking chamber Iain's Stomach and I .Iver Tablets ami In thnv days I was able to be up and got better riuht along. I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to Iiml such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. Tumors removed. I'r. Sowcrby. LEARNING TO SMOKE By BYRON WILLIAMS l HEKK come a time I J In the livm of most 14 mothers whea WU 11 lie or Henry or r yJI John, whatever the name may be. comes home with a countenance like a whitewash brush, a naujeu like an amateur sailor's and a smell upon his clothes that re minds of Kipling's "Betrothed:" For Maggie has writ ten a letter to give me my choloe be- A,V1-C. rv- tween The wee little whim HIS FIBST 8M0KI. perlng Love and the great god Nick O'Teen! There can be no mistake about It. Mother has smelled William and caught him with the smoke on, If I may be permitted to vary slightly the slung phrase. The first thing mother does Is to cry, and the next well, either she whlpa William or scolds pa "like time" for setting an example. This may seem funny to yoa, bat it Is no joke to mother. Her heart 1 filled with sorrow at the thought of Wllllo, who such a little while ago was a wee, pure bahy, a mite orer which she dreamed rosy dreams, a tot over whose wavering footsteps she watch ed, a Ind over whose habits she thought she bad absolute control. And now now she realises for the first time that William has not taken fall measure of the Scriptural teachings; that he has disappointed her and form ed a bad habit. In the usual home after such dis covery there follows a family confer ence. Willie is upstairs In bed. There Is a queer goneness in bis anatomical regions, his head is dlxsy, and a dark bluish band about his drawn mouth tells of dire and repeated upheavals, a hair trigger stomach and a sadder but wiser boy. During the conference pa decides to offer Willie a gold watch and chain if be will promise not to smoke until be has reached his majority. Mother cries most of the evening, bat brightens up when pa en thuses over the watch and chain. In the morning Wllllo Is called into solemn ses sion, pa delivers his alternative, ma cries some more, Willie hes Itates and Is lost. Nine times out of ten he prom ises, and fully that many times he fulls to keep the promise. Some times he keeps up the deceit and gets the watch, being too ashamed to ac knowledge his baseness; sometimes he keeps his promise and earns the prise, but usually, sooner or later, he comes right out in the open, says he doesn't want a gold watch and chain anyhow. There are so many things worse that a mun may do I scarcely would bold against him the smoke habit. The kindest, sweetest, truest man I ever knew was a smoker. lie helped the needy, he was brood minded with the narrow, he lived a Christian life, not as laid down by writ and rule, but in the broad light of his understanding of the commundment to "do as yoa would be done by." He mlt:ht have been a bet ter man If he had not been addict ed to the use of the weed, but If your boy, moth er, is as good a man and leads as exemplary a lift) you may well be proud of him. Too many par ents make the mistake of try ing to keep a boy from smok ing by telling him that to smoke Is wrong, a sin of no small calibor. They forget that the very fact of smoking being a UW V U7 PA 8 ULTIMATUM. THI JIDOE. THE BANK SB, THE MERCHANT. sin, as stated, makes a boy want to smoke. The average lad bus a dash of the daredevil In him. He wuuts to da things that are not just 100 per cent pure, and. besides, he sees the judge and the banker auJ the merchant smoking, and he argues that the judge and pa and the bunker would not do anything very wroug-at least not with ma In the same town. What you should teach your boy is the physical, the health side of smok ing. Let him know the effect of nico tine upon adolescence, make him un derstand that tobacco stunts the mind and the Imdy when used at too enrly BU age. Tench him the effect of tobac co upon the heart and tho nervous sys tem, to say nothing of the cost of In dulging the habit. Then you have done your duty, and If WllltH in smokes It Is with a full un derstuudiug of the hundlcitp he plaetM upon himself. The Satisfactory Solution of Your Water Supply Problem will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic Leaner varer my Simn v System u. You can have abundant water hot or cold (or kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any other purpose required, at a moderate cost, i Will also afford fire protection. The most efficient, economical and depend- 's able water supply System to be had. Ask your local dealer to explain about the Leader System or write for our booklet, "How I Solved the Water Supply Problem." LEADER IRON WORKS, DepL 22, Decatur, III. 1 ' V2im Apple Land and Orchard Company Ottioo, No. 9 Oak Street, Phono 26 or 2002K. Hood River THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE COMPLIED STRICTLY WITH THE GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD LAWS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF White River Flour It Is Unbleached P&rHicMe Hotel NOW OPEN modern in Goery Respect Cocottid in tfW Heart c tfu Upper Vaffcy Rooms 50c and $1 Meals 35 Cents Rates by the Week l'AKKDAI.K, OREGON J. M. CLARK, Proprietor Upper Valley Lumber Co. We are now in a position to furnish ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER of the various kinds Apple Boxes and Strawberry Crates for this season. Orders and bills promptly filled. HAY & WEISEL 1 -l miles Southeast of Parkdale f First Class Livery Phone 5 Transfer and Livery Company Freight and Baggage Transfer ii i (iLNLRAL STOKAtili HOOD KIN LK, ORl.UON. 4th & State St. Phone 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forticttlic place-Cor. -Ilh S Stiite Round Trips East St. 1'aul. Minneapolis, Kansas t'ity, Uir.aha. ! ilu;h Winnipo.LT .?'( ).im. Ohicavro. Milwaukee $72. ot'. St. Louis .$70.00. lVnvor, Colorado "".( " . Now York, rhiia.klplna .los. Washington. Ikiltinvtv si'C.oi'. Host on 110. tH Many other points in proportion. Pates (it sa'e: -luno It',. 17. 2. JS. LM, :'.o. -hilv 1 tot;, p.i. :H -jf.. J,'. :. Au'.-i.t :l. I. .", 1 1 to 17. L'l to t . ::. S. p tembor 1, L I to 7. A arrU of r,,;it,s noinvr an. I liftt.rn limit f -to!or "ilst. Sp'poMT-; aro a'!o.-,..l in each .lirei'tion. GfL7 OO Clatsop lteic h on I lie l'i illc ASTORIA CENTENIAL, Astorij, Oregon, August 1 0 !c Sepfemier 3 LOW ROUND TRIPS FROM THt f AS T AH w t, and As tor 1. 1 w :ti Stvpovirs Si lie, lnlv d. t I s nr. It o m I ) ri-ct tr.nn service. W. K. COM N. K. A i. a I l' I . ' l,.m.Tl Kr. u'M mi.l I' i .t.-.t A.-, tit. VSI I O I . . I VI " . . W v II II 1