THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911 POLE EXDT A preparation for immediate relcif of either internal or external Tiles Rclcivcs pain instantly ASK US ABOUT IT KEIR & CASS The Utll.ille DrtiKttists - Mood River Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON OBIct. No. S Oak Street Phonei. 26 or 2002 THE LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO $750, F. 0. B. Portland S. 3F. Vcfstcrff Dlstri6utcr 1313 O Street. Hcoi Hiir THE Middle Valley Mill Is now open and ready to furnish Lumber and Building Mateaial Located 3 1-2 Miles South of Odell MT. HOOD MILLING CO. - Phone 641 J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Iteilhronner ISuilding Phone 23 Hood River, Orejjor.' The Hood River Fruit Growing Company FOR 5ALH--Tracts of 5, 10, 15, or 20 acres, unimproved or Improved, commercial vari eties, trees from 1 to 3I years old in excellent condition, good soil. We will assume care of tracts sold, if desired. Railroad station on our tract; county road passes through it, also the Hood River. ADDRESS Oil CALL GUST WESTERBERG, Su perlntenclent Hood Itiver, Orrxon r Ulc arc now tailing orders for Strawberry Crates Having only a limited supply, would advise ordering at once. Stanfcij-StniHi uinfer Co. I'ftena 13 COUNCIL AWARDS PAVING CONTRACTS AtU't careful coiiHlilerutlon of the liliU for ftrcet jmvnneht, curlm uml KiitterM ninl Htorm Hew era lu the lire limit the Htreet commit ten recom mended awarding the contractu at the meeting of the council Monday nlnht. The W. Q. AM red Compauy, which wan the lowent bidder ou ex cuvutln, was awarded the Kradlnn at $'1,1".'."); Chan. JobiiHot) & Co., a l)allen linn, wan awarded the contract for pavement and curb ami Kuttera, their bid lielntf 'iii.I.'C, and U. I), (iould & Co. 'ot the storm Hew er contract at $1'!1..'J."j. The work covera an Improvement of twenty blockH and In to be commenced with in fifteeii days after the hIiiIii of the contractu. The contractors are allowed four months lu which to IUiIhIi the work. The J ohunon Com pany 'h price for the ntreet paving In $l.'0 per Hiiuare yard, or twenty cents a yard cheaper than the pave ment laid lu First Htreet by the Al dred Company. The specifications for the work ure the same as those covering the the First Htreet paving. The bids were awarded with the unanimous approval of the Mayor and council. It Is stated that It Is not the Intention of the council to commence work on the street paving until the water suit Is settled which Is ex pected to occur lu the early purt of August. All arrangements to start the work, however, will be com pleted so that there will not be any delay, the minute negotiations are concluded. From the anxiety now shown by bond buyers to take the f'.Mt.OoO Issue of water bonds It Is thought there will be no delay lu selling them and that It may oe possible to dispose of t hem without amending the charter which some of the attorneys for bond houses have Insisted on. A com munication from Morris Itros. states that they have offered to take the bonds from I'len & Co. to whom they were awarded, but who have not yet accepted thetn ulthough the time has expired. The DesMolues Invest ment and Security Company has al so asked to have their bid reconsid ered. The street committee, which was empowered to act on changing the grade at Fourth and Columbia to meet the requirements of the build ing to lie erected by ('apt. McCan, re ported fuvorubly, und the grade will he changed. A discussion over the manner of paying for the proposed storm sewer In the paved district was brought up by the request of K. L. Smith for In formation on this point, the latter tfcllcvlng that a special sewer district should be created to defray the ex pense. Councilman Wright was also of this opinion. Councilman Farly said that he believed that as the whole city would lienetit, the ex pense should le paid out of the gen eral fund. The amount necessary, l,v!l :L"i, he said, was a small one, with the entire assessed valuation of the city to pay for It, and the sewer would practically drain a good part of the city of surface water. Coun cilman KolnTtsoii was of the opinion that the city's finances did not per mit vt the expense being paid out of the general fund and that It would therefore expedite matters to create n special storm sewer district. Farly stated that $1,(MH) to $7,(MK) would be turned Into the general fund when the water bonds were sold, which would easily take care of the matter. Wright smilingly replied that there was a good tleal to do with this money and didn't believe It would hold out. Howe was lu favor of the general fund plan, while Muggins rather favored the special district. The matter was finally held lu abey ance and will lit decided later. Coun cilman Ilrostus hail not arrived when the discussion took place. The treasurer's report was read and the recorder ordered to furnish each councilman will a copy, ltec oinmeiidatlons were made relative to automobile speeding and signs warn ing auto drivers and thes d limit fixed at l.'i miles per hour out wide the lire limits. The ordinance ordering a sewer on the west end of Columbia street was passed, and also the one for the Heights. Matters relative to the city print ing were discussed and a motion passed to divide the same between both papers. The action had the unanimous approval of the council. GATZERT PASSENGER FALLS IN COLUMBIA While It was pulling Into the dock nt White Salmon Saturday n man attempted to Jump from theCat.ert to the Tahoma and fell Into the river ls-twecn the two steamers. The wheels of both boats were In action, and It was feared that the man would be sucked under and drowned. Ity quick action, however, the hands on the liatzert managed to fish the passenger out. He was none the worst- except for a wetting. LEAGUERS SCOOP FOURTH GAME IN BASEBALL SERIES (Continued from 1'aue 1) off duy and muflled the leather, al lowing Hud to score. Neither side scored aguln until the fifth Inning, when the leaguers addded two more tallies, (Irey hit to Hood, who threw wild and John ny anchored on first. Fake struck out. Meyers planted a nice hit In centerfleld aiid the tailor boy went Meyers Beating It for Second to third. Meyers negotiated second when Hall wasn't looking, (icssllng then placed a clean two bagger be tween short and second and (irey and the knight of the razor crossed the home plate. For four Innings there was nothing doing In the run getting line. In the last half of the ninth the Midgets started a rally that put fear Into the hearts of the Leaguers. Hood started the Lall rolling by u hit to right field and went to second on un error by Kent, (letting a big lead Kood stole third uml attempted to perform the same trick to the Kent Doing; Straddle Act in Ninth home plate, but was caught between Castner and Tate. lu the mix-up Tate muflied the ball and Hood scored. Lake held the rest of the batters steady and the fourth game of the series was over, making the contest two and two. Features of the game were Moore's fielding and (iessllng's work with the stick. The loss of Smith undoubtedly weakened the Hill boys, but according to the ethics of baseball the leaguers won the game on Its merits. Oil meal at Whitehead's. ALL KINDS OF Painting and Paperhanging DECORATING WORK OUARANTLLD FRED WALSH Phone 2J-M On The Heights A Basket of Goodness Guess!! Mm . . - i ;a . i is a basket f our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest of Tea. Cotfee, Cocoa. Butter, Funs. Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing lu re, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free deliwry J. M. Wood LOCAL TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE Leal estate transfers In Hood Liver couuty.for the week ending July l.". lull, as reported by the Hood Liver Abstract Co.: Albert Tozler to A. A. liarton. 2 acres near Dee. Arthur C. Hallam to Cornelia Fd monds Hullam. I'll acres lu Oak (irove District. W. (j. Aldrlch to John F. Mowers, . acres west of town. John F. Mowers to W. V. Cham bers, acres west of town. W. W. Hardluger to Harry F. Whlteley, lot '2, first addition to Llv erslde 1'urk. H. H. Lartlett to Otto Mlkkelsen. sO acres near Fir postofliee. T. A. Decker trustee to H. F. Duv Idson, lots 4, 15, block 25; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (!, 20,21,22. 2-1. 24. block 2s ; lots 4, 5, 6, 19, 20.21. bloc-kill; lots 'J, 10, 11, 12. block 31; lots 1, 10, 11, 12, block 32, Hood Klver proper. (J. J. Uessllng to N. T. Chapman, West Nj feet lot 1. block 5, Pleasant view. James Hunter to Hurman J. (Jruff, 10)i ucres on Fast side. N. T. Chapman to (J. J. (Jessllng, part lots 3 aud 4, block 4, Pleasant-view. Fllzabeth E. Chapman Hood Liver Terminal Co. north of O.-W. right of way. Try a Sunday at Purkdale Park. Special rates on Mount Hood Lall-road. RAILROAD DOWN WIND RIVER LATEST RUMOR The latest rumor Is that the North Coast survey from North Yakima will probably come down by way of Bear Creek and Wind Liver. Horace Wetherell was Informed by the engi neer In charge of the survey that the road would cross the Columbia at Cascade Locks. The O.-W. It. & N., or Harrlman system, Is surveying a line from North Yakima southwest around the base of Mt. Adams, anil their destination Is Portland. The surveyors are now In the vicinity of (ilenwood. Those who know the country say that Carson Is In a di rect Hue between the end of the sur vey and Cascade Locks, and that a better gradecannot le found through that couutry for a railroad. Carson Journal. et al, to )K acres Lueumatlsm cured. Dr. Sowerbv. Whitehead's Utah Land Plaster Arsenate of Lead Vitrol Lime and Sulphur Solution Lime Seed Oats Vetch Whitehead's To Exchange! A $12,000 Stock of New, Clean General Merchandise) located at one of the best j trading points in Eastern! Oregon. Store is now doing an annual business of $50,-i 000. Will exchange for ai first class Hood River 0r- chard proposition and payi some cash. Will assume a reasonable amount. This is : well worthy of careful in-! vestigation. j G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Bldg. Phone No. 2K (Crareiry Bargains We Make the Prices We Can Save You Money The Best Fruit Sugar, while the present car lasts, 8i5J per sack OmOU Clover Leaf Butter, the very highest quality, put up under our own name and guaranteed, per roll vJJi OUR STOCK OF SIDES IS NOW COMPLETE We have spared neither time nor trouble to get the shoes best adapted to this locality Ladies' Shoes in button, tan and Oxfords; high top for mountain climbing Children's Shoes The kind that wear COLUMBINE MILK, per case COUNTRY CLUB. PIONEER and COLUMBINE MILK, 3 cans for IMPERIAL OATS. per S) pound sack QUAKER CORN FLAKES. 3 packages for . CORN MEAL, per sack S3.65 25c 40c 25c 25c F-RU1T JAUT MASON rint'5Tc Quart 3 A'T Half (Jallon 3 .S." SCH RAM Tint;.: Quart .S." HalfCallon 1.30 ECONOMY... Pints" Quart 1.10 Half C.allon 1. to L. H. Huggins FLORSHEIM Shoes (or EVERY KIND AND SHAPE FROM INFANTS' SLIPPERS TO WATER PROOF LOGGERS Honest Goods at Honest Prices R. J. MciSAAC & CO. PARKOALE. OREGON