THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1911 3 i I OUR JULY CLEARANCE LOOM-END SALES Commences 7 f -r r JQ Saturday , J tl S V & Opportunities f o r Extraordinary Savings in EtJcry Department BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer KSTAHUKHEI) 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON rv Ollut. 1211 H Street Mood River J. THE Middle Valley Mill Is now open and ready to furnish Lumber and Building Mateaial Located 3 1-2 Miles South of Odell MT. HOOD MILLING CO. - Phone 641 J. M. SCHMELTZER HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office in Now Meilbronner liuiMing Phone "23 Mood River, Oregon I The Hood River Fruit FOR 5ALI;--Tracts of 5, 10, i5, or 20 acres, unimproved or improved, commercial vari eties, trees from 1 to years old in excellent condition, good soil. We will assume care of tracts sold, if desired. Railroad station on our tract; county road passes through it, also the Mood River. ADDRESS OR CALL GUST WESTERBERG, Superintendent Hood Klver, OrrRon CQc arc now tailing orders for Strawberry Crates Having only a limited supply, would advise ordering at once. Stanley -Smitft utn6et Co. Heeii lli?r, Greqcn IV.eno 124 The News Says It First I wish to announce that I have the agency for the BRUSH AUTOMOBILE The Every Man's Car F. VOLSTORFF F. A. BISHOP Growing Company Hi ! THE COURT'S REPLY TO GRANGER CRITICS Moou IUVkh, Owe.. 27. '11 Idlltor News: In order to correct a wronjr Im- pri'HHlon willed Hceiim to have unduly nUnti'd the inlndH of Home of our Krnner friends on the Kant Side of the vulley relative to the grndea an entulilUlii'd at some points on the new macadam road now-Ix-lug built In that district, I wish to say that the irradatlon nt the points In contro versy have been determined by nctu al survey und Instead of "K percent or 9 percent or even 7 per cent" to be a lit tle less than " per cent on an aver nge. It Is true that our first survey gave us a maximum grade of about 7 per cent at one or two points for a short distance on this road, but our Court sometime njro. upon further cnnslderatlon of the matter, decided to modify these points somewhat which produces the result above men tinned In our last survey. As a matter of fact a " per cent or ti per cent grade In a mountainous county such as ours Is not an execs. slve grade, .especially with a hard surfaced road. If, on the other hand It were practical I would say ellml nate all grades on our roads, but we all know that this Is neither practi cal nor possible In our county. And more especially Is this true when our Court must constantly remember that all parts of our couuty con tribute to the making of our general road fund from which the macadam road Is built, and that there are oilier districts In the valley "wait Inn" fur the construction of macad inn mail; inereiure, in onier io nc coiiipliKli the greatest good for the irre.-itcHt numlier of our citizens we inu-l divide i lie benefits derived from this fund. In the contractsawariled for build ing the macadam road this year the nrlccs obtained for tilts work are from $1(HM) to $1.VH per mile less than the cost of the macadam road built by our county during the past two years, and so far as can Ik' observed at this time I think it will be just ns good road as that previously con structed and In some r.ispectH per haps a little lietter. As to the pl'-ce of rock road being built between Mr. Kike's new resi lience and Van Horn station which our Court wa requested to discon tinue by the committee appointed at the "Indignation meeting" held at Pine (irove Grange Hall last week, I wish to say that I mm much as this road becomes nearly Impassable dur ing the winter for the heavy traffic It carries, as Is well known to the citi zens of the F.ast Side, Home substan tial repair upou It became almost Imperative In-fore another apple crop Is to be moved, ami ns the tsst thing to do for the least money until ier manet Improvement could be reached on tills road we decided to use upon It the rock from "Van Horn ISutte" as thi' only available material. Notwithstanding the complaint arising from some of our granger blends, I observe that about !." per cent of the citizens who use thlH road over which to haul their apples to the warehouses and station heartily approve our action In reference to Its Improvement, and In view of the facts recited above I would say that all others opposing It from other mo tives will needs be content with our secondary consideration In the mat ter. ii:o. I). Ci i.ukkthon. County Judge. ROYAL BAKERY PLACES AGENCIES AT HQQDJflVER John Perry, agent for the Itoynl Itakery Co. of Portland, was here Thursday nnd has established two agencies for the sale of this fine make of bread. The bread lielng put out by the Uojal people, that they are particularly bringing to the attention of thi public is the Table (Jiieen, which will be shipped here every day fresh from the oven. The sale of the bread has been placed In tli hands of J. M. Wood and I'reil K. I lean, who will be in a posit ion to supply the wants of all who desire a superior article In the breadline. The company will start Hhlpplng to their agents this week and orders will be tilled on applica tion. Derby & W ilbur Dissolve tieo. K. Wilbur and A. J. Derby, who have been In partnership for the practice of law, have divided to dls solve partnership nnd the dissolution has gone Into effect. Mr. Wilbur has taken the ofllces In the Smith block, formerly occupied by the llrm, and will move Into them Immediately. Mr. Derby will continue his olllce In his present duarters. Sunset Magazine For July Vacation time at l.os Angeles Peaches. "The Call of the Cool Sea Preer.c" by Peter P. Kyne. Peautl fully Illustrated In four colors, "The Spell", by C. N. & A. M. Williamson. II unt lug- I'lshliig-Motorlng- Kiel Ion. On sale all news stands. tloltre cured. Dr. Sowcrby'. MOSIER Mrs. Cole and children have re turned from their Portland trip. Mrs. Dick Evnrm seiit Saturday afternoon In Hood Klver shopping. Work on the exhibit booth Is grow ing rapidly, and lu a few days will Imj ready for use. Porn, Saturday, July M, to Mr. and Mrs. Pert Mlddletiwai t, of Park dale, a daughter. Miss Lucy Mulllns, accompanied by Shelly Hudson, went to Portland Saturday morning on business. Mr. Walter Fessenden returned from bis Eastern trip last Thursday. He says II Is pretty hot In Chicago. Frank Saltzman went to The Dalles Tuesday and made final proof on his homestead. , He t..ok as his witnesses Dick Kvanu and 1-c Kvans Jr. Mrs. A. H. McLalu returned Wed nesday evening from her Honolulu trip. She reports having had a de lightful trip, but was glad to get on land ugaln after the ocean trip. Mrs. A. H. Mclaln, who has leen with ns for a year and a-half as oper ator, has Is-en transfere.l to another place on account of the work here be ing too heavy. We are sorry to lose Mrs. McLaln, but wish her well where ever she goes. The Willing Workers of the Chris tian Church entertained the Ladies Aid In the church parlor on Tuesday afternoon. A penny game was played after which refreshments were served, and a social good time had. About :J0 were present. Mr. and Mrs. Cerald Wyss went to The Dalles to attend the wedding of Mrs. Wyss' son, Charles Abernathy, and Miss M. Hlldretli, which took place on Wednesday at the home of a friend. The happy couple have the hearty congratulations of theirmany friends. They will make their home on Mr. Abernnthy's homestead on Pig Mosler creek. WAS ABUSIVE ON TRAIN GOT 6 DAYS ON STREETS Frank Adams, who boarded the lo cal at The Dalles Thursday under the Influence of liquor liecame so noisy nnd abusive that he was taken off the train here by Marshal Kobt. Iewls. Adams also refused to pay his fare. J. F. Hendricks, of Cascade Locks, who Is a deputy sheriff, placed Adams under arrest ln-fore the train got here and turned him over to Lewis. Adams was very aggressive on the way to the city calaboose but was finally lauded there and locked up. Thursday morning he was taken lefore Recorder Langllle nnd In the absence of money enough to pay a flue wns given six days on the city's streets. MISS NICKELSON WITNESS IN $15,000 DAMAGE SUIT .Miss Margaret Nlckelsen, who has been at South Pend for the pnst few weeks, ns a witness In the Miss Per- tha Kansom case, In which Miss Kansom was awarded $1.",000 as a result of Injuries sustained by falling over a faulty repair of the city's side walk, returned home Wednesday. Miss Nlckelsen nursed Miss Kansom at the North Pacific Sanitarium In Portland, nnd It Is stated that her testimony was exceedingly damag ing to the city. A detective was In I hxtd Klver several days In-fore the trial, making an attempt to Inter view the young nurse. Tumors removed. Dr. Sowerbv. A Basket of Goodness Well X is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. we keep only the freshest and finest of Tea, Coffee. Cocoa. Gutter, Eggs, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood WITNESS OF MURDER TAKEN ATHOOD RIVER Detective Frank Snow of the Port land police force came here Friday evening and took Into custody Mor ris Purke who Is said to have leen the only eye w ltness to the killing of Conductor Hugh Scullion In a saloon In Portland Thursday night by the bartender Kobt. M. Harris. Purke wub arrested Thursday afternoon by City Marshall Kobt. K. Iewls who had leen notified by the Portlund authorities to be on the lookout for him. He was taken from an east hound frleght train and locked up until Saturday morning when he was taken back to Portland by Snow. The murder of Scullion, was the outcome of a quarrel with Harris, who Is the bartender at the Dew Drop Inn bar where the murder oc curred. Shortly before 8 o'clock, Scullion entered the bar room, anil with sev eral others, stood at the bar. A (juarrel started over the mixing of a drink, and Harris, In a fit of anger, Is said to have run for a gun, saying as he ran: "I'll kill you now, you black hearted sneak." The other men In the saloon fled w hen Harris made these threats, and a moment later, several shots were fired, and Scullion staggered out of the rear door of the saloon and fell dead In the entrance way. Harris was taken tiefore Judge Tazwell, but waived examination and will answer to a charge of mur der la-fore the grnnd Jury. It was thought at first that no one had wit nessed the tradgedy, but later it wns learned that Purke was In the saloon nt the time of the shooting nfld was attempting to get out of the state. Soft Drinks for Family Use Hood Klver Sweet Cider, Hires' Koot Peer, und Soda Waters of all flavors can be obtained for furully use at all the confectionery and gro cery stores at 11.00 per dozen, with an allowance of .Vic per dozen for the return of the bottles to the party from whom purchased. Keep a few bottles In a cool place during the warm weather. Hooll KlVKH Al'I'I.K VlNKGAH Co. Oregon Hotel Special Dinners A special table d'hote dinner will be served at the Hotel Oregon every Sumlay from 5:.'50 to 7:30 p. m. for 75 cents. An a la carte meal will also be served. Music by the Mandolin Club. Dine with us. toot? .Bargains Sugar Car just received-Bought CC Cflp before " advance in price. OH jM o3CK Come and get the benefit of our buy M,uw BLUE MOUNTAIN CREAM per roll COLUMBINE MILK, per case COLUMBINE. FIONEER. HOLLY and COUNTRY Orn CLUB MILK, 3 cans for Z0U QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 3 packages for DAPHNE SEEDLESS RAISINS, per package II. & G. SEEDED RAISINS, per package - - GOLD DUST, per package CITRUS WASHING POWDER. per package IIUGCINS' LEADER SOAP, 7 bars for BOB WHITE SOAP, (5 bars for 2 1-2 rounds DEPENDABLE per can Our Terms Are Cash lo fill Mason Fruit Jars Pts., 55c-Qts., 65c-HaIf, 85c L. H. Huggins Whitehead's Utah Land Plaster Arsenate of Lead Vitrol Lime and Sulphur Solution Lime v Seed Oats Vetch Whitehead's To Exchange A $12,000 Stock of New, Clean General Merchandise located at one of the best trading points in Eastern Oregon. Store is now doing ah annual business of $50, 000. Will exchange for a first class Hood River Or chard proposition and pay some cash. Will assume a reasonable amount. This is well worthy of careful investigation. Q. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Bldg. Phone No. 2KK Eli Y BUTTER, - ...60c S3.65 25c ...5c 10c 20c 20c 25c 25c 75c BAKING POWDER, OUR STOCK OF SHOES IS NOW COMPLETE We have spared neither time nor trouble to get the shoes best adapted to this locality Ladies' Shoes in button, tan and Oxfords; high top tor mountain climbing Children's Shoes The kind that wear FL0RSHEIM Shoes tor Men EVERY KIND AND SHAPE FROM INFANTS' SLIPPERS TO WATER PROOF LOGGERS Honest Goods at Honest Prices R.J. MclSAAC &C0. PARKDALE, OREGON