1 J THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1911 j VALLEY CREST Mr. S. It. Sutton Iiuh ri'tunifd rune from Mood Itlver. 'mImh Alia Thompson U at Mt. ood ht'lptiiK MrH. Shearer. MIhh ('mulct vUlted frlt'iiiltt nt Mt. out Wednt'Hdiiy, tho loth. ('. T. KawHon returned to hU IhihI jihu In tilt Lower Valley Tuenday. j A new tiaHfhall team wait organ-t,-i at l'arkdale the flrnt of the week. Has anyone Been O'Kellly? lie f eat to Hood Klver In hlx iiiocciihIu liocs. I K. A. Hrown autl it'o. V, lUodett fkere Kiient at the J. L. I'elronnet koine, Sunday. Fred McCrea and W. II. Allen re 11 rued to their ranch In the I'pper Valley Tuesday. K. DreHMnr In working for I. J. Mohr, whr Ix tloliiK exteimlve t'lear- ng un hi hoineMtend. Ml lleHHle HutHon In In Hood l:lver takliiK eare of Mrs. M. Allen, who nan been very III. On Monday, the 17th. a foree of men coniliienoed the work of repair ing the (ilat'ter Irrigating dlleh. A. T. Allen, of Hood Itlver, vlxlted among frlendH at l'arkdale and 'al ley ('rent on Tuenday, May ltith. Mth. Itaker lui returned to her liome In the I'pper Valley. She re cently vltdted her claim In Idaho. ('. II. Tliomaa loHt hlx pipe In the Middle Fork Irrigating ditch. Look out that your berry patch don't Hinoke thin hcuhoii. On Sunday, May llth, MIwm Mar guerite Mlddlenwart returned from M oider, where nlie lian lieen vlMitlng frlendH and relatlven. Mr. (Jeo. Monroe attended the He tiekah lodge at Mt. Hood Wednesday evening, May loth, and then vlnited with Mm. Shearer until Thurxday. The new HunieH were compu ted hint week and water wax turned on Monday later thlx year than iixual, ou account of the cool, wet weather. P. H. Mohr hax lieen clearing for hlx xlxter lately. He hax been greatly hindered In hlx xtump t w ixtlng prog rexx by heavy ralnx. Thlxxpring Mr. Mohr han added greatly to hlx clear ing and hax net out more treex. I'rofexxor Frazler xayx If we call the apple the "king" of frultx, we xhoilld alxo call the peach the "queen" of frultx. The peach Ix effeminate, with xoft complexion, ltx Ix-aiitlfully tur 1 tigure. the fluxh tin Its cheek, all proclaiming llx xex. A x'iich lx dainty, delicate, caprl clfiux, and needx care, comfort and luxurlex which King Apple would xcorn. Stiff neck Ix not only painful, but annoying. To get rid of It quickly, rub the affected part w'ltli P.allard'x Snow IJulineiit. It penetrate the llexh and relaxex the inuxclex, xo that the pain ceaxex Immediately. Price Title and fl.INt per bottle. Sold by ( hax. N. rlnrke. PARKDALE K. Newman arrived on Saturday' train. Jim Davlilxou hax been quite 111 the puxt week. Mr. i 'lark came up on the train from Hood Klver May 13th. It. Lazier wax a paxxeuger tin the train for Mt Hood May l.'lth. Mr. London arrived here from Portland on the noon train May 20tb. The 1'nlon church Ix nearly linlxhed. All will rejoice when It I ready for uxe. Mr. Farmer and family were vlxl torx here Friday, the lllth, from Val ley t'rext. Walter Mclntoxh, of San Frnn clxco, I here vlxltlng hlx mother and brother for a few tiny. F. Itelce Imx been engaged to haul the Middle Fork Irrigating Compa ny'x lumber for repair work. A lot hax been bought tin which to erect the new Catholic church at l'arkdale, and already $H) hax been ralxed. Hay & Weixel now have a fine box factory and are now making lierry crate. All partlex needing crate can now be xuppllcd by thlx tlrm. DEE Mrx. I'.. L. Sutherland Ix vlnltlng her mother In Hood Klver. Next Friday afternoon the Society will meet at the home oj Mrx. V. K. .lewett. The lieMoxx Muxlcal Co. appeared lief ore u large and appreciative nu dlence at the xchool houxe Friday t veiling. Mrx. .1. Walker Wext, of Portland, returned home the latter part of the week after a pleaxaut vlxlt with frlcndx and relative. The Mother meeting held at the home of the prexldclit. Mr. K. W. I '.m met t . wa well atteiidl-d and great enthuxiaxm xliovvn. Painty luncheon wax xerved by Mlxxex Fm- mett and McKeon. Soft Drinks fur F amily Use II I Klver Sweet Cider, Hire' Knot Peer, and Soda Water of all tlavorx can be obtained for family uxe at all the confectionery and gro cery ft ore at $1 ihi per dozen, with an allowance of ."ik- per dozen for the return of the bottle to the party from whom purchaxed. Keep a few bottle In a cool place during the warm weather. Hooll Kl Kit Alfll: VlNKIlAK (' A child can't get t rung and robuxt while Intextinal worm eat away ltx vitality. To give the child a chance to grow, thexe paraxltex inuxt be de xtroyed ainlexpi lied. W hite'x Cream Vermifuge Ix guaranteed to rein-ive the worm: It alxo putx the vital or ganx In healthy, vlgoroux coiiilit ion. Price 'J.V T bollle. Sold by Cha. N. Clarke." Neat Job printing at New ollicc. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY AN AUTOMOBILE, GET A Carter Car The Friction TransmissionJAutomobilo J During the past few weeks this car has sur prised many by the ease with which it climbs I loot! River hills. It is known as the Simplest Car on Earth every owner being able to make all necessary re pairs without the aid of a machine shop. It's simple control (ONE LEVER) has made it justly popular with lady drivers. J There are no noisy gears to strip and because of this, the cost of maintainancc has been re duced to a minimum. If you want a car of high efficiency and low cost of upkeep just ask for a demonstration and con vince yourself. IRELAND & SPRAGUE Hood River Agents Phone 1962-K MOSIER Porn, Sunday, May 14, to Mr. and Mr. F. A. Shogreu, a daughter. I)r. N. Johnxon xpent xeveral day at Lyle, Waxh., thlx week doing den tal work. Mr. and Mr Win. Marxh were buxlnex v 1x1 tor at Portland the lat ter part of the week. Mlxx L. Punxmore came down from The Halle to lie with her mother who I on the lck Hut. The farmer In thlx dlxtrlct Ix wear ing a Hinlling face over the good rain we have had tha paxt week. The timber for the completion of the new bridge have arrived and the work 1 lielng ruxhed through as fat a poMxIble. Strawberry xeaxon I a little later thlx year on account of the cool weather, but A. P. Uateham expected to Ix'gln xhlpplng Monday, the 22d. Mr. A. McLane left Monday morn ing of lat week for a xix weeks vaca tion and trip to Honolulu. Mr. Wheaton, of Portland. I taking her place a operator during her absence. The delegate to atteud the annual axxembly of Odd Fellows and Hebek ahx In Portland from Heacon lodge were J. N. Moxierand C. T. Bennett, from Manstanlta lodge Mrx. Kllu It. Stevenson and Mrx. J. M. Carroll. tin Wednesday evening the Kojal Neighbor tif America met at their hall and gave a surprise to one of their memlMTs, Mr. Stroup, who I to leave them soon and make her home In Portland. Ide cream and cake were xerved and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. The following were succexxful In paxxlng the Hth grade, examination from the Moxler town school: (irace Hlgley, I-odlca Haacke, (iertle Proc tor, Stark Akerx, Kdwln Sturgess, Kobt. Scearce and Pay Palley; and from Dlxtrlct No. s Kuth Little page. The graduation exerclxex were held Monday evening In Stroup's hall. How' This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last l"i yearx, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buxlnexx tranxactloux. and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by hlx firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, ). Hall's Catarrh Cure Ix taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7.V ht bottle. Sold by all drngglxt. Take llall'x Family Plllx for couxtlpatlon. - - Barrett School House For Sale. I'.idx will be received by the clerk of School Dlxtrlct No. 4 until June 1st for the old Barrett School Houxe. Building w ill be sold a a whole or each room separately. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. F. H. Mil. I. Kit. llll'l District Clerk. - Winn your food doe not digest well and you feel "blue," tired and discouraged, you should use a little llerblue at bedtime It open the bowels, purilie the system and re stores a tine feeling of health and energy. Price .lite. Sold by ('has. N. Clarke. Sunset Magazine for May Nile of the West, by S. tilen An drux, beautifully lllustruted in four colors. The Spell, a Western novel, by the Williamsons, (juextx of (ireat er Chinatown, by Charles K. Field. Automobile section. Now tin sale, 1.1 cents. EXCURSIONS EAST Low Round Trip Fares May 16 to 19, 22 to 25. 27 to 29, June 5. 7, 9, 10, 12, 1G, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30. July 1 to G, 19. 20. 2G, 27. 28. August 3. 4, 5. 11 to 17, 21 to 23, 28 to 30. September 1, 2, 4 to 7. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas Citv, Omaha, Duluth, Winnipeg - $60.00. Chicago, Milwaukee-$72.50. - St. Louis-$70.00. New York, Philadelphia - $108.50. Washington, Baltimore - $107.50. Boston $110.00. Denver, Colorado Springs - $55.00. May 12, 13 Minneapolis, St. Paul $60 A variety of routes going ami returning is ien for selection. Return limit October 31st Stop overs are allowed in each direc tion. 1.. A. CIIII RT, Agent, White Salmon, Washington W. E. COM AN, tieneral Freight A Paaacnfer Act WHITE SALMON (From the Enteruriw) Mr. and Mrs. Nawhall, of Hood Itlver, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Keekors. L. W. Wood, of Fulda. get the bear coining and going. He bagged another black one of good size one day this week. Frank Smith and family left Tliurx day far Mt. Vernon, Missouri, their former home, lor a couple of month' vllt. C. C. Smith, of Hood Klver, came and took them over to that place to take the train. The Injunction restraining the Dean ferry from landing up toward the Hood Itlver station came Juxt at a time to prevent paxsenger from taking advantage of the high water and thereby saving a walk of three quarters of a mile. Saturday U Wra. Vogt' laxt day ofbuxluess In White Salmon. The first of next week he will box up what Is left of hi stock. The proba bility I that he will spend the sum mer developing his land In the Mosler district. While riding on the cow-catcher of the Oregon-Washington Limited on his way back from Nebraska, He v. J. G. Tate pennned the following, "An uounce In thl week's Issue of the pa per that I will preach next Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. I am well; have had a good time." Royal Melendy, who wan at work for the Mt. Adams Orchard Co., ha gone to Hood Klver to work In a de veloped orchard. It Is hlx Intention to learn orcharding from the very first principles. In Chicago he was the organizer of conservation move ments and organized the campaign for Merrlam, the Republican candi date In the recent campaign In Chica go for mayor. The Woodman Hall, In course of erection In Kstes Addition, Is going to be one tif the best lodge hall out side of the cities. It covers a space of 100x60 feet with logs set vertically for the walls. Its main lodge room Is a very large one with stage and ante rooms at the wext end. A read ing and rest room occupies the front Vielow while above 1 a dining room. Across the front will be a porch with balcony. For cholera morbus, cholera In fantum, diarrhoea from colds, and wind colic. Met ice's I'.aby Fllxlr Ix a remedy of extraordinary power; It relieves colic pains Instantly , checks diarrhoea, and settles the disordered stomach. Price I-Mc and 50c per bot tle. Sold by Cha N. Clarke. DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY Send us your name or phone us if you are growing STRAWBERRIES and get on our MAILING LIST We are already conducting a large correspon dence regarding the coming.crop, and will mail letters occasionally giving out good information and making valuable suggestions to growers. Eighteen years in the STRAWBERRY business with an enviable record for highest and quickest returns. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. EXCURSION FARES EAST 1911 From All Point on Oregon - Washington Railroad & Navigation Company TO FARES Chicago $7250 Council Bluffa... Omaha Kansas City 60.00 St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs.. 03.00 Minneapolis, direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via C'l Bluffs.. 03.00 St. Louis 70.00 SALE DATES My Ifi. 17. IS. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 2S and 29. June 5. 7. 9. 10. 12, lfi. 17. 21. 22. 2S. 29 and 30. July 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. 19. 20. 2S. 27 and 2H. AuKU.t 3. 4. 5. 14. 15, lfi. 17. 21, 22, 22. 2S. 29 and 30. Si'ptcmbrr 1. 2. 4, 5. 6 anil 7. Stop-over within limits in either direction. Final return limit October 31nt. One way throunh California $15.00 additional. Inquire of any O-W. R. & N. Agent (or More Complete Information OR WM. McMl'RRAY (leneral Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON 0-W. R, & N. COMPANY WEST BOUND No. 9. Fast Mail (no passcnireni) 4:f0 A. M. No. . Portland Flyer :10 " No. 7. Portland Uical 7:45 " No. 6. Oregon A Wanhinirton Exprau 8:50 " No. 11. Soo-8pokane-rortland.. 9-.2S " No, 1. Portland Loral S:26 P. M No. 17. Chicairo Limited S;45 " EAST BOUND No. 2. Pendleton lxal 10:30 A. M. No. 1. Oreiron and Wash. Limited 11:53 " No. 8. The PalUn l-nl :20 P. M, No. 10. Ft Mail, no passenirera 8:25 " No. . Oreiron A Wahinatofi ICxpreiMl0:20 ' No. 12. Soo-Spokane-Porttand 10:55 " No. 4. Walla Walla I'assenirer 12 55 " Trainii number 3, 5, 11 and 17 make no Mopn be tween Hood River and Portland1. PaMw-nfrern fir local pointa muit take traina 7 and 1. Train 4. 12 and IS atop only at The Dalle. Arl ington. ITmatilla and Pendleton. Paiwcna-ers for pointa between Hood River and Pendleton mint take traina No. 2, 6 and For further information innulre at ticket offlw J. M. I REDRICY, Agent. FS MK TACKLE BLOWERS HARDWARE CO. Spring House Cleaning Time You have some old Furniture, Stoves and Ranges to trade for NEW GOODS. Wc haxc the Goods. FURNITURE. CARPETS, MATTINGS, ART SQUARES, ' ' . . . . . Miuicu runiituiG an j I RUGS, LINOLEUMS, CHARTER OAK STOVES, RANGES s CAMPING OUTFITS TENTS, CHAIRS, STOVES, ZZM-Everything that the Camper Needs GARDEN TOOLS-lawn mowers, lawn rakes, picks, shovels, spades, hoes, rakes, garden trowels WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE EVERYTHING don't forget the place: O. P. DABNEY SONS 4th and State Streets. Phone 248-K Always $3.00 Always 3.001 8 9 y One of many stylos wo arc showing this soason