The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 10, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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For Sale If you are Wkinj? for
a home in the beautiful Hood
Kiver Valley I can sell you 5, 10
or 15 acres, partly set to young
Newtown apple trees 1J miles
from High School; U miles from
Hood liiver city limits, west side.
If you want to get a home in the
Willamette valley, 17 miles south
west of Portland, in the Tualitin
valley, in a good vicinity, 1 can
sell you 5, 10, 15 or 20 acres, un
improved, brush and timber,
good land. If you want to work
for a home, come and see me or
write. J. T. Nealeigh. R. D. 2,
Hood River, Or. 15-22c
For Sale Caddy Ranch, fifteen
acres, one and three-fourth
miles from Hood River postoffice,
CO mis from Frankton school.
All improved, U acres in fruit; 3
acres in 7 year old bearing trees.
All stock' and tools go with the
place. Spring water piped to
house and barn. Enquire Frank
Caddy, phone 333L. 17-20-p
For sale at Lyle, 80 acres; 30 ac
res A 1 apple land, 13 acres set
to trees, 2 acres bearing, fair
buildings, good water, on main
road, phqne and daily mail, 6 1-2
miles from town. 8 acres more
slashed and burned. Must be sold
at once by owner. A. J. Bell,
Lyle, Wash. 18-21 p.
For Sale Five acres near Park
dale in best commercial apples,
$250 per acre; easy terms. Also
5 acre tracts uncleared $125 per
acre. Fine land. Grand view
of mountain. Address Pox F.,
News office. 17-20p
For Sale Two dwellings close in
very cheap and on terms like
paying rent. Inquire of A. C.
Ruck, room 12, Rrosius block.
For Rent -Furnished House,
seventh and Cascade avenue.
No. 702. Phone 84-K. 18-19-c
or Rent-Furnished flat. Apply
to J. L. Henderson, Inc. 18tf
Clearing and development of
your land contracted at the
right price. Can start a crew im
mediately. Communicate with A.
C. Hallam, care Oregon Hotel,
Hood River. 18-21p.
Wanted By young man. posi
tion on ranch. Has had ex
perience with strawberries and
apples. Aiso experience in car
ing for automobiles. Phone
225K, 18-19-p
Wanted -Seven hard working
Greek bovs desire work clear
ing land. Phone 308-M, or ad
dress Box 73, Hood River, Ore
gon. l849
Wanted -A practical nurse
wants confinement cases; doc
tor's references. Will do house
work. Call at 812 8th street.
Wanted A competent girl for
general housework in family
of three. No children. Enquire
at 703 Oak SjU or phone 138. tf
llfanted Bv experienced cook,
floosition on ranch. Phone
housekeeper, Frederick apart
ment, 301X. 18-21-c
Lost-Between Hood River and
E. Shelly Morgan's ranch, a
locket book containing money
and K. P. receipt for dues. Re
u,nr1 fnr rptnm to E. M. Chris
ty, Jlood Ili verOregon 1920p
Lost-Lady'a open face silver
watch, with silk fob. Valued
as an heirloom. At Newtown
or on Tucker road. Reward.
Phone Odell 148. 19-20c
Notice to Apple Tree Planters
Nealeigh Bros. Square Deal
Nursery Co. I. C. Nealeigh,
Sholls, Washington County, Or.,
and J. T. Nealeigh, Hood River,
Or. . We are going to have for
sale for the spring planting of
1912 some Newtowns, Spitzen
burgs, Arkansas Blacks, Winter
Bananas and some of other
choice varieties; also Clark's
seedling strawberry plants. We
would be glad to receive any
communication from you in re
gard to same. Yours truly,
Nealeigh Bros. 17-24p
We have a fine stock of 2 year
roses, our own growing many of
the newer varieties, at $3.50 to
$5.00 per dozen. Shrubs, vines
and ornamental trees; a nice lot
of Catalpa and popular 6 to 10
high. Hardy Perrenial plants.
Will have all kinds of bedding
planls in season. Cut flowers
and Florial designs a specialty.
Potted plants at Franze hardware.
Our prices are reasonable.
The Pioneer Florists, Fletcher
& Fletcher. Phone 1972-M, Hood
River, Oregon, tfc
Loan Agency Loans offered,
$500, $700. Loans wanted,
$300. $000, $1000, $1200, $1500,
$2000, $2500. Apply to A. W.
Onthank, 305 Oak street, tfc
or Sale Uil meal
head's. 4-tf
at White-
ild'a hmwn Astrakon
Lcoat Sunday, somewhere on loop
around Valley. Finder phone
323-M. 18-19C
. t - U
or Sale uoiumma urupnu-
nhone. in first class condition,
also records at half price
210X. 17-20-p
Tor Sale -One
finch Milburn
and in good
273 19-20p
or Sale-1500
and one-eighth
Wagon complete
condition. Phone
Ortley Scions.
Notice Those owing tne under
signed or King & Boggs for
sand are requested to make pay
ment on same at once, to A. w .
King at the sand pit. All busi
ness hereafter will be strictly
cash. A. W. King. 19-20p
itLtfin im hmhv rivn that the undersigned has
hn appointed administrator of the eeuto of
Martha W. Kighy. deceased. All persona having
claims ariinst said estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly itemiiea ana M'irsur tin
Bi ihm ! ntn- n(9 W. Stark, in Huod River,
Dreiron. within mix months of the date of thia no
tice. Via: May W. HIL ,
May 10-17-24-31-June 7.
r RED EGGS for setting. Pen
Nn 1 . Hpaded bv son of sweeD-
stakes Cock and 1st Hen at Seat-
rp PYnnsition and brother to 1st
Cockerel at the last Portland
show. He has proper shape and
good rich color in all sections,
mated with a select pen of pul-
ets and hens that are splendid
winter layers. Eggs $3 per 15.
Pen No. 2. Headed by a Cock
of proven merit as a strong
hrpprlpr. mated with a Den of
good type females for general
utility. Eggs $1.50 per 15. fer
tility guaranteed. E. F. Batten.
Phone 2012-M. 9-22
ersis Ofllrt MlrtaTk 1"f ff T 1 Tt (T T CTQ
I Phone 255 L, Hood River or ad
dress E. W. Creighton, White
Salmon. 19-22p
Unite n crow d went to Lyle Sun-
tlay tm a big excursion.
Much limine I Riven otir rtmil hu-
iiervlMtir for the line condition the
different roadn are In.
Ir. MiuTuii). of Portland, wan
called Friday evening to attend MIhs
Mary Reeve, who In tpilte 111.
Mrn. Hick F.vaiiH and aon Fonvnt
went to Hood Klver Saturday to vis
it with Win. DavU and family.
Mr. Kov VanNort wick, of The
Hailed, came down Friday to vIhU
her .lHtcr-ln-law, Mrn. ('. H. Dunn-
Mr. SteelHinlth and family and
friend came up Saturday evening
from Portland and wenf out to nee
the SteelHinlth farm.
Dr. JuhiiMon and wife nnd Fred
F.vnii and wife went over Thursday
to Pee In the auto. They returned
Friday with Heveral large Hull.
MIhmcs I.nrltne and Irene Flnlier
nnd Ira Kvnn went to The Dalles
Thursday evening to lie taken Into
the mysteries of the Artisan lodge.
Mrs. M. J. Iluskey died Sunday
about noon, after an Illness of only a
few dnvs from pneumonia. At pres
ent writing funeral arrangements are
not known.
Mrs. K. J. Mlddltswnrt returned
Thursday evening from Parkdale,
where she had Ihtii visiting her son,
Bert and family. Her granddaugh
ter Rota came home with her for a
ted days' visit.
A meeting of the Commercial Club
was held Friday evening to elect a
new president. 1. 1. Hall was
...... r... I a riniinilt we was nnoolnted
to ee about wavs and means for the
erection of an exhibit booth.
(Irace U. B. Church Mews
(irace V. . Church, Sixth and Oak
Rev. J. II. Parsons, minister.
Wednesday evening Kvnngellst It
(I Sumerlus will coinluct the last
(Jimrterly Conference of the year.
Ladles Aid In the reading room Frl
day afternoon.
Sunday Is Mothers' Day anil much
effort Is lslng made to make It a
ureatdav. Music, message nnd dec
orations will le In honor of mother.
The people art' requested to bring ft
nletiire of mother or the family
group. Men and boys nre urged to
accompany mother to this service.
There w 111 Is" no evening service on
this date.
Bee Supplies It will pay you to
see or write me. if you want
anything in the line of bee sup
plies. Satisfaction guaranteed,
and you have the benefit of my
experience. Cash discount for
early orders. W. W. Dakin, 1205
7th street, Hood River, Or. 12-tfc
ror Sale Team of good farm
norses, weignt izuu pounas.
nauire of Mrs. L. W. Hill, near
Belmont planer. 18-19-p
For sale; an old horse will be sold
for a very low price if taken at
once, ftione zua-K. iy-zu-p
For Sale One saddle horse, 8
years old. Phone 160. 14 Oak
street. 19-22p
Karl Noble was a visitor at the
parental home Sunday.
A numlier of the children at Kuth-
ton are victims of the measles.
Mr. Price U Improving bis place by
filling In the yards and building an
addition to the house.
The surprise party Thursday even
ing on Mrs. H. V. USIiir was well
attended and much enjoyed by all
The Improvements made on the
Planer Hill last week will add great
ly to the safety and pleasure of the
travelling public.
J. It. Phllllpps and It. S. Cahoon
were In the I'pper Valley Sunday
looking over a piece of property re-
cently purchased by Mr. Phllllpps.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cahoon and daugh
ter Clara came up from Portland
Wednesday and called on Mr. Ca
hoon' son, P. S. Cahoon. They
were moving to Cliffs, Wash., where
they will be at home on a ranch.
Blngen has First Berries
Mr. Wesley Locke, says the Blngen
Observer, brought In on Tuesday,
the first ripe etrawlwrrles of the sea
son, and left a sample at this office.
They were raised on his place four
miles east of town, and with a day
or two sunshine the field will tie
ready for the pickers. The cool
weather of the last week has delayed
the ripening process, and the picking
Is several days later than lost year.
Domestic Science Class Entertains
The board of directors of the Hood
Itlver city schools, together with
City Superintendent Coad and Prin
cipal McLaughlin, accompanied by
their wives, were the guests Thurs
day at a luncheon given by the senior
class In the domestic science depart
ment. The school board was great
ly surprised at the culinary excellence
of the menu served.
At a largely attended meeting of
the Congregational Church meinU-rs
last Sunday the question of the site
for their new church, was finally set
tled. Since their acceptance of an
option on the Broslus property some
time ago ft strong sentiment seems
to have develojted In favor of build
ing on their present site. So strong
dll this sentiment seem to the trus
tees that they called for a secret bal
lot to determine the preference of the
people. The ballot stood seventy
five to three In favor of building on
the present location. The church
then voted unanimously Instructing
the trustees to proceed with the
building and make suitable arrange
ments by trade or purchase for a new
parsonage. Work will lie begun as
soon na plans and specifications enn
be drawn up.
The Hood Itlver Spray Company,
which has been successfully operat
ing a plant here for several years,
has made application to the city
council for a permit to build a fac
tory near the freight depot, and, If
granted, the company will build n
much larger plant.
It Is stated by members of the
company that there will be nothing
offensive about the plant, as It will
be operated at a time of year when
the wind will carry any fumes that
might be disagreeable away trom
the city. With a larger factory, the
company will enlarge the business
and make It an even more valuable
addition to the city's Industries.
The beautiful new home at Hill
crest Orchard, In the line (irove sec
tion of the valley, the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hill, was the
scene, last week, of two very enjoy
able social functions.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Hill
entertained about fifty ladles at
whist, after which a luncheon was
served. The prizes were books, the
first being won by Mrs. IMlbronner
and the second by Mrs. Brownlee.
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Hill entertained about sixty guests
at tea. After the gentlemen hud en
loved their cigars In the "den,"
twelve tables of progressive whist
were put In play. The first ladles
prize, a cut glass vase, w us won by
Mrs. Otten, and Mr. Kelr won the
cut glass and silver cigar Jar, the
first prize for gentlemen.
The table nti"l other decorations
were pink and white. In harmony
with the apple blossoms that deco
rated the rooms on both occasions.
Sweet peas of the same color were at
each plate on Friday night.
The city and valley were well rep
resented In the Ratherlng, and all
had a thoroughly good time and
n.tncrrnr nlntod Mr. and Mrs. Hill on
the success or a aeiignttui social
Tha Round Earth.
The globular form of the earth was
not discovered, but simply rediscov
ered, by the moderns. The globular
form of the earth was taught by Tbales
of Miletus as early as 640 B. C and
Pythagoras, about COO B. C, demon
strated from the varying altitudes of
the stars that the earth must be round.
Aiisarchus of Samoa maintained as
long as 280 B. C. that the earth was
globe shaped and turned on its own
xls. So far as we moderns are con
cerned the rotundity of the earth was
first proved beyond all cavil by the
great voyage of circumnavigation by
Magellan In 1522. Since that time there
has been but one side to the question
of the earth's shape.
Special Car for Presbyterian General
Assembly -
A special car for the accommoda
tion of delegates and their families
who desire to attend the General As
seuibly of the Presbyterian Church,
to be held at Atlantic City, N. J., will
be attached to Train 18 of the O-W.
It. & N. Co. leaving Portland at 10:00
a. m. May 12, 11)11. Delegates to the
convention should call on our local
agents for reservations.
Mothers' Meeting
The Valley Christian Church will
observe "Mothers' Day" Sunday
morning.' All persons are expected
to wear a white carnation which Is
to stand for purity.
There will be a special musical pro
gram and the sermon will tit the oc
cnslon. The Live Wire class will
have Its picture taken nt the end of
the services.
There will ls a young people's so
cial at the Baptist church on the
heights Friday night. May 12th. All
are cordially Invited. Bring your
Bishop Paddock Visits Upper Valley
Bishop Paddock, of Kustern Ore
gon, visited the I'pper Valley last
Sunday ami held service The Hev.
Mr. Simpson, rector of the church In
Hood Itlver, hopes to visit the l'ps-r
Valley Wbltsunduy, J une 4th.
It Is requested that all memlers.
and those Interested In or in any
way connected with the American
Fplscopnl church or the Old Church
of Knglaud, send In their names to
Mr. Simpson at their earliest oppor
tunity. Barrett School House For Sale.
Bids will be received by the clerk of
School District No. 4 until June 1st
for the old Barrett School House.
Building will be hold as a whole or
each room separately. The right is
reserved to reject any and all bids.
F. H. Mil. i. Fit,
19-22 District Clerk.
Try the Classified Column.
The project of making a park of
the ground at the bead of Math
street Is meeting with the approval of
residents in that nt'lj(hhorhood, who
have signitied their willlnKiiexs
to do the work necessary to trans
form It Into a beautiful breathing
spot. Several of the niljolning prop
erty holders have already done their
part of the work, and the city will
Improve that part covered by streets.
It Is also stated that the water
company will give free use of water
for Irrigating the grass. The Wom
an's Club, which took up the matter,
Is asking the cooperation of resi
dents and hopes that everybody will
do something toward making the
park, either by giving money or In
contributing their labor.
The most Interesting debate of the
high school series will lie held at Pen
dleton, Wednesday, May loth, when
the Hood Klver team will contest for
the championship with the team of
that city. Hood Itlver has the af
firmative side of the question and
the debaters who will represent the
lM-al Institution are Karlu SpauMIng,
lister Murphy and Forest Mis'.
Frank Dayton, aged IS months,
died at the home of tils mother on
Cascade avenue, Wednesday evening.
He was a son of Jesse Dayton, who
died a few days ago. The funeral
will be held today and burial will lie
in Idlewlld Cemetery.
Neat Job printing at News office.
Our (Great 1 0 Day Sale
Has left us with many broken lines in Dress Goods, Shoes,
Men's Shirts, Hats, Caps, Ladies' Waists, Underwear, etc., which
it is our purpose to close out completely.
For Quick Selling we will for a tew days Make Extreme Price Concessions
A few pieces of Silks in narrow
widths, selling normally for 25c, now
50 to 75c Men's Golf Shirts, choice
of about 5 dozen, now
25c to 40c Men's Underwear,
not all sizes, now
Boys' Suits, sizes 4 to 8, odd lots,
selling normally to $4.00.
Men's Pants, regular price
to $3.50 :
Men's 20c I Hose, in black,
tan and grey
25c Misses' and Children's Hose,
in tan and black
Women's Waists, normally selling rnn up
at $1.00 up UUU
And many other items too numerous to mention in this small space.
All of them will be conveniently arranged for easy
examination and choosing
All Hen's
Clothing at
New Goods Ready for Your Choosing This Week
Fancy Silks
Wash Waists in White and Colors
White Serpentine Crepe
Women's Combination Riding
and Walking Skirts
Men's Hats in Nobby Styles and Colors
New Caps tor Men, Boys and Girls
Men's Dress Shirts in New Colorings
Men's-Auto and Work Gloves
Genuine Panama Hats
Mr. Franklin V. Taylor, of The
Dalk-n, In vlwItlnK with Mrs. U-Koy
ArniMtrong nixl family for n fow
dny 8.
Mr. IeKoy ArniKtronn left Hood
Itlver for Salt Lake City laat week on
a lnixliieNR trip of about ten ( du
ration. MIhh Ignore Ailainn came up from
Portland lat Saturday to npend n
few days with her mother, Mrn. I a'
Hoy Armxtronjr-
(loo. Miller, who haa Jut had aeon
tint for lilt hoini Htead decided In hi
favor ly the lain! olllee, wan here
Sunday. Mr. Miller In now located
near l'ortlnnd.
Mr. nnd Mm. Chan. Itathlmn cele
brated the twentieth nnnlverary of
their weddltiK Saturday evening.
April 111. They were the hontu of a
mnall gathering of Intimate frlendn,
who presented them with a beauti
ful wot of china ware.
New Suede Pumps for Women Barefoot Sandals for Children
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices
Pattern Hats at
Half Trice
Dickerson-Peck, 19-20c