The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 10, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Three Bargains in Willow Flat
H flat Forty acres, unimproved, all under irriga
tion, on good county road, 30 acres first
class orchard land, Tbalance good timber.
Four Thousand Dollars.
One-half cash.
B flat Forty acres a little higher up on the scale,
above irrigation, all good -orchard land.
Ten acres partially cleard; adjoining $250
Four thousand and five hundred dollars.
One-third cash.
C flat
-Ten acres all improved; three acres of
three year old trees: balance one year ex
cept small patch of hay and berries for
Home, Sweet home use; small house and barn both
Home. new. One of the best pieces in Willow
Six thousand dollars.
Half cash.
The Hood River District Land Co.
The Ultimate Flour
Wftite toaf
Why not your next sack?
You cannot keep house without it.
Every sack guaranteed.
Popular Price.
Smith Lumber
Wholesale and
Retail Lumber,
Lath, Shingles
Etc. Lumber
delivered to
any part of the
Electrical Contractors
'Bailey S3L Colby
Harlmcss Hldg.
Vhonc 60X
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
High tirade Llectric Fixtures Up-To-Date (llassware
Westlnghouse l-lectrlc Motors Heating Apparatus, Etc.
Full.Une of Electric W iring Supplies
We Guarantee Satisfaction
The Mt. Hood Store
General Merchandise
Flour, Feed, Spray Material
Farm Implements si and w Stumping Powder
Balcksmith and Wapnmaker
25 Years Experience
Iteporta from Michigan Indicate
that there will be a hum per fruit
crop thU eeunon It no more cold
weather comen along, and thin In re
garded um extretuey Improbable be
cuutte of the lateneria of the eeatton.
The name applies to the orchards'
In Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and W1m
couttlu. Practically all the frul trees
In thin part of the country have bad
two yearn' rest and are said to have
put on quite a lot of wood and are
In Ideal condition for producing a
full crop of fruit.
Hundreds of orchards were due to
have an ample crop liiMt year, but on
account of the warm weattier bring
ing out the buds early In the seaMon,
and a blizzard coming along In May,
the crop was knocked Into a cocked
hat over nlgbt. There was nothing
for the trees to do but take another
rent, and reports coming to The
I'acker Indicate that the orchards
are In prime condition and with any
thing like an even break with lucky
weather from now on, there will le
fralt to burn In this territory.
In Mlchlgun there is an enormous
acreage of new orchards coming Into
liearlng, and well Informed fruit men
declare there are going to le some
surprises In the production of fruit In
that state this season. The best
stretch of territory. In the south
western part of the state, which was
the original fruit belt, and which has
lMen out of commission since 1906,
has now largely recovered and new
orchards have taken the places of
old oues which were killed by an
early full freeze six years ago.
(irand Junction, Col. There Is lit
tle change In the crop outlook for
the past week, unless It Is possible
that there has been some Improvement.
The ranchers are Just beginning to
determine definitely how much fruit
they have left, and as a rule they are
finding considerably more than was
estimated after the first freeze.
At Palisade there were one or two
freezes after the first bard one, but
which did no damage, and around
this section the ranchers resorted to
smudging five or six nights.
Results have demonstrated more
conclusively than ever U-fore, how
ever, that smudging Is most profit
able und successful, and that what
ever expense may belncurred Is more
than repaid, where the cold wave Is
general In extent, as was the case
with the one on the 13th. A thor
ough Investigation of the ranches In
the valley discloses that hardly a
peach can I found where the or
chard was not -heated, while on
many of the smudged orchurds there
Is a full crop. In the case of apples,
there Is a partial crop of the later
varieties, even though smudging was
not resorted to, although the Hen
Davis and Missouri I'lppln suffered
severely in many of the orchards
where the fires were not lighted.
John F. Moore, manager of the
(Jrand Junction Fruit Growers' As
sociation, has Just returned from a
trip through the Northwest. Mr.
Moore, In an Interview, stated that
the Grand Valley would have as
good a crop as any of the fruit sec
tions visited, unless It Is Hood River.
That famous apple section, he
stated, was not Injured by the recent
frost. Other fruit producing dis
tricts, however, he said, had been
greatly damaged by the freeze and
few of them would ship a full crop.
W. K. Newell, of Gaston, president
of the State Hoard of Horticulture,
who was In the city Wednesday In
vestigating fruit conditions, says
that the prospect, considering the
light bloom, Is excellent. He corrob
orates the estimates of local fruit
men and places the product of the
valley Iwtween 50 and Wl per cent of
last year's shipments. "A light blos
som prevails over all the North
west," said Mr. Newell, "but It Is no
more than we can expect after the
bumper crops of last year."
Mr. Newell thinks that all sections
are going to meet with success In
the marketing of their fruit this year,
not I hv a use of the decrease of the
crop, but on account of the progress
made In methods.
Good Crop Prospects In Idaho
There Is a heavy bloom on the ap
ple trees In Southern Idaho, and a
iarge crop Is certain unless that dls
trlct Is visited by further frost. Other
varieties of fruit appear to have suf
fered very little. Prunes appear to
have leen hurt worse than any other
variety, and the damage to the
prunes Is as yet undetermined, but
In any event It does not seem to Is
very large. The growers are ex
pecting a large crop of apples.
Charles M. Simmons, of the apple
distributing firm of Simmons, Sliut
tleworth & Co., Liverpool, Knglaud,
In discussing the American apple
trade In Kngland, says:
"Theconsumptlon of apples In Kng
land Is, from the natural cause of a
growing population, Increasing year
ly. The people of the United King
dom are well known to I great fruit
eaters, being especially addicted to
apples, and the chief fruits consumed
In England are apples and oranges.
"The demand for exportatlons of
apples from America Is naturally
governed by the crops, not only In
England, but also on the continent
of Europe; and In the event of any
shortage on the European side of the
Atluntlc, It has to tie made up by
shipments from America. This year
there was undoubtedly a very poor
crop of apples throughout Great Bri
tain and the apple growing section
of the continent. In addition to this
Canada and Nova Scotia had only
about one-third of their usual yield.
So that the benefit accrued to the
shipments from the I'ntted States,
and particularly from the Western
States, which were happily blessed
with abnormal quantities.
"Business generally In England has
not been very brisk, and the political
and financial conditions have not
been such as 'to give It an Impetus.
Had these been more favorable, the
realization, however good they may
have been, would have shown up cor
respondingly better.
"Again touchtng on England's
sources of supply other than the
western States and Canada, It
might be mentioned that Europe
grows more apples, but these are
generally consumed for the most part
In the various Continental countries.
England also In a normal season Is a
very large producer of apples. The
bulk, however, constats of Fall fruit,
and Is cleared off the market Ix-fore
American shipments arrive.
"It may Interest some to learn that
Ireland Is rapidly becoming an Im
portant center for apples, and par
ticularly winter fruit."
To educate the younger generation
to the Importance of forest protec
tion and also enlist Its aid In bring
ing the subject before the parents, a
striking Illustrated leaflet on the for
est fire evil Is being placet! In the
hands of almost every school child
on the Pacific Coast by the Western
Forestry & Conservation Association.
Probably no single piece of printed
matter already made for the distri
bution of .'ft),!) In Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho and Moutann.
The project hus the endorsement
of the state authorities, who are co-oM-ratlng
In Its distribution lxfore
the state spring school term clown.
On one cover the leaflet has a colored
picture of a settler's home being de
stroyed by flames, on the other a
forest scene where fire has not in
curred. The text constats of questions and
answers concerning need and meth
ods of saving life and property from
foivHt fire destruction.
Wenatchee Says No Damage
Generally speaking, the Wenatchee
valley Is In fine shape for a fruit crop
I ec nil ne the blossoming period had
not been reached when the cold
weather struck several days ago.
Peaches, apricots and apples are said
to have been unhurt throughout the
valley and only a few orchards on
lowlands are said to have felt the ef
fect In the slightest and then only In
U'lng set back.
From present Indications there will
be the heaviest cherry crop In the
valley ever grown, notwithstanding
a few scattering orchards show some
effect from frost, but the effect Is
hardly enough to thin the buds In
the few orchards that show any ef
fect. Growers In the valley are look
ing forward to fine returns for their
fruits this season as It Is now prac
tically assured there will be a big
Chicago Apple Market
It Is believed that within two
weeks the stock of barrel apples
will be about cleaned up. One of
the largest holders of eastern fruit
told The Packer man last week that
his firm had less than 1,000 barrels
and could sell out In a few days If
they cared to put the stock up for
sale. Baldwins are ruling strong
around f(l In a Jobbing way. An
other house worked 3 or 4 cars of
Bald wins through their store In one
day this week, There Is a strong
buying demand even at the advanced
prices. Box apples are also getting
down low and holders declare there
are not more than enough left here
for the local trade. One of the larg
est handlers of this fruit here Is quot
ing from 13 to L'.'ic higher prices this
week than last. Wlnesaps and Ben
Davis seem to hold the center of the
stage at present.
Apple Bloom Light In Rogue River
In Southern Oregon, not a great
deal of damage was done by frost,
on necount of the smudge work done
by the growers. Most of the larger
growers smudged their orchards,
and there has leen practically no
loss In the orchards so treated. How
ever, the apple bloom In Southern
Oregon has been disappointingly
light. There was a heavy showing
of buds but It appears that many of
these buds were leaf buds rather
than fruit buds, and It Is expected
that the apple crop will ls compara
tlvely light. Pears will le a heavy
crop In Southern Oregon.
Closing Box Apple Prices
In the New York market last week
closing prices for box apples range
as follows:
Wlnesaps, SJ.7.1 to f:l; Roman
Beauties. $J !'." to '.' ".; Newtown
Pippins, 4s 1 ." to f2.7."; SpltzenWrgs,
1 75 to .VI; Ben Davis, $1.75 to
f-'.i.", and Ganos, $2 to $2..0 per box.
From All Pointi on
Oregon -Washington Railroad
& Navigation Company
Chicago $72.60
Council Bluffs... I
Kansas City 60.00
St. Joseph I
St. Paul J
St Paul, via Council Bluffs.. 63.00
Minneapolis, direct 60.00
Minneapolis, via CI Bluffs.. 63.00
St. Louis 70.00
May 18. 17. 18. 19. 22, 23, 24. 25. 27, 28 and 29.
June 5, 7. 9. 10. 12. 16. 17. 21. 22. 28. 29 and 30.
July 1. 1 S. 4. 6. . 19. 20. 26, 27 and 28.
Auiaat 8. 1 S. 14. 15. 16. 17. 21, 22, 22. 28. 29 and 30.
September 1, 2. 4. 6, 6 and 7.
Stop-overa within limit in either direction.
Final return limit October 31st.
One way through California 115.00 additional.
Inquire of any O-W. R. & N. Agent
for More Complete Information
General Passenger Agent
The W. d Aldred Co.
Crushed Rock
and Gravel
Water Works on the Farm
Tea, that's Just what we mean real watrr works: running watrr In the kitchen, the bathroom,
the laundry, the barn in (art, all orer the place. And It's all done by that tank you sea la to
bto leit nana corner oi tnif picture tne Leaner Bytcm. It s vastly ainrrcnt
from the old-fashioned elevated tank which worked by gravity. For the .
Leader Water Supply System is operated by comprtuti air reliable, aafe
and cleanly. Your windmill pumps grater Into the tank (which is already
full of air). The air, being elastic, is compressed Into upper part of the
tank, and forces the water out through the pipes.
This gives you a pressure, so thkt a powerful stream of water la on
tap at every fsucet. Do matter where it is located. And this means aio
iut Jlrr-froitction, for the pressure is mlwayt and alwaya ready.
Now, the old style gravity tanks were cither put ia the attic or ait
mated on high tower out of doors.
IS Ut former case, their weight when full, cracked the plastering; or
they overflowed or leaked, flooding the rooms below.
Ia the case of the outside tanks, the water often
froze solid la winter, necessitating expensive plumb.
lag bills ; or It became not and stagnant during
lac summer and uant lor use. The
Leader Water
Supply System
avoids all this, because the air-tight tank ia
either in the basement or buried under
ground below the frost line. Every outfit
la complete, with full directions, and ia
easily installed. The Leader System needs
do repairs, is suited to small buildings or
large, and ia moderate ia price
Let us send you our free baoklet. "How
I Solved the Water Supply Problem," the
story of a man who successfully equipped
his country home with modern water
Write for ft today, before you forget
lient & Garrabrant
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spaulding's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River,
0-W. R, & N, COMPANY
No. 9. Fast Hail (no passengers) 4:50 A. M.
No. S. Portland Flyer 6:10 "
No. 7. Portland Local 7:45 "
No. 6. Qretron A Washington Express 8:50 "
No. 1L Soo-Spokane-Portland 9:28 "
No. 1. Portland Local &2S P. M
No. 17. Chicago Limited o;5 "
No. 2. Pendleton Local 10:30 A. M.
No. 18. Oregon and Wash. Limited 11:53 "
No. 8. The Dalles Local 620 P. M.
No. 10. Fast Mail, no passenger. 825 "
No. 6. Oregon A Washington Expression "
No. 12. Soo-Spokane-Portland 10:55 "
No. 4. Walla Walla Tassenger 12:55 "
Trains number 3, 5. 11 and 17 make no stops be
tween Hood River and Portland. Passengers for
local points must take trains 7 and 1.
Train 4. 12 and 18 atopa only at The Dalles, Arl
ington. Umatilla and Pendleton. Passengers for
points between Hood River and Pendleton muat
take trains No. 2. 6 snd 8.
For further information inquire at ticket office
J. H. FREDRICY, Agent.
20 Acres
Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River
Apple Land In the Famous
Oak Grove District
Ten miles out in the southwest part of the Hood
Kiver Valley, Hood River. Oregon.
The tract is partly improved
with 5 acres in young com
mercial orchard, has fairly
good house, barns, etc., and
a fine spring well which is
capable of being developed
sufficiently to irrigate 40 or
more acres. This tract is
in the best apple section in
the valley composed of all red
shot soil. The surrounding
country is being rapidly de
veloped and growing into big
I RANK E. rORSmiRO, Owner
Hood River, Oregon
r 11
II vv
fr r .rr;
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Off loo, Mo. 9 Oak Stroat, Phono 26 or2002K. Hood RJvof
Ufe ParKdale Hotel
ITlcclem in Gery Respect
ecated in tfta Heart cf tfta Upper Vatfey
Rooms 50c and $1 Meals 35 Cents Rates by the Week
J. M. CLARK, Proprietor
Real Estate And Insurance
Next to Mt. Hood Hotel
Unimproved Farms a Specialty
Office phone 45-L, Residence 345-K
White River Flour
It Is Unbleached
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters
Phone Main 6
Mood River, Oregon
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
nrgTYTV. a v v .y v v vyr'vi www vrr ir
Express and B acq age
Furniture and Vianos Mo-Vcd
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Offke Phone 2
Residence 2JK