The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 10, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Copyright Hut Sc&ttfiier a Mara
how very
the regular sack suit
can look when it's
made by such style
creators as
You may prefer it to
some of the so-called
livelier shies; notice
the smart lapel, and
the drape of the coat.
We'll fit you I ke
Suits-- $18.00 Up
Overcoats 16.50 Up
This store is the
home of
Hart, Schaffner &
Man Clothes
nERE is a lot of Men's
Suits in cassimeres,
worsteds and mix
tures, mostly small sizes (31,
33, 34 and 35 chest measure),
but there are a few in sizes
40 and 42.
$ 7.00 Suits now $ 2.98
12.50 and 17.50 Suits 4.63
10.00 Suit now 5 80
14.00 Suit now 7.00
18.00 Suit, all wool . 13.98
20.00 Suit, all wool . 14.78
20.00 Checked All-Wool Suits 12.00
Waists in Lawns, Linens
and Silks
$1.75 Waists now $ .87
1.25 Waists now 67
1.50 Waists now 75
2.30 Waists now 1.15
2.50 Waists now 1.25
4.00 Waists now 2.00
6.00 Waists now 3.00
'1TH new kimona and
J sleeve, made of fine
lawn in Bulgarian
ellects, with low and high
necks. Also nice Linen Waists
with embroidered cuffs and
collars. This is a splendid
assortment, all new CI in
stock Your choice OMU
Sleeveless, square neck, tap
ed neck and armholes, c
each 3u
Sleeveless, bleached, Riche
lieu ribbed, square low cut
neck, armholes and neck
trimmed with J inch lace in
and silken taped, each.Jwu
We have a most complete
line of Ladies' and Misses'
Summer Underwear in all
grades from 10c up to Co cn
all pure silk, each.--0.ti3U
O convince every lover
of Art Needle Work
Grand Prize Embroidery
is the best, we will sell
A Tinted Pillow Top
With Back
For lc
Simply buy six skeins of
Richardson s Grand Prize
Embroidery Silk and Dia
gram Lesson Sheet at our
Art Department and get
choice of various designs in
Pillow Tops with Back for
lc Each
We have the largest and best assort
ment of the newest lasts and styles
From $1.00 a Pair Up
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes and Ox
fords, values up to $4.00, CI cn
Your choice ...0li3U
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slip
pers, values up to $2.00, not all sizes
but biggest of bargains, 7 C n
the pair ' JU
Some Splendid Values in
Drummers Sample Shoes
For Men, in sizes 6, 6, 7, 1 and
8, in both Work and Dress Shoes
- TIMI IE PA01R9 9fie Store 5fiat Saves 2jou IKoney
An Important land Rale In the I'.el
mont district took place Monday,
lien the J. L. Hendernon Company,
I lis , sold 13 acre of Frof. L. F. Heu
dt'ron"n fine orchard lor $1S,(XN).
The orchard which Ib Kltuated on
the Falrvlew road has 12 acres In
Ix-arinjr and is In perfect condition.
The purchaser was V. Fort Jackson
a yoiintj Englishman wha has been
connected with business Interests lu
San Francisco, aud who is a gradu
ate of Oxford college.
Mr. Jackson bought theorchard as
a home place and will come to Hood
I liver with his futully In June to live.
As soon ns possible he will erect a
'residence on part of the tract which
Is unimproved.
(Continued From Pure 1)
boro orchard Company, which Is
setting out 100 acres. Adjoining
tills tract is an orchard of A. IJ. Bil
lings, (jravensteln trees brought
returns to their owner last year and
tlie local Apple Growers' L'nlon se
cured an f o. b. price of 1 .30 per bos
fur them.
'( f the 2K) acres now under culti
vation about 0 er cent has In-en set
to orchard. 1 1 is est Imated that this
tort Ion has 23,M acres of land wait
ing to Ik- developed, which shows
the possibilities of the country when
all the available land has been put
out lu cultivation. Of course the
Mood lllver strawberry thrives, and
owing to the ease of Irrigation, a
surprisingly large proportion of the
crop of the whole valley Is now ship
ped from I'arkdale. Nearly all of the
young orchards contain from one to
ten acres of stra wlerrles set letween
the tree rows, yielding a most accep
ts tile Income during t lie early stages
of the orchard.
"There Is probably no section any
where In which the water for irriga
tion, used on the hay aud Is-rrles, Is
to be had for less money. The first
ditch was put In by a few of the pio-in-ers
about 13 years aifo, und with
t he original stock subscription of $1
an Inch for 'X) inches an assessment
was not necessary until four years
"One of the most unique features
of the uptsT valley region Is the dif
ference In the characteristics of Its In
habitants. Among the original
homesteaders Is a small colony of
French people. Their hospitality
adils pleasure to the passing traveler.
He can Imagine himself In the land of
the Swiss chalet as hs drinks the rich
fresh milk offered by a neat hostess
or tastes the home vintage, sitting In
the shadow of the snow s-ak and lis
tening to nn Interesting story told In
an Oregon-French patois.
"The Interest of the guest Is aroused
when the host appear with an ap
petizing product of culinary art and
upon comment he remarks very mod
estly and yet with much pride that
he Is a professional waiter. More
tlwtuadoxen heads of these French
lamllesss-iid the Winters in the coast
liles, where their excellent service Is
well known by those who dine at the
larger hotel. They garner In a bar
t est of tip to expend on the Improve
ment of their ranched on which they
w irk themselves during the Summer,
l.oiila Mi, the first of the Frenchmen
to nettle In the region, t their leader,
lie Is u very dlgulfled personage sod
spends his Winters In Seattle, cater
ing to the wants of the hungry.
"More than a score of young Eas
tern college men have recently built
bungalow homes In the region.
Yale, Harvard, Cornell and other of
the larger Institutions are represent
ed. "Of the college graduates partici
pating, Clarence MacGuffey, a Yale
man, Is the son of the author of the
primary school readers, as well
known to older Americans as the fa
mous 'Blue Hack Speller.' A number
of this coterie are prominent socially
lu eastern circles. Everett llrown,
formerly a niemlnr of the famous
New Y'ork St. Nicholas Hockey
Team,' Is now more stalwart than
ever, enjoying a bachelor freedom on
his ranch and becoming an adept
Mrs. Walter Kose will appear In
Dramatic Recital at Pine Grove Hall
Friday evening. May 12. Mrs. Hose
Is a reader of marked ability. The
program to be given Friday eveulng
Is quite different from most drama
tic recitals, as each numter Is a short
drama within Itself, and Is acted out
by one character In costume with
stage setting.
One of the best numbers on the
program will lie "Sissy Hawkins".
Sissy Is a a country girl who Is sent
to the near neighbor's to "borrow"
While making this neighborly call
"Sissy" exhibits her ability to dance
a Jig. The whole numtier Is full of
humor from beginning to end. An
other good number will lie "Miss
Cu mining's Coming Out."
Watch for the posters.
Music will l.e a part of the even
ing's entertainment
Frlces 23c and I3c.
Believing that they are not receiv
ing proper attention from the city
council, residents of the heights pre
sented a petition to the council Mon
day night, asking for the appoint
ment of a night marshal for that
district. A. C. Staten appeared as
spokesman for the hill jieople, and.
In addition to asking for the ap
pointment of a marshal, asked for
street lights and crosswalks. Mr.
Staten said that on account of their
being no marshal, windows had been
broken in one of the stores ami dis
order prevailed.
As a proper man for marshal, Mr.
Staten offered the name of J. H. Gill.
The matter of a marshal was re
ferred to the police committee. In
regard to the lights, It was stated
that the light company had refused
to Install any more lights at present
without a thirty year contract with
the city, and this, the committee
said. It refused to do. The cross
walk matter was referred to the
street committee.
A communication was received
from T. I). Tweedy, objecting to
having 12th street oiled, but saying
that he would be willing to pay for
any kind of permanent paving.
Wnen the ordinances cuuie up, later,
for oiling 12th and State streets, they
wer referreil to the street committee
for amendment.
A sweeping order In regard to lire
escapes was passed. The order pro
vides for exits and tire escapes at
the Monroe Theatre, Odd Fellows
hall. K. of I, hall, Masonic hall, the
Hellbronner building and Artisan
hall, and gives the marshal authori
ty to hive the Instructions of the
council carried out. It was recom
mended, also, that several buildings
on the hill be Investigated, for the
purpose of providing them with lire
The Waueoma park project, which
was brought up, and is being asked
for by the Woman's Club, occasioned
some discussion. S. Copple, who ad
dressed the council, suggested that
the ground lie cleared and grubbed
this summer and left until fall before
It was seeded. N C. Evans spoke
against doing anything with the
park this summer. It was stated
that, with a short water
would not be possible to make a suc
cess of growing grass In It until the
fall rains. Mr. Copple said that the
people around the park were willing
to clean up the space In It, but
thought the city ought to take care
of the stroets, and jwiti that some of
the work had already been done by
the property holders fronting on the
park. On motion, the matter was
referred to the street committee for
Several ordinances making sewer
assessment allotments were passed,
and the street committee was In
structed to have sldewnlks that had
been ordered some time ago, laid In
various districts.
Frank Grant, Portland's city at
torney, acting as attorney for the
Iuvestors Security Company of Des
Moines, Iowa, who submitted a bid
for the water bonds, addressed the
council. Mr. Grant stated that the
company would like to have their
bid reconsidered In case the I'len
Company, to whom the bonds were
awarded, refused to accept them.
He said he understood the council
bad turned down the bid of the In
vestors Security Company on ac
count of the fact that their attorney.
Judge Wood, had refused to accept
any Oregon bonds. Mr. Grant stated
that If Judge Wood refused to ac
cept the bonds, the company would
submit them to two other prominent
firms, and he thought there would
tie no difficulty In having them no
cepted. No action was taken, (lend
ing word from I'len & Co., but the
city recorder was instructed to com
municate with Mr. Grant In case
they were refused by that tirui.
Wanted To buy a good milk cow
at reasonable price. C. W.
Parker, It. D. No. 3, Hood River.
To-day and every day, let us
With the correct DRUGS of
greatest power, a moderate
equipment, and long training
we surely can and do give the
best results in Prescription
Compounding always.
Chas. N. Clarke
Hood River
Kitchen Queen Patent Flour, Guaranteed, $1.25 Sack; $4.90 Barrel
Rinkels Cocoa, half pound tin
Walter Baker's Cocoa, half pound tins
- - 25c ?
Walter Baker's Premium Chocolate, per pound 40c .
Ghiradellis Ground Chocoalate, 1 pound tin 30c
Ghiradellis Ground Chocolte, 3 pound tin 80c
Best Corn Starch, 4 packages 25C
Best Gloss Starch, 4 packages 25c
Kingsford's Corn Starch, per package IOC
Kingsford's Gloss Starch, per package 10c
Kingsford's Gloss Starch, 6 pound box ..60c
Tea Garden Syrup, gallon jacket $2.10
Tea Garden Syrup, 1 gallon tin ...85c
Tea Garden syrup, half gallon tin.... : 45c
Old Time Sugar Syrup, 2 gallon jacket $2.25
Westmorland Blended Maple Syrup, per gallon $1.35
Westmorland Blended Maple Syrup, per half gallon 75c
Trade with us and your Dollar will buy more Our Terms arc CASH to All
u &
JvOv Round Trip Fares
Mav 16 tol!)
22 to 25,
27 to 21),
June 5. 7. 9. 10. 12. 16. 17. 21. 22
28, 29. 30.
July 1 to 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28.
Auirust 3. 4. 5. 14 to 17. 21 to 23
28 to 30.
September 1, 2, 4 to 7.
St. Paul, Minneapolis. Kansas
Citv, Omaha, Duluth, Winnipeg
Chicago, Milwaukee-$72.50.
St. Louis-$70.00.
New York, Philadelphia
Washington, Baltimore
- $107.50.
Roston $110.00.
Denver, Colorado Spring3
May 12, 13 Minneapolis, St. Paul $60
A variety of routes going and
rt.urninir is mien for fwWtion
Pntnm li'rviif rW-.l mi. 91 of Ct,r.
tion. ,
E. A. GIBERT, AKent.
White Salmon, Washington
W. R. COM AN. Uenml Freight A rwnm Agt
mrs.G D.VViffiins
Pdcne 301-X
Hay, Oats, Rolled Barley
Bran, Shorts, Straw
Fourth St. Bet. Oak and State. Phone 227-M
Phone S4&-X
2nd and State
H A Rulnuj Plrvrtorr of Mrh Cltjr. I
B Tow n anil YIIImk in OifKua and I
B unhlntclon, ing m lecrlllv B
Q ftkftrh of Mi'tt plnr. l.Mitttoi,. B
B Mi.pln Knrilillr and CImmI- B
B tiri liiwtirr uf each Hu B
B aunt I'rufrw avion. B
I R. L. CO., Ine. I
Meutlle, ttanh. M
Legal Papers carefully drawn.
Money loaned on First Mortgages
Fire Insurance In best Companies.
Surety Bonds of all kinds.
Stenography and Typewriting.
Business promptly attended to.
K6 Oak Street
Hood Hirer
ttfeunt Kood Railroad
Time Table No. 10. Effective A.x.l I7ih HOI A M
A M ISJ - o aa
8.00 Hood Hiver 3.10
o fkr 1 ) n.f-
o.uij ruweruaie tj.u;
8.15 Switchback 2.55
8.35 Van Horn 2.30
8.40 Mohrs 2.25
8.55 Odell 2.15
9.10 Summit 205
9.20 P.loucher 2.00
9.40 Winans 1.50
9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 1.45
10.15 Lv. Dee Ar. 1.25
10.25 Troutcreek 1.20
1A tti IT 1 1L -I ivr
iu.iu v i.u;
10.50 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.00
Sunday, north bound train will run tmtt twiura ).
abovt Khcduk, kaving Ptrkdak ) p. m.
A. WILSON. Agent.
)' v tk vir vy yr yjr.y
OppojIU (hi Post Offlci
Hume Phone 20
Snraii and
Garden Hose
Copy for iidvcrtlHt'inentu iniiHt Ixt
In tlm office tiy Monday noon.