HOOD RIVER NEWS Advertisers Get 'Results Highest Grade Job Vrinting VOLUME 7, NUMBER 18 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR TK Improvements to City Kept Council and Citizens Join in Improving Streets, Constructing Sewers and Planning More Beauti ful City-State and 12th Streets to Be" Oiled and Dressed --Sewers and Park Planned. Trogn'sslve Improvements were again the keynote 1 ( t lie illy coun i'II'm regular meeting Monday night, with tin apparent 1 m il iifi (Ion nn the pnt ot the citizens to ultl In the "work. In line with tlilH, ordinances were brought In providing for the oiling, top dressing ami rolling of lioth Stitte and 12th street, the eoHt to lie assessed to the itliuttlng proerty holders. Plana for a Hewer In dls- trlct No. 8, on the lilll. were outlined, find also one for Columbia street, ex tending from Kith toward the city line. The street committee wan In- Htructed to InveHtlgate the feaHltilllty of putting In cement crosswaks on State street at Fifth and Sixth. The Woman's Club, which never loses an opportunity to start a pro gresslve movement to lieautlfy the city, received the support of the council In a request to make the ground at the head of Ninth street Into a city park, and the street com mlttee wan authorized to confer with a committee from the club, with this end In view. A remonstrance was received from Horace Dletx. M. U. Sharp anil Frank 1'arker ngalnst paying their assess ment for Improvements on State street, their coinmunlcat Ions stating that the contractor, W. U. Aldred, IN SAVING BUNDLE OLD MAN IS KILLED l!y refusing to take chances on los ing a small bundle of personal be longings, n man who' name Is sup- IhiwiI to Im llato Sengulnette, an Italian, lost his life Sunday morning 011 the (). W. It. & N. track three miles east of Hood Klver. Sengulnette, who was on a trestle when a westbound freight train came In sight, stepped down off the track onto one of the stringers. In doing so he left his bundle on the track, and In reaching over to get It was struck In the lie-id by the pilot of the engine. His body fell 40 feet to the ground and when lie was picked up by the train crew he was dead. The body wns brought to Hood Klver In charge of Coroner Edging ton, who made an Investigation. l'aTs were found showing that he owned property In IxwU county, Wash., but only eight cents In money, A cheap watch was found which had stopped at about the time he was killed. A coroner's Jury empanelled ex onerated the railroad company from responsibility for the accident. The dead man was Identified as having lieen here Saturday looking for work, and wns apparently about fio years old. He Is said to have Im-cii quite feeble. Efforts are being made to locate Ills relatives or friends nt Wlnlock, Wash., when he Is supposed to have property. MORRISON RESIDENCE DESTROYED BY FIRE In a high wind Wednesday nfter noon the residence of Jack Morrison caught on tire and wns totally do stroyed. Although the llremeii n--sponded promptly, the fire had made disastrous progress la-fun' they nached the building, and, as there were no hydrants In the vicinity, and very poor' water pressure, nothing. could be done to save the burning residence. The efforts of the llremati were directed toward saving the adjoining buildings, which wns accomplished after a short but hard light. It Is slated that the first Intima tion that Mr. Morrison and his wife, who were in the house, had that It was on lire was when they heard the crackling of the Haines. The origin of the fin Is said to have been a de fective Hue. With the exception of a stove and oneorlwo other articles, the furni ture and other contents of the build ing were saved. Mr. Morrison had Just completed about I00 worth of Improvement on the property and estimates his loss at $.MW, about one-fourth of which ! covend by Incuninoe. On the Move had failed to comply with the re quirements of the specllicat ions III regard to gutters and other matters. The communications were referred to the street committee for investiga tion. The fire and water committee. which has lieen Investigating the safety of buildings In the event of fire, stated that the matter was a serious one and asked that the utreet committee be added to assist In the work. The request was granted. A discussion In regard to the boundary of State street, which has never lieen dedicated to the city from East Second to the Hood Klver bridge, was settled by the announce ment of Councilman Early that the (Continued on I'ajre lo) OFFICERS CONFISCATE BIG CACHE SALMON Seven tons of Illegally caught salmon were confiscated Wednesday by s. I,. Kathlnin, deputy state lish commissioner, In a refrigerator cache neatly coustructsd In a cave in the mountains along the Columbia Klver liet ween Cascade Locks nud Itonne vllle, anil supplied with Ice intended to maintain them fresh until the opening of the season Monday. The confiscation was taking place Just as the County Judge Culbertson and Commissioners Khoades and Me Curdy were following out the lines of the old county road In the west end of the county with a view to having It n-constructed and they were Invited b; the fish warden 'to view the find. The unlawfully caught fish were taken to Cortland and distributed among the various charitable Insti tutions there. A number of nets were also secured by the officers and the state police boats Patrol and Traveler are lielng used by the offi cers In their efforts to apprehend the guilty ones. The same day a big seine was picked up near The Hallos. It was so heavy with Imprisoned fish that It could hardly lie raised from the water. Individual fishermen It is claimed have boon out nearly every night and a large number of fish have boon caught out of season. BUSINESS MEN PLAN CELEBRATION JULY 4TH At the meeting of the Business Men's Association held Tuesday night, the good of the order was dis cussed and the nicmliers listened to a papVr prepared for the occasion lij I). McDonald. The association Is planning to haven Fourth of July celebration. D. McDonald, J. W. Perlgo and Carl II. Vaughan have lieen appointed as a committee to confer with tin mer chants and discuss the matter with the Commercial Club. The celebra tion Is to be strictly sane, all forms of fireworks being prohibited by city ordinance. News Snapshots Of the Week ; Jp? Mrs. William O. Story. David 1. Hill baa resigned ns ambassador to Germany, the resignation taking effect July 1. The choir and memorial chapels of St. .lohr the Plvlne, In New Tork, which when completed will lie the fourth Inrgewt cathedral In the world, were con sw rated. Tb ffciventh Nw York regiment's sur TItot celebrated th fiftieth anniversary of their boIub to war la 1SG1 with a itrect parade and a dinner. INDICATIONS GOOD FOR FRUIT CROP Bumper Crop of Apples of Last Year Will Not Be Reached, But Yield Will Be Nor mal for Off Year Strawberries Estimat ed for Good Yield, Cherries Light and Peaches Will Cut Little Figure Pear Crop Gives Evidence of Large Yield Little Damage From Frost. The blossoming period during the past week" has given growers and frultmeii an opportunity to estimate on the prospects of this year's fruit crops ami Indications now point to about a normal yield for the off year. Small fruits have lieen hurt a little by frost but no damage has lieen done to apples. The small peach crop at Hood Klver, however, was about exterminated by the cold nights of two weeks ago. Information obtained by the Da vidson Fruit Company and by the Apple Growers' I'nioii giveabout the same estimates for this year's crops although the former places it a little higher. H. F. Davidson who has been over the valley pretty carefully, says: "1 look for about 0 per cent of the crop of apples shipped from here last year. Statements that we would have as many apples this year as last can not be borne out In an ex amination of the orchards. In most all cases theold trees tha tbore heavy last year show exceedingly light promise so far this year. On the other hand I have noticed that In a number of orchards the young trees will liear a year earlier than they did last and also that a lot of young trees that had a good crop ou In 11110 show promise of a very heavy yield this season. "I believe strawberries will show a bigger crop this year than last when SPROAT ELECTED MANAGER AGAIN The reorganization of the manage ment of the Hood Klver Apple Grow ers' I'lilon was fully completed Sat urday, when C. H. Sproat was unanimously elected manager for the season of I'll 1-11(12. The board of directors adopted a new plan In vot ing on matters that will come before It In future, the vote of each member now lielng by roll call, and recorded. A full board was 'present Saturday and Mr. Sproat received the full vote and n substantial increase In salary. At a recent meeting of the direct ors,!. W. McCurdy was re-elected president and Mr. Sproat again chosen as secretary for the ensuing year. K. II. Shepard was eltvted vice-president and treasurer. At the meeting Saturday the board took up the matter of emit lug a sales de partment and force for handling the 11(11 crop The matter Is receiving the careful attention of the directors, but as yet no definite action has been taken. EVENTS OF WORLD WIDE INTEREST PICTURED FOR BUSY READERS The denth of Severn I citizens of 1 ouglusi, Arb... ns the result of wounds received while w.itehliiff the buttle Ntweeii the Mole:ii ntsln and federal at Agun Prletn oh used Governor Sloan to ask the president for protection. Fire Chief Croker of New York baa resigned to open a bureau of flre prevention thmtigh which he hope to n-diiee the enormous iinnu.ll tire losses in the l ulled Ftnte. Mm. Matthew T. Scott wna re-elected pnnidctit of the Iailghlera of the Anicrtctiii Kovolutlon, defeating her opponent. about 73 cars were shipped from Hood Klver. The plants are looking fine now. Cherries will be a very light crop. Teaches were hit by frost and the- crop here, which cuts but little figure, will be even lighter than usual. Tears however show up exceedingly well and there should be a much larger yield than last year. "Frost did no damage to apples. The falling off In the crop Is simply due to the normal procession of crops, a light one following a big one. I estimate that 1200 cars of all kinds of fruit was shipped from here lust year, 1,000 cars of apples, 200 of other fruits. Koughly estimating, I look for about tJO per cent of this ship ment on all fruits to lie the yield here this season." C. H. Sproat manager of the Apple Growers' Fnlon, makes a little dif ferent basis of estimate. Mr. Sproat says: "My lnformatoln so far leads me to believe that Hood Klver will (.hip this year about 50 per cent of a nor mal crop of apples, that Is taking the crop from year to year. Some trees have an extraordinary large yield promised while others are very light. The big yHd. however, Is on youx,; trees with few exceptions. Of course there will be more or chards coming Into bearing, but I do not think that this will much more than offset the light yield on old orchards. This is only a rough An article recently published in the Frultman's Guide, and which was also printed by the News in Its last Issue, purporting to come from' Hood Klver, was discussed. Several mem bers of the board had been credited with writing It. The entire board repudiated the Intimation, stating that they knew nothing of It until they saw it In print. An expression of the board was to the effect that It was opposeil to anything of tills nature and that It hoped en tin1 har mony would prevail among members of the union, in order to get the liest results. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE SHOWS INCREASED RECEIPTS The business of the County Clerk's oflice shows a decided Increase for the month of April, lull, over that of last year, both In the number of Instruments recorded and In fees. The receipts from miscellaneous sources shows the largest Increase having been more than for April 1010. The Increase lu the miscellan eous receipts docs not Include the money from fishing and hunting 11 censes. and early estimate however and It will be possible to tell more definite ly In a week or two. "The Htrawberry crop, as fur as I can see, should lie less this year than last. I lielleve the acreage Is smaller, particularly In the Oak Grove dls tslct, where the orchard business has been gone Into moie extensively and growers have grubbed out the plants. From so to S3 per cent of the amount of berries shipped last year Is what I look for. The early berry blossoms were a little touched by the frost, and this, I believe, will cut down the crop some. Cherries will lie very light, and peaches al most no crop commercially. I look for a cherry crop of 40 to 30 per cent. "The strawberry crop I estimate to be ten days later than last year, when It was the earliest In the his tory of the business. The first car of berries was shipped out last year on the 17th of May. There Is no prospect of such an early shipment this season. Indications point to berries of good quality, although some gooil rains would help along the crop wonderfully." The board of directors of the union has n'duced ths price of handling strawberries to 10 cents per crate from 1l"4 cents. The directors have also decided to make a reduction, for union stockholders. In the price of arsenate or lead, selling It for 10 cents per pound, where 100-iiound kegs are taken, and giving a discount of 3 per cent on cash orders. . 1 AGITATE NEW PASTOR FOR ASBURY CHURCH Considerable stir In church circles Is being caused at Hood Klver, ac cording to the Portland Journal, by an effort that is being made by sev eral prominent members of Asbury Methodlst church to secure the serv ices of Kev. E. L. House, formerly pastor of the First Congregational church of Tortland, Oregon, now pastor of a large and wealthy Con gregational church nt Spokane. Dr. House owns a fruit farm In the Hood Klver Valley, anil it Is understood several of the Influential memliers of the Methodist church are making a hard effort to locate the Spokane pastor In this city. The annual con ference of t he Methodist church con venes In SeptenilsT, nt which time changes are regularly made in the several pastorates. It Is also stated that Kev. ICO. McOinbor. the present pastor, lias many supporters and that a petition which has been circulated to secure the retention of his services here has been signed by a large percentage of the members of the church. Liverpool Fruitman Talks on English Market Walter J. Bellis, President Liverpool Fruit flerchants Association, Visits Hood River and Gives News Interesting lnterview--Says Hood River Newtown Is Supreme and Wants Shipments. Walter J. Ileitis, a large fruit hand ler, member of the firm of Kellls & Miik, and prominent resident of Liverpool, Kuglnnd, was here Thurs day. Mr. Ileitis was accompanied by W. S. Chautrell also of Liverpool, who Is making a tour of America for pleasure. Itotb gentlemen are members of the Town Council of Wallasey, a new borough across the river from Llveprool, and Mr. Ilellls Is also Justice of the peace for his district. A third member of the par ty was F. O. Hlghn an extensive apple grower, whose holdings are located at Santa Cruz, Calif. For several years T.ellis & Meek have purchased the entire crop grown by Mr. Hlghn, which Is of the Yellow Xewtown variety and have made a WHITE RIVER POWER F0RJ00D RIVER The White Klver Tower plant, which supplies electric power and light to both The Dalles and Dufur, over a transmission 'line 3. miles lu length, and which Is shortly to be connected with the Hood Klver plant. Is located at the falls of the White river south and a little east of The Dalles, and two miles above the White's confluence with the lies chutes river. The river where the plant Is located plunges over two falls, giving a total trop of 147 feet. One of the characteristics of the White river Is the Immense amount of sand which Is lielng continuously washed out and brought down stream from the territory drained by it. The equipment of the plant at the falls when It was taken over by the Pacific Tower & Light Company lu July, lUln, consisted of a concrete dam :!."() feet long, a settling basin, a pipe line liHK) fiet In length leading to the power plant at the foot of the falls, two ."iiHi kilowatt Impulse water wheels directly counected to alter tinting currvnt generators, a trans former house and equipment, and a masonry power house. The first thing which the new com pany did was to construct a new line of wood pipe five feet In dinme tea from the old Intake to a point In a ravine about oiiO feet from theold dam, where a new concrete dam has been built 'M feet In height and 170 feet long, to form lu this ravine a second settling basin. From this basin a new line of pipe was built which leads down the hill to the power house, :'H) feet of the pipe lie lng of wood and loO feet of steel. At the power house the old watir wheels were dismantled and two new lltHl horse power turbine wheels were installed. One of these wheels has been In op eration since last Novemlicr and the other has just been Installed, and will be In operatlsn In a few days. Much work yet remains to be done before the plant will be brought to its fullest capacity. A third unit will be Installed, which will lie of U.'iil kilowatts power, a new trans former house will be built and new equipment Installed, and other Im provements will be made In and around the power house. The construction work at White river Is In charge of Knglneer .1 . .1. OVonnell. BEGIN WORK ON POWER LINE IMPROVEMENT The improvement and development work planned by the Tactile Tower LlglitN 'oinpnny for tills vicinity was begun here Wednesday. Chief Construction Foreman II F. I.oub N here with a crew of t."0 l.iborers and several carloads of material, and a camp has been established a short distance west of town. Immediately after making the nec essary overhauling of the local power plant, the stretching of the high power line lietwoon here and The Dalles w 111 begin. Fngagement Announced At a very enjoyable evening given the .1. 1. li. girls at the home of Mr and Mrs K. T. Orr April Jntli the en g.'lgeineilt of Ml- l'n Orr and l U rt l.athrop of the linn of Mori ui l.athrop was announced. Mr. l a throp and his bride to be were warmly eongra tula ted. big success lu selling It. And by the way Mr. Hlghn grows some apples, having shipped the small dab of cars this year, which netted him fl per box. In all he has :MK acres In bearing and will develop 1,000 more. Mr. Hlghn Joined the natives of Iirtt aln at Santa Cruz. The former had traveled over n,000 miles by the time they reached Hood Hirer and ex pected to cover almost as much more on the way home The object of Mr. Ilellla' visit here was to secure additional shipments of Newtownu having secured a greater demand than could lie fur nished by the California grower. While here they were guests of C II. Sproat in an automobile ride around the country and also had a long In terview with E. H. Shepard. They were much pleased with their visit here and also the country. As president to the Liverpool Fruit Merchants Association and member of lta board of arbitration Mr. Bellt Is In close touch with the fruit busi ness In England's great seaport town. In an Interesting talk with the News man he paid a high tribute to the Hood Klver apple, saying that no Xewtown grown could touch It and that It was so considered In Eug- (Continued on Pave 10) J. P. NEWELL BOOSTS COLUMBIA HIGHWAY J. T. Newell, the well known civil engineer of Portland, who was one of the first to investigate the prac ticability of the Columbia river high way from an engineering standpoint. Is a warm advocate of the road.- Mr. Newell believes that the recom mendations contained In the review er's report submitted to the Mult nomah county court, are commend able and should be followed out In time. Instead of having a 20-foot road all the way, however, he lie lleves It would lie practicable at first to build 10-foot or 12 foot roads at points where It Is necessary to cut through the hillsides. At those places the road could be widened later, when more money was avail able for such purposes. It will not be necessary for Hood Klver couuty to spend over $10,000 to put that end of the road lu shape, according to Mr. Newell', estimates. He says that the most costly work In Hood Klver county would lie to cut down the steep hills at Kuthtou and at Mitchell s Totnt. The other points of the road between Hood Klver ami the Multnomah county line could be constructed at nominal cost. "It Is of great Importance to the people of Hood Klver county and other counties east of the Cascade mountain, as well as to the people on this side, to have this road built and opened as soon as possible," said Mr. Newell. "It will make one of the most scenic highways In the world, and It will become the nieeca for tourists. Itestdes, It will lie val uable as a business artery between Eastern and westers Oregon." SPOKANE APPLE SHOW TO BE MOVED EAST The National Apple Show, for three years the exclusive property of Spo kane, will go to the Fast for I'.lll. St. Tan!, i lii'-ag . I'hllndlphU or I'ostoti one of t hose cities probably will bo a warded the Fourt h National Apple Show to be held next Fall All th"se cities following the l'.MO show, I urn tin' contenders for staging the First National I rtilt Show to be held In the Fast. l'pnn the Isit of Howard Elliott, president of '' National .ie Show and of the Northern I'.ieilic Coin pany to that city "iandiy, plans for the pill show w i- made after a conference with local otlicl.ils. Harry .1. Neely, s.ooiid lee presl dent of the National Apple Show said tolay: "Largely on account the wider advertising to I e g il ,. d In the Fast It li.li l en der.e that the show will be held In some Eastern city this year. p .k.ino will not abandon the National p pie Show per III a tie li t . We will endeavor to show t he l ast what can iro i. e a nd w hut we i. an show In compel It . m I lie show In any Insl in.e will lie held under the iin-i h . f the National pple Show I nislei