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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1911)
THE HOOD RIVER NEYS, WEDNESDAY, APRII2G, 1911 9 LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS Por Sale S.C. RHODE ISLAND T KED E(1GS for setting. IVn No. 1. Headed by son of sweep stakes Cock and 1st Hen at Seat Ite exposition and brother to 1st Cockerel at the last Portland show. He has proper shape and jrood rich color in all sections, mated w ith a select pen of pul lets and hens that are splendid winter layers. Ejrjrs $ per 15. Ten No. 2. Headed by a Cock of proven merit as a strong breeder, mated with a pen of trood type females for general utility. Etfjrs $1.50 per 15. Fer tility jruaranteed. E. V. Batten. Phone LX)12-M. 9-22 Bee Supplies It will pay you to see or write me, if you want anything in the line of bee sup plies. Satisfaction guaranteed, and you have the benefit of my experience. Cash discount for early orders. V. V. 1 akin, 1205 7th street, Hood liiver, Or. 12-tfc For Sale 10 year old 1150 pound road horse. Splendid traveler; will work sinKle or double; KC-n-tle; bav. Drs. Shaw it Bronson, phone 31 or 3-115. 17-lS-c For Sale Thoroughbred white leghorn single comb eggs for setting. $1.50 for setting of 15. Address, Harleigh Glass, Hood Kiver, Oregon. lGtfc For Sale--Iirown Leghorn eggs for setting. Best laying strains. Write J. L. Carter, east side, phone 1J7M. 17-lS-c For Sale Several light teams, three second hand hacks and three second hand wagons. Taft Transfer Co. 7 For Sale Three ponies broke to work or ride, and two second hand hacks. Mc.duire Bros, li-tf Wanted One or two settings Indian Runner duck eggs. J. E. Slade. Husum. Wash. lG-l'Jc For Sale A good work horse, price $-10. Inquire of A. V. Boorman, phone 302X. 10-17-p Wanted -2000 pound draft team. Address 15. H. Thomas, Dee, Oregon. 10-17-c For Sale Good farm horse, wt. 1200 pounds. Price $75. Phone 20C.2M. 15tf Wanted - A g(xd milch cow. Cutler Bros., phone 210-X. 10-tfe W 'anted - Good Collin, 3202M. cow. C. 17-lSc E. BUSINESS CARDS Notice to Apple Tree Planters N'ealeigh Bros. Square Deal Nurserv Co. I. C. Nealeigh, Sholls. Washington County, Or., and J. T. Nealeigh, Hood River, Or. We are going to have for sale for the spring planting of l!(12 some Newtowns, Spitzen burgs, Arkansas I51acks, Winter Bananas and some of other choice varieties; also Clark's seedling strawberry plants. We would be glad to receive any communication from you in re gard to same. Yours truly, Nealeigh Bros. 17-2 lp OAK DALE GREENHOUSES -We have a fine stock of 2 year roses, our own growing many of the newer varieties, at $3.50 to $5.00 per dozen. Shrubs, vines and ornamental trees; a nice lot of Catalpa and popular f to 10 high. Hardy Perrenial plants. Will have all kinds of bedding plants in season. Cut (lowers and Elorial designs a specialty. Potted plants at Frunze hardware. Our prices are reasonable. The Pioneer Florists, Fletcher & Fletcher. Phone 1972-M, Hood River, Oregon, tfc Loan Agency Loans olFercd. $500, $700. Loans wanted, $300. $f,00. $1000, $1200, $1500, $2000, $25(H). Apply to A. W. On thank. 305 Oak street, tfc F or Sale-' Oil meal at White head's. 4-tf LOST AND FOUND Lost - A watch c harm $20 nold piece with initials C. S. S. on one side. Finder please leave at this of lice. 10-tfe Lost Brooch, red coral cameo with oriental setting. Finder please leave at News oliice. 1G-I7c REAL ESTATE SECTION For Sale If you are. looking for a home in the beautiful Hood River Valley I can sell you 5, 10 or 15 acres, partly set to young Newtown apple trees 1J miles from High School; li miles from Hood River city limits, west side. If you want to get a home in the Willamette valley, 17 miles south west of Portland, in the Tualitin valley, in a good vicinity, I can sell you 5, 10, 15 or 20 acres, un improved, brush and timber, good land. If you want to work for a home, come and see me or write. J. T. Nealeigh, R. D. 2, Hood River, Or. 15-22c For Sale Caddy Ranch, fifteen acres, one and three-fourth miles from Hood River postof lice, 0 rods from Frankton school. All improved, 9 acres in fruit; 3 acres in 7 year old bearing trees. All stock and tools go with the place. Spring wat-r piped to house and barn. Enquire Frank Caddy, phone 333L. 17-20-p Wanted Improved Hood River farm, ten acres or more, that must be a bargain. Three Port land lots valued at $1000 and $000 as first payment. Address A. Wilhelm. 309 Jefferson street, Portland, Oregon. 12-tfc For Sale Twin Oaks Farm, of forty-three acres. This is one of the few desirable places along the river front left for sale within 80 rods of the city limits. Address the owner. S. F. Blyth, Hood liiver. lG-17-p For Sale Five acres near Park dale in best commercial apples, $250 per acre; easy terms. Also 5 acre tracts uncleared $125 per acre. Fine land. Grand view of mountain. Address Box F., News office. 17-20p For Sale At a bargain by own er, corner lot 90x110 feet, 6 room plastered house, built in buffet, all in good condition, cor ner May street and Park Ave. Call at residence, tf-c For Rent -Rooms for rent from $1.50 to $3 per week. Lighted hnd heated and next to bath. Also furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 130L. 7-tf For Rent Furnished room,. gen tlemen preferred, 187 Sherman avenue, just 'above postoffice. Phone or call in morning 291-L. 8-tfc For Sale Ten room house, with bath, barn and two lots. In quire at premises, 3GG Columbia street, near 8th. 15-tf-c F 'or Rent Furnished flat. Apply to J. L. Henderson, Inc. 15tf FOR SALE For Sale Donkey engine, 9x11, 1100 feet one inch main line, 2000 feet five-eights trip line, blocks and all equipment for im mediate use. For quick sale $1000 cash. Joseph F. Thomp son. Parkdale. li-tfc For Sale Piano, for a very small sum. One of the very finest instruments made. See it at once. F. E. Matt, south end of Jerico lane, West side. lG-17-p For Sale - Columbia Grapho phone, in first class condition, also records at half price. Phone 210X. 17-20-p For Sale Cheap, or to rent, fully equipped prubbing machine, Swinton No. 2. Telephone Odell 2x5. 17-18-c For Sale-Rubber tired buggy, used four months; price $55. Inquire C. P. Ross, Oregon Ho U'l. 1G-I7p i'hone It') 14 Oak St. House and Yard Gleaning GARHAGIiAlAN Ashes, empty cann and all rubbish re moved at once, on order DAY WORKER Mouscclennint:, cooking or chopping wood done on demand YAMA &. KAWA TYIpphon lirtwwn 7 and 10 p. m. IIOCkUNHI RKY & HARILUTT ARCHITECTS lloilhrnnncr HuiWinir ll(H)l) hIVKR. OKKCON i'hon M EMPLOYMENT Wanted Position on ranch by married man who understands ranch work; experienced in Hood River; wife could help in the fruit season. State full particu lars and appoint time for inter view. Answer No. 4, care of News office. 13tfc Help Wanted Man with team and tools to move on 20 acre fruit ranch and care for same. Good house and barn. In lower valley. Dickerson & Peck. 7-tfc Wanted A practical nurse wants confinement cases; doc tor's references. Will do house work. Call at 812 8th street. 17-20c Cree Employment Bureau Bap ..Tfc Hit . 1 tist r arsonage, corner mn ana 'ine. Address, J.R.Hargreaves, hone 212-L. ll-17p Wanted -By man with small family, position on ranch. Ad dress Sam Nell, 812 eighth St., Hood River, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted A foxhound pup; also a beagle hound pup. Address L. F. Morse, phone 2G3-L. 16tfc Wanted-To trade blacksmith's outfit and stock for heavy team. F. E. Harris. 10-tfc NOTICE: DON'T BE DISTURBED By the thought of the many imitations and ad ulterated food products now on the market. Do your trading at this grocery and you'll know exactly what you are getting. When you order any particu lar food product here, you receive just what you ex pect, both in quality and quantity. Think that over. Insist on National Biscuit Co. Cookies; They are the Best The Star Grocery "Good Things to Eat" PERIGO & SON Whitehead's Utah Land Plaster Arsenate of Lead Vitrol Lime and Sulphur Solution Lime Seed Oats Vetch Whitehead's We print our pnper MONDAYS and rLLM)AS. Copy required Monday. CITY COUNCIL ACTS IN STREETMATTERS After (HhcuhhIiik tin mutter freely the city council M'unl.i.v nlnht In structed the Judiciary commit tee to brlnjr in Hti ordinance irnvlilin fur the oillnj? of l-'tli ft ret the oil to lie applied hot mid to le nlipliccl liy the uhuttlim roK-rty owner, oiling State wtreet wait lo drought up. It wan stated that property ownern on that Htreet would prohahly have the exennp of the work done by ul Hcrlptlon. The ordinance providing for the removal of thMleH wum put In effect with a penalty attached for ltd violation. The in-inner of providing for Htortn water on I'lrnt Htreet occiiHloiieil lon dlMCUMHlon When tlilx wax tirnt brought up it wait decided by reso lution to have the expense paid out of the cliy'H tjeueral fund, the water to lie turned into the sanitary sewer. It wan stated by City Knj;lnecr Morse that the expense of taking care of the water this way In the dis trict proposed to be paved would probably not be oversow. The ex-IK-udlture on First street wan es timated at $1.10. It was alsoclaiuied that It wan customary for the city tit large to provide for the drainage of .surface water. Several members of the street committee were of the opinion that the eoht should be as sessed to the abutting property. The contention Monday night oc currred when ud ordinance was in troduced providing for the payment of the expense out of the general fund. After the matter was fully ex plained and au opinion given that it was the custom for cities to awsutue this expense, the ordinance was passed, Council men Howe, Early, llugglus, und Smith voting for it on the final vote and Ccuncilnian Wright agalust. The annexation ordinance was passed and cemeut walks ordered laid on State street from Second to Ninth on both sides of the street where not already In. Cement walks were al so ordered on Oak street from Ninth to Fourth on both sides where not already provided. The matter of grading Cascade avenue, Oak street and Ninth and Eugene streets was also discussed and referred to the street committee. An effort to revive an ordinance to put electric light nnd telephone wires underground was lost. It is claimed that the ordinance would entail an enormous expense on the companies owning the lines also the property owners who would be forced to make underground connections. MARSH, BAD CHECK ARTIST IS LOCATED IN CANADA I.. J. Marsh who recently ab sconded from Hood Kiver after cash ing a number of bad checks on Hood Kiver merchants is reported to tie In Canada, having been located in Van couver. 15. C. Marsh's whereabouts is said to have been discovered by the National Cash Register Company from whom lie obtained a register nnd afterward sold. As It will be necessary to work through the State Department at Washington to get a requisition for lit in nnd negotiations will be some what expensive, It Is not ttelicved an effort will le made to apprehend him while out of I'nlted States territory. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES TO COMPETE AT CORVALLIS The invitation of the Oregon Agri cultural College to t he high schools of the state to send their athletes to the liiterscliolastie track meet May lit and Li) has . received hearty re sponse, acceptance of twenty having been receive! already, including those at Cove: Hood Kiver. Baker City, Oregon City, Astoria, Meclford, Salem, I Vndlitou, Eugene, Enter prise, Wooilhurn, I'nlon, Albany, Corvallis, and t he 1'ortland. Wash ington. Jefferson. Columbia, Hill Mil itary, and Allen's Preparatory schools. (irace V. B. Church News rrajermeetlng Wednesday evening from T : : U to v:t. Following this service, the adult Bible class will hold a social and business meeting In the reading room. The Ladles' Aid Society will meet at the church Friday afternoon. The Sunday services will lie as fol lows: Sunday school at 10 a. in.; Preaching at 11 a. m ; Christian En deavor at 7:1" . in., and Evangelis tic service at " p. m. The l!ev. Parsons will speak at both the sen Ices Sunday. Oak (irove Church Notes Purlng the Spring nud Summer months Sunday School will lie held at 2::t0 P. M and preaching at .'l:l.Y Kev. Mr. Ilollenlieck recently from Oklahoma will preach next Sunday. Work on the new church goes steadily forward. A "Bee" to lay the shingles will be held on Thurs day of tills week. Luncheon will be furnished by the Ladles Aid Society. Come out, help, and, have a good time. Bagged wounds are painful ami cause much annoyance. If not kept clean they fester nnd become rr.nrilng sores. Ballard's Snow liniment Is an antiseptic healing remedy for such cases. Apply It at nigh! before going to bed and cover with a cot ton cloth bandage. It heals In a few days. Price L'.V, iic ond per bottle. Sold by Clias. N. Clarke. BE WSSE ' Agitat your gray mutter. Ion't wait until von are all run down. Keep Keyed up, BEEF, WINE $ IRON tones up t'.o run-down system and maintains t'..c tor.ed-up system. It is tonic and food Li concentrated, quick leung torm. It purifies enriches the blood, increasing and mai.nainii.j those little red corpuscles tliat indicate vigor and sustained health a suro insurance against malignant and chronic dis ease. It is remarkable in its effect in giving strength, energy and in creased appetite. Pleasant to take and a most economical medicine to use. Large Bottles, 75c. ' g She WexaU Store G. A. PLATH, DRUGGIST ALBERT SUTTON Hrchitcct Hall Buildino Hood River, Oregon C. G. VAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Phone 308-M W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited A. V. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC ' Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. j Money loaned on First Mortgages Lire Insurance in best Companies. ! Surety Bonds of all kinds. ! Stenography and Typewriting. j Business promptly attended to. j 305 Oak Street Hood River ' M. iMIGUMA Japanese JVovclttcs Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Oak Street, Horner 1st Phone 160 Bargains In City Property 7 room modern residence in Al condition, 1 block from the Park street school. Lot 100x100. Price $3500. Easy terms. 7 room residence near Oak Street. Strictly first class. Fine lawn; garage. This is underpriccd at $4000. Terms easy. 6 room cottage on Cascade Ave., nearly new. Price $2200. Investigate this. We Have a Large List of City Property G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Oregon hotel Building rnNB .'3 Tin i-tirnvt tri-ntmi-nt fur cutu, liurn. Hotlilx, imiihN. norrn, hiinlwi ken, rhi'iiiniitiHiu or iHiiriiliil'i In 1 1 ; 1 1 -hird'H Snow Liniment. 1 1 l lirnlltiif. IMiit'trntltiir ninl nntN'tti which I cvcrvlliliitf t ti j t I titnlcil to 1 effect n complete cure. I'HitL'.V, .W iniiil$llH per bottle. Sold liv I liax. N. ('Inrke.' Micro kills the Dandruff para site , soothes the itching; scalp, fives lustre to the hair and stimulates its growth. A single application gives relief and proves its worth. Do not be bald. Save your hair be fore too late. Micro Is delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease end sticky oils. Booklet free. HOVT CHEMICAL COMPANY PORTLAND. OHtaoN For Rent Desirable offices in the new Heilbronner Bldg. These are the best ap pointed offices in the city. Get a comfortable office and watch your business grow. J. H. HLILBROINMR, Owner SuliHcrilie for the News. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY AN AUTOMOBILE, GET A Garter Car The Friction Transmission Automobile Q During the past few weeks this car has sur prised many by the ease with which it climbs Hood River hills. It is known as the Simplest Car on Earth every owner being able to make all necessary re pairs without the aid of a machine shop. It's simple control (OXE LEVER) has made it justly popular with lady drivers. There are no noisy gears to strip and because of this, the cost of maintainance has been re duced to a minimum. r -- If you want a car of high efficiency and low cost of upkeep just ask for a demonstration and con vince yourself. IRELAND Hood River Agents Phone 1962-K Well Drillings DONE STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Offlct. No. 9 Oak Slrtet Wewanjto call your attention to the fact that We Deliver Groceries and Feed To Our Country Customers No extra charge except on feed, which is live cents a sack. FLOUR UOKS ITiKE. The deliveries are made on the West Side Tuesdays and Fridays. Fast Side, Mondays and Thursdays. Phone us your orders and the groceries will be delivered at your door. Yours for business, WOOD'S GROCERY Jlfl "DE-LIGHTED" is what "Teddy" will say when he calls to sue you some eve ning. Of course you'll have to "show him" that it's ELECTRICAL WIRING and bulbs from here that you are using. Great men the world over acknowledge the superiority of our work. Ma terial used is always the best. HAVE US DO YOUR WIRING DEAN & SHAW Office Phone 3 Residence 272M INVEST I.N HAY LANDS We are offering several interesting buys at Camas Prairie. B. E. Duncan & Co. & SPRAGUE Quick Successful Satisfactory W ITH A Phjnet. ZS or 2002