The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 26, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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WENTY dozen in the lot, all sizes No. 32 to 44. While they
last, your choice at half price. These waists are slightly mussed
from handling but can be laundered and are as good as ever.
9Sc Waists Now.
$1.95 " "
$2.20 Waists Now $1 . I O
I .35
I .48
I .98
jTee Windotv. ZShey Will JWot Last Long
Y Y 1
John Often wa a Portland visitor
for several days hint week.
Mlus Katherlne Woodw ard of Port
land was the houe guest of Visa
Teal last week.
Dr. F. O. Broslus left Sunday for
San Diego, to report for duty with
the United States Army.
A. X. Swallow returned to Hood
Itiverjast week. Mr. Swallow has
iM-en staying In Portland for several
Kev. J. 15. Parsons, who has leen
conducting a series of evangelistic
meetings at Everett, Wash., returned
home Wednesday and took charge of
the services at thet'nlted Brethren
church Sunday.
Oil meal at Whitehead's.
Howling alleys now ojen. f A.
Illchards k Co
Order your bee supjilles early tif W.
W. Hakln, IJOTi Seventh street.
We write fire and automotille In
surance. $1."0U to loan. j. Y. Ed
wards & Co.
For Sale-- A fine lot of hay in the
38 or
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt
Post Office. Phone, Odell
Join the Howling Ixvigue
have the lnt alleys In the
It's liuie the liest team.
l:lchar.s & ( o,"
(iet your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
For Sale Choice lots and acreage
In the city limits. A chance to make
hi ime money. Enquire of ( E. Morse,
owner, Phone LT'.i-M.
Lame shoulder Is nearly always
due to rheumatism of the muscles,
and ijuli kly yields to the fn-e appli
cation of ( 'hnmlierlaiii's Liniment.
For sale by all dealers.
"Our babv cries for Chamberlain's
Cough liemeily," writes Mrs. T. H
Kendrlcl, Kasaca, (in. "It Is the
liest cough remedy on the market for
couiths. colds and croui ." For sale
bv all dealers.
J. E. Hand, of Portland, was here
Monday on a business visit.
E. . Hall's son arrived here
Thursday from Pennsylvania and Is
visiting with him.
Chester Hugglns, now at the I", of
O. at Eugene, spent the Easter vaca
tion at the home of his father, E. H.
The Riverside Congregational Aid
Society will meet with Mrs. Hersh
ner. 317 June street, Friday after
noon, April 2Mh.
Audubon Wlnans, after an extens
ive eastern trip In the Interest of a
business he Is connected with, has
been spend lug a few days here.
A. H. Combs, state manager of the
National Llle Insurance Co., spent
the week here last week on business
connected with the company's Inter
Mrs. S. A. Helmer returned Friday
from Portlaud where her husband
was again placed In a sanitarium
after a short Hay at his home at Mt.
Horse for sale. Phone Odell 74 or
write Hox 4:1 Parkdale, Ore.
For Sale Some good horses and a
numtier of secmid-hand rigs, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion Livery Stable.
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building. -
Say! did you know Frank Dayton
paints signs of all kinds; also carriages
and autos. Try him on your next
work. Phone 208-M.
Constipation brings many ailments
In its train and Is thi' primary cause
of much sickness. Keep your bowels
regular, madam, and you will escajie
many of the ailments to which wom
en are subject. Constipation is a
very simple thing, but, like many
simple things. It may lead to serious
consequences. Nature often needs a
little asilstance, and when Chamls-r-laln's
Tablets are given at the first
Indication, much distress and suffer
ing may Is- avoided. Sold by all
J. F. Hatchelder came up from
Portland Monday for a day or two.
Judge H. W. Powell of Portland
came up for a few days visit with
relatives last week.
J. M. Acheson, a brother of Mrs. C.
P. Ross who resides in Portland,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
The contest of the ladles' aid of the
Christian church closed Thursday,
April 30. Mrs. E D. Hoiuewood's
side being the winners.
Thos. M. Sheehan, of Ouelette-She-han
Co., a Seattle commission house,
was here Sunday getting Informa
tion lu regard to berry shipments.
Mrs. Marlon MacRae came up Fri
day and expect to remain here most
of the summer, looking after the
various places she Is Interested In.
The large office in the Davidson
building formerly occupied by J. H.
Hellbronner has been fitted up for
the Hood River Light & Power To.
which will move Into larger quarters.
U.S. Hurpee, a former Wenatchee
man, has come to Hood River and
Is making bis home lu the L'pper
Valley. Mr. Hurpee Is at present
stopping on the U. D. Woodworth
Miss fieorgla Prather, who is at
tending the Washington State Uni
versity at Seattle, returned Tuesday
to that city, after a week spent with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs."(Jeorge T.
John M. Carroll, former manager
of the M osier Fruitgrowers' Associ
ation, who was operated on a few
days ago at the. Cottage hospital,
for appendicitis, Is reported to be re
covering nicely.
J. R. Shelton received a letter Sat
urday from a dealer In apples In Liv
erpool, telling him that he had just
ojiened a box of Newtowns from the
Shelton orchard and that they were
In prime condition. The dealer
wanted to make an arrangement
with Mr. Shelton to handle his crop
this year.
Glc arc now talung orders for
Having only a limited supply, would advise
ordering at once.
Stanfey-Smitft um6er Co.
Kecd Hicer, Oregon
Rest Wyoming lump coal In any
quantity. Transfer & Livery Co.
Phone .".
For Sale A fine lot of hay in the
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. hood
Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or
iuard against early frosts by
burning straw In orchards for
smudge. Straw for sale by Kelly
Bros. Phone L'-.M.
Christian Science services are held
In Reading Room, No. 0, Davidson
building, Sunday a. 11 a. in. and
Wednesday at S p. in Sunday school
at 10 a. in.
It will be of interest to you if you
if you call up Frank Dayton, 208-M
before you have your painting, paper
ing or tinting done. Wall paper at
Portland prices. Shop across from
Oregon Hotel.
If you want to lie comfortable burn
coal. We are prepared to furnlxh It In
any quantity. Plenty on hand and
more coming. We handle the Is-st
quality of Wyoming coal. Transfer
& Livery Company. Phone .".
When a medicine must lie given to
young children It should lie pleasant
to take. Chamls-rlaln's Cough Rem
edy Is made from loaf siigarnnd the
roots used In Its preparation give It
a flavor similar to maple syrup,
making It pleasant to take. It has
no superior for colds, croup and
whooping cough. For sale by all
Copy for advertisements must In?
In the office by Monday noon.
Mrs. R. J. Mclsnnc, of Parkdale,
was a Sunday guest at the Hotel
Frank Button returned Friday
from a visit at Spokane. He return
ed much benefited by the trip.
A. J. Knleval, a well known com
mission man of Butte, Mont., was
here Friday looking up strawtierry
crop prospects.
Wm. H. LaFollette, of Madison,
Wis., accompanied by a friend. Is in
the valley looking the country over
with a view to Investing.
Commission form of government Is
being agitated at The Dalles. It is
said by the papers of t lint city t hut
the mayor and a majority of tie
council are lu favor of It.
A concrete sidewalk Is lielng laid
alongside the Paris Fair store on
Fourth street. One has also Just
Is-en finished on State from the K.
of P. Hall to Fifth street.
L. S. Canfield. O. W. R. & N. ticket
clerk at this point, returned to Hood
River Thursday after several months
spent In Nebraska, where he was
called by the death of his father.
C. A. McCargar and family who
spent the winter In California came
up Wednesday to occupy his home at
Muster for the summer. Mr. Mc
Carger had his car shipped to Hood
River and drove It from here to his
J. F. Thompson who disposed of
his electric light plant at Husum to
the Pacific Light & Power Co. left
the latter part 'jf the week for the
east seeking a new location. Mrs.
Thompson and her son are at Hood
Miss Florence Avery, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Avery, passed
the Easter vacation with her parents
al their country home. Miss 4v'ry
returned Thursday to Eugene, where
she Is taking a special course In liter
ature at the State I'nlverslty.
C. P. Ross ami family will move
back to their home on Cascade ave
nue which hart bi-en occupied during
the winter by Attorney Derby and
family. Mr. Derby will occupy the
Hall house which he recently pur
chased and Mr. ami Mrs. E. ('. Smith
who have been living In the latter
will remove to take the off house.
F. L. Parrtsh, who recently re
turned from Southern California, and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry H. Avery left
Monday fur Portland and, after a
short visit In that city, will take the
southern route fur " the Atlantic
const. Mr and Mrs. Avery will
spend the summer In Connecticut,
their former home, and expect to re
turn to Hood River In the fall.
Opposlli thi ril Office
Hume Phone 20
Sproy and
Garden Hose
Choice Buys
20 'Acres Q miles from town; 3 acres cleared; 7
acres slashed and burned; balance comparatively easy
clearing. Price $4000; J cash, balance in five years
at 7 per cent.
10 Acres highly improved, 2 miles from town;
acres 7 year old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs; 2
acres 3 years old; balance in berries and clover; good
house, barn and other out buildings, an ideal home.
Price $10,000; $3000 cash; balance on or before five
20 Acres miles from town; 4 acres cleared; G
acres in stumps pulled; balance fir and oak; good
small house. Price $2500; terms.
15 Acres, near railroad station, stores, school
and church; all set to Newtowns and Spitzenburgs
as follows: 5 acres 7 years old, 3 acres 6, 1J acres 4,
and A acres 3. Picked over 1100 boxes of apples
last year; old house, good barn. Price $14000, $5000
cash, balance on or before 5 years at 7 per cent.
26 Acres 3J miles from town; red shot soil; 6
acres cleared; 2 acres in orchard 1 to 4 years old; 10
acres slashed, burned and partly cleared; small house.
Price $6500. Terms.
284 Acres, perfect orchard land, choice loca
tion, perfect drainage, 10 acres in Newtowns and
Spitzenburgs 1 to 4 years old; 3 acres more cleared,
balance in timber; good house, 15 inches of free
water furnished from spring on place. For a home
or investment it has no equal. Price $12000. Terms.
NeVVCOmerS stopping with friends in the Val
ley will get a better idea of their surroundings IJby
telephoning our office, 141, and we will be glad to
show them some of the prettiest places, also some of
the best buys attainable.
906-7-8-9 Yeon RldfC,
We have spared
neither time
nor trouble to get the
shoes best
adapted to this
Ladies' Shoes
in button, tan and
Oxfords; high top for
mountain climbing
Children's Shoes
The kind
that wear
Shoes lor
Honest Goods
at Honest