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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1911)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2G, 1911 5 BARGAINS IN THREE FLATS Three Bargains in Willow Flat H flat Forty acres, unimproved, all under irriga tion, on good county road, 30 acres first class orchard land, balance good timber. Four Thousand Dollars. One-half cash. 6 flat Forty acres a little higher up on the scale, above irrigation, all good orchard land. Ten acres partially cleard; adjoining $250 land. Four thousand and five hundred dollars. One-third cash. C flat Ten acres all improved; three acres of three year old trees; balance one year ex cept small patch of hay and berries for Home, Sunt home use; small house and barn both Home. new. One of the best pieces in Willow Flat. Six thousand dollars. Half cash. The Hood River District Land Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON THE SMITH BLOCK IN THE APPLE WORLD s. e:. bartmess Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer CSTAIIMSilED IS YKAR.S MOOD RIVER, OREGON jr-y '77-7. Zr7''7 7iV''VW7 7Wrv'y fj RAYING ExPRESS AND Baggage tf r t Ttt nr f 3 All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work U Office Phone 20 C Kesidence 2JSK TAFT TRANSFER CO. s s . 1 Stanley Smith Lumber Company Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley Electrical Contractors 'Bailey SSL Colby Hartmcjs Thonc 60X Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Mitfh (iratle Uectric fixtures lp-To-Date (ilassware estinxliouse IJectric Motors Heating Apparatus, lite, l ull Line of lilcctric Wiring Supplies We (iuarantee Satisfaction W. S. GR1BBLE The Mt. Hood Store General Merchandise Flour, Peed, Spray Material Farm Implements is and is Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Blacksmith and VVagonmaker HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 25 Years Experience NEW VERSION UNION APPLEMEJTS MEETING A Hlnr.v In tlit ciirrt-nt Imhiic of the Fruit iih'h'h ( inlilt of New York In re lianl to the recent annual niretinji Mini election of ii new hoard of tit rectorn of the Hood Hlver A)le (irowerM' I'lilon In tnterextlin;. The Htory, which Warn a Hood Hlver date line, and wan mippoMediy written hy nomeone here, hiijh: Hood lUver, Ore., April 14 "The Itnle or Kuln faction haH 'n liiullv (llHcomnted, and the Maine hoard of director that put Mood IMveron the map In Hi ill Hiiuly t-ri Hconncd In the middle. The plan to dinrupt the union wax knocked gal lev went at the recent election of the Hood l:lver Apple irovern 1'nlcin and the troiihle maker who, km n matter of fact, were only Htalklnx hom-H for an eiiMtern concern with everything to irnln ami nothing to lone hy dlnruptlnii the union have a few more uiichhch coining to tliem. "At the recent meeting the old hoard of direr torn wax re-elected, with the exception of two gentlemen who reclined, owing to their Inaliil Ity to devote an much time an wan nrecary to the work, and the two new men on the hoard are In full ac cord with the uiiIoii'h previotm poll cicf and the working" of ltd former management. Ah a matter of fact when It came down to casen at the election, t lie inaleontentH hattle line vauiHlied like thin mnoke. The grow. it of the valley, aroused hy thear giinientrt of Manager '. II. Sproat, chock full of common Hcnxe and lactn that could not he controverted, tdiowcd up at the meeting In full force, and when they got through. the trouhle maker did not have enough voten to swear hy- Sprout's plain talk and bin analvHin of the fit nation, n printed ho fully and at t In- name time excliiwively In hint week's Fruitman'H (jnlde, carried the dav and carried It In the mont wholenale faHhlon. "The executive hoard of the Hood Hlver Apple Grower' I'uloli 1h an representative a liody of as repre sentative an organization as one could well lind the country wide. So successful has t he union lieen since Its Inception that It has served as a model for numerous other organl.a tloim In various sections of. the I'nl- ! ted States. Crop after crop has been handled with complete success, de spite the varying conditions that ! every different season brings. Nat urnlly. the problem Is getting harder anil harder to solve with every sue feeding year. Hood Hlver no longer holds a monopoly of tine quality fruit. There are other districts In the Northwest that grow just as per feet apples, and other districts that today are hotly contesting for the apple championship belt. It is rldic ulous to suppose that Hood Hlver has the same hold on the consump tion and on the trade that It had some years ago. The apple Industry In the Northwest has developed to such a degree that Hood Hlver to iday must take Its chance In the con- I test with other sections turning out equally line fruit, and the grower j who Imagines that the Hood Hiver I apple will sell on its name alone ami j Is not susceptible to ordinary mar I ket conditions, cannot see beyond the confines of his own orchard. "Were It not for the enormous amount of publicity secured by the clever maneuvers of the New York fruit firm which for the past few years has had the entire distribution of the union's crop, the job this year of getting prices satisfactory to the growers might have been a bit harder, and it Is to be remembered that this publicity so advantageous to the Hood Hiver grower, while en gineered absolutely by the New York concern, was at the same time more j fully secured by the clever coopera I thin of the union's board of directors "The arguments presented by Mr. j Sproat, an reprinted In last week's I guide, are iron clad lu their Invulner- ai.tiity. uitentimes wnat is one man's meat Is another man's poison, and the union's board of directors certainly showed some shrewd sales, manshlp when they sold to Stein hardt & Kelly, of New York, a large block of apples that made good money for the sellers, but certainly none for the purchasers. It was an open secret among the trade tha) A. Kelly paid for their Spltzeiiburgs $ out In Hood Hlver, and sold these same Spltzcnhtirgs for weeks after weeks for mak ing a net loss of.VVto tiny per box, and a loss per car amounting In some Instances to $ih) to f.VMl. Whatever may be said of the pur chaser' Judgment, the judgment of the board of directors making the sale would appear to be lieyond as sault, particularly a It was no easy matter to get hold of a linn that was as nervy a It was llnaiielally re sponsible, ami was both willing and APPLES DELIGHT PENNSYLVANIANS The Milllinburg Telegraph, a I'eiin sylvania paper make the following Interesting comment on soms of the Hood Hlver apple neiit to that city hy I.. M. Karstetter, a Hood Hiver enthusiast. "One day last week Comrade Mar tin (J. Heed wan the recipient of a box full of apple from Hood Hlver, Oregon, expressed to him by his friend. Mr. I.. M. Karstetter, of that place, formerly of till section. And such npples! Well, we never saw anything lu that line to equal, much les to surpass them for good si.e, for beauty, freedom from faulty spots and delicious tateand tlavor. They are a perfect a can lie and range In weight from 11 to 14 ounce. If there I such a thing as "fancy apple," these certainly are worthy the prize. Yes. Pennsylvania must bow her knee to the Hood Hlver Valley of Ore gon In the matter of apple raising. In a letter to Mr. Heed, Mr. Kar stetter says of their section a fol lows: "We have had beautiful weather for over a month. Chinese pheasants are crowing, native pheasant hum ming, blue grouse hooting, hundreds ofjother birds singing, and a wonder ful profusion of wild flower bloom ing and everything lovely. Naturally we are all well ami happy." PRICES FOalPPLES AT CASHMERE, WASH, The Northwestern l'riilt Kxch inge through which the Cashmere district marketed Its npples this year has just given out the prices received by that district which It is quoting as remarkably good. As the prices re ceived for varletle grown at Hood Hlver will tie of Interest we give them below: Extra Fancy Arkansas Blacki f 1.51 Baldwin 1.01 Ben Davis 1.0 Black Twii 1.3X Delicious 3.07 Delaware Reds 1.24 Gravenateinff .. 1.00 Gano 1.23 Genitoo Grimes Golden 1.31 Jonathan 1.3s Missouri Pippins 1.09 Fancy i 1.30 1.03 1.08 1.30 2.tV) 1.03 l.uu 1.27 1.00 Lit! 1.35 l.W Choice I 1.07 .M .SM .96 2.02 .87 1.00 .89 .96 LOCAL TRANSFERS ! OF REAL ESTATE Hen I estate transfer for the week jendlng April :., 11)11, a furnished by the Hood Hlver Abstract Co.: i W CI Pillow to Claude Strahan Si Frank Schlegel, 40 acre at (ireen Point. I W S Chapman to Aaron B Irelan trackage north of depot. F.lla May P.aldwln to 1. M Italdwlu ' In acres In Fpper Valley. I'. Spencer to Herman II Mter. fi I acres In I'pper Valley. i irgll inchell to Clark I Ham. I'll acres on Fast Side. I A O Hershey to (iulgnard & liosl , ger, 10 acres north of cemetery. J H Hargreave to K K MacOill, SO acres In Fpper Valley. J II Ferguson to A M lleatty, lot 1), blk 2 Park Addition. N T Chapman to A M Heatty, lot.'O x loo In blk 4 Pleasantvlew. C K Marshall to II T Hewitt, lot 4 blk 1 Hlvervlew llirk. 1. vt Hills to C H Hone, 40 acres In I'pper Valley. David Hoblnson to Joseph (J. Vogt. so acres on Fast Side. i. Y. F.dward to Kate It. Hender son part lots 7 and s blk 1 Waucoma. School District to Hood Hiver County lots i and H South Addition A W Hoornian to K C Shlbley, -J acre west of town. William Hoornian to W. C. Trlggs, ."4 acres on State road. Otto Mickelsen to Harry L Hart lett, 110 acres on Fast Side. C D Hruun to I.ayton Wisdom, 25 acres In Fpper Valley. Mathlas Lauffenberger to May C Suell, 77 acres in Fpper Valley. A M Heatty to N T Chapman, lot 0 blk L' Park addition. Olga Vass to Paul S Trelber, lot 11 blk 2 Park Addition. W A Mercer A: Nannie F Clark to N. W. Greenings 1 20 Northern Spy 1.15 Snow 1.25 Spitienbenrs 1.98 S layman Winesaps 1.53 Wolf River 1.00 Wealthy 1.00 Winter Banana 2 07 Wineaap 1.71 W. W. Fearmain 1 SO York Imperials 1.19 Yellow Newtowns . . 1.60 1.10 1.44 1 .K8 1.29 1.00 1.00 l.5 1.61 1 30 1.10 1.50 .65 1.26 .92 1.10 1.00 1 62 .9 .i5 .82 ,9o HOW ABOUT THIS BAD APPLE STORY Attention Is called to a recent arti cle on the market page of the Port land Journal which Is anything but tlatterlng to Hood Hlver' reputa tion for fine fruit. If the story Is true It would le better to have sent the npples to the cider mill and If It isn't, it's up to the tipple growing Interests here to have It denied. The Journal says: "Hood Hlver Is Hooding the local market with Yellow Newtown apples, and sales are generally being made at lower prices. Some of the shipments coming from the premier district are of such poor quality that in normal season they would not be allowed on sale. At this time they are bringing from $1.:?." to $1. '." a box. Outside of the Newtowns few va rieties are now offering In the local trade, and sales can only be made at slightly reduced figure. Hen Davis' show quite fair quality, and these are generally ranging around ?1.2"i a box." In cas-s of rheumatism, relief from lain makes sleep and rest possible. I'hls may be obtained by applvlng 'hamberlatu's I.inlmeut. For sale by all dealers able to assume the risk Involved lu such a big and ticklish purchase. It would be dlllicult to see In what regard the management of the union during the season In which the box apple problem has been partlcu larly arduous, could have been bet ter ; and the ludicatlon of the board's policies during this season by the vote of April shows that the hard headed farmers of t he Val ley, who know a hawk from a hand- I saw, took thlsvlcw of the matter.1 I'he tribute to the board was a fine ... i one, ami no set ot men could iiae asked for a more Impressive tribute of eonlhlence than was accorded. Manager Sproat ami his colleagues. on the board of directors." Lillle A Hammond. 1::4 acres on West Side. i: F Macjill to Mi.fdlecrcst Orchard Co, si) acres In Fpper Valley. II H Hurst to Leonard Fisher, so acres near Yiento. C II Altchison to J T Lybarger.lot s, 15. 10, 17 blk 4 Idlewilde. W S Frwln to C F lilaze, 1", lots In Stranahan's Addition. Oregon I. timber Co. to Adolph Fin lkcr, lots Is and l'J Hlverslde Park at I ee. A V Cazenave to C A Schuknecht, 10 acre west of town. Hurt C Adamson to L W Hlshop, ."! acres on Methodist Lane. Martin H. Nlckelsen to L. W. Iiisop 0 acres on Methodist Lane. Simon F Hby to F.dward K Hug, .'', acres In ilclmoiit. Hood Hiver Fruit Co to Fdwln H Pooley, H!s acres on Fast Side. M L Fmry to A O Hershey, lots 4, 5, ti blk :f Flower's Addition. Adam tiassman et nl to F C P. ro sins, loo acres In Fpper Valley. C K Marshall to Walter ami Stella Walters, lots ::. 4 blk ,'! Wlnans Addition. Fred W Wilson to A W Mohr, 40 acres near Yiento. Harry T Devvltt to Caroline P.ron son. Lot 10 blk 1 Hlvervlew Park. Fmma ltrcsius to C L Hogers, s acres in Harrett District. N T Chapman to H C Winans, lot 50x150 blk 4 Pleasantvlew. - C H Altchison to Ida F. Mason, lots HI, 14 blk 4, lots 22. 2:! blk !) Idlewilde. Hood River Apples Give Surprise A letter to W. H. (James, of Port land, from Mrs. (James, who, with her daughter. Is in Fngland, was re ceived today acknowledging the re ceipt by mall of three large Hood Hlver apples In prime condition. The apples were sent by Mr. (iames to enlighten Fngllsh friends of the fam ily regarding the marvelous produc tiveness of this state, and they ac complished their mission. It was only the eating of the apples that would convince their friends that they were not wax Imitations. Or egon lan. Horse for sale. Phone Odcll 7i or write Hox 4:'. Parkdale. Ore. 20 Acres OF Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River Apple Land in the Famous Oak Grove District Ten mile out in the southwest part of the HicJ Kiver Vallfy. IKod Kivcr. Oreiron. The tract is partly improved with 5 acres in younr com mercial orchard, has fairly pood house, barns, etc., and a tine spring well which is capable of boinjr developed sutficiently to irrigate 10 or more acres. This tract is in the best apple section in the valley composed of all red shot soil. The surroundinjr country is beinir rapidly de volojied and txrow inr into bir money. FRANK I:. FOKSHFkd, Owner Hood Rier, Oregon Water Works on the Farm Yes, that's hut whst we mean res! wait works; runnlnff water In the kitchen, the bathroom. the laundry, the barn la fact, all over the place. Ana it s all done bv that tauk you lower left band Corger of thi picture the Leader fiyilrm. It ratly different s from the old-fashioned e leva led tank whKh worked hf gravity, hor the Leader Water Supply Byktem is operated by eompreurd atr reliable, aafe and cleanly. Your windmill pumpa water into the tank (which ia already lull of air). The air, being elastic, ia compreased into upper part of the tank, and forces the water out through the pi pea. This gives vou a preanure, so Ihtt powerful stream of water is on tap at every f Acet, no matter where it ia located. And this means s6i& tuU irt-protection, for the pressure is aJwayi aud always ready. Now, the old style gravity tanks were cither put in the attic or sit uated on a high tower out of doors. la the former case, their weight when full, cracked the plastering; or they oversowed or leaked, flooding the room a below. In the case of the outside tanks, the water often froze solid in winter, necessitating expensive plumb ing bills; or it became not and stagnant during the summer and unht lor use. The Leader Water Supply System avoids alt this, because the alr-Hht tank I either in the basement or buried under ground below the frost line. Every outfit U complete, with full direction., and la easily installed. The Leader System need. no repairs, l. tutted to small buildings off Urge, and ia moderate In price. I.t u. tend you our free. rnwiVlet. "How I NoUed tba Water Supply problem." tha story of a man wbo sucreasfully equipped his country home with modern water wurka. 9 Write for it today, before) you forget S NX i " tela no KhI see iai uw 1 T 1 mi U 11 im.w iya hiitnsjii it Apple Land and Orchard Company Offioo, Mo. O Oak Street, Phone 26 OI-Z2002K. Hood River NOW OPEN Hotiel fflccaem in Gttery Respect Located in tfW Heart cf trta Upper Vaffy Rooms 50c and $1 Meals 35 Cents Rates by the Week PARKDALE, OREGON J. M. CLARK, Proprietor Real Estate And Insurance GEO. W. DIMICK & CO. Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Office phone 45-L, Residence 345-K THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE COMPLIED STRICTLY WITH THE GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD LAWS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF White River Flour It Is Unbleached 5 CENTRAL MEAT MARKET jj S P. C. YOUNG. Proprietor j$ Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters i BUTTER AND EGGS Fit EE A.VD PUOMri DELH'EKl Phone .Main 6 Hood Klver, Oregon 1 For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK The Ultimate Flour Wftite Hcaf Why not ymir next sack? You cannot keep house without it. livery sack guaranteed. Popular Price.