10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1911 1,1 '" '" 1 "" 1 11 L' P ' ' imn ,' in u ii i Makes Home Baking Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, line and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal Is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL COOK BOOK-800 RECEIPTS FREE Send Name and Address JDHKESPONDBNDE VALLfcY CREST Mr. Baker went to Hood Kiver Sunday. Mr, Kawnnn was a passenger for I'arkdnle Saturday. 1. J. Muhr lit herewith plow and men for the spring work. Mr. aud Mr. Wygnndt went to Mt. Hood to eud Faster. Mr. and Mrs. Winter and son spent their Easter In Upper Valley. Some of our young people attend ed Sunday service at Parkdaie. Miss Huth Hudson Is at her broth er's In Hood lliver and Is quite 111. Fred McCrae and Mr. Shoemau came up Tuesday with a load of goods for the new ranch. The Episcopal minister of Hood Klver was up Monday, making calls. Mrs. Homer Kogers returned from Portland with a little daughter, April 9th. The (irlblile Meat Co. and grocery wagon make regular delivery trips on Tuesday. Mr. Mclsauc was out with a deliv ery wagon this week thanks to competition. A gang of Japs are at work en larging the Middle Fork Irrigating Company's ditch. Mrs. J. F. Thompson has returned from Hood Klver, where she has leen caring for a daughter and grandson. Mr. Presser went to Hood Klver on business and returned with a team on Wednesday, Mr. Ingram lias a meat supply wagon and will deliver all phone or ders. He also delivers groceries. Miss Allen, of Parkdaie, was at Valley Crest for the Faster services. and sang for the congregation Please come again. Mr. :ind Mrs. II. ('. Allen and daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Allen and son and Fred McCrea, were visitors here from Oak (irove, Sun day. Mis Ux.ie Farmer, of Portland was up a couple of day s this week Sliecame to meet her brother and his famih, who have lust moved here from northeastern Kansas. Mr Fanner is to have charge of his uls ter's place. MOSIKR K. N. St roup came up from Port- laud and spent over Sunday with his family. ('. (i. Nicliol aud family spent the day Sunday with his brother at Hood Kiver. C. J. I.lttlcpage returned the first of the week from a business trip to Portland and vicinity. The dance at St roup's hall Satur day night was the star dance of the season. All report a good time. Miss lone Splaun came up from Portland Thursday and visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Davld-hl.ar. Mrs. John I.nngtry. who spent the winter with her mother, Mrs. Sel- Uuger, left for her borne at Lyle Thursday. J. M. Elliott returnod Friday, after visiting for six months In Virginia and other points. Like all M osier ltes, he was glad to get home. Mrs. Jack Purchett returned from Dayton, Wash., Saturday, w here she was called on acconnt of the Illness of her mother, who died liefore she reached there. Among the Hood Klver visitors Saturday were Mrs. and Miss Chat field, Mrs. V. C. Young, 'Mrs. Geo. Young, Mrs. Allington and children, Mrs. W. A. Husbands and children, aud Miss Maude Evans. Dick Evans was taken to Portland Wednesday, tJ an ear specialist, and underwent an operation for a dis ease of the ear. He Is doing nicely. Iav Evans and Dr. Koblnson accom panied him to Portland. Mrs. Selllnger and son, Bernard, left Thursday for their old home In Pennsylvania. I hey expect to be gone two moutns. airs, setunger hasj been away from her old home for some thirty years. Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACMEQUMITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Keaay to orusn on and the label tells how. E. A. FRANZ CO. t if ffsTTi A WHirii SALMON (From th. Enterprise) A Knights of Pythias lodge was organized In this place Saturday night of this week. L. Isenberg, A Clarke and Win. Davidson, of Hood Klver, ami an otlicer from the head lodge of the state will Institute the lodge, which will start out with a metuliership of about There was no game in White Salm on, Sunday, on account of The Dalles failing to appear. The team at that town has gone on the rocks for lack of financial backing There may be an attempt to revive the team later, The Dalles team was t lie one that had (ioldendale dropped out of the Columbia league, which would not have been permitted had there lieen any Idea that The Dalles could not put up Its guarantee. Next Sunday White Salmon will play at Hood Klver. With a couple of bullet In his body am apparently ilea. I, a black bear weighing -lot) pound suddenly recov ered and attacked L. W. Wood, who had shot and scut him rolling 150 feet down Kattlesnake canyon. It was a foot race for one hundred yards, with the bear at the hunter's heels, and the latter unable to load his gun. Had It not been for the dogs coming up and engaging Bruin, Wood would have had the battle of his life. Two of his eight dogs were laid out liefore he coiilil get In a fatal shot. This Is the eighth bear since early winter that Mr. Wood has killed or helped to kill.' All the pelts are preserved and average fl.i Id value. Men with pneks on their backs have lieen here the past ten days In numbers, all looking for work. They have heard that much development is going nn, but there have lieen about ten applicants for one lob. Laborers have come here from the cities of the west, the mines, saw mills that have cloned, and from the east, the cheap colonist rates bring ing out hosts, who are distributing themselves through the various dis tricts. One man, who had just come from Ctlilo, had a kick coming, his story being to the effect that while political orators In t lie east are elo quent about protecting the Ameri can laboring man, foreigners are being given preference on the govern ment works up the river. With the finding of the benefits and damages by the jury In the Camas Prairie drainage proceedings, the case has finally terminated so far as the court H concerned, and all that remains to now be done Is to get the ditches going. Benefits to the amouut of fJ4.S,54." 04 were as sessed nnd $1J.;;u5 damages. The largest lienefits were assessed to FOR SALE Some of the best Apple Land In Washington Improved and unim proved; small or large tracts; easy payments; near Goldendale, Wash. A solid block of 160 acres set to winter ap ples. W. G. DAVIS Goldendale, Klickitat County, Wash, SMOKING 171 EA7 THE NEW WAY Too don't need a smoke hoima. Apply WRIGHT'S HMOKE liquid rlv ing two coats, which will impart th. rich aroma anrl cfaltaatA flftvnr tt hi orj smoke to the meat, keeping it sound, weet anil innect free Indefinitely. Bold for 14 yearn all over U. 8. and Can ada. Get the genuine. Fully Guaran teed. Bold only In square quart bottles with metal cap. Ask your druggist for "Wright's Bmoke". Made only by E. H. WRIGHT CO., t City, M. Sold and Cuaraatoad bf KEIR & CASS 4y OVCR 6S Y EARS' Tradk Manh Copyright Ac Anrnn. umillnf ww-h and (lampoon m. fpilcfelf rtatn rmr opinion f rM whWir .a Invention It prohnMj ptnrhlA. rommniili tioninctlr-inniiiriiii. HANDBOOK on Pwmw tent frn. Olflmit muwj for (MH-urln. Mtnta. I'tlmits turn tfirouirti Munn to. no.IT. tffelat nntu, without eliaf. IB lb. Scientific American. Capt. Mitchell, the largest land owner, fS.SlW, anil damages, $45. The largest damaged were assessed Frank Aldrleh, f 101W.40, and benefit, of $0.7041.70. With the drainage of tills (urge tract of rich land, larger prosperity will lie reaped, and when the Iiench lauds to the west are Irri gated, ns they ultimately will lie, It Is only a matter of time when n rail road will tap the territory. PARKDALIi IVter J. Miihreame up to his home stead Monday. Several Inches of snow fell on April 1 1 th. making our farmers feel tint winter had not really gone. A few days ago Mr. Mcintosh re ceived an order for one hundred day old i-hlckeus. In very good shatt. Mr. (ioodlnnder Is to lie the ditch rider for a part of the season, and Mr. Thomas Is the ditch company manager. It Is rumored that the west half of Mr. Mcintosh's homestead Is relin quished to some "new coiners" at Parkdaie settlement. Alfred Allen anil mother have sold their homestead forti goodly sum to a family liy the name of Ureen. re. cently from the east. A party of surveyors are doing good work In the Valley Crest dis trict. Among them Is a young man from Vlento, Alttert (larabrant FROST DAMAGE HEAVY (Continued from Pas 1 - r v i A hftn1.onitr lltftatrntful wnwklf. nilli ml si Ion of mnf mrmtttin loorriAl. Mtif montm IL Mura brail nwanA.r. MUNN 4 Co,38,Br-"' New York Vrwcn Offlo, e r bu wmbimioo. ia V. associations. They have reports from the entire valley from Selah to Kenuewlck. Mr. Kolihlns estimates that .1,000 ears of apples were shipped from the Yakima valley during the season of 1010, and that the output this year will lie UOO cars, lie figures that the output would only have tiecti IvM) cars this season, even had there lieen no frost, as the preceding was the banner year for apples and they do not produce to the limit every year, but (ire Inclined to lie a biennal crop The damage from frost Is placed at V) per cent. I'he nunit.er of cars of peaches ship ped in 1010 wus 1J00. With an In creased acreage and the fact that many of the jieach trees last year were not In full liearlng, the jieach crop might have reached l.iOO cars this season. He thinks that the damage has been 7.1 per cent, and that there will lie only 1175 cars. The estimated production of pears was placed at 175 car", and with the loss estimated at 2." per cent there will be only l-'tO cars. Prunes nnd plums had Ikh'H figured at 140 cars, but the loss from frost is put at ' per cent, so there will Im 105 cars. Cherries and apricots are put at five cars. A week ago apricots were thought to have been a total loss, but within the last few days the hopes of some of the men owning that kind of trees, has Iteen raised, and they now believe they will have a crop at least. The estimate are more liable to be Increased than diminished, as the latest reports are more favorable, and fruit that at one time was sup posed to have Is'en killed shows signs of life. M. K. Olson, president of the Yak ima Valley Fruit Growers' associa tion, before the frost arrived, ex pected that his output of ienches would reach .0,000 boxes, a little more than four and one-half car loads, 1100 boxes to the car. Y'ester day Mr. Olson estimated his loss at only 20 per cent. Ills orchards are at Parker, favored land. Paul Krnger, fruit expert, who made an Investigation for the Kurnl New Y'orker reports: "In the dis trict In which I Investigated and I examined many orchards, apples will e from ft", to 70 per cent of a normal yield; pears will lie 50 per cent; prunes will le a bully crop; enrly Crawford eaches on the lower land are badly Injured and will be. 1 would say, 20 per cent, of a crop. Klbertas will be a 50 per cent crop. They are badly hit on the lowlands. There Is no use denying that we ha ve been lilt. We have bi en lilt hard and some growers will lose everything but there Is no use saying that with regard to fruit we are down nnd out this year for such Is not the case." No-Dust Waxine Is a preparation to absorb the dust when sweeping. It prevents breath ing It. Disease germs are there. You carefully protect your hair ami clothing; we aim to protect your lungs from the germ-laden dust. A new set Is costly and hard to get. and repairs nre expensive. Fifty pounds, $2 (HI; 100 pounds, $:l 00; 200 pound barrel, $5.00, f. . b. Portland Order from Crescent Chemical Co., 520 Washington St , Portland, Or , or K. A. Franz. Hardware Co., Hood Klver, or through your gns-er. F.very family that has children Is liable to have croup; Invariably nt night. If llallard's Horchotind Syr up Is kept In the house, It saves going after the medicine nt an Inconvenient time nnd checks Hie attack promptly. Price 25c. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Hold by Chan. N. Clarke. i Neglected wounds produce old sores and tbese In time develop ulcers wuicn eat away tbtt vitality. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is a Healing Remedy for All Ailments of the Flesh of Man and Beast The speed with which this splendid liniment heal op a bad wound or sore has surprised and pleased those who were accus tomed to the slower and uncertain effect of less powerful reme dies. It mends the lacerated flesh ro quickly that there Is but little time lost from work. In relieving rheumatic pains, neural gia, sciatica. It has done and is doing a wonderful work. Many chronio victims of these diseases have found to their great satis faction that It cures an attack In a fraction of the time required by the ordinary treatment. It Is equally effective in the flesh ailments of animals. Owners of blooded stock value It highly for two reasons: It beals sores and wounds quickly, and leaves no disfiguring scars. - This remedy is needed In every home. If Its great power and efficacy wm generally known, no family would be without It, Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMES r. ALLAB0 MOPnlETOn ST. LOUIS, M0. Stephen. Eye Salve la safe and .predy rrmrdy for Sere Eye.. If SoioAwoRteowwiNOB! C1IAS. N. CLAHKK VINEGAR COMPANY OPENS BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT The Hood Kiver Apple Vinegar Company has opened a bottling works In connection with Its elder and vinegar plant ami Is now put ting out all kinds of soft drinks. In cluding cider, which" It Is making a specialty of. The quality of the goods being put out by thecompany Is said to lie tirst ch.ss and 'a g.i.xl trade In them Is being secured. The new plant Is a natural acces sory of an Institution of this kind and tielng a home Institution It is expected will get a good patronage. Harness for Sale Nearly new lit lit double driving harness at a bargain. J. Kuapp, Phone :i2:'.2-. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury Am mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter-' Ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except oh prescriptions from repu ti.ble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ()., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blond and mucous surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, lie sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internallv and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F.". I. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by all drug gists. 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Tacked Safle Of Reserved Seats FOR Carfrj.ighf Concert Go. Friday Morning 9 a.m. AT Clarkes Drug Store Reserved Seats 50c Auspices of Baraca Boys Upper Valley Lumber Co. We are now in a position to furnish ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER of the'various kinds Apple Boxes and Strawberry Crates for this season. Orders and bills promptly filled. MAY & VFIISI:L I 1-2 mile Southeast of Parkdaie Don't Leave the Hood River District WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley N ln ml frlvanfaw for fruit rmwinff unfxrpllcd. IsnH prkt have doubled In tat two ypmrn but are not half that akJ for aimilar land in other wort ion. Buy now before Rpcrulatora aM their profit. COMMKKCIAI. Cl-UM OK MoSIF.U MOSIliK 'OKI: ION 6 Miles Fast of Hood Klver, Oregon