The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 19, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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A pi tat tour crav tn:ittr
Iont wait until vou ltb all run
ao u. jvecp Keyed up.
tone u; tV.c run-down system and
maintains the system. It is I
timic ai.a l-oU ui concentrated, quick
acting lurtn.
It puriiicicnd enriches the blood.
increasing anjmair.tinn.'taose little
ted corpuscles t'lat indicate vi'or and
sustained health a sure insurance
against malignant and chronic dis
ease. It is remarkable in its effect
in giving strength, enerry and in
creased appetite. Pleasant to take
ana a most economical medicine to
use. Large Bottles, 75c
Dfie flexatt Store
Kent & Garrabrant
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spaulding's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River.
Japanese JVoveltks
Kutane and Tokyo Dishes.
Bamboo Furniture.
Oak Street, Corner 1st
Pbone 160
pJAjJJ rail
Cupyrbl Hart iKblitiief i M"
Spring Suits For Men
opportunity of
getting an early
selection of our new
line of
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx Suits
thus getting a better as
sortment 01 patterns to
select from before the
sizes are broken. We
are surely proud to be
able to furnish our cus
tomers with suits like
these, for we know that
you will be more than
pleased after you give
them a trial.
$1 8.00, 20.00, 22.00, 25.00
$5.00, 8.00, 1 0.00, 1 2.00,
A Complete Line of Hair Goods
Including Puffs, Rolls,
Rats and Switches
XN this department you
will find just any kind
of a hat you wish from
a dainty little shade hat for
the little girl to a fine dress
hat for yourself. We can
please you in this line in every
wE are showing one of the
ill finest nnes f Ladies'
Vi Neckwear this spring
that we have ever displayed
and our prices are the lowest.
All styles in lace and embroid
eryTurnovers, Stocks, Ja
bots, Shield Bows and Dutch
Collars from 5c up.
faction in buying your
Shoes of us, for we have
the largest variety of styles
and sizes for you to select
from and can please you in
price and fit.
Ladies Slippers
From $ I up
Children's Shoes and Slippers
From 50c up
Some dandy specials in Ladies'
and Misses' Shoes and Oxfords
in button and in lace, in patent
leather, kid, and gun metal
calf. There are shoes in this
bunch that are worth more than
twice the price that we are
selling them for. Just see
what $1.50 will get for
you off of this Bargain Table.
NEW LINE of these
celebrated Nemo Cor
sets just in. We
carry a full line in all sizes.
No. 321, for tall and medium
stout figures, high bust,
very long hip; broad bands
of Lastikops webbing firmly
hold in the hips and upper
limbs, yet are elastic enough
to give perfect ease when
seated. Nemo self -reducing
devices reduce and support
the abdomen. White coutil, sizes 19 to 3G, $3.50
wiTxRcucr Banos
NOTIIER novelty of the greatest value -
Nos. 40G and 408. Broad bands of Last
ikops Webbing reshape and reduce the
flesh of the upper limbs, producing a perfectly
smooth effect. Especially appreciated by wo
men who don't want the fat to bulge below the
corset edge. An absolutely new effect. nn
No. 406, low bust; No. 408, high bust... OH-iUU
THtE PAIRDS PA01R, Store ftqj Saves ou money
1000 Newtown, Ark. Blacks
and Spitzenburgs;
From 3 to il2 ft.
Y. A. CrOW, Near Tucker Bridge,
. Phone 1922 M.
Real Estate
Correspondence Solicited
The W. G. Aldred Co.
Crushed Rock
and Gravel
0-W, R. & N, COMPANY
No. . Fut IU1I (no paaeens-ers) 4 f-0 A. M.
No. 1. Portland Flyer :10 "
No. T. Portland Local 7:46 ".
No. a. Oriajon 4 Washington Express 8:50 "
No. 11. Bcn-Hpufcano-Portland 8:25 "
No. L Portland Local 1:26 P. M
No. IT. Chicaxo Limited 6:45 "
No. t Prndlotoo Local 10:30 A. M.
No. IS. Oraroa and Wanh. Limited ... 11:63 "
No. I. Tha I talk Local 620 P. M.
No. 10. tut Mail, no paaernrrs 826 "
No. f. Orwm 4 Wahinrton KnprmamiZO "
No. IX. 10:66
No. 4. Walla Walla Paaarnrer 12:66 "
Train number 1 6, 11 and 17 make no stops ba
tweea Hourf Kivar and Portland, rinmiwi for
kral points mult take trama 7 and L
Train 4. 12 and U atop only at Tha Dallas. ArU
Inaton. Umatilla and Pendleton, Paaaencm far
autiite between Houd Hirer and Pandlaton must
take tralaa No. t ( and a.
For I lartbar Informeliua Inquire at ticket office
J. M. FKLDKICY, Agent.
A story was circulated, Imt with
out any foundation In (net that Mr.
Uunn was arrested for being loaded,
was taken liefore the county judge
and discharged. The report In the
News the next day branded It an a
mere fabrication.
Work In being delayed upon the
horse sheds which have been In
course or erection tne prst. winter
owing to the architect's delay In
furnishing the detail drawings
promptly. These sheds are a repro-
ductlrn of those at the famous, rare
track at Kpsoin Salts, Kngland, ancl
are being erected under the persoual
supervision of Mr. Mason.
I5y damming and other methods.
Chester Walton has greatly enlarged
the swimming pool In Trout creek,
and arrangements by the entertain
ment committee are well under way
for a series of aquatic sports the
coming summer. There are quite a
few who will give exhibitions of re
malnlng under water while the hat
Is Ising passed for the new horse
The report that Samuel Bean), of
this place, was dead Is false. He
wishes to deny the allegation, and
announces that he Is very much
alive. The report found credence
from the fact that inon Johnny
Cooper's recent visit to Hood Klver
he happened Into one of the tonso.
rial parlors and there hanging upon
the wall was a sign which read,
"Whiskers lived."
Mr. Bagley, who has conducted a
meat and provision store for the
past year, lias retired frani business
and will hereafter confine his energy
to furthering the Interests of the Re
publican part. He turned down a
tempting offer of the Oregon LiiiiiIht
Company for his services, am) Is on I
for the nomination of county judge
next fall. Mr. Twelves, his competi
tor for the same nomination, says he
has It cinched, as he wasn't all win
ter "pulling wires" for nothing.
Master Laurln Cooper can give
some of the anglers a few pointers
on angling trout. Last Saturday
he caught thirteen In about half an
hour, none of which weighed lens
than three pounds, ami as he Is a
regular attendant at Sunday school
and has read the life of tieorge
Washington, his veracity cannot be
Impeached. He says he can fish
them out as fast as the committee of
the I'rogressfve Association, who
are stocking the streams .can deposit
Mr. and Mrs. Craton went to Kood
Klver Sunday to visit relatives.
Mrs. W. A. Stark came up Sunday
to visit her daughter, Mrs. Akers.
J. M. Carroll Is able to be down
town ugaln, after a si-rloiis lllnos
with appendicitis.
Mrs. Wheeler, of The Dalles,
preached at the Itaptlst church Sun
day morning and evening.
Miss Agn.ts Phillips and sister, ,
Irma, came up from Portland Tiles-1
day evening to spend the summer
with their rather. j
A force of men has Is-en busy un
loading poles to le used mi theelcc-.
trie line that Is to ! put In between
The Dalles and Hood Klver. !
J. T. Davenport went to Hood
Klver Saturday to le present ntthei
wedding anniversary of his sister,
Mrs. .1. II. Kemp.
Mr. ami Mrs. Berrymnn, of The
Dalles, were down the latter part of
the week trying to revive the Artisan
lodge. A meeting was held Satur
day evening to make further arrange,
The Hotel line has changed pro
prietors, Mrs. McDonald, of Spokane,
having rented the dining room and
kitchen. Mr. Welberg nut family
have moved into their tent and will
take charge of the rooms.
Mrs. (iove entertained her pupils
and ex-graduates Thursday evening,
at her home. Aft r several contest
games, all Joined in having a good
time. Kefrsehments were served,
after which all departed for their
Arbor Day was a busy day with
the school children, ant the way
they rolled rocks, raked rubbish anil
cleaned up was amazing. Then sev
eral (lower beds were made and
tilled with seeds 'ind plants. At 2 p.
m., at the tap of the bell, all as
sembled In Miss Booth's room to
listen to a irogram by the little
folks, which consisted of songs, reci
tations anil dialogues, (jute a num
ler of visitors were present, and all
enjoyed the day's exercises.
(From the Enterprise)
Spltzenburg trees for planting are
at a premium, that Is, trees that are
known to be good. There has been
such a big demand for them that
none can be had at Hoot Klver, ex
cept from speculators at fancy prices.
While many Spit have beed planted
on this side this spring, about 70 per
cent of the apple trees have iH-en
M. Wltte, of Kyle, was In White
Salmon one day last week. He has
begun a suit against the .North Bank
Dr, K. C. Broslus of Hood Klver
has received orders from government
headquarters to report for duty at
once with the United states Army on
the Mexican border.
The doctor holds the rank of major
In the medical corps anil will report
to(ien. Bliss at San Diego. Dr. 1 '.ro
sins served Hi montiM In the Philip
pines and will leave Saturday for the
held of duty.
road for damages, his story being
that that he had a round trip ticket
from White Salmon to Portland,
but the conductor held that It was
not his ticket and Ut him off In the
vicinity of Underwood. Mr. Wltte
went to The Dalles, and has had a
lawyer of that city bring suit.
Dick llntchlns, 12 years old, is the
big hen man of this place. The rec
ord of Ms twelve pullets for the
month of March Is I'Ll eggs, or l!
eggs per pullet. This lients Harry
('aden's record at Klamath Falls,
where his fifteen hens laid an aver
age of 17 eggs per hen; also the
Tarry town, N. Y., man, who won
$.-,MHI because his sixty hens laid
1,(MK) eggs In February, or 17 eggs per
Captain Cook, who recently re
turned from northwestern Mexloo,
just below Man Diego, Is Interested lu
Mexico to the extent of 5,(HH) acres.
He bought at $1 per acre, but the Ink
was hardly dry on the papers before
he was offered double that, and
coultl now sell It for much more. He
Is having a lemon grove set out on
part of It. v 1 1 li this property,
buildings In Frisco, and White Salm
on holdings, the Captain is In no
danger of having to go around to
back doors for hand outs.
Hood Kfver anil Portland Com
mercial Clubs are working for an au
tomobile road between the two
places. It Is a tine Idea. If ( Hen
wood gets busy am opens up an
auto roat, connecting the White
Salmon road with the road to North
Yakima, one of the finest auto roads
in the United States, so far as scen
ery Is concerned, will lie from North
Yakima, through (ilenwood, down
the White Salmon valley, through
the town, crossing the Columbia
by ferry to Hood Klver, anil then to
Portland. Why not?
Underwood Society Notes
Dean Ballard, of Hood Kiver, spent
the week end at Underwood as the
guest of Harry Stlckney and sister.
Miss Molly Stlckney, at their ranch
home, The Highlands. Others who
enjoyed the house-party were Miss
Florence Holmes, Miss Hazel Holmes,
Koy Melggs, Bob Lutliauser and
Frank Hong.
The Woman's Club of Nobility
Hill, Underwood, met last Thursday
with Miss Molly Stlckney at The
Highlands for an Informal inuslcale.
The rooms were attractive In Ore
gon grape, ferns and spring tlowers.
Those who attended were Mrs. Hugh
Hamlin, Mrs, II. M. (ireiner, Mrs (!.
W. Detwiller, Mrs. (i. K. (irlfiith,
Mrs. IC. M. Cummins. Mrs. K. J. Cum
mins, Mrs C. W. Vinton, Mrs. Henry
Hussey, Mrs. P.JI. Packard, Mrs. Bert
Adams, Mrs. S. K. Clarke, Mrs. W. J.
Cash, the Misses Florence Holmes,
Hazel Holmes and Fannie Hay ties.
Kagged wounds are painful ami
cause much annoyance. If not kept
dean they fester and txi'oiue running
sores. Ballard's Snow liniment Is
an antiseptic, healing remedy for
such cases. Apply It at night before
gidng to bet) and cover with a cot
ton cloth bandage. It heals In a few
days. Price L'.V, iMIc ond 1.0 per
bottle. Sold by ( has. N. Clarke.
Congregational Church Services
The- service at the Congregational
church next Sunday morning will Is
in commemoration of the three
hundredth anniversary of t he trans
lation of the Bible, In keeping with
the observation of the churches
throughout the world on that day. 3
In the evening Pastor Harris will
close the series ol Pictures of Woman
hood, the theme being " Two Sisters
In Modern Society." It will Is'
especially addressed to those who
are or hope to be lenders In society.
To-day and every day, let us
With the correct DRUGS of
greatest power, a moderate
equipment, and long training
we surely can and do give the
best results in Prescription
Compounding always.
Chas. N. Clarke
Hood River
Kitchen Queen Patent Flour, Guaranteed, $1.25 Sack; $4.90 Barrel
Blue Mountain Creamery Butter, per roll 65C
Preferred Stock Raisins per pound 10c
Black Figs in bulk, per pound ..IOC
White Figs in bulk, per pound ...IOC
Italian Prunes per pound 10c
H. & G. Catsup per bottle 20c
Old Dutch Cleanser per dozen $1.00
Citrus Washing Powder per package .... 20c
Pearl ine, large package -20c
Pearline, small packagea.. 10c
Fels Naptha Soap per bar 5C
Smith Bros. Savon Soap, 7 bars 25C
Smith Bros. White Laundry Soap, G bars.. 25C
Number 7 Box Macaroni 40c
3 packages Macaroni 25c
3 packages Saghetto 25C
S Fine Granulated Cane Sugar, 17 lbs. $1,00, Per Sack, $5.30
m :
I Trade with us and your Dollar will buy more Our Terms arc CASH to All