10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. 1911 Makes the most nutri tious food and the most dainty and delicious. mm, Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. Royal CmI Book 800 RtctipttFree. Stnd Name end Addrtu. OVL BKINQ POWDEW FIGHTING FROSTS IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY A a elaborate series of experiments lu the fighting of frosts In the Kogue Klver Valley lt being conducted by the department of horticulture of the Oregon Agricultural College. V. K. lirown, special field assistant, In In charge of the work, assisted by stud ruU In horticulture ut the college, In cluding Leslie Beaty of HalUtoti, I'olk county, and C. C. Held of Fair Held, 111. Two of the leading manufacturers of oil pot In Colorado and California are running a competitive test as to the relative merits of their various oil pot in frost protection. These companies are paying all expenses of the demonstrations and each has a representative on the ground. The work Is being done through the i iU ' 4, Going to Paint? If it's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be applied. We have ACME QUALITY Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for rofinishing any shabby surface indoors or outdoors. Glad to show colors and offer advice whether you decide to paint or not. El. A. FRANZ CO. CO., NEW YORK. agency of the college department ol horticulture nnd is being conducted In the orchard of Mr. (. E Marshal of Medford. The Judges are Mr. Mar shal, K. H. Brown of the college, and Mr. C. E. Whistler. Each company Is furnishing ma terials for a five acre test, making a ten acre experiment. The orchard has leen surveyed Into blocks of foot areas, lu each of which are three thermometers. Close studies are to be made of atmospheric conditions during the blooming season. Fre quent demonstrations will be made as to the amount of oil the different tyies of pots burn through a given length of time. The liver loses Its activity at times and needs help. Herbine Is an effec tive liver stimulant. It also purities the bowels, strengthens digestion aud restores strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. l'rlee .10o. Sold by Chas. X. Clarke. f'-ffrr""'"1""""'"'"" 'iiin"M"f'""gSiljfe "ME QUALITY HOOD RIVER WINS FROMSTEVENSON The Hood Klver teuni In the Mld Ctilumhlu league maintained Its good start for the pennant Sunday by defeating Stevenson at the latter place by a score oi 4 to 2. The hx'als went to Stevenson on the steamer Tahoma. A goodly crowd of rooters accompanied them and enjoyed the game which was closely contested. At Columbia I'ark the Heights teuni met defeat at the hands of Melr & Franks counter Jumpers. The si-ore was (i to .1. Owing to errors the vis iting team secured a lead of five runs in the (mirth Inning. A feature of the game was the sensational catch In deep right field by Ilawley, one of the visiting players. HOOD RIVER WAITER- CHARGED WITH THEFT tieo. Brown, a constable from Ore gon City came here Friday and ar rested Karl Klotz, a waiter, charging him with the theft of .Ht. Klotz Is alleged to have stolen the money while worklug in Oregou City. A companion who was charged with being Implicated In the crime was placed under arrest In the latter city before Brown left for Hood Uiver. Klotx wus taken back to Oregon City to answer the charge. It Is stated that while Klotz was working In one of the hotels there f 2.1 was missed by one of the waiters who had left It In his clothing while at work. NEW SCHEDULE IN EFFECT ON MT. HOOD RAILROAD The Mt. Hood Railroad has put a new schedule into effect, which short ens up the time. leaving Hood Hlver the train departs at V0.1. reaching I'arkdale at 10:."0. The leaving time at I'arkdale has been changed to l:i0 p. in., the train reaching here at 3:10 and making connections with the local for I'ort land. On Sundays the train will leave I'arkdale at .'1:00 p. m , or two hours later, giving visitors several hours In the I'pper Valley between trains. Every family that has children Is liable to have croup; Invariably at night. If Ballard's H on-bound Syr up Is kept In the house, It saves going after the medicine at an Inconvenient time ami checks the attack promptly. Trice 2.V, .10c. and $1.00 per bottle Sold bv Chas. X. Clarke. HUSUM HAS INFLUX OF PROSPECTIVELAND BUYERS H usu iii. Wash., April 17 The In flux of prospective land buyers dur ing the last week of the colonist's rates to the red and yellow apple lands of the White Salmon valley, has reached the limit of all expecta tions and predictions, and activity lu land sales Is more perceptible ev ery day. The class of homeseekers making this particular section of Washing ton their point of Investigation Is not composed of farmers from the east who an-seeking cheap lands and homesteads. On the contrary It Is a class of well to do farmers or bust ness men with abundant capital to Invest In Improved aud unimproved fruit tracts, the profession of an or chardlst nppealing to their desires In preference to cultivating grains and grasses In nion remote regions. Will S. Ingham, a prospective land buyer from Minneapolis is only a sample enthusiast, proclaiming the sentiment of hundreds who have vis ited the White Salmon valley this year. In conversation with him to day he said: "On my tours of In vestigation In the west I have visited this section during three different seasons and 1 am (irmly convinced that this Is an ideal country to bring my family. Your climatic conditions are above the average and the fact that the leading varieties of nppplcs are raised here successfully Insures a lasting market. "I hardly believe your people up- predate the beuuties of nature sur rounding you, nnd the short distance to Portland, to be reuched by mod ern trains or Columbia Uiver boats, are certainly advantages not to be overlooked. "I am about to close a deal for nn orchard tract with five acres of bear ing Spltzenberg trees. After I have built a comfortable residence for my family I expect to make this section of the valley my permanent home." Knights of Pythias, Attention White Salmou, Wash., will organ ize a K. of 1'. lodge at that place on Saturday evening, April 1111. All Knights are Invited to attend Transportation has been arranged for. Ini)uuire at Clarke's jewelry store. FOR SALE Some of the best Apple Land In Washington Improved and unim proved; small or large tracts; easy payments; near Goldendale, Wash. A solid block of 160 acres set to winter ap ples. G. W. DAVIS Goldendale, Klickitat County, Wash. POLK'S GAZETTEER A ftoln li ret torr of earh City, rm i m i :ihiiiKton, k i v in K ltrrfptlv hltftrh of ii-h plar. Jyornelrt-i, hhi((ifiic rm-iJitla and a 4 I ) flri Dirrttory of each jUuniaena and i roiriiftin. R. I,. I'Of K CO., Inc. nr.il lie, V AMD. SMOKING IY1EAT THE NEW WAY. Too don't imH a smoke house. Apply WRIOHTB HMOKE a liijuid giv ing two coats, which will impart the rich aroma ami delicate flavor of hi korj smoke to the meat, keeping it .Ajuuu, iwoei ana insect Tree Indefinitely. Hold for 14 years all over U. H. and Can ada. Get the "nuine. Fully Guaran teed. Hold r uly in wjnare quart Ixittlea with metal cap. Ask your drtigKist for "Wright'i Smoke'1. Made only l.y L H. WRIGHT CO., Kum! City, Me. Sold ami Guaranteed hj KEIR & CASS OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE iim Trade Mamks DiaiaNS Copyright Ac. Anrootnrtlnf tftkfttfh and dwrrtntirm may Qhlcttlr MoerUui nur opinion fraa whwthr an iirrimn t priiiy rrrif able, rmmnnlra tijmtmctir"'iMilirj. HANDBOOK fn Piit tut fraa. (Ji1t urrrf for rurinr patent. Scientific American. A hn1nme1r WnirtMf 4 waahlf. Currant rlf. filiation of any -!(. t KM Journal. l rnia. 1 a yR,r: f'.nr montht L (Md by alt nawadnalara. MUNN ft Co.""- New York Ursiieb omc. am. WubiMlun, IX U EASTER SERVICES AT THE VALLEY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tin1 Innovation lieie of having a sunrise prnyerincetiiiK. took well. The meeting, should Ik, wiih led by h woman, Mrn. It. I'.. i'atillt-r. Only a do.t-n ami a half wi-iv prt-n-ent, luit evt-r.vone tut-iut-il IIIU'il with the KaHtt-r H.lrlt iiiiiJ maile It the niiwt hi l.fiil and In tcn-Hl ln nuvtlim of that character ever held In thin church. When Sunday m-hool time came around, one would have thought It FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL FLESH X remedy that la equally effleacloua la heallnar the wound!, aorea, ipralaa or other ailment! of the flesh of man or beaet. BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT a hA.llmr romo.lv in offortivolv moot the needs of nnlmal floh nood not be a hareh. dtron mixture. loo riraatlo for th human bodv: flt-sh heallnir remedies designed for man; and It is equally as prompt diseases common nmonp animals. Owners of blooded horses prefer It leaves no dlHtlirurlnir sears n which the flesh of horses responds readily. .... It is of ereat value In healing harness Ralls, barbed wire cuts, wounds, festering sore! and many other ailments to which horses are subject. In the r--li- f t human suffering. It has done a world of frood. particularly In easing the pains of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumhago. When Kently rubbed in where the pain exists, It (fives a most Kratifvinic relief to the uffllcted. As a household remedy for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, contracted muscles, stiff neck, frost bites, swellings, clilll blulns. Ivy pylsonliib'. tlicru is uotliin better on earth. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMK1 F. HAI.I.AnO For Disease or Aliments of wan the Fotirt'i of July from the rlgn arriving at the grouudn. A photog raplu-r wan to have been present to snau the Live Viren and the Itoynl Soiim' pictureH, hut he failed to ma tcrlallze. It was the banner attend ance of the church' hlntory, over a humlred and twenty-live lieltig pren ent. The choir rendered t wo Hpeclal an theiint for the morning nervlce. The xermou, "What I See In HieKmpty Tomb," dealt largely on .Ichiih being the true friend and genuine Hvinpa thlzer. A picnic lunch-for many brought their lunch and talkfenr tilled In the time between tne morning and after noon Her vice. The Sunday Mchool had charge of the afternoon gathering and gave a inoht IntereHting program. Knileavor wan well attended. The Hpeclal program to be given had iH-en well advertised and everyone wan out In force. The climax of the day came in the evening. The minister took pity on Uh for once and dinpelined with the Hermon. Solon, readlugH and Hpeclal anthems by thecholr which nhowed, by the way, that they had not Ih-cii Blighted Iii practice anil an iiiHtruct- Ive talk by the pantor, made up a moHt -ntertaliiliig hour aud a half. Everyone contributed generoiiHly tti the Hilver offering taken up In the In terentM of the varioiiH benevolent lll- Htltutloim throughout the Htate. Taken all In all, the day will go down In history as the greatent ever wltneHHed by the Valley ChrlHtlan church. The correct treatment for cutn, burns, Hcaldn, wound, hutch, lumba go, rht-utnatlHiu or neuralgia Is I'.al lard'n Snow Liniment. 1 1 Ih healing, penetrating and nntlHeptle, which Ih everything that Ih needed to effect a complete cure. Price 11.1c. .Hie and $1.IM per bottle. Sold by Chan. N. Clarke. Salem has U-come a manufacturing center. It ban -1.1 factories employ ing 1.110 workmen. The monthly payroll Ih $:mi,:::hi and the value of the annual product in more than $4.HMI,IHH). Simplicity and Durability Ih the basis which the Will 1 1; SLW IN(1 MACHINE is built on. We are unprejudiced In our claim that the WHITE is the best sewing machine In the W ORLD. W e are only too glad to show you that the range of work Is unlimited We make the Vibrator and Kotary machines, the latter being equipped with the Lock and Chain stitch, making two machines in one and possesses other desirable features too numerous to mention. See STEWAKT HARDWARE 4 f L'KM IIJRE CO., local dealer, flood River, Ore,, before you buy. WHITE SEWIING MACHINE CO. AGED PIONEER RESIDENT FALLS DEAD ON HIGHWAY Win. OverliaiiKh, N? yearn old and a I'oliuiililu Uiver pioneer reHldeiit for over thirty yearn, died Mtiddenly Monday on the roadidde near IiIh home. Mr. Overliauh, who reHldei ou the Mllrtlde Juxt acrows the river from Hood Klver, alter eating n hearty tireakfaxt, dtart.nl to take a vhort walk and later wan found dead about "HI feet from hit home. The can e of death wan heart failure. Funeral wrvlcen will he held today In the Martonk- hall at White Salmon. Hallurd a Bnow I.lnlrnent proof of any of the minor accidents or ailments. PUOPIllKTOre the K;r, Stephens V.yr Snlve U 10 EfleetlTe Remedy. It ICaaea I'sla aad (urea I'rrnianenliy. 3 Solo Ano RtcowMCNOto8vLTi CI IAS. N. CLAHia: ASKS FOR RECEIVER FOR EAST HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO A. P. Itateham Hied a nuit Wednes day In the federal court In Portlaud against the Kant Hood Klver Fruit Company and Home of the directors of t he company, asking forjt receiver on the grouuilH that he has not been paid $l."i.'l!4 due him for salary as general manager to April 1, of this year. Itateham set forth In Ills com plaint that heowiiH nearly half of the stock In the company, but that it is not In tinaclal condition to meet its obligations, amounting to a total of about $.,."..(HHl. No-Dust Waxine Is a preparation to absorb the dust when sweeping. It prevents breath ing It. Disease germs are there. You carefully protect your hair and clothing; we aim to protect your lungs from the germ-laden dust. A new net Ih contly and hard to get, and repairs are expensive. Fifty pounds, $2 IH); Kki pinindHf.', IHI; '.Is I. pound barrel, $.1.00, f. o. b. Portland. Order from Crt-Hcent Chemical Co., i'iL'o Washington St., Portland, Or, or K. A. Franz Hardware Co., Hood Klver, or through your grocer.1 MICHELM fSemeUo" Anti - Look for fyTA M tredlml The hardened Steel Anti-Skid Studs do prevent skidding 2 ttB 3 & & , l 40,Si IN STOCK BY Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Co. Don't Leave the WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley for aimilar land in ithr inrtiona Bur now befitn atHfculatora add their pntfita. COMMKKCIAI. Cf.UH OF MoSIKR M0SII R 'ORLOON FRED DIETZ AWARDED BOOK IN ESSAY CONTEST The hook offered by the N'ewn to the pupil In the eighth (crude for the iM-Ht-written coiupoHltton on Theo dore KooHevelt, haw been awarded to Fred Diet. Second honors are given to (ieorge ltragx and third io Uoger SlmpMon. For general literary ex cellence young Uletx'n paer wan the U-ot, although not an original lu Hiibject iim that of MaMter llragg. The volume which will Ite given to the winner Im Theodore Kooevelt' "Arflcan Game TralU." this. It rank! with the beat of the In curing the wounds and flesh to any other liniment because Jt It ncais vy a niim power m T. I.OVH, MO. (iirls Average Highest A study of the grades made by the HtudentH of the FnlverHlty of Oregon for the last semester reveals the fact that the girls made a higher average than the boys. The girls averaged Ml I for the semester's work, and the j boys s.'l..'t. The Women's Dormitory j made the highest average of any of 'the woiiimu'h cIiiIih, r' The lowent average of any of the womcn'H or ganizations was Mi. Tin- Masonic fraternity, the Acacias, made the highest average of any of the men's clubs, V.I. The lowest men's club average was 70. The memU-rs of the football team averaged M, which Is higher than the total average of all the men. If you eat something which (lis agreen with yon, don't let It. work Its own way through. It's a shnv priH-CHH and mr-.kes you feel bad. I let rid of It quickly by taking a done of Herbine. It driven out Impurities In the stomach and bowels, and you feel better Immediately. Price .loe Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. The Dalles had conslileralile build ing activity during the pant month. March statistics hIiow over loo new houses, valued at $10.1,:!7.1. Skids The Leather tread U tough, flexible, and Boa- puncturing Hood River District Natural ailvanUfr1 fr fruit n row in unrxr1!!. Ijiml prktvn hwm flmihld In I ant two yrwrn hut rt not half that aaknl 6 Miles Last of Hood River, Oregon ( 2w I