The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 19, 1911, Image 1

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Get "Results
Highest Grade
Job Trinting
Stalwart Foe of Public Graft and Corruption Declares
Safety of State and Nation Depends On Keeping
Conscience of People Awake and Active -Wave of
Reform Now Sweeping Country Must Be Kept Alive
As the Price of Good Government is Eternal Vigi
lanceMissouri's Governor Greeted by Big Audi
ience at Heilbronner Hall.
i i iv. Joseph W. Polk's vIhU to
Mood River ofcnsloned much Inter
cut mill the audience thut assembled
at llellliroiiiier hall Saturday even
In to hear lit in wan it large one.
Ouv. Folk spoke to 11 large audi
wife At 'I'lie Pulles Friday evening,
mid fame from that city to Hood
Klver. He was met here by K. ('.
Smith, president of the Commercial
('lull. Secretary Skinner and several
of the directors, and during the after
noon took a ride througn the valley
and wan both pleased and IntereHted
In the imiii n try here.
(iov. Folk, however. In much more
Interented In clean government than
In any other subject, and In his ad
dress, which wan listened to with
clone attention, he Hounded a note of
warning against the debusing effect
which corruption through bribe g'v
lap? and graft Ih having on the body
politic. (iov. Folk, who mtiHt be
considered the pioneer In the bitter
day campaign against grafting pub
lie ollicialH and corruption, went Into
detail in regard to the enormity the
practice had reached In municipal,
Htate and national government. The
endurance and pronper'.ty of the gov
ernment of the 1'iiited Staten, Mr.
Folk Hiilil, will depend on keeping
awake n sense of Individual renpon
Hlblllty In nffnlrs of state. He point
ed out that the public coiiHcieiice Iwih
Ihh-ii aroiiHed, but that It Ih necessary
to keep It aroiiHed to wli- the tight.
In an Interview with a New repre
sentative, he said:
"The welfare of the city or Htate
' should always be the first and high
ent coiiHideratlon. Some of you may
In-long to thin party Home to that
party, but all nhonld be patriots lie
pntrlotH before you are anything
cine. The people, the average voter,
you and I, are reHponnlble for the
future of t lilrt government. If the
American republic Ih to survive. It
inilHt Ih- naved by the cffortH of the
patriotic citizens who want nothing
for theniHclveH but the advantage
that accrue from the general public
weal. If the public learn to appre
elate thin, learn to know the dangern
that threaten onr future, and learn
the strength that renin with the
voters, the future of thin government
Ih iiHHiired.
"1 am not an alarniint, and I do
not liellcve that the Fnlted Staten of
America w ill ceane toexint an a re
public today nor tomorrow. We
have hinted for one hundred and
thirty-four yearn a long time w hen
.lohii F. Moore manager of the
(Irani Junction (Colo.) Fruit Grow
ers Association spent several days
here last week looking the valley
over and vUfllng trultmen. Mr,
Moore was piloted about the valley
by H. Shepard and C. II. Sprout,,
manager of the local association and
also called on the itavldnoti Fruit
Company and exchanged views on
fruit handling and oilier phases of
the business,
Mr. Moore Is at the head of one of
the largo shipping associations
and stated that he expected to nee a
bumper crop shipped from dr-ind
Junction this year. In a good sea
son the (irand Junction organization
ships II.IHHi cars of fruit, principally,
peaches ond apples. Moore Is looked
on lis one of the shrewdest fruit men
In tin untry and U a marvel of en
ergy and resource. Fur his H'-rvleen
he receives a salary of $i!,IMM); a year
and has lately been making a tour of
the fruit growing dlstiicfson the Pu
flllc Coast to get In touch with any
new methods.
While not given to talking much
for publication Mr. Moore Is a keen
observer and a genial companion.
He has u wide aciiialntance with
frultmen and a still wider one with
markets and fruit handling. 1 nder
his management the (irand Junction
organization has become one of the
most successful III the l ulled States
and when there Is a runmr of "J ohn"
going else here he gets a raise.
compared with the average crlod
of one man's public activity, but
nliort lu the history of natloiiH.
Venice had a republican form of gov
ernment for one thousand yearn;
Carthage endured ana republic for
ne ven hundred yearn, and Athenn
lanted nine hundred yearn, though
there were Intermissions during that
time. Florence was a republic for
three hundred yearn ami Koine for
five hundred. These governments
were once great factors lu civiliza
tion, and their citizens probably
thought they would hint forever,
that nothing could overthrow them
We are likely to harbor similar Mean
and It In possible they will prove to
lie wrong.
"The conditions that canned the
downfall of those old republics, now
almost forgotten, were the bnme
conditions that w ill cause the down
fall of the Amerlcun republic, If It Is
not to endure The danger lies In
the hearts of the people.
"Too many are Indifferent, and
this indifference of voters Is the
greatest menace ton republican form
of government. Aniline the voters
to an understanding of the danger
convince them that they are person
ally and directly concerned; get them
moving once and they are Invincible,
lint while most people are honest,
they are Inactively no, while the
vicious minority are iiernlcloulsy
active. It Is not enough to be merely
honest; the good citizen should be
aggressive In Ills opposition to graft
ami corruption. Law breakers have
nothing to fear from pasnlve oppo
nltioii, but they must yield to active
and nggrennlve lighters. We need
more lighters in the army of ieuee
We must light for everything that Is
worth having; we must light against
everything bad. The farmer must
not only be personally opposed to
weeds, but he must cut them
down ami make an active warfare
against them, or his crops will lie
ruined. In governmental affairs the
name relations exist between good
and evil as bet wii ii the useful grain
that must le sown and cared for.
am) worthless thistles anil weedn
that will spring up of their own
accord anywhere. A government
neglected will no more become good
than a neglected tield will grow corn
and wheat.
"There are no 'neceHHiiry evils' In
government. It ts the abuses of
government about which all good
citizens have a right to complain."
Complaints are being made that
enjoyment of the scenic beauties of
the east side grade Is being marred by
refuse and garbage that in being
dumped over It, and that the matter
will be called to the attention of the
county health officer.
The practice Is said to have licen
i going on for some time, and In In
'dulgeilln by those who have occu
! sloll to pans t lie grade In vehicles
and take this method of getting rid
of obj'-ct louable refuse which they do
do not want on their own premises.
A it u hi 1 T who object to having
the pleasure of a ride along Hood
Kivcr's most scenic spot made un
pleasant by the sight and odor of
tin cans and garbage, are up In arms.
They believe that residents here
should take a proper pride lu keeping
the grade In Its pristine glory, and
therefore the objection. It Is stated
that If the offenders can be located
they will be warned to desist, and If
the warning has no effect they will
be prosivutcd.
. Camas Drainage Case Settled
The Camus I'nilrle drainage cane,
which had almost become famous
In the stiierlor court of Klicki
tat county, and which has been
hanging lire for the last year or two,
has at last been settled, mi l we pre
sume that work will now soon be
The Mt. Hood Railroad made nn
Important purchase of real estate la
the city Monday by buying a tract of
land o:i both sides of their right of
way extending from the (). W. II. &
N. Hallroail to State street.
The land belonged to A. Wlnans,
living part of an original grant which
had been lu the Wlnans family for
inuny years. I'urt of It will be util
ized by the company for railroad
Mount Hood's
i he upper story of the depot ha been fitted up as a hotel and is now open for jruests. The es
tablishment has twelve rooms, bath and other modern improvements and a fully equipped culinary
department. The rest of the building is occupied by the business quarters of the railroad company
yards and a turn table. The turn
table which in feet In diameter was
rceleved Monday and will be Installed
this week.
Were Also Made Knights
In the list of names published last
week as having joined the Knights
of Kohrassan, several were omitted.
Not w lulling to deny anybody the
pleasure and honor of having be
come a member of this order, we will
state that F. II. Inenberg, W. A.
Inenberg, I.. S lscnberg anil James
Stranahau also joined, and were
present at the lireworks.
News Snapshots
Of (he Week
J.imes A.
to succeed
the Pill ted
tho opening
mmle Republican minority lender. A parade of more than workimt men and women was held la New York dly
of the Washington place waist factory fire. Troops patrolling the Mexican border are still vigilant.
Mount Hood
Starts Publicity Work
Will Distribute 20,000 Illustrated F:olders Containing
Write-up of City and ValleyDevelopment of
Resources and Advantages of Country Object of
New Departure.
To advertise Hood Klver n ml Its
line Into the valley, the Mt. Hood
Railroad will commence the distri
bution this week of 20,000 attractive
folders which It has Just had printed.
The folder, which was gotten out at
the News ofllce, Is handsomely llhis
trated anil Is printed on enameled
book paper. It contains n general
write up of the city and valley, In
addition to considerable space de
voted to the I'pper Valley country,
and Is au advertising medium that Is
a IsMiefit to the whole country.
Scenes In various parts of the val
ley are plctuted In It, among thein a
flue Illustration of the I'pper Valley
apple exhibit at the Lint fruit fair,
the new I'arkdule station, and a re
lief map of the entire valley.
The folder Is the firm ever gotten
out lira small railroad In Oregon.
and will be distributed throughout
the country. It will be placed In all
Depot and Hotel at TarKdale
the leading hotels on the coast and
In the stations of the railroad ccn-
tern In the Fnlted States and Canada,
as well as dlst ributed generally from
the ofllce of the company, and
w ill also be placed at the disposal of
the I'pper Valley Progressive Asso
ciation and the Commercial Club.
The size of the folder permits of It
being mulled In an ordinary long en
velope. The write-up contains a good deal
more In regard to the advantages
and description of the Hood Klver
country than It does about the rail
road, which In only mentioned Imi-
O'Oonnan, w hose election broke the deaillo. k
Chmincpy M. Pcpew. An invent iunt Ion of the
Htnte senate H being tniiile In Illinois.
of the Sixty-second congress Champ
j dentally, the management of the
company believing that what helps
the country helps the railroad.
An n private publicity campaign,
the distribution of the folders Is the
largest that has been attempted at
Hood Klver, and the railroad com
pany In being congratulated for Its
A runaway that put fear Into the
hearts of those who saw It, occurred
Mondaj morning when the big team
attached to thesprlukllngcdrt bolted
down Oak street carrying the heavy
cart ulong with It at high speed.
The team started to run from the
hydrant In front of the Kurtmess Fn
dertaklng establishment where It lie
catne frightened by having the wnter
spatter on It.
At the corner of Second and Oak
streets It ran into a vehicle belonging
to the Fashion stable In front of
Franz store, in which were seated
two children belonging to Mrs. J. 11.
Osborti and her sister, Misn Phillips.
The Impact caused the horses to
fall, broke the carriage and threw
Miss 1'hillips and the children into
the street. The youngsters were
picked up apparently none the worse
except for a few scratches, but Miss
1'hllllps had her face cut and was
badly bruised, and s.i seriously
sunken up that It was necessary to
convey her to the ofllce if a physician
New York leglshitiire. wms
story tlut n fund of flini.noii
III the
Curler II Harrison was fleeted major of Chicago for the tlfili time At
Clark of Missouri was elected speaker and James K. Mann of Illinois wa
Petition City Council To
Have 12th Street Oiled
Hill Residents Say It Will Be Ruined If Not Pre
served --Neighbors Complain of Morse Hospital
Exhibit Booth Ordered Moved for Street Improve
mentsOther Business.
Stating that unless something was
done to preserve It, the macadam on
1 t It ntreet will soon be ruined, a pe
tition signed by residents along the
street was presented to the council
Monday night, asking that It be
oiled. The reipjest to oil the street
wus further presented to the council
by A. C. Staten and J. T. Holtuun,
who nppeured for the residents on
the heights section of the street.
Mr. Staten said that $00 had lieen
subserllieil toward buying oil, and
asked the council If It was possible
to levy a tax on the property abut
Ing on the street, to puy for the Im
provement. The petitioners asked
thut the oil lie put on hot, as they
had been Informed that the greatest
benefit could be derived In this way.
The use of the city's steam roller and
sprinkling cart was asked for, to ap
ply the oil, the latter to be heated
by a steam pipe from the boiler of
the roller. After a long discussion,
Id which Councilman Early said that
the residents of State street would
like to have thut street oiled also,
and an endeavor to discover an eco
nomical way of heating the oil, the
matter was referred to a committee
to Investigate and report at the next
A strong protest was entered to
the council from residents living in
the vicinity of the horse hospital on
When the vehicles collided It was
feared that the occupants would
either be killed or badly Injured. The
runaway team also ran Into a rig be
longing to J. H. Jeffery and smashed
It up pretty badly.
A mute reminder of the runaway
was a dome tieionglng to one
of the (Inborn children which was al
so thrown out ami remained neg
lected lu the vicinity of the runaway
for several hourn, the youngsters
having forgotten It lu their excite
ment. The doll like Its little owners
evidently bore a charmed life for It
wan also uninjured.
More Interest Is lielng taken In ten
nis this year than In any former
season and the local club Is planning
a mimtier of tournaments among Its
own members this spring. The courts
at the corner of Oak and Tenth
st reels are being remodeled. An ef
fort will lie made to enter the teams
In the different tournaments of the
state and Northwest. Among the
inemlierH of the organization, the ex
perts are said to be Harry S. leitt,
J. H. Hellbronuer, F.rnest C. Smith,
Charles Hall and Ke . H. A. Mac
A movement In on foot to purchase
a suitable suburban site where a
handsome clubhouse may be erected
and Insue invitations to all residents
of the Valley to become members of
the club. The new organization will
be on the order of a country dub and
the new itiarters will be sufficiently
commodious to le ustsl as an as
sembly place for special functions.
sworn In n Fnited States senator
was lined to elect William I.ortmer to
as a last tribute to the Ho victims
12th street, which stated that dis
eased horses were lielng shot and op
erated on In the street In plain view
of the neighbors and that the estab
lishment was lielng conducted In s
way that rendered It a nuisance and.
a menace to public health. The pro
test wan referred to the health com
mittee for action.
Mrs. Chas. Castner, secretary of the
Woman's Club submitted a com;
munlcatlon asking for cooperation'
by the council for a clean-up day.
The matter recleved the endorsement
of the council and a day will be set
by the heulth committee.
Block 5 on Columbia street was ac
cepted and ordinance ordered to pay'
the A Id red Company for the work.
Action on the proposition to prrmloy
a consulting engineer was po-'.p jne.1
for future consideration.
The matter of removing the Com
mercial Cluh booth was theu taken
up and the concensus of oplulor, be
ing that it was in the way of proper
street Improvement If w or
dered removed.
The city marshal was Instructed to
have notices printed warning owners
of horses not to leave them untied
on the street; failure to comply with
the warnlug to result In arrest.
Several ordinances were passed,
among them being one giving the
health officer full power In regard to
contagious diseases and providing
proper compensation for the po
John Carson and Stauley Sluts,
aged 9 and 1" years respectively,
were quite seriously Injured Friday
by Indulging In an advance Fourth
of July celebration.
The youngtsers, who are the chil
dren of well-known hill residents,
were allowed to have some torepe
does to play with, and tiellevlng In
making a big uolne In the world
early In life, they decided to explode
them all at once. Placing the torpe
does on a stone, they procured an
other and let It drop on them, with
the result that the explosion caused
pieces of stone to fly In all directions.
Young Slutz received a piece In the
abdomen, that penetrated hfft body,
and was otherwise hurt about the
face. The Carnon boy wan badly cut
aud bruised. Physicians were sum
moned and the Injuries of the boys
dressed, and It In believed that noth
ng serious will result.
Through the agency of W.S. Nichol
the fourteen acre orchard lielougtng
to Mercer & Clark on the went side
was sold Monday to llnrrlmoud &
Hcldeman, South Bend, Indiana men
who took possession of the place at
once. The price paid for the orchard
was fbi,."H. Mr. Hurrlmoud was
formerly employed In the watch fac
tory of the South llend Watch Co.
The property adjoins the orchard of
Plckcrson & Peek, sold last week to
another Indbiua man.
A. C. Helms, of the Oak drove dis
trict, disposed of his U acie orchard
In that section, Friday, to deorge ('.
dhideli, a resilient of North Pakota.
The sale was conducted privately.
and the price paid for the orchard
bv Mr. dladen wan i!,.'.im). Six acres
f the orchard are In tive old
tnvn. anil the lialance Is unimprov.-i.
Mr. dladen In a friend of W I". An
drews, formerly of drain! Forks, but
who now owns a line orchard prop.
ertv at ( ak drove.
Owing to the arrival of another
hone cart, a new lire company was
organized l ist week. Curl Kent WHS
elected foreman and John drey as
sistant foreman A contest. In netted
llled lief ween t he old eonipnny and
the new to determine which shall In
the recipient of the new out lit. A
two Hock run, with hydrant eon
mi ll' in and the first water, will de
cide the matter.