4 THEIHOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS!wwwN,,Mt n aLiaHco miiNnMi hokninui a HOOD Rl ER NEWS COMPANY, Inc Hood Kivaa, Ouiiin w H. W ALTON I- P. SONN1CHSKN . ... Edito . Manage! Subscription, $1.50 a Year In Advance tntarad aa aeroixi-claaa matter. Fth. 10, 1. at lh post affira at Hood Rirar. Orcvon. undar tha Art of March S. 187SL NORTHWEST NOTES President Kane of the Univers ity of Washington, urpes faculty members to serve on juries when they are called, although the state law exempts teachers from such service. He holds that a higher intellectual standard is set by the presence of college I rofessors on juries. "Land of the Booster" That's the name given to the Pacific Northwest in an interview with a returned traveler, recently printed in an Eastern paper. He remarked that he found no knockers on the Pacific Coast. The same paper commenting ed itorially on the interview called attention that the people in this part of the country are too busy taking advantage of their oppor tunities to knock. On July 17, 1897 the steamer Portland sailed into Puget Sound with the first cargo of gold from Alaska's new found fields, and the date for the "Golden Pot latch" was chosen to perpetuate the memory of that event in history. From it dates the great est era of Seattle's prosperity. The Golden Potlatch will be a big carnival of merry making, with its serious features of his torical interest depicted in elab orate pageantry. Northern lines terminating on Puget Sound have raised the limit of transit on eastbound ex cursion rates this summer from ten to fifteen days, according to announcements made by the Great Northern, Northern Pa cific and Harriman traffic officials. Low summer rates amount to one fare plus $10 to St. Paul, Minne apolis, Omaha and Chicago for the round trip. East of Chicago the fare is one fare and a half. Stopover privileges are granted according to the new schedule The limit on the return is placed at October 31. From all parts of the North west come reports of bumper crops in prospect this year. The Big Bend wheat country expects to break all past records. The fruit sections look for materially enlarged outputs in apples. Soft fruits also promise well. On the west side of the mountains there is every reason to count on a horn of plenty being realized. To be able to handle this increased yield all railroads are planning to add to their rolling stock. Fi nancial conditions continue to im prove in the face of all these bright prospects. The Washington State Art As sociation with headquarters in the Seattle Public Library build ing, has compiled a general and financial statement that shows it to be the possessor of collections valued at $516,000. Cash on hand amounts to $53,103. The Tozier Indian collection is worth $150,00 while the archaeological and eth nological exhibits obtained from the Smithsonian Institute are valued at $85,000. The remain ing items consist of paintings, engravings, pottery, sculpture, bronzes, silks and other art treas ures. A project now on foot contemplates the erreclion ot a half a million dollar building for the state museum in the heart of Seattle. High School Team Defeated The Piillea Mub wtiool IhumIxiII V'nin dcft-Atw Hoik) ltlv-r JIIkIi Frl tiny fit The Unlit, by anon re of to 4. T he Drill men were uunlile to hit IIimkI ICIrer'a lengthy nouthpaw lild'her until the fifth Inning, the twlrit'r "trlklnf out nine lmttT tl urliir the flrnt four Inning"- The )itlli milled In the next three In ulnga, li.twever, and neven run were tolllttl n a reault of several nliiKlea, ln ImtEirera aud a three-bane hit. The Voice of Mary Etta It Prove a Safeguard In Time of Need i $ ! i ! I 5 By CLARISSA MACKIE Copyright by American Preaa Aaao atlon. lail. "Never uiinil. lieu." em-oil raced M:iry Etta as her luisbnnd tslim'ed lino his overvoat and pleked ii liis bat, "ev erything will come out all rlht lu the end. All the other farmers in the couutv have met with the same fail ure that we have, only you've pot the best of most of theiu. You've jiot your trade to fall baek on." The sullen expression deepened on Hen Madison's handsome face. "It Isn't so easy jtoIiik back to work under a foreman after tteiiiK my own boss fur live years," he said bitterly. Mary Etta winced. "I know It, dear. But suppose you didn't have a trade aud couldn't make up this winter for your losses of last summer. Mr. Fray has promised you steady work at f2.ro that's $13 a week. Why, It will pay the Interest and taxes for a year, be sides paying all our living expenses and giving you a splendid start for the spring. You might be able to buy auotlier cow." "I know all the advantages," said Ben impatiently. "But you don't un derstand how I feel about it, Mary Etta: It's sort of admitting I've fail ed on the farm, Just as your father said I would." His wife's eyes flashed strangely. "You don't understand father, dear. He has already admitted he was mis taken In bis estimate of you, for you have done splendidly no one can deny that and who could prevent the long drought we have suffered? I know he'd think It was splendid of you to pitch In and make the farm pay by doing everything you could this winter." Ben turned away, a discouraged droop to his shoulders. Of course Mary Etta didn't know that he bad gone to her father the night before and asked him for a loan of $oOO to tide them over the winter aud spring in fact, until his crops would begin to pay along In May and June, for his mar ket garden and forcing house had proved a very paying branch of the Madison farm. He reddened resentfully as he re membered how old Teter Lloyd's white eyebrows had lifted Incredulous ly when his son-in-law asked for the loan. "No, Ben," Peter had said slow ly; "I'm not saying I ain't got the money, for I have, but I guess I'll keep It awhile longer. If Mary Etta was a widow, now, and needed my help It would be different. You're a strong man, and you've done well so far. It would only weaken you to borrow this money of me. Find a way out your self. You'll be the better off for it in the end, and I wish you good luck. If you was sick or there was an accident of some kind I'd be the first one n hand to help you out. As It is, you and Mary Etta have started out for yourselves, and you're both capable of fighting It out to the end same aa the rest of us have to do." Ben Madison thought of this con versation with increasing anger as he trudged down the frosty road that led to Fray's planing mill. The only al ternative left to him had been to seek a Job at Fray's, where its owner had told him there were sufficient orders ahead to keep a good workman like Ben busy all winter making sashes and blinds for the spring building trade. Now he was going down to tell Fray he would take the Job. There were others waiting for the opportunity, but Fray had promised Ben the first chance. When he reached the road that turn ed down to the mill he hesitated and then walked slowly on, head down, moodily thinking. At last he came to the railroad station, where a few loungers awaited the passing of the noon train. Ben looked down the shin ing length of track that led to the city beyond. There might be opportunities for other work than that he had left behind when he married Mary Etta five years ago. He hail hated the bench, work, the long hours andbe CITY INVESTMENTS 100x100 on Oak street with good buildings, rental income, $110 per month, only $1 6,000 Until April First 100x20') on Cascade Avenue, consisting of four good lots and frame house. This will double in value within two years. Price, $7ooo Good Terms There will be jrreat activity in city property this year. Snaps such as these are not on the market long. Sec Our List of Orchards J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO., S&SS iYiYiYiYivri'iviii'ivivivivivivivivivivivrrrrTJ larrjlug of the dinner pail. They chafed his Madison pride. Ben wit the last of his family, ami all the pride of the Madlsous seemed concentrated In this young man with the strong, broad shoulders and the bitterly droop ing mouth, who imagined he had made a failure of life. As the whistle of the approaching train shrieked from some distant cross ing Iten Madison seemed to make up his mind to some course of action. He glanced quickly at the lounger con gregated about the station stove and stepped out of the station bouse and walked up the track to the raised plat form where there was a little heap of baggage. He pulled his bat down over his eyes aud muttered under his breath: "I Just can't go back to the bench again. I'll get something to &o in the city and send for Mary Etta to come. I can write to her when I get there and tell her how it is. She'll un derstand." When he was in the train he tried to persuade himself that Mary Etta would understand Just how he felt and look on his decision In exactly the same manner that he did. Mary Etta had pride too. He had taken her from a comfortable home, where as the only daughter of a well to do farmer she bad bad little bard work and many luxu ries. All of these things she had glad ly given up to marry the man she loved, and Ben prided himself on the fact that by the work of his bands Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury An mercury will Hiirely destroy the sense of muell und completely de range the whole system when enter In; It through the mucous surfaces. Such article should " never U used except on prescriptions from repu table phylclnns. ns the damage they will do Is ten fold to the (rood you can possibly derive from theiu. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K.J. Cheuey & Co., Toledo, ()., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, actlntf directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, le sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by all drug gists, 7.1c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills fur constipation. Warning Notice Is hereby given that School Superintendent's wurrant No. Ill, is sued April 4, 11(10 by Ernest C. Smith, county school superintendent Hood Itiver county, to J. V. Hicks, clerk school district No. 11, for the sum of $i M has been cancelled mid will not be paid by the county treasurer of Hood Kiver couuty if presented, for the reason the said warrant has apparently miscarried through the mails, having never been received by Mr. Hicks. Any person Into whose hands this warrant may come Is hereby warned that It has no value, ami anyone attempting to cash It will lie prosecuted. UKO. 1). Cri.MKUTSON, County Judge. Yakima Prepares for Frost Thomas !!, Heed, of the I'nltcd States weather bureau, formerly of Portland, but now located at North Yakima, has arranged to forecast the weather and Issue frost warnings for the fruit growers In the Yakima Valley. Through the courtesy of the telephone companies, he has ar ranged to put these fonrasts on the exchanges by 7 o'clock In the even ing, and atiy.me, by calling up "In formation," Is able to get the fore casts. Notice I hereby notify those whom it may concern that my sons, Harry anil Clarence Hoot, have engaged In busi ness; for themselves and that I will not be responsible for nny debts that they may Incur. W. II. IIoiit. Land Bargains 17 acres uncleared land In Summit district fur sale. ID acres good or chard land; 7 acres hill side. Joins Carters, Klmhnlls and Iilsens. Kim soil. Address, Marlon MacHae, owner; Mt. Hood Hotel. Summons. In tha circuit court of the a.ata of Oregon for Mood Kivor county. 1 Nuruma. DlaintifT vl Marion MarRaa. A. C Hallman. C. K. Swanaun. KM H. Kiit, Chariot to Ih-yiien, J. H UiyiM, Curl A. Kifwrt, r.lmer M. iWvm. Burton K. 8weet, H. C. Junirblut. R. V Inn is, Wm, J, Davml Martin C. Ku-berl. E. H Barker. W. L KrdrH-kon. W. A. Kruhmnlt. Cx B. Kryr, Carulin Butt. K. S. Damon. B. A. Ciibba, J. F. Mmhar. Cha. W. Howani. Harry ti, By rat, w. S. Kliii. C. H. Wat, H. S. Waat, A. C. Brown. defendant. ToC. K. Swanaon, Kum H. Rica. Chariot ta Dry ilen. J. H. Mayna, Carl A. fcifert, Klmer M Keevea. Burton E. Swcwt. H. C. JumrbluL K. V lnnirt. Wm. J. Davia, Martin C. Kovberla. U. U. Barker. W. I. Frvdarickn. W. A. Krohanlt. Ga ri. rryer. larolin Butt. K. S. lamun, B. A. Gibba. J. F. Minear. Chaa. W. Howani. Harry 1,. H irate. W. S. Keel in, C. H. Went, H. S. Weat, and A. C Brown of the above nametl defendant In the name of the elate uf Oretron. you and each of you are hereby eommamhd and required to ap pear in aaid court in the above entitled iuit and answer the complaint Hit! aKainat you by the aaid plaint iff on or before the Ut day of May. ltMl, and you and each of you are hereby notified that if you fail to so aoDemr ami answer aaid complaint. for want thereof, the aaid plaintiff will apply to me Bawl court Tor and take a judgment ana ae eree atrainet you and each of you aa follow, to wn; will take judgment axainst you and each of you for the lumuf il!M4.,'vi with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from the 2tth day uf November, 1910. until paid and for a further lum of 112.00 paid for preterm and rilina the lien herein and for the mm of $LNO.UO attorney's fee and for adecree foreckwinir the lien aet out in the complaint hied herei.t by the plaintiff upon the real eetate aet forth in saxl complaint and lo cated in section 7. T. 2, N. K. U h.. ami Section 12, T. 2 N. R 9. K, of the W illamette Meridian. State of Oretron and beinar part of what u known aa the Marion MacRae tract and for an order direct inir that aaid real eatate be sold to aatiufy the above named sums and in case the proceeds from said land does not satisfy xaiJ judgment then for a further order directing that execution against said defend an ta for such deficiency and for such other and further relief as to the court aa shall seem meet with equity and tfood conscience. This Hummoos is served ujKin you by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks prior to the 1st day of May, 1911. in the Hood Kiver News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation through out aaid county of Hood Kiver and state of Ore- iron, printed and published at the city of Hood River, Hood River county, tftute of Oregon, which said order bears date of March ltith. 191 1. and that the said Honorable Geo. 1. Culbertaon, judge of said county court, state of Oregon in said order for the publication of thitt nummona upon you has prescribed the 1st day of May l'.'il. as the time on or before which you and each of you shsll appear and answer the complaint in aaid suit in said court. iate of first publication of this summons in lid newspaper is the 22nd day of March, 1911. H. G. Thompson. Attorney for plaintiff. Mrch. 22-29. Apr. 5-12-ly-Uti. Notlct 0! Sale of Bonds. Notice is hereby riven that the Board of Direc tors of the Hood River Irrigation District, in Hood River County. Oraron. will sell the bonds of said district in the sum of $70. 1 mi AO on Monday the 17th day or April. 1911. at the hour of 2 p. m. at the office of the Board of Directors, at the resi dence of R. W. Kelly, in said district and that sealed proposals for said bonds will be received by said Board at said place for the purchase of said bonds until the day and hour above mentioned at which time the Board will open the propottala and award the purchase of the bonds to the high eat responsible bidder, the Brd reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be ac companied by a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bonds for which the bid is sub mitted: Said bonds shall be payable in United States gold coin in ten series, to-wit: At the expiration of eleven years, five per cent of the whole number of said bonds, twelve years, ti per cent: thirteen years, wen per cent; four teen years, eight per cent; hfteen years, nine per cent; sixteen years, ten per cent; seventeen years eleven per cent eighteen y-nra thirteen per cent, nineteen years, fifteen per cnt: twenty years six teen per cent, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payahle semi-annunally. on the first day of January ami July of each year. 1 he principal and interest nhall be payable at the place designated m the btts. and bidders are given the option of having anl bonds payable at Portland. Oregon, or New Vrk. N. Y.. and said bonds will be issued in accnnlance with the elec tion of the successful bidder. Said bonds shall be each of the denomination of not less thaa SlK.0Uand not more than $6u0 00 and .snail be negotiable in form, and cupons for the interest shall be attach ed to each and signed by trie secretary. By order of the Brd of Directors. Dated at Hood River. Ore., this fifteenth day of March. 191L R. W. Kelly. Secretary. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, Hood River County, in the matter of the eatate of Francis Con Ion. ileceaited. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the duly appointed and qualified administratrix of the eatate of Francis Con ion. deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the aame. together with the necessary voucher, to the undersigned at the office of A. N. Fage, attorney at law. Carson. Washington, or at Cascade Locks. Oregon, the places where all business of the said estate will be transacted, withn one year after the firat pub lication of this notice. In case of failure to pre sent the said claims, the same will be forever barred. RotiE Conlon, Administratrix. A. N. Pat's. 15-19-c Attorney for Admistrmtrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed executrix of the entate of Frank 8. Clark, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly itemized and regularly verified, at the law ottire of S. W.Stark in Houd River, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, and all persona knowing them selves to be indebted to said estate are requested to pay the same. Dated this 5th day of April, 1911. Nannie E. Clark, April S-May.3 Hood River. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointrd by the County Court of the State or Oregon, for H'l Kiver County, to be adminis trator of the estate of Frederick De Forest Iitham, deceaHed, and all perwms having claims against hsh! estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly venfiwi. at the office of Jayne at Watson, in the city of Hood River. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication, December 14th. 1910. M. H. MOODY. Administrator. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha. been appointed Administratrix of the eatate of I'hilip Spangler, deceased. All persons having claims against said ewtaie are hereby notified to present the name duly itemized and legally verv fiel at the law office of S. W. Stark in Hood River. Oregon, within 6 months of the date of this notice. viz, March 20th, mi. Ida M. Spangi.rr. Administratrix of the estate of I'hihp Spangler. Deceased Mrch 22-29 May 5-1-1-26. A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance In best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Bunlness promptly attended to. 90C Oak Ktrwt Hood River ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitect Hai l Building Hood Riven, Orkoon Miss Matee Comini MANICURING Room 7, McCan Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Raaidmea. Oak and Park. Otflca, Oak and Second Olflca boura. 10 to 11 a. m., t to 3 and 7 tog p. m. Ruoma 1. 4 and i, Broaiua Block. Houd Rivar. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon CalU promptly anawarad in town or country, day or night. Teiophonaa - Raaidenca 1 1. Offlc 611 Otflc in th Broaiua Building. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Otfic over Firat National Bank Uoma phone. Rea.?lB;OHiee phone 71 Hood River, Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Fhooe 34 Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phona JO. Raaidenee. SOB Hood Rivar. Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduataa of tha American School of Oataopathjr. AirRaville, mo. Office in Kliot Buildinc Phone-Chica leg. Keaidence 102-B. Houd Kiver. Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Orerrun C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Buildinc. over Butler Banking Co. Office phona 28. Reaidence phone 28- B Hood Kiver. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office orer Firat National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Reaidence- Home 131-B Huod River. Oregon DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evening, by appointment Room 0 and 7. Broaiua Building. Phone 3U0 Hood River. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers Rooms 3 and 4. First National Bank Buildinr Houd River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over Firat National Bank Phone 168 Hood River. Oregon F. C. HOWELL Attorney at Law L. A. HENDERSON Graduate Civil Engineer Formerly IT. S. Land Surveyor Philippine lalanda 1 wo aoora north of poKtoflice. Phone 41 JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Buikling Hood River, Oregon. ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Room. 14 and IS. Hall Buikling Hood River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broaiua Block Hood River, Oregon HENRY N. HACKETT Surveyor Draughtsman All Kinds of Subdividing tlcriiruci (i an rant red Phone 41. Residence, 243-K MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENOINEI-R AND SURVEYOR Phoni 32 Buomua Buii.dino Hood Rivni P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK HeilbronnOT Buikling Hood Rivar, Oregon Do You Use Drain Tile? We are making a high grade quality of CEMENT DliAIN TILE and are prepared to furnish in any quantity No. 4 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 Inch, 16 Inch sizes In the East and Middle West w here a'great amount of ce ment tile has been used it is considered far superior to the common clay tile. In support of this statement we quote you what users say in different sections: R. B. Si-he tiler, of Fremont. Neb ranks, says: "I have put In about 70.000 feet of cement tile, varying in sua from live to fifteen inches and sama have proven very satisfactory. 1 have placed an order for more to be used this season. W. D. Rust. Newell. Iowa, writes: "I have luid 11.000 cement tile thia year and find them first -clans in every respect. My opinion is, it will be only a short time until they will be considered the only practical tile made.' J. M. Wardell. Tracy. Minn., says; 'Xast summer I laid on my 'Kprimrdale Stock Karm about three-quarters of a mile of cement tde which appears to be working- very satisfactorily. 1 expect to put in about one mile of the same kind of tile another sprinar-" Investigate for Yourself and you will find this tile to be all right. Prices on the smaller sizes are about the same as for clay tile, while for the larger sizes they will be found very much cheaper. Samples can be seen at the ditFerent plumbing shops in the city, and at our yards one block northwest of Staten's store on the hill, where orders will be filled. BRADLEY BROS. M fourth street KEZLL.Y BROS. ROLLED BARLEY !j M Bet. Oik and State TTTTTTT; " BRAN M DKAI.KHH I.V M n SZ HAY AND OATS First Class Livery Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer ii i GENERAL STORAGE WHEN YOU WANT Manufacturing and Repair Work OF ANY AND EVERY DESCRIPTION We are prepared to do It in our large and well equipped Manufactur ing and Repair Establishment. We would be pleased to have you call on us. MNE HORSESHOEING SNOW & UPSON Shops HI-H3-H5-H7 Fourth St., Op. Gilbert-Vaughan, Hood Rlver.Or. We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., AJ." FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital-and Surplus $122,000.00 Savings Department Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults OFFICERS F. S. STANLEY, President E. O. I5I.ANCMAR, Cashier J. W. HINRICHS, V-Presldent V. C BROCK, Ass't. Cashier DIRECTORS F. S. Stanley J. W. Hinrlchs I). McDonald C. Dcthman A. D. jVloe ONLY THE BEST THAT IS WHY befc handle Chateau Neuf Olive Oil Imiwtcd Exclusively Inj 25c and 65c For Mollrlnal Keir & Cass RELIABLE DRUGGISTS f -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon SNORTS STRAW :xr: 1 Phone S II J HOOD RIVER, OREGON. is our motto ALFRED WHIG 111 a Uottle or Talilr tJwt II