THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1911 10 Beai Power Sprayer a lie I proved Light Durable Economical m fl',IAlJ!HM. THE superior merit of the BEAN SPRAYERS are best appreciated after seeing the pump at work, Yen will have an opportunity to observe them in action by telephoning us for particulars. Our distributors for the famous Niagara Lime-Sulphur Spray and Arsenate of Lead are: BRIDAL VEIL LBR. CO., Hood River; JOHN SON BROS. & HALE, Van Horn Station; C. W. CRAIG HDW CO., White Salmon Wash. A COMPARISON FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Analysis of four commercial brands of lime-sulphur spray by the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon, Season 1910-11: TOTAL LIME TOTAL SULPHUR Sample No. 1 10.73 2G.63 Sample No. 2 11.94 30.03 Sample No. 3 12.00 29.21 Sample No. 4 12.12 23.98 Sample No. 5 19.65 31.44 A comparison of the above analysis plainly shows that NIAGARA Brand carries much more lime and sulphur in solu tion than any of the rest, and this is decidedly the case when comparing the Beaume tests of the several samples. NIAGARA at 31 is far superior to all the others, several of which run as high as 32 and 33 Beaume test. Bear in mind that we use neither salt nor caustic soda to raise our Beaume test. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! Unless Containers Have Our Label it is Not NIAGARA HOOD RIVER SPRAY MANUFACTURING COMPANY JAS. R. FORDEN, Manager Phone 42 or 208-L Office at Warehouse of Stranahan & Clark HOOD RIVER HIGH DEBATERS TRIUMPH Tht' Hood Itlver high school debat ing team scored another triumph Friday night l.v defeating tin- New berg team and get ting a unanimous decision. The debate, hlch took place at the Commercial Unit rooms, wan well attended and the content ful tit, who debated each point with keen rivalry, were londl.v a pplaudcd. The visiting team, which had the allirtnatlve nidi' of the uestloii, wan MIhh Lilian Itenter, Miss P.essle king and MIhm (ilndys Traw. Hood IMver wan represented by MIhh Viola Nlckelst-ii. Lester Murphy nnd Karle Spanieling. The latter team has not been defeated thin year. The judges were I'rof. It. II. Kaln, of White Salmon, U. C. French, Hi red or of F.dncatlon of the Portland Y. M ('. A., and I'.crnnrd Jakeway, M Fnlverslty of Oregon debater of prominence. Hood IMver linn now but two more debateH, and In one of live teaniH In the ntate to try out for the blj de bate at Kugene. NEW PICTURE SHOW DOES BIG BUSINESS The new picture hIiow operated by I ItlchardH A: Company wan opened Saturday am played to a very; large business. Six hundred attend ed the hIiow on the opening night, j The new establishment Ih tilted up ; I with all that In latent In the picture i , business. Including an electric piano, I oera chalrri and a slanting lloor, ho that big hatH do not interfere with ! the vImIoii of thone behind them. The lamp houne Ih lined with galvanized Iron, making It lire proof, audit Ih iHaidbythe managers that the plct- , ure machines are the latent nnd tiest I now In line. ei i i i, t ii.. I III HIIOW 0M-lt-l Mllll II J 1 1 ennr i I vaudeville act that Ih very good, ami i ! which will be put on for the rent of the wi-ek. UNDERWOOD MAN DROPSJROM SIGHT No trace can be found of Charles Frlck, n German, who disappeared from hin live-acre tract three in lien up the White Salmon three weeks ago, nay the Knterprlse. Frlck al ways feared that Homeone would "nteal his place," and even menaced people when they walked upon his land to nee the "Narrows, " out; of the picturesque npots of the valley, Tlie little five-acre tract sloping down to the edge of t he precipice Is Frlck's very life. From the I'lidor wood station, three miles a way, he wheeled out all his goods In a bar row, and picked out the little spot no one else wanted. He h'ndplcked It lor stoncH, did IiIh own grubbing and had several one year-old-treen out. The I'acllic Power & Light Co. came along ami approached htm for right-of-way, willing to pay Ills-rally for his acreage, but no nooner had the right-of-way man left than Frlck dropped his grubbing hook, locked the cabin door and tied, evidently believing that by keeping out of night he will not have to give up his land. Frlck recently lost $luo, all the money he had, aud which he had worked hard for. The loss of the purse preyed on his mind and with the deep concern he hud for his land, made his actions apenr peculiar. HONORED FOR LOVE OF BIRDS Venerable Charmer of Parii Ii to Be Decorated. What Is termed one of the must fas cinating entertainments to he found In nil Purls Is the daily "receptions" In the Tulleries gardens held hy M. Henri Pol, known to the admiring pop ulace as the ""bird charmer." I.ecause of his Immunity and t lie worldwide fume he has attained M Pol Is to be decorated by the French minister of agriculture. M. Pol is a retired employee of the postal service nnd Is now seventy-six years of age. Having little to do, he began to make friends with the thou sands of sparrows and other birds that flejet time you tejalftby the store I tvish yotid stop a minute and taRs a looK. at "MG 'BEJV" H He's 1 he finest slccpmclcr made, the hest looKing, the best built, thc best running J52.30. This is the clock they are advertising in the big magazines. 111131 THE jeweleu IE3I IE IE 3v V" WOMEN HEAR LECTURE ON ART At a largely attended meeting of the Woman's Club held last Wednes day at the Commercial Club rooms Mrs. Welster addressed the members on the subject of art. About were present, including a number from White Salmon. In her address Mrs. Welster said that by many, even In the eulighu ened age of today, art was consid ered the embroidery on the garment of civilization a costly luxury, something that the practical Amer icans can afford to Ignore. This the speaker denied, saying that a little of the artistic could enter Into every home If Its teachings were known and fostered. The beauty of art and Its Influences lu the home were being made potent largely through womeu. The question that was occupylug the attention of the women's clubs the world over, she said, was mak ing the home beautiful, with a desire also for cleaner, more attractive and more artistic cities. In other words, the aim was for a more In-autlful home for all people, which could be brought about by awakening an ar tistic Instinct In the masses. Confirmation Services Continuation services for a class of seventeen will be held at the Luth eran church at The Halles by Kev. M. V.. P.oultou Faster morning. Kev. Mr. P.oulton has a continuation class of seven at Hood Itlver, I Mv IL JLa iLiB.3. fiV-. "Semelle' Anti-Skids Look far o leading tfutf HKiirJ f eraget Anti-Skid I -VSJL I tU' "n,Ue' I Stud, do pr.ent g V nd no'" J 7 iirihurji? IN STOCK BY Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Co. n p YOOR M BENBI POU are found In the famous gardens of the Tuileries, nnd by dint of wonderful patience and study he won their Inti macy. Now they know at exactly what time, morning and evening, be will appear with bread and other dain ties. So great has this Intimacy become that he has named many of them, and they will respond when be calls, sub mit to being picked up, perch on bis hands and perform tricks for him. WITH THE You Create 'Em on You. Joy and elegit nee are combined for tn hallrooui boys, Mr. Newlywed and others In a new invention by which every wearer of trousers can crease 'em without cost, removal or wor ry. No longer will It become necessary to place tho nether garments be neatli mattresses to preserve the crease, for the Invention will at tend to all that In an up to date manner. The de vice consists of an electric pressing i Iron ndapted to slide on a vertical guide rod, which has a stirrup at one ; end for the presser's foot and a han- die for steadying at the other. Then, without disrobing, the operator turns i on an electric current from the light- Ing fixture. The pressing Iron runs up tho outside of the trousers leg and crease It expeditiously and accurately. DAVIDSON FRUIT In cases of rheumatism, relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's l.lnlinent. For sale by all dealers. COMPANY and get the benefit of Sl-Vl-NTE-HN VHAKS UL I-.MM-- KHENCn IN HANDLING THIS FRUIT. Our careful attention and experience shows in the promptness and amount of the returns. SHIPPING WAREHOUSE Foot of Third Street Phone No. 65