The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 22, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Wanted Position by married
man, age 38, American, well
educated, with local references,
as caretaker or assistant on
orchard, farm, or gentleman's
place. Willing to assume any
responsibility or work. Wife
splendid cook and housekeeper.
Will contract for length of ser
vice. Address P, News. 12-13c
Wanted Young man about 15
years of age to work in
garden and about the house.
Steady job to right party. W. C.
Adams, 1-4 mile south of Bra
ford's store. 8-tfc
Help Wanted Man with team
and tools to move on 20 acre
fruit ranch and care for same.
Good house and barn. In lower
valley. Dickerson & Peck. 7-tfc
Situation Wanted by young man
to care for automobile and make
himself generally useful around
the house. Address K, News
office. 12-13p
Wanted Position as manager of
fruit ranch, commencing April
1st. Experienced in orchard
work. Address W, News office.
lllanted At Cottage Hospital,
II an orderly who will commence
his duties April 1st. Apply to
Miss Taylor, superintendent
lllanted Position by man of
II family on ranch; experienced
orchard ist r. M. Austin, Hood
River, Oregon. 12-13p
rrpp Kmnlovment Bureau Bao-
list rarsonage, corner inn aim
Mne. Address, J. K.Hargreaves,
hone 212-L. ll-17p
lllanted -A girl to do general
II housework in a family of five.
Mrs. Truman Butler. 12-13p
Franklin. 1910 four passenger,
six cylinder roadster, run only
4500 miles, 42 h. p., repainted.
A-l shape throughout, guaran
teed same as new car, bargain
for anyone wishing high powered
roadster, sells now for $4000.
Price $2750 f. o. b. Portland.
Menzies-DuBois Auto Co., 7th
and Davis streets, Portland, Ore.
If you want any Clarks Seedlings
strawberry plants or any New
town, Spitzenburg or Ortley apple
trees for spring planting, see or
write, J. T. Nealeigh, Hood
River, Oregon. 6-13p
Extra fine nursery stock for sale,
including Newtowns, Ortleys,
Spitz and Anion pears; fine for
resets. Cutler Bros., phone
210-X. 12-13c
Jiano For Sale-Beautiful high
grade piano, very cheap; must
e sold this w eek. Inquire F. E.
Matt, Oregon Hotel Barber Shop.
For Sale Three and one-half
inch old hickory wagon, good
as new. Address Y News office.
For Sale One buggy, one incu
bator, three brooders, one Mann
!one cutter. W. H. Root. ll-13p
For Sale or Rent Typewriters,
new or second-hand, on easy
terms. A. W. Onthank. tf
Hay For Sale Alfalfa and wheat
hay for sale. Ralph Hinrichs.
phone 3232-L. 5-13p
For Sale -Floor and frame for
11x18 tent. C. P. Sonnichsen,
12th and Columbia.
or Sale 150 opera chairs cheap
Address (J. N. News, lutt
oed potatoes for sale.
Call 914
Hull. Phone 284-K.
Or Sale Oil meal at
head's. 4-tf
Wanted A spring tooth harrow.
State make, condition and
price. Address Box K, News
office. 11-12
Wanted - To trade blacksmith's
outfit and stock for heavy
team. F. E. Harris. 10-tfc
inted - To buy one large tent
or two small ones. Address
I News office. ll-12p
r RED EGGS for setting. Pen
No. 1. Headed by son of sweep
stakes Cock and 1st Hen at Seat
tie exposition and brother to 1st
Cockerel at the last Portland
show. He has proper shape and
good rich color in all sections,
mated with a select pen of pul
lets and hens that are splendid
winter layers. Eggs S3 per 15.
Pen No. 2. Headed by a Cock
of proven merit as a strong
breeder, mated with a pen of
good type females for general
utility. Eggs $1.50 per 15. Fer
tility guaranteed. E. F. Batten
Phone 2012-M. 9-22
Bee Supplies It will pay you to
see or write me, if you want
anything in the line of bee sup
plies. Satisfaction guaranteed,
and you nave the benent ot my
experience. Cash discount for
early orders. W. W. Dakin, 1205
7th street, Hood River. Or. 12-tfc
For Sale-Full blood Rhode Is
land red eggs for setting, $1.50
for 15. Fertility guaranteed.
Good winter layers. Duriug the
month of January, 1911, fifteen
of my hens of this variety layed
$6.70 worth of eggs. A. L. Page,
phone 173-M. 12-12f
For Sale One bay team 6 and 7
years old, weight about 2100
pounds. For particulars see R.
C. Charters, Bingen, Wn. 9-12.
For Sale Driving mare, light
keeper, lady or children can
drive. Thoroughbred. Shaw &
Bronson. Phone 34. 9-tfc
For Sale Several light teams,
three second hand hacks and
three second hand wagons. Taft
Transfer Co. 7
Horse For Sale Also one-horse
wagon and harness. Enquire
Jeitz Studio or phone 275-X.
Wanted -Some laying hens
leghorns preferred. Address 308-F. ll-12p
Wanted -Cutler
A good milch cow.
Bros., phone 210-X.
We have a fine stock of 2 year
roses, our own growing many of
the newer varieties, at $3.50 to
$5.00 per dozen. Shrubs, vines
and ornamental trees; a nice lot
of Catalpa and jopular 6 to 10
high. Hardy Perrenial plants.
Will have all kinds of bedding
planls in season. Cut flowers
and Florial designs a specialty.
Potted plants at Fran ze hardware.
Our prices are reasonable.
The Pioneer Florists. Fletcher
& Fletcher. Phone 1972-M, Hood
River, Oregon, tfc
oan Agency Loans ofTered,
. $500. $700. Loans wanted,
$.-00. $000. $1000, $1200, $1500,
! 52000, $2500. Apply to A. W.
Onthank, 305 Oak street.tfc
If you have a building you want
moved or raised see or write J.
T. Nealeigh, Hood River, Oregon.
R. I). No. 2 6-13
A Pure Aluminum
35c Sauce A
Pan for...i!i
Try one and are how you can
cook without scorching or burning
food. It la light in weight and looks
like ailver. It doesn't tarnish. No
enamel to chip off into the food.
Cooka in one-fourth of the time
ordinarily required.
The genuine "1892 "Pure Alumi
num can alwaya be told by the
Maltese Cross. Every piece guar
nteed or ynur money back.
Bm sure and buy on from your dtalar
today. f9f Smlm bjf
Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co.
PP Taut smi JtZA ' asJ
' ll
Wanted BearingOrchard About
10 acres Newtowns or Spitzen-
burgs. State age. price and
yield of select and choice for
past three years. Must stand in
vestigation. N. A. Thompson,
6030 Monroe avenue, Chicago,
111. 12c
For Sale A few 5 and 10 acre
first class orchard tracts. Hood
River valley, ten per cent in cash.
balance in work on adjoining
fruit ranch. Consult W. D. Hoo
ton, Dee, Oregon, or Fred S.
Holsteen, Burlington, Iowa. 11-12
Wanted Improved Hood River
farm, ten acres or more, that
must be a bargain. Three Port
land lots valued at $1600 and $600
as first payment. Address A.
Wilhelm, 309 Jefferson street,
Portland, Oregon. 12-tfc
Exchange Will exchange 15 or
20 acres, fine red shot soil, near
Green Point, unimproved, as part
payment on small tract, some im
provements, close in. Describe
your property, with price. Ad
dress J, News. 12-13p
For Rent Rooms for rent from
$1.50 to $3 per week. Lighted
hnd heated and next to bath.
Also furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Phone 130L. 7-tf
For Exchange Equity in good
Portland home for fruit land.
Corner lot, good house, on car
line. Address "M," News office.
For Rent Furnished room, gen
tlemen preferred, 187 Sherman
avenue, just above postomce.
Phone or call in morning 291-L.
Lost A watch charm $20 gold
piece with initials C. S. S. on
one side. Finder please leave at
this office. 10-tfc
A. I). Wny HjM'iit Sunday with
friend tit Belmont.
Mrs. It. S. Citliooii, of Frankton,
was a Kutlitoii vlnltor Saturday.
J. S. KvatiH ami family visited at
tlio Inline of K. Locke, at Mitchells
Point, Sunday.
J. It. Mct'ulstlou and wife are
sendlnx a week or two with Mrs.
MeOilstton'ij parents at Skye, Wash.
Mrs. F. (). White left for Stella,
Wash., Thursday, for a week's visit
with her husliand, who Is working
Mrs. Hubert Taiwell, of Menomi
nee, left Thursday for a week's stay
In Portland, at the home of Judge
Virgil Ahsten, who 1.4 attending
college at Mi'Mlnnvllle, 1s home for n
two weeks' vacation, to rest after n
spell of sickness.
Mrs. IS. W. Ix'tnur went to Park-
place Sunday to lie at the bedside of
her sister, Miss Etta Straight, who
Is very low with pneumonia.
Miss Alma Ahsten and Miss Iauii
linker, accompanied by Virgil Ab
sten, visited at the home of .1. W.
Dickinson Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. J. M. Klllott Is on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. Price, who wits quite 111 last
week. Is able to le around again.
Mrs. Robert Tnxwell Is visiting a
few days In Portland with her slster-In-law,
Mrs. (ieo. Taiwell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mct'ulstlon went
to Wnshougal Friday for a visit
with Mrs. McCulstlon's father, Mr. K.
Mrs. .1. W, Dickinson, who has leen
confined to the house for the past
week with rheumatism, Is Improving
In health.
Mrs. F. O. White left Friday for a
few days' visit with her husband at
Stella, W'mh. Mr. White Is working
at that place until the mill starts at
Virgil Absten Is a guest of Ills
father, F. R. Absten, this week. Vir
gil has been a student at the Me
M Inn vllle college the past year, lie
Intends returning to school for the
spring term March L'Tth,
Mrs. It. W. I'iunr was called to
the bedside of her sister. Miss F.tta
Straight, at I'arkplace, Sunday
morning. F.tta Is seriously III with
pneumonia. All her friends at Ruth,
ton wish her a speedy recovery.
Copy for advertisements Ml'ST he
in the office by Monday NOON.
A meeting of the representatives of
the towns in the ('oliuubla River
Itaseball league was hei Thursday
at The Dalles for the purpose of re
organizing for the w-hmiii of lull.
The representatives were K F. 'Vny-
lor. The Dalles; A. C. ( orison. Whit
Miimon; v in. lessen, Mevenson;
Arthur Clarke, Hood River; M. Ilorn-
lbrook, (joldeudale.
After discussion It was decided
that It was Impractical to have a
a five team league as at (irst pro
posed and (Joldenbale's representa
tive withdrew. ('. M Wolf.irl of
White Salmon was elected president,
Win. Notzal of Stevenson, vice presi
dent, Arthur Clarke of Hood River
secretary, R. F. Taylor of The Dalles
It was decided to have a schedule
arranged at the earliest possible
date, the arrangement being left In
the bands of the president, and to lie
adopted on the upprovnl of the man
agers of the various teams. Visiting
teams will pay their transportation
expenses, nud the home teams the
hotel bills and bus hire. The gate
rmdpta will be divided on a 00 and
10 per cent basis with .'0 per cent de
ducted by the home ttiun for main
tenance. Sixty per cent will go to
the home team and 4a to the visiting.
It was ruled that only bona fide
residents of each of tin- towns would
1k allowed to In? players ami that
players shall not exceed the
names of which nre to be turned In
to the secretary. If a team desires
to hire a player It will lie necessary
to notify the president who will no
tify the other teams. If they agree he
will te allowed to piny. If there Is
an objection he will be ruled out. A
record of the paid players is provided
for, and also those who receive ex
penses, aud each team will be re
quired to deposit a certified check
with the treasurer to cover any tines
for an Infraction of the rules.
Seriously Injured By Fall
Mrs. Bradford, a lady who Is visit
ing at Hood River, while walking
along the Hood river, Sunday, fell
down a steep embankment and was
seriously Injured. Later she was
taken to theCottvge Hospital, where
she was placed under the care of a
An Afternoon
Will l? given by the Pythian Sis
tern at the K. of F. hall tin Tuesday,
March 2m h. Mothers, wives and
sisters of the Kulghts of thins are
cordially Invited to bring their work !
and enjoy a social afternoon.
Jkhthi im-; Stank.
M. of R. A (.
It pays to advertise.
, 3 j
Order your bee supplies early of W.
W. Dakln, 12M.1 Seventh street.1
Rev. Handsaker, minister of the
First Christian church, will begin a
revival meeting at Udell next Sun
day evening
Mrs. D. U. Lund, i missionary to
the Philippine Islands will speak at
the Alliance chapel Sunday, March
2;th at 2:.'!0 p. m.
Wild flowers were never so early
as this spring aud bundles of them
are seen dally In the bauds of those
who Journey Into the country.
Christian Science services are held
In Reading Room, No. 6, Davidson
building, Sunday a. 11 a. in. and
Wednesday at t p. m Sunday school
at 10 a. iu.
For Sale Oldsmobile, 4 cyl
inder, in prime condition,
cheap. Address G. C. Ha
worth, R. D. No. 2, Hood
River, Oregon.
The Suushiue Society of the Unitar
ian church will give a party Satur
day, March 2jtli. Right refreshments
will be served imd games played.
Everybody cordially invited. Ad
mission 10 ceuts.
H. F. Davidson has purchased a
new Ford car of the ruuabout type,
the first of Its kind to be eeen In
Hood River. While light aud a good
hill climber, It has adequate power
aud Is expected to wear well In a
hilly country.
Three bobcat aud seven coyote
scalps were brought to the county
clerk's office Monday, and the boun
ties paid on them. It Is claimed by
residents of the I'pper Valley that
bobcats are fast depopulating the
couutry of grey squirrels, which were
formerly so plentiful In the valley.
I'ower sprayers are engaging the
attention of growers more thau ever
this season, aud all the dealers have
sold a number of the different types.
The Gllbert-Vaughau Implement Co.,
which is handling the Hurdle, dis
posed of eight of these labor-saving
machines lu less thau a week.
D. L Miller, who has been at Hot
Lake, Oregon, recelvlug treatment
for rheumatism, returned to Hood
River Monday. Mr. Miller has been
at the Fastem Oregou institution
live months aud is greatly benefited,
although still hampered in getting
around. He is said by the manage
ment of the sanatorium to have
the record there for endurance In
taking baths.
You Can
It isn't all in the "knack." The utensils you use go a long
food fine and appetizing or ill-cooked and indigestible.
It's impossible to make the best cookery in utensils that quickly scorch or crack and
scale off, rust and corrode. And such utensils are dangerous. Authorities say that
cancer comes of eating particles of glass chipped off from ordinary enamel ware when hot.
The heat expands the iron frame
does not expand so fast, consequently it breaks and gets mixed with the food.
There is no such danger from food cooked in up-to-date
"1892" Pure Spun
It can ?wt crack, peel nor chip. It ivill not rust,
corrode, nor spoil food, and with harder use it
lasts years longer than any other ware.
We Guarantee It for IS Years
PURE SPUN ALUMINUM is the ideal ware for all
permanently bright and
it convenient to handle.
to clean and care for.
"1892" Pure Aluminum utensils have all the advantages of every other kin J besides
several that are exclusive.
And with all these added advantages over all other utensils "1892" Pure Spun Alumi
Ware costs but a triile more.
Look for the
It is for your protection and
and only original
'1892" Pure Spun Aluminum.
Stewart Hardware & Furniture
For several days the past week a
maximum temperature is reported of
ij degrees. The oldest Inhabitant
has nothing to say when this Is men
t loiied. Therefore It must Is cousld
ered record spring weather.
The subject of Minister F. S. Hand
saker'a discourse at the First Chris
tlan church next Sunday morning
will be, "God's Temples." In the
evening a spec ial song service will lie
held. The address will be by A. 15.
M. ('. Collins, of I'eotone, Illinois,
came here Tuesday and, lu company
with his wife. Is spending a few days
Investigating the country. Mr. Col
lins came from the same place as J.
M. Schmeltzer, and stated that his
trip In California had not Impressed
htm very favorably.
At the Congregational church Sun
day morning the pastor's theme will
be, "The I'ower for Self Realization"
the second In the series of "What
One Believes, and Why." It will
deal with the revelation we have In
Jesus Christ. The womanhood pic
ture In the evening will be of Ruth
"'The Heroine of an I'uherolc Love."
The board and faculty of the Cot
tage Hospital announce the com
mencement exercises of the training
school for nurses, which will lie held
Wednesday evening, April 5th, at 8
o'clock. The exercises will be held at
the Commercial Club rooms. The
class, to graduate this year Is Miss
Lucy Freeman, Miss IoDla Mclirath
and Miss Ieah Lucille Brawn, An
Interesting program has leen pre
pared and the public generally Is In
vited to atteud.
An Opportunity
Let us make an Investment for you
In a Trout Lake or Camas I'ralrle
dairy ranch. B. E. Duncan & Co
Try the Classified Column.
The North Bank Road
Daily March 10th to April 10th, From
Chicago ...$33.00
Cincinnati 37.90
Milwaukee 31.50
St. Louis. 32.00
New York 50.00
From other eastern points in proportion.
Tell your friends in the east of this opportunity ofmoving
west at low rates. Through trains via Burlington Route. North
ern Pacific, Great Northern and "North Bank" lines. You can
deposit with me and tickets will be furnished eople in the east.
Details will be furnished on request.
E. A. GIBERT, Agent, S. P. & S. Ry., White Salmon. Wash.
W. E. COMAN, General Freight & Passenger Agent.
-.t"3 mmt..
but the coating of glass which
e a Better Cook
beautiful as silver, but many times lighter making
Heats quickly but does not quickly burn dry. Easy
Maltese Cross on Every
benefit. Its a guarantee that you
Farm Land Bargains
We are offering some good dairy
ranches. B. E. Duncan & Co.
O'MinVrlaln's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invariably bring relief to
women suffering from chronic con
stipation, headache, biliousness, dli
ztness, sallowness of the skin and
pepsla. Sold by all dealers.
1000 Newtown, Ark. Blacks
and Spitzenburgs;
From 3 to A ft.
Y. A. CrOW, Near Tucker Bridge,
Phone 1922 M.
r es vcARr
Traoc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anfoii tending m iktttrb and description tsar
qpitckly ru certain our opinion fret wbathar aa
Invention ( probably patenrnMe. CommaDlaa
tlonAttnctlr confidential. HANDBOOK on Pataota
aent free, oldest agency for leruriua patam.
Patent taken through Muna & Co. roeiv
tfxriai notU, without cbarve, la the
Scientific American.
A handsomely 11 Inst rated weekly. ! .arrest efr.
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms M a
year: four months IL goidbyall newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,B-"- New York
lir.u. b ontc. 53S T 8U Wubuttin. a. C
St. Paul $25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Omaha 25.00
Des Moines 27.85
Indianapolis 36.65
way toward making your
is all enamel ware is
kitchen utensils
are getting the genuine
Call and get i Pure
Aluminum Sourtmr
Co. mE
whiletliey last.
A Basin Dlrctntr f nrh City. I
H Town and Villa la Ort-ffin una I
H W 4MhiDKt"n, ir it in ft m Dvwrlptlv
M NkMrh of plar, LurtitiO-t,
H shipping Fnrilitl and I ImnI- I
t irrl Irimtorjr of eucb liUftia H
B twd lrufetMim. 9
I B. L. POT K CO., lac I tie, Vtfh. M