The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 22, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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They are Coming in From Every Quarter -The New
Spring Wearing Apparel Bought on Our Recent
T 11 it PVl We are awfully busy checking off the long invoices, hence we are not going to at"
" -o tempt details but simply announce the new things which have come the last few days
Ederheimer-Stein Young Men a Clothes
Undermuslins keep rolling out. Our prices make
them go.
New Spring Dress Goods
Including Cotton, Fancy and
Wool Suitings.
New White Goods
Flaxon's, Linalre's, Nainsooks,
Longcloths, etc.
Easter Neckwear: New Mantillas,
New Auto Veils, New Gloves, New
Hosiery, New Underwear.
Our Mens Spring Suits
Are Here in Wondrous Array
$15, $18, $20, $25
New Easter Neckwear tor Men
New Hats, New Gloves, New
Shoes, New Shirts, Holeproof
Hose, Mens and Womens
Mens Single Pants, 300 pair to
close, medium weight I -2 Price.
nj7 v 7 v vaG-7 v X" v vin
lOlA S S rtn A. S X A rd
Iiurn To Mr and Mr. Walter Po
well Sunday, March li'tli a boy.
F,. li. Hrailley and son KMun were
liUHint-fH visitor lu the Kone City
Alex I!eed left Friday for C'auada,
having been called there by the ert
ona 111nen of tain mother.
Mrs. J. F. Hatchelder, who han
Ix-en fjiendintf the winter In Port
land, wa here Saturday and Sun
Wm. RolliK'k and Mrw. Kollock left
Thursday for their ranch nearl'iider
wwkI, where they will npend the
nu turner.
Minn Grace Michell left Saturday
for Portland, for a fchort vlelt.
From there she will go to Seavlew to
Hpend the su miner.
Oil meal at Whitehead'.
Howling alleyn now ojkti. A.
Iiicbard Ac Co
Horse for Hiile. Phone Odell 74 or
write Box 43 Purkdale, Ore.
Automobile Insurance written ly
Hood IUver Abstract Co.
See new up to d.'iti- ownership map
of Hood Klver valley for wile ly
Hood Klver Alu-truct Co.
Don't forget the Art lecture at the
ConKretcatlonal church Wednesday,
March !itb, under the iiUHjikvH of the
Woman'n Club.
Call at Fleur IeUs Millinery,
meHH bulliliutr, and Inspect latest in
hair Roods shown by Mesdami-s
Smith and Oavldson, of Portland.
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most successful. CliamlsT
laiu's Cough Kemedy acts on this
plan. It loosens the cough, relieves
1 he lungs, opens the secretions i.nd
aids nature In restoring the system
to a healthy condition. Sold by all
K. K. M oiler returned from New
York last week, where he has leen
spending the winter.
Mr. and Mrs .1. E. Nlchls, former
residents of Hood Kiver, arrived here
Sunday and are visiting friends.
lr. Meiiregor returned to Hood
Klver last week after wintering In
California and a subsequent visit In
; Chicago.
I Clint Wood returned from south
ern California last week and the
i Woodworths, w ho are on their way
' back, are staying a few days at Oak
land, Cul.
J. Wesley Ladd ami Ir. Herbert
Nichols came np from Portland
Thursday and went to (.'loud Cap
Inn to make an examination of the
premises. Ills rumored that a big
snow slMe on tne
damnged the Inn.
mountain had
A. A. Jayne has money to loan at 6
per cent on good security.
Automobile Insurance written by
Hood Kiver Abstract Co.
Insure your automobile against
accident. See. Hood Klver Abstract
Hair grinds at wholesale prices for
one week only, at Fleur I)e his Mil
linery, I'.artmesH building, shown by
Mes-'ames Smith and Davidson, of
Attend the Art 1 ftr.i e at the Con
gregational church on Wednesday,
March -"Jth. Tickets nts. The
lecture is under the ausdlcis of the
Woman's Club.
Are you frequently hoarse? Koyou
have that annoying tickling In your
throat? Does your cough annoy I
you at night, and do you raine mu-
cus in the morning'.' Do you want,
relief? If so, take ChamU-rlain's
Cough Kemedy and you will be I
pleased. Sold by all dealers.
Dr. Thraue anil wife,, who have
been on an eastern visit, returned to
Hood Klver Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Baker are spend
ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. M.
K. Tucker on their ranch In Fast
Barrett district.
Mrs. Peter Michels, a cousin of
Peter Mohr, whose home Is In Little
Falls, Minn., arrived here Thursday
fur a visit at the Mohr home.
E. . Dunmeade of Ohio, who with
his brother ha been here looking
the valley over with a view to In
vesting, has returned after visiting
other districts.
On account of the fact that I.. K.
Alderman, state superlntenueut of
public instruction, would be unable
to be here the local teachers' meeting
lias been postponed a week.
J. ('has. Batchelder, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Batchelder Is now
holding a responsible position iu
Boston with the banking house of
E. H. Kollius & Co- Young Batchel
der has been promoted twice since he
became connected with the Kolllns
compauy aud is now head of the mu
nicipal bond department lu the Bos
ton establishment.
,H. F. Davidson Is now seen on the
street with a new Ford automobile
which he calls Matilda Jane. He
bade adieu to bis old Hudson that
he formerly had to haul In on an av
erage of two trips out of Ave which
he run In ou the scrap heap and gave
to the children for a play thing, like
a superannuated seventy-live cent
alarm clock. It struck the limit
when it balked running down hill on
high speed gear. He said, selah!
The Deacon.
1 1
Announcement !
question of the day is, "How to reduce our
living expenses." In order to aid in this work
April 1, go on a cash basis and take off its free
delivery, thereby reducing expenses, and thus
enabling us to cut prices, and you will gain the
benefit of this reduction.
Hoping this plan will meet with the approv
al of the public in general and that all can see
the feasibility of it, we will always be ready to
welcome you at our market, and by prompt and
ready attention to your requirements will en
deavor to merit your patronage. We are adopt
ing this plan to enable our regular customers to
procure their living expenses at a much lower
Central Heat Market
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Copy for advertisements must be
In the office by Mouday noon.
Automobile Insurance written by
Hood Kiver Abstract Co.
Horse for sale. Phone Odell 74 or
write Box 4:! Parkdale, Ore.
Insure your automobile against
accident. See Hood Kiver Abstract
Best Wyoming lump coal In any
quantity. Transfer & Livery Co.
Phone .".
See new up to date ownership map
of Hood Klver valley for sal: by
Hood Kiver Abstract Co.
For Sale A fine lot of hay in the
Mt. Hood district. Near Alt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or
Mesdames Smith and Davidson,
from Portland, will be here for a
week only with a complete line of
hair goods, at Fleur De Lis Millinery,
Dart mess building.
Mrs. Welster will give an Interest
ing lecture on Art at the Congrega
tional church Wednesday, March
U!th, under the auspices of the Wom
an's Club. You are Invited to at
tend. If you want to be comfortable burn
coal. We are prepared to furnish It In
any quantity. Plenty ou hand and
more coming. We handle the best
quality of Wyoming coal. Transfer
& Livery Company. Phone .V
Fully nine out of every ten vnm-n of
rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of
tin muscles due to cold or damp, or
chronic rheumatism, neither of which
requires any Internal treatment. All
that Is ni-edcd to afford relief Is the
free application of ChamlsTlaln's
Liniment. ive It a trial You are
certain to te pleased with the quick
relief which It affords. Hold by all
dea lers.
F. S. Stanley, of Portlnud, presi
dent of the First National Bank,
was here Friday on a business trip.
The Loyal Bereans of the First
Christian church gav" auother of
their famous socials Thursday
evening. A fire time was reported
by the large crowd In attendance.
D. Donaldson, .1. Donaldson and
Wm. Donaldson i f F. linburg, Scot
land were among the guests at the
Hotel Oregon last week who were
here Investigating t he apple Industry.
Death bit the Indian encampment
below the city again Monday when
a squaw named Julia passed a way.
Julia was about ." years old and
was burled with the rights of her
Prof. W. H. Lawrence has taken
lb miui V.) In the Hellbrouner building
for an office and invites growers
who have trouble to call on him
there Saturday, when be w ill be glad
to render them auy assistance he
can. During the other days in the
week Mr. Lawrence will le In the
your automobile against
See Hood Klver Abstract
See new up to date ownership map
of Hood Kiver valley for sale by
Hood Klver Abstract Co.
Harness for Sale Nearly new light
double driving harness at a bargain.
J. J. Knapp, Phone 3232-X.
For Sale Some good horses and a
numlier of second-hand rigs, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion Livery Stable.
Join the Bowling league. We
have the best alleys In the state.
Iet's have the best team. C. A.
Klchards & Co.
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
Frank Dayton, the painter, is now
prepared to do all kinds of sign
work, also carriage and automobile
painting, In his new quarters, Second
and Cascade. Phone 20X-M nnd
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable,
and have been praised by thousands
of women who have beep restored to
health through their gentle aid and
curative properties Sold by all
For Kent. Two suites of Ollice
Booms on the second floor of the
Davidson concrete building. These
are the best lighted, most con venlent
and easiest of access of any second
lloor ollice rooms In the city. One of
these rooms has a fire proof vault.
For particulars, and to we the
rooms, call at Koom X of same build
ing. Sta4e of Ohio, City of Toledo, Coun
ty of Lucas, ss. Frank J. Cheney
makes oath that be Is senior partner
of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business In the city of Toledo,
county and state aforesaid, and that
said firm will pay the sum of One
Hundred Dollars for each and every
caw.' of catarrh that cannot Is cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to Is-fore
ine and subscribed In my presence,
this fith day of Deceinls-r, A. D. lvifj
A. W. (ileason, Notary Public. Seal
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free. F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, (. Sold by
druggists, 7.c. Take Hnll'n Family
Pills for constipation.
263 Acres, miles from town; red shot soil,
6 acres cleared, 2 acres in orchard, 1 to 4 years old,
10 acres slashed, burned and partly cleared, small
house. Price $6500. Terms.
10 Acres, 5 year old trees in A-l condition, near
town, ideal location, and will pay interest on invest
ment this year. Price $12000, $5000 cash, balance
terms to suit.
15 Acres, near railroad station, stores, school
and church; all set to Newtowns and Spitzenburgs
as follows: 5 acres 7 years old, 3 acres 6, l acres 4,
and 41 acres 3. Picked "over 1100 boxes of apples
last year; old house, good barn. Price $14000, $5000
cash, balance on or before 5 years at 7 per cent.
284 Acres, perfect orchard land, choice loca
tion, perfect drainage, 10 acres in Newtowns and
Spitzenburgs 1 to 4 years old; 3 acres more cleared,
balance in timber; good house, 15 inches of free
water furnished from spring on place. For a home
or investment it has no equal. Price $12000. Terms.
Newcomers stopping with friends in the Val
ley will get a better idea of their surroundings by
telephoning our office, 141, and we will be glad to
show you some of the prettiest places, also some of
the best buys attainable.
Mood River, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
Utah Land Plaster
Arsenate of Lead
Lime and Sulphur Solution
Seed Oats
Tou don't nwl a Rmnke
boiiBe. Apply WKIOHT H
H.UOKK a liquid Kiv
in two (-oatH, which will
impart the rich aroma
" ...... . v. IIHIUI KJ L
di Kory smoke to the meat, keeping it
sound, sweet and lneot free indefinitely.
Bold for 14 years all over t K. and Can
ada. (Jet the genuine. Fully Guaran
teed. Bold only in square quart liottles
vith metal cap. Ask your druegiHt tor
"Wrighfa Bmoke". Made only by
E. H. WRIGHT CO., ca,, m..
Sold and Guaranteed by
Early and Late Deliveries
I ..jjRoamBT'- I AY "I
of our Choice Groceries.
Anything and everything
you order delivered the same
day if you say so. And we
send you just WHAT you ord
er and no substituted brands
of things we are "just out
of." We are never out of
any staple lines, and we can
always guarantee the quality
of everything we sell. If
you have not yet favored us
with an order you're the
Phone 7
is what "Teddy" will say when
he calls to see you some eve
ning. Of course you'll have
to "show him" that it's
and bulbs from here that you
are using. (Jreat men the
world over acknowledge the
superiority of our work. Ma
terial used is always the Ik'sU
Office Thone 3
Residence 272M