The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 22, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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1 .
Don't Forget to Attend the Sale
TWICE EDAILY, S:SO and f:30 P.M.
Where Diamonfc, Watches, Clocks Jewelry Silverware, Cul Glass,
Umbrellas and other fine goods are being sacrificed at Public Outcry
Two Beautiful Souvenirs Given away at Each Sale
Speoafl Cot GQa Salle Thursday, IVHairch 23rd
E. H. DeSelms, Auctioneer
1 1
"OneHyed Susie," an she Una ill
wayalicfn kniiwn, mtIiii m the old
est Indian n.piiw In this community,
lli'l Thursday ami wan burled Fri
day In tlie cemetery at Fndcrwuod,
Wash. It In believed that she wan
nearly 1iH) yearn old.
Sunle wns u mfinlier of the Yakima
trlte and recently received f(0 an
her portion of the sale of Indian
landH. She wn brought to this lo
cality liy Indian (ieorge, from whom
hIip separated more than :0 yearn
ago, after a battle with another
sijuaw over hln affections.
Sunle lined to do wanhlng for the
early pioneer and for a iiiiinler of
yearn wan a domestic In the home of
E. L. Smith. On account of her ad
vanced age nhp wan kept by the char
itable for a nutnlier of yearn. Mood
Klvcr women made her hint dayn
comfortable and n, numler of them
Ht tended the funeral nervlcen.
All klndn of house painting and In
terior decorating ami paH-r hanging
at l'ortland prlccn, at Frank Day
ton', Second & Cnncade. I'hone
2ls M and :J I-.
Fdwln C, ( henebro. vice prenldent
ami treannrer of the Chenebro Invent
ment Co., one of the tnont prominent
real estate men of Tht Dallen, and
Mm. Nit a, Derry, a woman of the un
derworld, were burned to death In a
fire which destroyed a renort In the
tenderloin dlntrlct at an early hour
Wednesday morning. The building,
owned by the Mlchelbneh estate, wan
damaged lieyond repnlr. The lonn to
the old wooden ntructure and Itn fur-
"Build a Wagon Ract
If YOU ArCj and if you need supplies of any kind, or require
Hlacksmithing of any nature, come to our shop and we will be
pleased to fill your orders.
You may want an Ironed Pole or Shaft for your
buggy or wagon. We have them in white new
goods at second hand prices.
We do structural iron and bridge work. Let
us figure on your job.
Our Blacksmith Shop i equipped with modem
machinery, our employes are mechanics ot tne iiiRiiesi class,
the work we turn out Is A-i and guaranteed to give satisfaction
to our customers.
nlslilng. In estimated at S.'.'iimi Nei
ther the ntructure nor the furnit lire
wan Innured
henebro wan well known at Hood
Fiver and was a non of the man of
that name who came here to take
charge of the affalrn of Mill I'.oyd
who coimnlttr. I suicide.
I Chris Anderson, the lirnt tircman
I to reach the burnlug building, given
the following account of the dlnanter:
"I did not know there wan a wo
man lunlde, being told that all hail
1 escaped, and we devoted our at ten
sion principally to preventing the
(spreading of the ttamen to other
I building. It nuint have been after 4
i o'clock when the alarm wan Hounded
I that one of the i:irl who lived In the
h me had not escaped. There wan
no possible chance then of getting in
in the tlaine were too tierce.
"I naw Mr. Chesehro go up on t he
porch and nom 'otie yelled. 'Don't go
in there.' An I nald, rencue wan ut
terly Impossible, and we paid no
: more attention to Mr. Chenebro for J
we never Imagined he would enter, I
After wring him go up the step and I
hearing the warning for him to come
1 back I supposed he had not entered. I
but the porch was clouded with I
nmoke and he undoubtedly went In!
; the door when nobody naw him, due
to t he t hick smoke. j
"About ." o'clock we were able to j
get In the house to look for the bodv 1
of the woman and we were horrltied
to tlnd the remains of Mr. Clienebro.
II in body was In one corner and the
bed wan to the other side of the
room. He probably wan overcome
by the nmoke in hi nearcli for the
woman and dropped to the floor
after lonlng consciousness.
"The body of the girl wan on the
Moor with the head stuck between
the Iron rounds of t he foot frame of
the lied. That may he the reason
why she could not escape. Mont of
the clothing wan burned off Mr.
Chescbro, and all from the woman's
body, the llcnh o( which wan alno
badly burned. The face of both
people were burned beyond recogni
tion." Notice to Stockholders of the Hood
River Apple (i rowers' Union
The regular meeting of the stock
holders of the Hood Kiver Apple
lirowern' 1'nlou III be held A pril 1.
1!11, at the Hood III ver Commercial
Club rooms, at In a. in., for the pur
pone of electing nine directors for the
ensuing year and for considering
the ijut-ntlon (if Increasing the capital
stock of said union from $:'.", ihhi to
f.'iO.non. Also for transacting such
other liunluc an may properly come
before nald meet lug.
C. II. srno.vT, Secretary.
Falling In an attempt to commit
suicide Wedm-mlay at The Dallen
; when he tired a bullet Into hln side
an 1 finding, as lie later told t he a t
Mending physician, t Hat It did not
! hurt badly, Die I'lllos Chronicle nays
that Sid Dawson pi. iced hls."-ealibre
i revolver against his forehead and
fired again, but the second effort to
end hln life was a failure an the bullet
flattened agalnnt ami made no In
dention In the skull.
The would be dead man picked the
bullet out of hln forehead, himself
and threw It away, the young man
then took what he supposed to be
morphine tablets. In order to finish
the job, but the third attempt was,
like the others, fruitless, for the tab-.
lets were those prepared for persons
suffering with headache. After being
removed to the hospital Dawson
said: "I made a poor Job of it this
time, but hope to do better next
trip." He will probably r.rovi r.
Dawson, who In l'J years old, came
west a few weeks ago ami lived w ill)
a family named llarriinan near the
Sixth street bridge. He said that he
has been In poor health for some
time, being unable to tin) work. He
wan despondent due to the fact that
I he had no money wit li which to re-
turn to hln folk In the cast, and an he
did not want to be a burden to bin
! frlendn he had decided to take hln I'fc.
Land Bargains
IT acres uncleared land In Summit
district for sale. 10 ncren good or
chard land: 7 acres hill side. .loins
Carters. Kimball and I'ilsenn. Fine
noil. Address, Marlon Macliae.
owner; Mt Hood Hotel.
.Simplicity and Durability
From the Middle and Hasten,
ortiona of the I'nited Statea
and Canada to
Oregon, washingTonSiiortliwest
I ONY I I Alik
quiet wedding took place In the
j Hotel Oregon Wednesday afternoon
j when Frank S. Cory and Minn I'.tta
May Clark daughter of Mr. and Mm
F. Clark of t lie east side were mar
i ried In the presence of a few Intimate
friends and relatives.
Furl Cory, a brother of the groom,
was best man. and Hazel ( lark, a
sister of the bride. an bridesmaid
The ceremony , which wan performed
In the parlor of the hotel, wan con
ducted by Kev. ,1. (i. Tate and wan
with a ring.
After congratulations and best
wishes Mr and Mrs. Cory took the
afternoon train for l'ortland. I. .iter ;
they went to White Salmon, where'
they will make their homeand where
Mr. Cory In a niicces-ful carpenter.
For Sale-- A fine lot of hay in the
.Mt. Hood district. Near .Mt. Mood
Post Office. I'hone, (Mill W or
will prevail DAILY
over the
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Co,
ard connections, the
Oregon Short line. I'nion I'acifc and
The Chicago and North - Western
Fri m
Chicago at - - s-'S-'Uhi
st, I.i.uis - - - :;.on
lima ha - . L'..,tKi
Ka nsas City - - l'.VOO
St. Paul - - (JO
and from other cities corresponding
ly low.
You can Put; pa re Fares
The Colonist fares are Westbound only, but if
you have relatives or friends or emidoyeea m tho
;ct whom you desire to bring to this mat. you
can deposit the value of the fare with .ur local
railroad ajrent. ami an order for a fvket will !
teWraphed to any address de-irf
Let the World know
Of our a! rr'urctn an. 1 biu nv .rt unit fur
Call on the iifi.U'j-iu'nwt fcr to! intrueii1-
printed mavrr t.' st-n.l t'.a..t. r gwv Mm th t l
tirtv of rho-m to w hum you wuU! like S matter
Wm. McMl'RKY
(eneral Piisengcr gcnt
J M. r redrn y t h il kent
is the basis which the WHIIF; SFW -IV!
.MAC HIM; is built on. W e are
unprejudiceJ in our claim that the
W HIT!; is the best sewing machine in
the WORLD. W e are only too glad
to show you that the range of work is
unlimited We make the Vibrator
and Rotary machines, the latter being
equipped with the Lock and Chain
stitch, making two machines in one j
and possesses other desirable features
too numerous to mention.
Ft RM IT RF CO., local dealer, Hood
River, Ore., before you buv.
20 Acres
Fine Red Shot" Soil Hood River' 0-W, R, & N, COMPANY
Apple Land in the Famous
Oak Grove District
Ten nulen out in O e southwest pa--t of tl'e ll.0
Kiwr ValU'y. Kiver. Oreip'n.
TJu tract is partly improved
with " acres in youn.c eom
mereial oivliani. has fairly
jrtHHl house, barns, etc., ami
a tine spring well which is
capable of leinr developed
sulhciently to irrivrato I') or
more acres. This tract is
in the best apple section in
the valley composed of all red
shot soil. The siirrmindinvr
country is beimr rapidly ;le
veloped and grow incr into bir
IRNK F. I ORSHI R(l. Owner
Hood Rier, Oregon
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