THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1911 9 'A m EMPLOYMENT Wanted -At Parkdale in new house with all modern con veniences, woman for general housework; must be goon cook and laundress, willing to make herself generally useful. Call at Mt. Hood Hotel Weduesday night or phone Udell tx'o. oti, Wanted - Position as manager ot large bearing orchard; thor ough knowledge of orchard rou tine, pruning and packing; only first class offers considered. Communicate "C," News office. 3-10p Wanted Young man about 15 years of age to work in garden and about the house. Steady job to right party. W. C. Adams, 1-4 mile south of Bra ford's store. 8-tfc Wanted By married man and brother, steady work on ranch. Address, W. H. Montgomery, Hood liiver, Oregon, or call at 312 1-2 Oak street at 12 o'clock noon. 9-10p Help Wanted -Man with team and tools to move on 20 acre fruit ranch and care for same. Good house and barn. In lower valley. Dickerson Feck. 7-tfc Wan ted -By young married couple, just arrived from the East, work on a fruit ranch. Phone 1'jyK, or address B. F., care of A. I. Mason. 8-9c Seven good working Greek boys want work clearing land. Phone 308 M, or address Post Office box No. 73. 8-Jp Cmnhy Post. G. A. R.-MxeU t the K. of P. hall the second mnd fourth Saturdays of the month at 2 p. m. lieu. P. Cruwi-U. commander; S. V. Wythe, adjutant. Canby W. R. C. No. lfi-Meem second and fourth Saturdays of irh month in K. of P. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. Abbie taker, president; Mrs. Kath ryn Gill, wcretary. Court Hissl River. No. 42. F. of A . meets every Thurwlay evening in K. of P. hall. Visiting Foresters always welcome. Wm Flemminir. C.K.; F. C Brusius. F. S. Hood River Valley II jmane Society - Phone K. If. Hartwiir. president; Harold Hrrshner, secretary; Leslie Butler, treasurer. Hnl River 1-odite. No. 1(18. A. F. A A. M -Meets Saturday eveninir on or tiefore each full moon. Ralph Savage. W. M.; L). McIXmald. secre tary. Hond River Tamp. No. Tim. M. W. A. -Meets in K. of P. hall first and third Wednesday niithts. C.. 8. Jones. V. C; C. U. Oakin. clerk. Hood River Camp. No. 770. W. O. W.-Meets at K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month. W K. Shay. C. C; Floyd Sperlinir. clerk. Hood River Circle. No. Mi. Women of Woodcraft. -Meet at I. (. O. F. hall first and third Sat urday nights, each month. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Wm. lienjcer. N. li.; Alice Shay, clerk. Tdlewilde Ix.lire. No. 107. I. O. O. F.-Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday eveninir at 7:00. at the corner of Fourth and Oak streets. Visiting brothers welctimed. A. R. Crump. N. G.; G. W Thompaim. secretary. Kemp Ixrire. No. IH1. I. O. O. F.-MeeU in the Odd Fellows hall at Odell every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially welcome!. W. A. Lockmsn. N. G.; (ieo. Shepard. secretary. T aurel Retieka Ixitlge No. 87. I. O. O. F.-M.-ets hrst and thmi M'indaya in each month. Flora Shhmeltxer. N. G.i Lilion Smith, secretary. Mount Hood Ixulge. No. 205. I. O. O. F., meets every Saturday evening in Gribble's hsll. Mt. Hood. M.W. Shearer. N.G.; G. W. Dimmirk, secretary. Maintain Home Camp. No. 34. R. N. A. -Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. A. Crump. O.; Mrs. Ella Dakin. recorder. "leta Assembly. No. WB. U. A. - Meet in their v'haU the first and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, aocial. C. 1. llennchs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary. rreon Grsne ReWkah Ixslge No. 1BI. 1. O. O. F. Meets every second and fourth Wednesdsya in each month in Cribble's hall. Mt. Hood. Or. Mrs. Mammie Dimmirk. N. G.; Mrs. Nettie Gnbble. secretary. Riverside Ixstge. No. RH. A. O. XI. W.-Meets In K. of P. hall the first and third Wednesday nights of the month. Visiting brothers rordislly welcomed. Newton Clark. M. W.; Chester Shute. recorder. Waucoma Irtlge. No. SO. K. of P.-Mceta in their Castle Hall every Tuesday night, when visiting brothers are fraternally welcomed. Arthur Clarke. C. C; Ixu. 8. luenhcrg, K. of R. 8. Wauna Temple Pythian Sisters, No. -Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at K. of P. hall, pell lNbaon. M. E. C; Gertrude stark, M. of R. A C. 0-W. R. & N, COMPANY WEST HOUND No. 9. Fast Mail (no passengers) 4:f0 A. M. No. S. Portland Flyer :10 " No. 7. Portland I-al 7 " No. S. Oregon A Washington Knpresa 8:60 8io-Spokan-Portland . :25 " No. 1. Portland Ural 8:26 I'- No. 17. Chicago Limlteil MS EAST HOUND No. t Pendleton l-nrl 10 : A. M. Na 1. Oregon and Wash. Limited . 11 :M " No. I. Tha Palles l-nral 20 P. M. No. 10. Fast Mail, no passengers 8:25 " No. 6, Oregon A Washington ICs press 10:20 Na 12. Sisi-Spokane- Portland 10:514 No. 4. Walla Walla Passenger .'.12:55 . Trains number S, 5, II and 17 make no stops be tween Hond River and Portland. Passengers for Inesl nnints must take trains 7 and 1. Train 4. 12 and 18 stops only at Th Pallea, Arl ington. Umatilla and Pendleton. Passengers for point between Hood River and Pendleton must take trains No. 2, 8 and 8. For futther Information inquire at ticket office J. H. t RIIDRICY, Agent. LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS REAL ESTATE SECTION assB r 1 -l y-v w T-l trT A . n Am aw -art . ror Sale-S.C. RHODE ISLAND I II ED EGGS for setting. Pen No. 1. Headed by son of sweep stakes Cock and 1st Hen at Seat tle exposition and brother to 1st Cockerel at the last Portland show. He has proper shape and good rich color in all sections, mated with a. select pen of pul lets and hens that are splendid winter layers. Eggs $3 per 15. Pen No. 2. Headed by a Cock of proven merit as a strong breeder, mated with a pen of good type females for general utility. Eggs $1.50 per 15. Fer tility guaranteed. L. F. Batten. Phone 2012-M. 9-22 For Sale Koan team, weight about 2500; sound and reliable. Also wagon wagon and rack. Price reasonable. E. L. McClain, phone 201-K, H. D. 1. 7-tfc For Sale Horse and buggy, light lumber wagon, two in cubators, three brooders. All cheap. W. H. Boot, Belmont road. 6-tf For Sale-One bay team 6 and 7 years old, weight about 2100 pounds. For particulars see R. C. Charters, Bingen, Wn. 9-12. For Sale Driving mare, light keeper, lady or children can drive. Thoroughbred. Shaw & Bronson. Phone 34. 9-tfc For Sale-Several light teams, three second hand hacks and three second hand wagons. Taft Transfer Co. 7 For Sale- Six Barred Rock lay ing pullets. Phone Mrs. Os good, 1852-K. 9tf. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted Loan for three or hve years on partially improved land in Hood River Valley, $4000 or $0000. Ample security. Write O. Hall, 522 Chamber Com merce, Portland, Oregon. 7-10c Want to buy a good stump puller outfit. Must be modern, in good condition and a bargain. Homestead Orchard Co., 415 Henry Bldg., Portland. 9-10 BUSINESS CARDS Loan Agency Loans offered, $500, $700. Loans wanted, $300. $000, $1000, $1200, $1500, $2000, $2500. Apply to A. W. Onthank, 305 Oak street, tfc If you have a building you want moved or raised see or write J. T. Nealeigh, Hood River, Oregon. R. I). No. 2 6-13 Notice. oF Final Settlement VoTii-g is herkrt ;iykn. that the undersign ed, being the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of F.. L. Thomas, de ceased, haa filed in the County Court of the state of Oregon for HikkI River Uninty. his nnal ac count in the matter of said estate, and that said court has appointed Saturday, the lHth riav of March. l'.Ul. at the hour of 10 o'clock a m of said snd the County Court Room of the County Court of the state of Oregon for Hisid River County, in the City of Hood River. Oregon, as the time and place tor hearing oojeclions to saio nnai account and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated this Feb. 15. Kill. W. E. Thomas Administrator. of the estate of E. U Thomas, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herebv given that the undersigned haa been appointrd by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ibiod River County, to he adminis trator of the estate of Frederick DeForest Isham. deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, at the orlice of Jayne A Watson, in the city of Hood River. Oregon, within si months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ' Pate of first publication. December 14th. 1910. M. H. MOODY. Administrator. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the estate of Frank S. Clark, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly itimiied and regularly verified at the law ollice of S. W. Stark, in Hixsi River. Ore., and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate are requested to pay ina same. Dated this 7th. day of Febr. lull. Nannir E. Clark. 8-10-e Hood River. Oregon. Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mt. Hood Water Co. ill he held st the nublie hall at Mt. Hond. Ore.. on the2xth day of Feb.. 1U. at tha hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Dated this lHth day of February. 1911. 2t G. W. DIMM UK. Socy. ror Sale A few 5 and 10 acre I first class orchard tracts, Hood River valley, ten per cent in cash, balance in work on ad joining fruit ranch. Consult W. D. Hooton, Dee, Oregon, or Fred S. Holsteen, Burlington, Iowa. 8-9c For Rent Rooms for rent from $1.50 to $3 per week. Lighted hnd heated and next to bath. Also furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 130L. 7-tf Presented ith Handsome l.k Tooth An Intfrt'Ktlntr (future during ttu lull In t ton ot the cnnillilati'M Into the Kike, nt the Diillef, wan the irewn tntlon of it Rnl'l mounted F.Ik tooth watch rhiirm to J. II. Kreilrtry liy the llool liiver t liiH H of l'.HO fanill ilntilrt. When Mr. l-'retlrley wan rail ed on the Moor tt ret'i'lve thU token of eotec in from hln friend he didn't know exactly what wu jtoltin to happen ami when the preHentatlon took place he wan tloored. The charm hn on one nlde an Klk'n head with the nuinlxT of the lodtfe 'MX and on the other J. II. F. dan of 1910. For Sale 5 acres south of Corn ucopia Farm, 10 miles southwest of Hood River, $875. Address, The Cornucopia Farm and Land Co., Hood River, Oregon. -9c For Rent Furnished room, gen tlemen preferred, 187 Sherman avenue, just above postoffice. Phone or call in morning lai-lt. 8-tfc For Sale 10 or 20 acres land. No better land or location in' the valley. For particulars address, 100, care News. 6-9p For Rent Two nicely furnished rooms within one block of postoffice. Phone 102-B. 9-tfc For Sale-The J. H. Osborne house. 921 State street. In quire on premises. 6-tfc For Rent furnished room in center of town. Apply at News office, tf FOR SALE For Sale One high wheel, solid tirp. anto-mn-about the car that travels the roucrh roads. No danger of getting your tires punctured. Just the car for a small family. Price only $200 if taken soon. H. Dethman, tele phone 204-K. 6-9p If you want any Clarks Seedlings strawberry plants or any New town, Spitzenburg or Ortley apple trees for spring planting, see or write, J. T. Nealeigh, Hood River, Oregon. 6-13p For Sale Dresser, heater, cup board, kitchen Gem, chairs, nearly new. Inquire 701 Pros pect avenue. 9-10p For Sale One and three-eights inch Old Hickory wagon in fine condition. Phone 191-K noon or evenings. 9-10p For Sale or Rent Typewriters, new or second-hand, on easy terms. A. W. Onthank. ' tf Hay For Sale Alfalfa and wheat hay for sale. Ralph Hinrichs phone 3232-L. 5-13p F 'or Sale Oil meal at White head's. 4-tf LOST AND FOUND Lost Between 9th street and Sherman avenue, city, and R. H. Cahoon's place in Frank ton, on Feb. 27, a bear skin neck fur. Telephone 257-X or call at News office. Reward. 9-10p Will the party who took the wagon seat from J. W. In gall's farm in the country please return it at once and save trou ble as they are known. 9-10c Lost symbol to bass drum in town or on road to Pine Grove hall. Finder will please call up 238L. 8-9p WOMAN'S LEAGUE ! TO ELECT OFFICERS; I The rejiulur meeting if I lie- Aim-rl- j can Woman' League will he held at ' the home of Mr Karl Hart iik-hh, ' Wednesday. Mmvh fctli, at L'::!o p in. Thin will be a very Important meet liiK and all meniltem are urged to lie prenent. The annual election of oHi cers will le held. The League was organized March 4, 1'JlO, and hin had a very nii-ceeful year, Iwlng able to report h") mem ber) in good ntandlng February lt, which will entitle us to a J,fHK) chap ter houne. It will be a ttource ol re gret to th one who let their member ship lapne", when time Iihm been given to fully demonstrate the great bene fitn accruing to life niemberH. We would urge nil who nlgned notes to nee to it that they do not fall to make every payment prompt ly, lent they retard the building of our chapter houne and themnelven loMe their place in the founder'! chapter. Membership after March let will font $100. We have an option on a few renerve membership at each, which will Include a ineinberehlp In the founder's chapter and a .0 dt lieuture, which we would like to nee Home of our friends take. For every nix memltern added to our prenent number we would receive :ioo more on our chapter houne. The china painting class meets every Tuesday afternooon nt the home of Mrs. J. V. Klgby. After the business session next meeting the Chautauqua class will havea "jul'on their readlngcourse. Every t'hnutauquan should be on hand and ready to take part. Those who have not secured the required books will !e welcome to remain for this literary feust. Quite a nuiuler of the members are taking music from the (iulim f'amp bell Conservatory of Music. This, In Itself, Is worth many times the cost of njetulH-rshlp. Mks. Kioitv, Press Correspondent. BASE BALL CLUB PREPARESFOR WORK The meeting held in the Commer cial ( lull rooms Monday night to organize a base ball team and make plan fur the season was well at tended. C. A. Hell was elected chair man. ( has. Morse gave an outline of the purpose for which the meeting was called. The election of a man ager was then proposed and Chan. Morse and Arthur Clarke were nom inated with the result that Clarke was elected manager and Morse as sistatit manager. As a stockholder in the company that owns the grounds, Mr. Hell was asked to secure a lease for the club as reasonable as possible and prom ised to do so. The chairman then appointed as a committee to solicit funds for the club Arthur Clarke. Capt. McCan, E. O. Hlauchar, Chan. Morse, Truman Hutler. C. T. Early, E. A. linker and C. A. Hell. A motion was carried asking the chairman to notify all memU-rs of the committee to commence the work of soliciting funds as soon as possible, (.'has. Morse was elected to act as temporary captain. Merrll jessllng, ( has. Morse and George Grey were chosen as a committee to select suits. Womans Club Meetings The Womans Club wishes to an nounce to the ladles of the town and valley their meeting days for the re mainder of the dub year, March 1. l.'i, ill, April 1-'. :'!, M iy 10. 24, June N. hoping the ladles can so arrange their social dates that one will not contllct with the other.' Hellevlng all are Interested In the success of the club, and knowing the club ladies do not like to miss these pleasant gath erings, we nsk you to remember the dales. Mrs. ( has. Castnf.h, Act. Pres. Mrs. Rod well Entertains Mrs. W. V . Hod well gave a most delightful parly. Friday afternoon, to the niemlx'rs of the East Harrett Neighborhood Club. Hesldes the meititsTM of the club there were several additional guests present. The home was charmingly decorat ed In Filllpino and Japanese curios. The hostess assisted by her daughter Miss Susan, Miss A verlll Lining and Miss llessle Hams served a delicious three course luncheon. C. RUTHTON H. Morton is on the sick Mrs. list. Mrs. J . S. Hunter Is reported as improving- TheKuthtou grip patients are all on the mend. Mrs. I. A. Heed and children are having the grip. Miss Ieua liaker spent Sat unlay In the Hose City. Miss Helen Absten left Portland Friday evening to take up her work again. H.inier Absten attended the party at the home of Mr. Anderson at Bel mont Friday night. Misses Lena liaker and Alma Ab sten visited at the home of J. W. Dickinson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. (). White and children spent Wednesday and Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. S. Cahoon of Frankton. J. H. McCulstinn and wife returned from Hood Hiver Friday, where Mr. McCulstiou has been very sick at the home of his sister, Mrs. (I. W. liar ton, on the heights. Methodist Church News The Ladies' Aid will meet next Fri day afternoon tit the home of Mrs. C. P. Sounlchsen. Next Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the Bible school and plans are be ing made for an Interesting service at 10 a. in. Thursday evening of this week the Ladles' A i will give a social at the parsonage. Arrangements have been made for an enjoyable evening's en tertainment. A hearty welcome Is extended to all. Come out and meet j our neighbor. The subject of the pastor's sermon next Sunday evening will be "The Ideal Man." This Is the first of a series of Sunday evening services de voted especially to young men. A men's choir will lead the singing and special efforts will be made to make the services Interesting. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all, and es pecially to young men. All Day Meeting There will be an all day meeting at Alliance Cha'l. Sunday, March ot li. The subject of the meeting will lie, "Physical Disease, Its Cause and Hetncdy." Topics: 11 a in. nrlgln of disease and the divine remedy. 2:"0 p. in Testimonies to divine healing. Come and hear how (Sod still heals those who trust Him. 6:.T0 p. m., young people How to keep strong and healthy. 7::i0 p. ni Miracles, past and pres ent. We Invite you to attend all of these services. C. E. Pkhhy, Pastor. An Afternoon Will be given by the Pythian Sis ters nt the K. of P. hall on Tuesday, March '.Nth. Mothers, wives and sisters of the Knights of Pythias are cordially Invited to bring their work and enjoy a social afternoon. TRUSTEES ACCEPT PLANSJOR CHURCH The board of trustees of the Hiver- side Congregational Church met in the First National Bank with the Committees on Plans and Finance, Monday afternoon, to consider the sketches and the outlook- for their new building, and the plans present ed by t he commit tee were approved and Immediately steps will le taken to follow up the suggestions offered. The proposed building will be of gruy stone, 70x70 feet with an audi torium seating I'OO, which can be ex panded to mm) If necessary, hav ing every auditor in view of the speaker. Two parlors and a kitchen are provided on the first floor. The basement has a club room for young ladles and one for young men, with a large reading room between them, and a commodious audieuce room with arrangements for a stage and which can lie used for gy muas lum purposes, basket ball, hand ball, etc. The cost of t lie building complete will be about S'O.noo. As soon as arrangements for the financing of the proposition arc completed the campaign will begia. Daniel E Willard of St. Paul, de velopment agent of the Northern Pa cific railroad, made an official visit here Thursday. Mr. Willard Is Inter ested In getting better communica tion between Hood Hiver and the North Hank railroad and spent some time while here looking into this matter. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Hone, who have been east all winter, are ex pected home In about two weeks. Christian Science services are held In Heading Hoom, No. 0, Davidson building, Sunday a. 11 a. m. and Wednesday at p. in Sunday school at 1 a. m. C. II. Jenkins, Geo. P. Christie and V. II. Taft were among the large class of candidates who became members of the Shrlners at its big meeting lu Portland last week. A. J. Nelson and I). S. Sommervllle caused Rome comment last week when they walked up the Mount Hood railroad track, each with a chicken under his arm, and followed closely by Marshall Iewis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cram, who are on an eastern trip, have been heard from by friends and state that they are enjoying the trip Immensely. They are In Boston this week, the former home of Mr. Cram's mother. The next meeting of the School and Home Association will be held next Monday evening, March 5. at 7:M0 at the Unitarian church. Prof. Mc Laughlin will give a short address. This is a public meeting for all titl zens. Baptist church, Sunday, March 5, morning worship. 11 o'clock; theme, "The Fatherhood of God." Evening praise service 7:-'!0; theme, "The Brotherhood of Man." Mr. Har greaves will preach. A cordial Invi tation to all. The ladles of the I'ulted Brethren Church will meet with Mrs. Hartley Friday afternoon at 2 p. in. Klngsley McGuffey broke away from the Upper Valley this week lotig enough to take a trip to Port land. It was supposed at first he was In the big city to put on the Up per Valley Minstrel Show, but he denies the alligator. A. W. Peters returned to Hood Hiver Wednesday from a two months' absence at Corvallls ami Portland. Mr. Peters took the full horticultural course at Corvallls and believes that the work there is be coming more valuable each year. C. S. Sommervllle returned from New York Wednesday, where he has been on a business visit for a month. Mr. Sommervllle. who Is Interested In the valley, says that business and financial conditions in the east are good and that factories in some lines have sold their output for six months ahead. Hev. J. L. Ilershner, of Hood River was in town Monday, and was look ing over tne site for the new Congre gational church. When asked If the church would be constructed this year, Mr. Hershner said a great deal depended on the people of this city. The church has the lots and money enough to start the work but the principle amount of money must CJtue from the people of Stevenson. Stevenson Pioneer. White Gas Car Popular The White Gas car which has be come very popular at Hood Hiver, will tie seen this year in several new models. Several of these cars which have been in use here have demon strated their high class and the com pany is now claiming an even better product from their shops than here tofore. P. S. Davidson has the local agency for the White Gas and Is pre paring for a demonstration of the new models In the near future. CITY INVESTMENTS 100x100 on Oak street with good buildings, rental income, $110 per month, only $1 6,000 Until April First 100x20J on Cascade Avenue, consisting of four good lots and frame house. This will double in value within two years. Price, $7ooo Good Terms There will be great activity in city property this year. Snaps such as these are not on the market long. Sec OurList of Orchards J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO., g&gffi bVrovrrTrry r prv rrrr i v fy r it it? v v ;rr,'.VT?TTrnffiQ i Ml M! (Skkthi hi-: Stakk, M. of It. V C Order Your Printing NOW 2)onV Wait Mntil you JVeed It Tomorrotv CJThe News is equipped with one of the best plants in the state. We print everything from a visiting card to color work. See Us CICout Jour oose eaf Bitting System Hood River News Co. Eliot -Building