The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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In Magic and Mimics
MARCH 6th, 1911
In Music and Song
APRIL 1st, 1911
Hon. JOS. W. FOLK,
APRIL 15th, 1191
Season Tickets for Three Entertainments now on Sale at $2.00 for the Course
The now launch, Heaver, of I'nder
wood, built for (lxu Trvlbcr by
Frank Smith at Astoria, arrived at
Fnderwood February l'.ttli. Captain
Olsen and the chief ciikIiiht came In
charge. The Heaver Is ."d fi-et long,
11 feet 4 inch Ih'HIii, draft 4 feet. She
carries a " power engine made
liy the Imperial tins Fiiglne ( o. and
Is fitted with fleet rle lights, t-lee trie
neareh light and a deep water com
pass, and Iseontn.llcd by compressed
nlr In the pilot house. The Heaver lo
built the strongest ami heaviest of
any craft ever count meted at An
torla, and of the bent material ob
tainable. The upper deck 1 covered with
canvas and nrrnnged with scats for
fifty passengers. The cabin Is entirely
separate from the engine room. It
Iimh hnlrstufted leather cushioned
scats, linoleum carpet and electric
lights, and will comfortably accom
modate twenty five passengers.
The Heaver will be placed In com
mlMNlon March 1. lull, on the
Itlver Fnderw ood Kerry and will lc
prepared to make excursions to any
art of the t'olumhlii river from The
Pallet to Astoria either day or night.
('apt. Olsen, w ho ha hud a life ex
perience on the water and thirty
Heal estate transfers for the week
ending February 2i, l'.ll 1, ai furnished
by the Hood Itlver Abstract Co.:
Louise J Schiller to A L Arnold ami
I". K Near, 40 acre In Willow Flat
Mcilsxu F Mill to Hertha llugglm.
trustee, w lot I'i, block 10, IIumh Ad
dition Joseph McIioIm to Alex Hradburn,
" acres near Cascade Locks
Heirs of Frederick Ishnm to J a men
V N Suydam. " hitch In Cpper Valley
Virgil W inchcll to S M I)enlpon, 21
acred on Kant Side
llt'Coeto Lulu HU ks, lots ! and
111, block "F." foe's Addition
C L Mor-e to (irace P Fnrrlx, 14
acrei In Harrett District
Hood Itlver Power & Water Co to
Hood Itlver Light & Power Co. (m
acre south of town
lewis K Morse to C I. Morse, lots 1
and II. block '('," Foe's Addition
Flmer F Heath t Marie II Strat
ton, lot at Cascade Locks
.loMeph F Hatchelder to .1 A Fp
plug. 10 acres south of town
.1 Adrian F.pplng to. I F Hatchelder,
40 acres on Fast Side
Fred Y Larwood to F.I la . I I, Wil
bur, lots 1 and 2. block :l, Park Addition
year- on the
Columbia, will be In
The Skamanlii Pioneer says that
Harry Coleman, well known at
Hood Klver, who linn lxen working
for Frnest Housinnn of Butler, hail
the misfortune to be blown up by a
charge of dynamite while at work
Monday nfternoon. He wax alone
at the lime and It Im not known just
how the accident happened, but It In
HuppoHed a piece of flying stump
struck him in the face. Hoth jaw
w ere broken and 111 h eyes badly In
jured, one of which It In feared will
be permanently blind. He was hur
ried to Stevenson and placed under
the care of Ir. Roach, who wired up
li Im Jaws, dressed hit Injured eyet and
made him ax comfortable ax poxxlble.
Mr. Coleman lx spoken of ax a
faithful, hard-working man, by thoxe
who know- Mm, though he ix In
rather xtralghtened financial circum
stances at the prexent time.
Congregational Church Sermons
The xerinonx at t lie Congrega tlonal
church next Sunday will Ik on "The
Society of .lexux," eonxlilering the
matter of church niemhe rxhlp. In the
morning and "The Victim and Vic
tor In Marriage," the fourth in the
xerlex of plct urex of womanhood. In
the evening, founded on t he ttory of
Itachael and 1-cah.
Arthur Clarke
Oe do the Hajinesf
We Know our Business
. The big daxx of candidates initla
ated Into the luyxteriex of the Flks,
Friday, made the streets of Hood
Itlver lively during the day, and con
xiderable speculation wax Indulged
In by them ax to what would ha.
pen. Paring the afternoon a photo
graph wax made of the party, hi
that they would know how they
looked before and after.
Accompanied by a large number of
local member of the Flkx, they left
for The Pallex. where they were re
eclved with noisy acclaim. Ax the
party stepped off the cars, engine
and factory whistle blew, chinch
bells rang and braxs bands placed
i "He'll G.t All That's Coming to
Him." They were then paraded
through the street, which were lined
on each side with spectators, in
wheelbarrows and carts, to the Flkx'
new liall.
The initiation exercises, w Idle not
a matter of public record, are said
to have been sufficiently lively for
the most enthusiastic member of the
The chronicle gives the following
account of t he affair.
Last night was a memorable one
for The Pallcs lodge, number :;o:i. It.
P. O. F. for 2 unsophisticated aspir
ants had announced themselves as
being desirous of leaving t heir native
haunts In Hood Itlver for the even
ing to receive a set of antlers ami be
annexed to (lie herd in this city.
They were met at the 7 o'clock train
by practically the entire lodge w hen
they became part of an "Illuminated"
parade and to the accompaniment of
the band and tire bell, were escortrd
to the assembly room. About "00 of
the brotherhood were present, lodges
from all over the Putted States being
represented. The following Hood
Hlver men were Initiated last night:
A. Y. Peters. O. C. Pean, P.. 11. Pool
ey, L. M. Hen t ley, M. Hrouson, C., F. C. Howell. It. F. Lara
way, V. W Inchell, C. X. Clarke. U A.
McCnrdv, K C Sloenm.C. It. McCann.
F. P.. Hutchinson. Win. F.hrek, II. P.
Wood, (1. V. I'.dwnrds. M. F. Shaw,
(). A. IVcker. .1. C. Skinner, H. F.
Pnvldsoii, C II .Sprout. W . II. (hip.
ping. C. A. Fhlridge, C. F. lilll.ert, C.
II Stranahan. Hans I .age. W T.
I pper Valley Land for Sale
Large trait of land for sale in tin
Fppcr Hood Itlver valley. Will sell
In one tract or w III subdivide. Terms. '
John ttoldsbury, Mt. Hood Hotel.,
1 - - - -
COnE young chaps claim it's easy to find smart
J clothes. Other chaps claim it's very difficult. It's
not so hard.
If you were in the clothing busines, you'd know it's
not so hard nor yet so easy.
It's simple enough for us to find good, ordinary
styles--styles that cannot be criticised.
But, it is often hard to locate
styles which have the keenness, the
excellence of fabric and the excep
tional tailoring that the most parti
cular chaps want in their clothes.
We had a hard time finding them,
but we've made it easy for you to
find them.
You'll like them.
No, they're not high priced. Just
high enough to insure perfect satis
faction $i5.oo, $17.50 and $20.00.
""xDCIl stMMMitii-fivte n2ars tfi . i. ill
5 Acs Manufacture at "mCHCll YVClCJOn
j II Ina riifwst pessitut? standard cf quality, ana threuf all
tlii 1 i .1 k (1.1 m.iAii ii
j. cf. wcisc i van cws ccuntry ncna 6tftUr Wtl ar-
agents fcr )(ccf Hiv?r Ccunty
Bfcwcrs Jfarcwarc Ccnipatit