The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 22, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Our Prices are the Lowest When
Quality is Considered
Wait Until Our Stocks Are Com
plete Before You Buy Elsewhere
Spring Stock
in the Way
In fact some of the smaller shipments have arrived by express and the others will begin to arrive in
about ten days, at which time we will be able to show you the finest assortment of nebv and up-to-date
novelties ever brought to Hood River. We have spared neither time nor expense in connection
with this trip, and all the leading markets and mills have been gone into thoroughly before a single
purchase was made. Therefore we feel well satisfied with the results of our efforts, for we know abso
lutely that we are in a position to offer to you the BEST MERCHANDISE OBTAINABLE for the LEAST
MONEY, being consistent with the quality of our goods. Make us prove this statement.
We Handle the Best
For the Least
Always Up to Date
Watch This Space for Announce
ments of New Arrivals
. 1
. . - m. -
. . . . ,
Fni, X i. DGA A Z. ZJTJ
IT 1" ii I i
John Lfland Hemlermm wn a
Saturday visitor, after an itlixei.i-e f
Home time.
A. I. Mason returned home Sunday
after an extended ta.v at Salem,
where he has been atteudiug the rs
slons of the leglnlature.
Mr F'i-e lley . if ' 'it rnn, :t !-
Oil meal at Whitehead's.
A. A. Jayne has money to loan at 6
per cent on Rood security.
Romig Twin Sisters at " The Oak "
To-night and Thursday Evening.
Uet Wyoming lump coal In any
quantity. Transfer Ac Livery Co.
I'bone .r).
Joseph A. Wllnon, aifent for wire
wound wood tttuve pipe. Order
early, as thin pipe In not held In
Htock, but made to order.
While It Is linponclble to prevent
an accident. It in never lropoihle to
le prepared It U not beyond any
one' purne. Invent ii centn lu u bot
tle of Cbamberlaiii'n Liniment and
you are prepared for Mpraiiin, liniiwn
and like Injuries. Sold by all dealer.
tvr if F. I . Shenieb. is. vUitiiiit lela
tlvrs here.
C. A. Mi'Carser is noted by I .on
AnjreleH paKTn an a winter vifitur to
the SoiitheruCalifornia inetropollii.
J. E. Innlen, one of the directors of
the Oregon Lumber Cnmpany, was
here Saturday ou a bunineiM visit.
Mr. Inl't In In charge of the com
pany'!' plant at luule.
For Sale Soiim jcood horxex and a
numler of fteoiid-hand rim, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion Livery Stable."
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
Io you know that croup can be
prevented'.' tii veChatnlierbiiu's Couth
Kemedy as noon as the child liecomes
hoarse, or even after the croupy
counh appears, ami It will prevent
the attack. It is also a certain cure
fort'Houp und lias never been known
to fail. Sold bv nil dealers
The Cooking Ware That Lasts a Generation
"Wear-Ever" AlaminamCooking Utensils are
the kind that give you every satisfaction. Safety,
, Economy, Durability, Freedom from Worry,
You can cook the most delicate and easily scorched
food in aluminum utensils with less fear of burning
than in any other kind, because aluminum is a better
distributer of heat and retains it longer.
This means a saving in fuel. But it means a saving
in wetr-and-tear expense, too.
" WearEver" aluminum cooking utensils are strong,
light to handle and easy to clean. They resist fire
wear you can let food boil dry in them without
injuring the utensils. They are practically everlasting.
"Wear-Ever" utensils cannot rust, cannot form
poisonous compounds with fruit acids -
or foods. They are made from thick,
hard sheet aluminum, 99 pure, with
out 6eams, joints or 6oldcr.
Replace utensils that wear out with
utensils that 'Wear-Ever.''
Mrs. L. K. Morse and her son,
('has., left Wednesday for their new
home at Spray, Oregon.
Secretary Skinner of the Commer
cial Club spent Thursday In Portland
on an errand for the club.
The lllverside Congregational Aid
will meet with Mrs. C. A. Cass, 91.1
F.ncene street, Friday. Feb. 24th. All
members and ladies of the church are
cordially Invited to attend. Impor
tant business Is to lie attended to.
An entertainment somewhat out
of the ordluary will be given at the
Valley Christian church Friday even
ing. February 24th, at 8 o'clock. All
who wish to spend a pleasant even
ing should avail themselves of this
A very pleasant birthday party
was given Mrs. Clark Wood, mother
of M. J. Wood, pastor of the Bel
mont church, Saturday evening. A
large party assembled and spent the
evening In social diversions. He
fresluneuts were served.
A party of about fifteen persons
from Minneapolis got off at the sta
tion, Friday afternoon aud from
there went to Hood Klver, returning
in time to take the train to Portland
in the evening. They had Just come
from Kugvne. White Salmon Enter
.1. It. Castner, of Hood Kiver, who
lears the title of champion apple
picker of that section. Is here this
week looking over the city with a
view of locating. He Is a baseball
pitch r, and In case he di cides to lo
cate here will be a valuable ai-set to
the ioldctlilale Ueds. M r. ast tier Is
Hv:ent for considerable I.iihI In the
vicinity of the cioodtioc Hills, and
will no Into the real estate husiixss.
(ioldelldale Sentinel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I Moe, who have
been In Southern California for two
weeks, returned to Hood Klver Sun
day. Mr. aud Mrs. M M. Mill, Mr. and
Mrs. V. It. Starret and Mrs. S. G.
Campbell, were week end visitors In
Miss Huldn Weler left yesterday to
reside on a homestead she has in
Washington, and w ill be absent for
some time.
F. E. Harris and U. It. liartlett
were In Portland Thursday on a
visit In connection with the new Con
gregational Church.
A. P. Bateham of Mosler came
down last week and attended the
Valentine Village Fete. Mr. Bateham
went from here to Portland.
A card from the Grafton Hotel,
Washington, I. ('., states that Mrs.
P. S. Davidson sr.. of Hood Itlver
was a guest there February 14th.
J. (). Ooldthwalte and J. M. Os
good were among the Hood Kiver
people who visited In Oregon's
metropolis Thursday and Friday.
Miss Lucy Freeman and Miss Ionia
McUrath, who have completed their
course as trained nurses have taken
up the profession of private nursing.
Both these young ladies completed
their courses at the Cottage hospital
and will take tip the work fully com
petent in the care of t he sick. They
have established their headquarters
at the home of Ir Sharp.
For Sale A fine lot of hay in the
U. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Otlell 38 or
Oct your butter, guaranteed fresh
egs, ere. n and milk from Purity
)airy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building."
If yon want to Is-comfortable burn
coal. Wear- prepared to fiirni-h it In
any quantity. Plenty on hand aud
more coining. We handle the liest
quality of Wyoming coal. Transfer
& Livery Company Phone 5.
If troubled will iir ,-itlon, con--tlpatiou,
IIO appe ,-, or feel bilious.
;lve Chamberlain s Stomach and
Liver Tablets a trial and you will be
pleased with the result. These tab
lets invigorate the stomach and
liver and strengthen the dlgeitlon.
Sold by all de.-l.-rs
38 or
. We
C. A.
Feb. 22
Big Supper served by ladies
of the grange
For Sale-- A fine lot of hay In the
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odell
.loin the Bowling I-eacut
have the bent alleys In the
Iet's have the best tram.
Klchards & Co.
Oet your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
An attack of grip is often followed
by u persistent conirli, which to
many proves a great annoyance.
Chamls-i Iain's Cough Kemedy has
liecn extensively usefl, nmJ with good
success, for the relief and cure of this
cough. Many cases hav Is-en cured
after all other remedies had failed.
Sold by all dealers,
For Kent. -Two suites of Office
Kootns on the second lloor of the
Davidson concrete building. These
are the best lluhted, most convenient
am) easiest of access of any second
floor otllee rooms In the city. One of
these rooms has a lire proof vault.
For particulars, and to see the
room, call at lioom of same build
ing By the additional help In our olllce
of L. C. Simms we are now In Ix-tter
position to handle, city and town
property and from now on will ! as
act Ive In disposing of city proerty
us w e have been III our sal"S in t he
valley. I'pto the present time we
have iH-en unable to give the city
business i ii r attention, but do not
Intend to overlook this class of busi
ness We have now some prospec
tive buyers that will take advantage
of a bargain if offered. We ask that
owners who have town or valley
properly for sale to let us know the
price and t"rnis, In addit ion to t he
city business we wish to go on re
cord as being agents for some of I he
leading Fire Insurance companies
with records of paying their losses
promptly. . V. IM wards & Co.,
olfiee Hotel Oregon building. Phone
Romig Twin Sisters at "The Oak"
To-night and Thursday Evening.
Seasoned Wood 16 in. or 4 ft., de
livered to any part of the city. J. J.
knapp. Phone 3Z31X,
(mi Wednesday evening. February
'J'J. lull, another of those popular
dances will be given at Pine (Jrove
H range hall. A I Ig chicken pie sup
per w ill lie served by the ladles of the
I i range. Don't forget the date.
Hello! Is this you, Jones?
Don't forget the great treat Friday
evening at the Valley Christian
I should say I won't.
Twenty-five and 15 cents.
A few minutes delay In treating
some cases of croup, even to the
length of time It takes to go for a
doctor, often proves dangerous. The
safest way is to keep ChamlKTlain's
Cough Kemedy In the house, and at
the first Indication of croup give the
child a dose. Pleasant to take and
alwas cures. Sold bv all dealers.
Ton don't need a -moke
houBe. Apply WItIOUT'8
B MOKE a liquid giv.
lag two coat8, which will
iniart the rich aroma
hi kory amoke to the meat, keeping it
wwjv na mseci iree indefinitely.
Bold for 14 years all over U. 8. and Can
ada. Oet the genuine. Fully Guaran
teed. Bold only in square quart bottle
with metal cap. Ask your druggist for
'Wright'. Smoke". Made only by
L H. WRIGHT CO., City, tu.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Cylinder Records
The clear, full, brilliant
tone of Columbia Inde
structible Cylinder Rec
ords is the best reason for
their sensational popular
ity. They fit any cylinder
machine and last forever.
Four-Minute Inde
structible Records
Hood River Studio
are focused on Oregon. The cry of the East is to
The strongest single drawing card Oregon has
today is found in the
having done more to bring Oregon into the lime
light than the
With all this, good land can be had for less
money in this famous little valley than in many
other less favored districts, and the investors
are waking up to this fact.
People who will buy this summer at advanced
prices will be able to realize enormous profits in
a very few years.
mom:l okhoon,
Mood klver, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
Positively the only 100
Per Cent Pure LEAF LARD
Quality Counts and that's
where we shine.
Armour's Simon Pure Leaf
Lard costs you very little
more than the ordinary kind
and is worth ever so much
Order a small pail today
and you'll be glad you tried
The Star Grocery
Perigo & Son
Early and Late Deliveries
of our Choice Groceries.
Anything and everything
you order delivered the same
day if you say so. And we
send you just what you ord
er and no substituted brands
of things we are "just out
of." We are never out of
any staple lines, and we can
always guarantee the quality
of evervthing we sell. If
you have not yet favored us
with an order you're the
Phone 7
is what "Teddy" will say when
he calls to see you some eve
ning. Of course you'll have
to "show him" that it's
and bulbs from here that you
are using. Great men the
world over acknowledge the
superiority of our work. Ma
terial used is always the best.
Office Phone 3
Residence 272M
A tltmlncw Plwtorr of rnrh f'Hy,
TtM n linr lll:if(f In Orrtfon n till
iifthlnif ln. Riving n lirmTtptlvn
Hkrti h tif eiM'll )litr, I,iruttii-i,
Nh lupin f- nrllltir Nfid n 4 In !
finl Hrr l..rr of tnvh Hunlnrmi
tun! rroffntn.
K. I,. lOT K CO., Inc.
NrillllO, MMrl.