The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Strawberry Grower Wanted
Owner of 13 acaea yonug orch
ard in Hood River, wants reliable
man with references and some
money to raise strawberries on
snares. Address H. J. MacDuf
fee No. 1038 Belmont St., Port
land, Oregon. 7-8c
Situation, wanted on ranch. Or
around private place. Prefer
Bteady place year round, garden
ing, fruit, berries, poultry, etc.
Sober, steady, $50 per month;
furnishedfroom, board'and wash
ing, John Shepherd, Hood Iiiver,
Oregon, G-7p
Wanted - Position as manager of
large bearing orchard; thor
ough knowledge of orchard rou
tine, pruning and packing; only
S 1 (W 1 1
nrst class oners conquered.
Communicate "C," News office.
For Sale A few fine vigorous
White Rock cockerels, also
White Leghorns; both breeds
from trap-nested mothers with
splendid records. For particu
lars phone 75 Odell or address
W. II. Tobey, Parkdale, Or. 5-6c
For Sale Roan team, weight
about 2500; sound and reliable.
Also wagon wagon and rack.
Price reasonable. E. L. McClain,
phone 201-K, R. D. 1. 7-tfc .
For Sale A fine allaround team,
7 years old, weight 2G00.
Reason for selling, Eggermont
orchard being sold. Thos. E.
Averg, phone 2042-X. 7tfc
lllanted-Experienced fruit man
II wants position as foreman of
orchard: can handle all detail;
prefer permanent position; best
of references. Address (j. K. b.,
News office. 4-7p
lllanted -Man and wife to work
H on fruit ranch, 3 1-2 miles
from town; steady position for
right party; must furnish refer
ences. Address A. B. C, News
office. 5-6p
Help Wanted Man with team
and tools to move on 20 acre
fruit ranch and care for same.
Good house and barn. In lower
valley. Dickerson & Peck. 7-tfc
lllanted - Dress making by day
IT for the month of Feb. Good
work guaranteed. Miss E. B.
Cornelson, 283 13th St., Port
land, Oregon. 7-8p
lllanted I want a situation to
if take charge of a fruit farm;
well experienced; with family,
W. B. Yoerger, R. D. 2, box 193
Wanted Japanese young m?n
wants day work at cooking,
housecleaning, etc. Address II.
Yama, 14 Oak street, phone 160.
Young man, good worker, wants
job on ranch. Phone 130Land
ask for Brookins. 6-7p
For Sale One high wheel, solid
tire, auto-run-about the car
that travels the rough roads. No
danger of getting your tires
punctured. Just the car for a
small family. Price only $200 if
taken soon. II. Dethman. tele
phone 204-K. 6-9p
If you want any Clarks Seedlings
itrawberry plants or any New
town, Spitzenburg or Ortley apirle
trees for spring planting, see or
write, J. T. Nealeigh, Hood
River, Oregon. 6-13p
0-W. R. & N. bridge wood for
sale. Leave orders at Morri
son & Hayward's, phone 13-L.
Tor Sale or Rent Typewriters,
f new or second-hand, on easy
ferms. A. W. Onthank. tf
ay For Sale Alfalfa and wheat
hay for sale. Ralph Minnchs,
one 3232-L. 5-13p
'or Sale-One Petaluma incuba
' tor, size 220 egg. F. C. House,
i, I). 2, 5-6p .
For Sale Good cook stove cheap.
Phone 201-M. 7-8c
or Sale-Oil meal at White
head's. 4-tf
Wanted Loan for three or five
years on partially improved
land in Hood River Valley, $4000
or $6000. Ample security. Write
J. O. Hall, 522 Chamber Com
merce, Portland. Oregon. 710c
Wanted Two Faultless or other
good make of horse stump
pullers to rent for about two
months. Call A. C. Hallam,
Hotel Oregon 5-6p
Wanted Good family driving
horse, 1150 or 12(H), must be
sound and safe for lady. Dick
erson & Peck. 5-6p
Copy for advertisements MUST be
In the office by Monday NOON.
For Sale-Barred PlymouthRocks.
A few fine cockerels for sale.
Address Mercer & Clark, Hood
River. R. D. 3, box 74. Phone
For Sale Horse and buggy,
light lumber wagon, two in
cubators, three brooders. All
cheap. W. H. Root, Belmont
road. 6-tf
For Sale Several light teams,
three second hand hacks and
three second hand wagons. Taft
Transfer Co. 7
Wanted To trade high grade
Portland property for partly
improved fruit land, west side of
valley. Give full particulars in
first letter; owners only. 4G0
19th street, Portland, Or. 2-5p
HEN VALUED AT $12,000.
Egg Laid by Black Orpington Are
.Sold at $23 Each.
Poultry at fl.liOO a pound nnj ivp.
at $25 each Keeru rather Midi even In
tlieae duj'H, when the Li'li -"t of liv
ing Is a subject of general i-onreni uml
eontcressloiiul Investigation, hut tln
quotations have recently heeii muda,
The poultry was not sold, but the pgg
were, and the owner of the bcu said
In refusing an offer of S'J.ono for ber
For Rent Rooms for rent from
$1.50 to $3 per week. Lighted
hnd heated and next to bath
Also furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Phone 130L. 7-tf
Tor Sale 10 or 20 acres land,
No better land or location in the
valley. For particulars address,
100, care News. 6-9p
Tor Rent Furnished room in
I center of town. Apply at
News office, f
round A lady's fur was left in
T the pew of the Methodist
church a few weeks ago and may
be had by applying at the church
Loan Agency Loans offered,
$500, $700. Loans wanted,
$iS00, $600, $1000, $1200, $1500,
$2000, $2500. Apply to A. W.
Onthank, 305 Oak street, tfc
f you have a building you want
moved or raised see or write J.
Nealeigh, Hood River, Oregon!
i. D. No. 2 6-13
Sum ( ii iiiiIm I in nulfil til tlit'Ore
lionian fiH rrgUttTt'd ut u Ciiii'Huo
Mm. I". M. Moree, who nn len
viHitlnif reliitivee at Kiiki'iu, reiiinuil
lniue Nntnril.iy.
Dr. Ho'iiiiHon ti ml I. ). Hull, of
M'lnler, were here Monday on n th
Iny: liiixltieHH trip.
The l.iidli-s' Aid Society of the!',
15. church will meet Krlday uftcrnoou
with Mr. heeler.
Mr. J. W. Itigliy, who recently
Kiiffered all lit tack of IIIiichh, Ih re
ported no Improving
S. I',. Hart menu l In a 1'ortland
honpital, where ht waa taken lnt
week to receive treatment.
I'or Sale Some hornen nnd a
n mill x t of wfoiid hand rlgH, cheap.
Apply at the I'iinIiIoii Livery Stable
There will be a called meeting of
the Mi'ii'i league of the MelghlH
at the Haptirit church ThurHilay
The Sunday School context enter
tainment will lie liehj a( the ('lilted
Itiethn-n church Saturdny afternoon,
the KciIm eiitertalnlng the itltien.
StH'khoderi of tlin Home Tele-
phone Company were ngreeulily stir
prlHcd luHt week by receiving a check
from the company fur H dividend of
two per ceut,
Christian Science services tire held
In Heading Kooiu, No. (1, Ibivldnon
building, Sunday a 11 a. in. nml
Wednesday nt 8 p. m Sunday school
at 10 a. tn,
Horn At The bailer lospltal, Feb
ruary 10, lull, to am) Mrs,
('has. I. Thomas, of Sprlngwater,
Oregon, a daughter, weight seven
pounds. Mr. and M rs. Thomas for
merly lived In the I'ppcr Valley,
where their friend wltl be Interested
la the new arrival.
The .1. ('. (1. flub was entertained
nt the home of Mts. K. S. Walton
Monday evening by the Mlses Haw-
.y and Ml Walton. The entertain
incut took the form of a valentine
party, with the guests dressed in ap
propriate costumes. Refreshments
were served and a merry evening
At the llaptlst church Sunday,
February lit, Sunday School at !I:,"iO
a.m., morning worship at 11 audi
evening service at 7:.'H. For the
evening the Young People's Society
are preparing a Missionary concert. 1
which promises to be both Inspiring!
and Instructive. The offering will
be for Foreign Missions.
U. 1$. Datson, now located at 1 he
Dalles, waa here Tuesday on a bust
liens visit.
Hev. F. B. Huffman, pastor of the
Elrst Chrstlun Church in Winters
California, was a visitor at the re
vival, Monday night.
The liihle school nt the First Chrl.
tlan church Is enjoying a revival dur
ing the seciil meetings, Last Sun
day wus a record breaker In atten
dance. Neut Sunday Is exected to
Tie far better.
A special dinner will be served at
the Mt. Hood Hotel on Sunday even
ng, from &:.T0 to 7:30 p. m. Table
d'hote, fifty cents Music by the
Mand.iin and (jultar ( lull. The
popularity of the Mt. Hood dlulng
room and the excellence of It cook
ery make 'these dinners very accept
able to the dlner-ou,t.
James Langllle. one of Hood Riv
er' best known nud oldest pioneer
residents passed away Friday, Feb.
10th, while visiting friends n Mound
Valley. K'mxa- Mr- LatigHle came
here years ago anil secured a
homestead III the Fpper Valley. At
that time there were but t wo ot her
settlers, S. M. Baldwin and A. H.
Tletnan.' In that section, Both of
these pioneers have been dead a num
ber of years. The deceased was horn
In Klver John, Nova Scot fa, March
:'fi lvH. In addition to his wife he
leaves three sons, one of whom, W.
A. Langllle. Is expected to arrive In
Portland soot) from Alaska, where
he li'is been employed by the 1'nlted
States Forestry Her vice. The young
est son, H. I), l.angllle, is a resident
of Portland. Mrs. Langllle Is at
present living with him. The other
son, H. B. Lnngllle, 1 Hood River's
city recorder.
On receiving the news of Mr. Lnn
gllle' death H. I). Langllle went to
Kansas and the body will lie brought
to Oregon for burial.
that he was not extremely eager to sell
her at $12,000, which would be at the
rate of $1,200 a pound, live weight
These ten pounds of costly meat and
feathers are embodied In the person of
Lady Washington, a Black Orpington
hen that has won prizes at poultry
abowa In New York, Philadelphia nnd
other cities. 8he has a daughter
whose eggs are aold at $25 a dozen,
and even the eggs laid by her grand
daughters are entirely too high priced
for use in an omelet
Russian Qrand Duke Has New 8tyl
Power Vehicle.
Automobiles have been in use for
years in Russia, but sledges are popu
lar there where the winters are long
and where few vehicles with wheels
are seen from November to March.
ECforts to combine the pleasures of
motoring with the delights of sledging
have often been made, but as a rule
they have not been successful. The
nsual plan has been to have a drive
wheel armed with spikes.
The Grand Duke Cyril of Russia has
Just bad a motor sledge built that Is
constructed on a new principle. It Is
the familiar sledge on ruuners, but it
carries a six cylinder, thirty horsepow
er motor to take the place of horses.
The vehicle Is to be drawn, not push
ed, by a propeller constructed on the
familiar turbine principle.
The sledge Is about twelve feet long,
has accommodations for two passen
gers and Is exjvected to develop a
speed of a mile a minute.
Try the Cla'sltled Column.
After ft long Illness M,r. John Cow
ley died a,t her home In this city
Tuesday morning. Mr. Cowley had
!een a resident of IJood River for
about eight jwm uml wa highly
esteemed by nil who knew her. She
Is survived l.y her husband, rt daugh
ter, Mr. Frank Clark, a son. Will
Mercer, of Hood River, and another
daughter who lives In The Dalles
The funeral will be held from the
Methodist church thin afternoon at
2 o'clock.
Th Revival Meetings
The Mothers' tnevtlng at the First
Christian church last Thursday even
Ing was especially Inspiring. Rev
Hnrgrenves spoke on the subject.
"Mother and Home." The special
service this week will be for young
poople. Friday night the meeting
Will lie lathe Interest of the young.
The subject will I', "An Open Door."
All the young people of the cii.v are
asked to be present. The High
School will attend In a body.
Other special themes for the week
are a follows:
Wednesday, "Saving Faith."
Thursday, "The Far-Marks of a
Sunday morning, " The I'se and
Abuse of Memory."
Sunday night, "Did Christ Kstab
llsh a Church'.'"
The meet Ing will continue Indeii
liltely. Much Interest Is being man!
fested ami there are frequent addl
tlons to the church.
Copy for advertisements must be
In the ulllce by Monday noon.
r"nby Post. G. A. R -Mrota .t H. K nt V
hall the ercond ni fourth Seturdavj ol the
month it 2 p. m. Geo. r. CrowelL c-iunnder: S.
K. Klythe. adjutant.
Oanhy W. R. C t -MeeU second and" fou'h
Saturday .f --h month in K. of V. hall at t
p.m. Mra.A" Kukrr. president; M,r. Kath
vn Gill, soci la. y.
(""curt Hood River. N", . f. oiA merta"every
Thuraday rvaumt m K. of P. hall. Viaitins
r urmiira alwaya welcome. Wm. Kiemrait. C.K ;
K. C. troius. F. S.
1 1 ood River Valley ilety'phone l(ilj.
E- H. Hartwg. irvBident; Harold Herahner.
secretary; Lvii Bullrr. treasurer,
flood River bodice. No. loft, 1. i", AM
AiMeets Saturday evminB w. er before each full
moon, Ralph Savaite. W H.; to. McDonald, secre
tary. Ilood klmf-unp. No. 7702.' M'W. A. - vfits in
" ""I ami third Wednaaday niKhts.
C. S. Jones. V. C; C. I'. Di clerk.
I food River Camp. N: T70. W. b. W - Meets at
XK. of P. hall the st-cond and fourth Wedneniay
nights l each month. W A. tb. C. C; Klovd
Spurlinc. clerk.
Jood River Circle N. Ki.'Womin of Woodcraft.
A4-Meet M . t. O. V. hall flrat and third Sat
urday atahta. each month. Visitors welcome.
Mrs. Wm. Gener, N. G.; Alice Shay, clerk.
Tdlewilde U)iff, No. 1(17. I. O. O. F.-Meets in
'KraternaJ kail every Thurailay evenins at 7:00,
at the corner of Fourth and Oak atreeta. Visititi
brothers welcomed. A H. Crump. N. G. G. W.
Thompson, secretary.
1em.p Uslire, No. 11. I a' 6rr!-Meets In
"theOdd Kellows hsll at Odell every Saturday
niRht- Visiting bruisers cordially welcomed. W.
A. Lockman, . C; ti.v. Shepard, secretary.
I aurel Rrbeka lxlne No, Wt, I. O. o. F.-M.vts
lirst and third Mondays in each month. Flora
Sbhmeltxer, N. Ii i l.ilion Smith, seeretarr.
lount Hd UWe, No. toTi- O. 6v.mtf
'Aevery Saturday evcninar in Grihhle s hsll.
Mt. Had. M.W. Shearer, N.G.; G. W. Uimmi. k.
IVTounUin Home Camp. No. 3i. K N.a"
"AM.iets at K. of P. hall on the second and
fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. A. Crump.
O.; Mrs. F.lla lakin, rpconler.
( )leta 'Assembly. N liMJ!"AiTeta irTthe?r
'-'hall the Hrst and third Wedneaiiaya. work;
second and fourth Wednesdays. aociaL C. 1).
Henrirhs. M A.; W. H. Austin, secretary.
( jrewon C.ratie Rehrksh Unlre No, 181. I. O. O. F.
v-' Meets every iMK-ond snd fourth Wednedae
in each month in liriliWe s hall. Mt. Hood. Or.
Mra. Mammie thmmu-k, N. G.; Mrs. Nettie
Uribble, secretary.
TJiverside Ixulj.. No. S. a7'6" tl. W.-Mets in
XVK. of P. hall the tirst and third We.lnee.lay
nirbtsof the month. Visiting brothers conl'slly
wrlromed. R. K. Chspman. W. M.; Chest.-r
Shute, reconler.
Wiuronn Ixulye. No 30. K. of P. -Meets In
" their Castle liall every Tursilav uarht. when
visitips; brothers sie fraternally welcomed.
Arthur Clarke. C. C; l.oiv av iherir. K. of R.
ft S.
auna Temnle pj thian Sisters. No. - Mretstke
nrst and thml 1 uiw av of each m.,nth at K nf
P hsll H.ll Dobson. M. k. C; Geruuda Stark.
U. at R. i C
George Uatchelder of Hood Klver.
who Is an amateur aeroplane sham,
has Just won the first prize In a con
test Inaugurated by Meier & Frank
of Portland. Young Uatchelder re
eel veil a cash prize of $M and tin
distinction of having his airship pro
nounced perfect by the judges. Twi
banners were seut Uatchelder by th
Commercial Club to lie placed over
his prize aeroplane which will be ex
hiblted In the Meier & Frank store
for a week.
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
We have a fine stock of 2 year
roses, our own growing many or
the newer varieties, at $3.50 to
$5.00 tier dozen. Shrubs, vinps
and ornamental trees; a nice lot
of Catalpa and popular 6 to 10
nign. llarcly rerrenial plants.
Will have all kinds of bpddintr
planls in season. Cut flowers
and florial desipns a specialty.
I'ottedplants at t ranze hardware.
Our prices are reasonable.
The Pioneer Florists. Flptrhpr
& Fletcher. Phone 1972-M, Hood
River, Oregon.
Frum the Middle and Kastern
portions of the United State
and Canada to
will prevail DAILY
over tha
Navigation Co.
a d connections, the
Oregon Short line. Union Pacifc and
I he Chicago and North - Western
Chicago at - - $
St. l,oil ... ;;o IM)
Iiiih lia 'St nil
KaiiMit Ciiy . . it, no
St Paul - - :.-,00
and Irom other cities corresponding
Iv low.
You can Pkepare Fares
The Colonist fare rr Westbound only, but if
you hav r Intives or friends or employees in tVp
Ka-t whom you desire to bring1 to thi? at( you
can deposit the value of the with your l.x-a
railroad afrent, and n urt.rr for a ticket will te
te'.eitr.phed tufcny anliirt-ds tit iiel.
Let the World know
Of our vast resources and b i opportunities f- r
Home Building
Call on the undersigned fT trood instructive
printed rr.aiter to send East, or Rive him the a U
dress of thoae to whom you wuld like such matter
General Passenger Agent
J. H. 1-redricy, Local Agent.
W. S. r'arrls a Portland man,
through V. 8. Nichols last week
liotiKht the C. L. .Morse and Joe
Henst places paylntt $15.IHX) each for
Mr. Karris' purchases In the valley
now Includes four pieces of orchard
160 Acres Winter Apples
Near Goldendale; no better soil
for apples in County or Stat;
$10,000 will handle; terms to suit
can be divided into 10 acre tracts
without waste, or will sell 40 or
80 acre tracts.
Also 700 acres apple land; 10
acres orchard part bearing, ad
ditional 10 acres cleared; $35,0C0
one-fifth cash.
Empire Bldg. Seattle Wash
The Variety and Minstrel Shovr,
which will Is- held Saturdan evening
Ht Mclsaac') Mall Parkdale under
the allspices of the L'pler Hood
Klver Progressive Association,
promise to b one of the most novel
and entertaining amateur perform
ances given at Hood River.
The best talent In the Upper Vallej
has lK-en secured for the entertain
ment and the program Indicates that
It will Ih? worth attending.
The proceeds are for the lieneflt of
the organization nnd a good many
throughout the valley anticipate at
Zity Engineer and Surveyor
Davidson Building Hood River. Oregon
0-W. R. & N. COMPANY
No. . Fast Mail (no passengers) 4:M A. If.
No. S. Portland Flyor... :I0 "
No. T. Portland Local f :tt "
No. &. Oregon A Washington Express 8:50 "
No. 1L Soo-Spokans-Portland :2i "
No. L Portland Local &2S P. If
No. 17. Chicago Limited S is "
No. Z. Pendleton Local 1:M A. IL
No. 18. Oregon and Wash. Limited 11:6
No. 8. The Dalles Local It 20 P. If.
No. 10. Fast Mail, no passengers 8 2a "
No. 6. Oregon A Washington xpreasl00 "
No. 12. Soo-Spoksne-Portland I0ti "
No. 4. Walla Walla Passenger li t
Trains number X, 5. 11 and 17 make no stops be
tween Hood River and Portland. Passengers far
local points must take trains 7 and L
Train 4. 12 and 18 stops onlj at The Dalles, Arl
ington. Umatilla and Pendleton. Passengers for
points between Hood River and Pendleton must
take trains No. t, 6 and 8.
For further information inquire at ticket offlea
J. H. FREDRICY, Agent.
The North Bank Road
Daily March 10th to April 10th, From
Chicago... $33.00
Cincinnati 37.1X)
Milwaukee 31.50
St. Louis.. 32.00
New York 50. 00
St Paul
Kansas City
Des Moines
From other eastern points in proportion.
Tell your friends in the east of this opportunity of moving
west at low rates. Through fais via Burlington Route, North
ern Pacific, Great Northern and "North Bank" lines. You can
deposit with me and tickets wIL be t'u. nished people in the east
Details will be furnished on request.
E. A. OIBERT, Agent, S. P. fe S. Ry , W hito Salmon, Waah.
W. E. COMAN, General Freight & Passenger Agent.
E! "PRESS AND B a r. G A E
Furniture and Pianos Mox)ed
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Office Phone 29
Residence J
Order Your Printing NOW
2)onV Wait Xntil you
JVeed It Tomorrotv
CJThe News is equipped with one of
the best plants in the state. We print
everything from a visiting card to color
See Us Q6out Jour Jloose eaf
Biffing System
Hood River News Co.
Eliot "Building
Hood Pixtcr