The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Merchandise On
O E PORTS are reaching us to the effect that some wonderful
Bargains and some Extremely Choice Merchandise in
Staples and JoVelties are on the way to us by freight
and express. We expect all to be in stock and ready for sale
early in March.
Our strongest effort this season has been made on Ladies'
and Men's Clothing, popular priced garments, and to say we
are immensely pleased with the results of our efforts, is put
ting it mildly, indeed.
Let us show you these garments upon their arrival, and
see if you don't enthuse as wildly as we do.
-7 Vc3CT7 V V
D;i vMhuii wan the (Client
I'ortlnnil fur a few dnyn.
K NVIhmii, of ( icailt I,K-kn, came
up Saturday fnr h Imslnens visit In
tlie t it r.
Mm. I'. S
of friend III
Inxt week.
H. L. Fordinjr, whohni Iwrn on an
rxlenricri wont hern anil eitern IhihI
uefH trl. retnniAl to llnoil lMver
MUx Jennie Hitlev returned to
Ho(k1 Illver Monlay. after etidin dn In Portland Helet tlnir a
Moc k of new utile In uprint; mllll-nery.
Horn To Mr. ami Mm. . M. .lack- ,
Hon, I'elt. !t, lull, a won. j
Mine 1elirre Admit n t lie i;uet j
of lier frieml. Minn Tax!
The Dalle hint week. J
('. IC. t'hailn returned Thiirnilay
from CorvallU. where he ha lieen at-'
temlini; t he nix weekn' In irt lenlt lira I I
t'oiime of the ( . A. (
II. .1. Johuon. representing tin
Northwent Fruitgrower' Kxchaime
wan lu""e Friday ami Saturday meet
t frullmrii ami otlcern .f tlx
tirower' I'nlon.
Kenneth Delano ami l
.1. K. Kami of Portland wan here
i Thurnday on a Imnlnenn vlnlt.
J Mr. and Mm. U. H. Wallace were
i week end viMtorn In Portland an the
1 Clients of frlendn and relatlven.
S. V. Arnohl In at hln former home
In the eat, due to the critical lllnenn
of hin father, am) In expected to In
' ahnent for notne time.
! S. L Heal, in charge of the tie pre
nerviiitf plant at Wyeth, wan here
J Saturday on a Imnlnenn vlnlt. The
.plant in running on nhort time dur
ing the winter.
are hack at Hood
si m-Kiver
Sid Hendertton, In hln third yedr at I mervllle
theStHte 1'nlvernlty, wan here Sat- j after nix week training In tliewin
lirday for H vlnlt with frlendn and ; ter horticultural nchool of the Ore
relatlven. He returned to F.uiiene ifnn Agricultural College at I'oi vallin.
Saturday evening. Mm. .1. 1'. Aplin, of ( arnoi., Wnnh.,
A. K. Nlckeln, who ownn property hut formerly of Hood Kiver, wan
In the l"pier Valley, after nn-ndit)K a here Friday vinitlnx frlendn. The
month or two nt I'.aker City, re-'Apllnn now own a mini little fruit
turned Friday Hnd went to hln ranch farm at Carnon. with which they are
In t he upjier country. very much pleaned.
W. K. Hannon left here Wednenday Kdward Sellenhacli, a Sterling,
of lant week for Mlnuenota, on nc- Neli.. man, arrived here Thurnday
count of the nerhnin lllnenn of hln
father, and received the nad newn
while en route that the latter had
Holt Cameron, a former Hood IMv
trite, who wan for a long t i ny con
nected w It h the Menominee Lumber
Company. nent neveral dayn here
lant week' Uniting friend. I'e re
turned to hln home In Portland
Mm. Chan. Hall and Mm K C.
Smith, who have lieen .-(.ending the
w inter at San Diego. Calif., are ex
iwcted to arrive home thin week Mr.
Hall ha ordered hln car. which lie
took with him on hln nonthern Cali
fornia trip, nhlpped hack to Hood
and joined din noli, who linn lieen
here nome iime looking the valley
over. The Sellenhachn are contem
plating the piirclrine of a Hood Kiver
frtit farm.
11. F. I'tincan and ( . .. W lit er re-
tiinii d Thurnday. from Caman Prairie
and lileuwooil. Wand, where t hey
1. ..... I . II...- .... l.,.-...ti I..n
111 o-f-ii ui'ifviiiK in rri liiii i urn
of that territory. Mr. Iiiinean in
vi ry enl liulati-aln.ut l he fm ure of
the iiurii'iiltural lamln in the Caman
Prairie country.
According to li. i. Wood worth,
who l wintering In I. on A nuelen. ami
w ho nendn u n a pontal. t ! Ca I if or id a
motto in an follown: "Late toli.-di
and early to rine; work like h I ami
For Sale A tine lot of hay In the
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or
.loin the Howling Iajfiie. We
have the lent alleys In the ntate.
It'n have the lient team. C. A.
Kichardn & Co.
If you want to Ik? comfortable hum
coal. We are prepared to furnlnh It In
any quantity. Plenty on hand and
more coming. We handle .the bent
ipiality of Wyoming coal. Trannfer
& Livery Company. Phone .".
If troubled with Indigestion, con
ntlpation, no appetite, or feel bllioun,
give Chamberlaln'H St(tnach and
Liver Tablets a trial and you will be
pleaned with the reMllt. These tab
lets Invigorate the stomach ami
liver and strengthen the digentlon.
Sold bv nil dealern.1
Oil meal at Whitehead's."
Howling alleyn now on-n
Itlchards Ac Co
No. li'i Iteiin Cilant Power Sprayer.
That's the one. Next Frld ty and
For Sale A fine lot of hay In the i
Mt. Mood district. .ear Mt. nooo
Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or
advertise." We move that the
W'ird in thin motto be adopted.
. H. Hilfford, the well known
traveling man, has taken the poi i
thin of traveling salesman with the:
Mason &- Khrtnan Co.. wholesale j
uroeern of Portland, formerly held;
by J iminie l-vens. and in making hin
first trln here thin we-k. "II uff," as !
j he In lnnt known. In one of t lie most'
popular knights of the road who,
travels out of Portland, and hln!
Oet your butter, guaranteed fresh 1 ,linv frlendn are predicting success
ejfjt. cream and milk from Purity f,,r ,lm In hln new position. . '
Oalry Co. Phone 68-1.. Depot-' . --
Davidson Building." ( io you know that croup can be
Whll" it In Impossible to pn-vent j prevented? ii ve ha in ln-i Iain's Cough
ail aedd' lit. It In never Impossible to ; Kemedy an noon an the child liecomen
l oreoared It In not In-yond any- i hoarse.
f - -
one's purse. Invest l' i cents In a tot
tle of Chaiulnrlain's Liniment 'and
you are prepan-cl for sprains, bruises
and like Injuries Sold by nil dealers.
r even alter tne croupy ;
cough npis-ars. and It will prevent
the attack. It Is also a certain cure
for csoup and has never Imi ii known
to fall. Sold by all ilcalem
Ko one thing will give
so much pleasure, to
so many people, for so
long a time, at so little
cost, as a
G raphophonc
And if you will come in
and see this "BKT'outnt
jou'll believe it. A new
aluminum tone-arm cylin
der machine with flower
horn and 6 records, costing-
$37.10. Plays both
2-minute and 4-minute rec
ords. Other outfits from
$20 up and you can buy
them all on easy terms.
A Heart - to - Heart Talk
Elbert Hubbard
MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 20IH, in ike HEILBRONNER HALL March of the Centurfes"
01 Silt it Ibt Mt. Rood Hotel
Hood Kiver, Ore.
I. on Baldwin, of Mt. Hood, was a
week end visitor In Portland.
Kay Karl.v came up from Kutfene
Friday and spent the week with bin
parentn, Mr. and Mrs ('. T. Karly.
A postal from Mr. l,elie lititler In
forinn un that he wan recently In
Washington, l ('.. and that he In
enjoy hi hi eastern trip immensely .
( anil Jones, who owns a particu
larly tine apple and pear orchard,
came up from Portland Sunday ami
made an lnsiectlon of the property,
Kred Lockley, representative of t lie
Pacific Monthly, spent several days
here lant week in connection w ith a
publicity story about Mood Kiver In
that mnK'izine.
lMed I'.lvln (ileiiu. Infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. li. (He, on Feb. Ilth
at 4 p. in., of spanin of the larnyx,
ae II dayn. The funeral wan held nt
ths home, M" iShernian Avenue, Kev.
Harjireaves otliclatin.
Sain Saninon, the Stevenson capi
talist, wim here Thursday visiting
frlendn. Mr. Saninon, who made a
fortune in Alaska, In heavily Interent
ed at Stevetmon, where he recently
erected a larjfe. sanatorium.
Prof. ieo. I.. Collie, brother of Dr.
Collie of the east side, arrived here
hint week and spent a few days at
the home of the latter. Prof. Collie
has just returned from a trip around
the world, anil wan on hin way home
to Helolt. Vf In , where he In dean of
Kelolt College.
The Hood Kiver Spray Manufac
turlnu Company, which tian the local
agency for the llean Spray Pump,
has lieen demon! ra t Ing one of these
machines near t lie warelmnne (f the
Davidson Fruit Company for several
days. The outfit has been attract
ltiK a good deal of attention and Is
said to In- one of the bent power
sprayem on the market.
Henry and Arthur heelh.sise,
brothers, the former of Colfax, Wn..
and the latter a resident of Arling
ton, were here Wednesday to Investi
gate a business opportunity. Arthur
l-i postmaster at Arlington and also
In the sheep business there on a big
scale and hin brother has Just retired
from the grocery business at Colfax.
While here they vinl ted a t t he home
of P. K. MU hell and family, w ho are
old frlendn.
S. W. Heppner left Saturday for u
trip to eastern Oregon.
MWn l-llia llemhner returned to
her home here Fi iday evening, after
an absence of several weekn at Wn
verleigh Sanataiiuui, Forest (Jrove,
where she received treatment for
nervous prostration. Miss Hershner
in very much henetiled nn health.
K. II. Sliepard and Chrin lirelseii,
of Itetter Fruit, left Monday for Sac
ramento, California, to attend the
Western Fruit Jobbers' Convention.
F. II. Sproat, manager of the Apple
(rowers' t'nlon. In also in attend
ance at the meeting, having left for
Sacramento Sunday.
L D. P.oyed ban taken the agency
for the Kluiorc auto, a vaivelenn car
that In attracting a great deal of at
tention tills ear. He exptctn to
have one of the new ventures In
smoke wagons here soon for demon
stration. The Kluiore ban several
ent hunliint Ic booslern among the
auto lovers at Hood Kiver.
Seasoned Wood 16 in. or 4 ft., de
livered to any part of the city. J. J.
Knapp, Phone 3131X,
On Wednesday evening, February
1''.'. 1!11, another of those popular
dances will be given at Pine drove
(i range hall. A I ig chicken pie sup
per will be nerved by the ladles of the
(! range. Dott't forget thedate.
A few minutes delay In treating
some canen of croup, even to t he i
length of time it taken to go for a
doctor, often proven dangeriiun. The I
nafent w ay In to keep Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy in the house, and a t j
the first indication of cro'lp give the j
child a dose. Pleasant to take and :
al wa t s cures. Sold bv alldealern.
Real sidle liiillclin
20 Acres in the Pine Grove
district, much below mar
ket price, as follows: Six
acres in 7 year old Spitz
and Newtowns, 10 acres
in 4 and 6 year old Spitz
and Newtowns, 3 acres in
2 and 3 year old Banana,
balance unimproved. We
can quote only for a short
time the low price of $14,
000. Terms $8000.
17 Acres in Willow Flat,
nearly all in 2 year old
Spitz and Newtowns; house
and barn; 3 acres berries
between trees. This is
strictly first class. Price
$9500; terms $3500 down.
Office Oregon Hotel Building
rnoNK 228
The W. G. Aldred Co!
Crushed Rock
and Gravel
A. A. Jayne has money to loan at 6
per cent on Rood security.
Kent Wyoming lump coal in any
1 1 1 ii ti 1 1 1 y . Transfer Ac Livery Co.
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
Joseph A. Wilson, agent for wire
wound wood stave ie. Order
early, as this pipe is not held In
stock, but made to order
An attack of grip Is oflen followed
by a ptVsintent cough, which to
many proven a great annoyance.
( 'bo in I m-i l.iln's Cough Krincd.v has
U'cii extensively used, and with good
success, for the relief Mild cure of I hln
cough. Many canes have Uh-ii cured
after all other remedies had failed.
Sold by all denier.
For Kent -- Two suite of Olli.e
K iciinn on the second Moor of ti e
iiiiilsoii concrete building. These
are the In-nt lighted, most convenient
ami easiest of access of any second
floor office rooms In the city One of
thine rooms has a lire proof vault.
For particular, an 1 to sen the
room, call at Knotti of ntne building.
OREGON with her vast area of 96,000 square
miles has less than three quarters of a million
people. Oregon has more natural resources
than any other state in the Union.
Railroad interests are spending more money in
extensions and development in Oregon than in any
other state in the Union.
Oregon has gained fame from her apples and
Hood River is the cause. Hood River is better
known and is the objective point of more people than
any other section in Oregon.
Notwithstanding all this, good apple lands are
cheaper in Hood River, everything considered, than
any reputed apple district in the country. Result:
The people are coming in great numbers. They will
buy and prices will soar skyward. -
Hood River, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
No Use Crying
Over Spilt Milk
If your last clams were a
mass of water try
Otter Brand
Minced Clams
and you'll get a CAN FULL of
delicious, rich, clean crab
meat. Remember the name
The Star Grocery
Perigo & Son
Early and Late Deliveries
of our Choice Groceries.
Anything and everything
you order delivered the same
day if you say so. And we
send you just what you ord
er and no substituted brands
of things we are "just out
of." We are never out of
any staple lines, and we can
always guarantee the quality
of everything we sell. If
you have not yet favored us
with an order you re the
' Phone 7
is what "Teddy" will say when
he calls to see you some eve
ning. Of course you'll have
to "show him" that it's
and bulbs from here that you
are usinjr. Great men the
world over acknowledge the
superiority of our work. Ma
terial used is always the best.
Office Thone 3
Residence 272M
A tinning nlwtnrr of mrti CUT,
Tfmn find IIIhji fa Orrgitn nnd
M iinhlnK(iii, ffltlDB ft ItoOTrtptlvn
Hkrtrh of pnrh plar, l.orntm,
Mhluplnir Kurllltlm anil B Inxl
flrd lllm-inrjr of Vftrb HuolftrM
ftod rrofranifHl.
R. L. I'OI R CO., In.
HriiUI. Muh. .
TICKETS, 11.00