The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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What the Hood River District Land Co. Offers
In Ten Acre Tracts
To sell TEN ACRES at $500 or $000 per acre, according to
location, on the following terms: 10 per cent cash and one
half of one per cent per month, with C per cent interest on
deferred payments.
To clear the land and set to'selected apple trees of stand
ard commercial varieties, and to care for same for five years at
the company's expense.
Argument No. 1
The benefits to the purchaser in following the above plan
are as follows: We send our experts direct to the nursery to
select each tree. An additional inspection is made by the local
fruit inspector, thereby securing a perfect tree.
Our employees are men who have been in the business for
ten years or more and who thoroughly understand setting out
trees. To illustrate: We dig a proper hole, mulch the ground,
pruning the roots and heading the tree properly. We protect
each tree with Yucca Tree Protectors. We cultivate the ground
every two weeks during the growing season, and care for the
property in a thoroughly expert manner up to the time we de
liver it to the purchaser.
Argument No. 2
This proposition enables the man or woman of small means
to retain his or her position and pay for the land out of their
monthly salary, securing for themselves at the end of five years
a piece of property that has doubled in value and should, com
paring with present returns on such property, make them in
dependent for the rest of their lives.
Argument No. 3
The sum and substance of the foregoing proposition is that
money, on the best of security, to develop their land, and at
the end of five years divide the profits, the purchaser taking
about two-thirds and the company retaining about one-third.
Write us for further particulars, or call at our office.
The Hood River District Land Co.
liw &f)e Apple World
China' Market for Apples
James CJ. McNally, United Statea
coiiBUl at TxliiKtau, China, la a re
cent report to consular bureau gives
aonie Interesting Information In re
ttard to the market tor apples In
China. He nays:
"A recent consignment of American
apples to the three leading dealers In
TMlngtau was duly advertised and
within a few days was sold. The
apples, not of first-class quality,
brought $0.50 Mexican, or $2 8:5 gold,
at the present bank rate of exchange
ler box of forty-six pounds. The
Japanese quality, a good and well
flavored article, Is selling at $2 4S
gold per case of fifty pounds.
"A little energy on the part of
American apple producers on the Pa
cific coust would create an almost
exclusive market here for their pro
ducts. 'If more effort were put forth by
growers of Pacific northwest apples
to enter this market they would
command the same reputation that
American can goods enjoy, and
would sell readily for the best price."
Well Drilling;
; Successful
OHIO, Ha. 9 Oak Strttt
Phonet. 26 or 2002-X
Apple Market Firm
A bulleten from the Northwest
Fruit Exchange says:
The apple market continues firm
and steady. Latest reports from
New York. relating both to domestic
and foreign conditions are favorable.
The olliclal figuree regarding storHge
decreaKe In New York and vicinity,
for the month of January, are not
yet available, out iroin well inform
ed sources comes the Information
that It will make a very fine showing
It Is thought that New York will
show at least 175.000 to 200.000 boxes
less on I'ebraary 1st than on Janu
ary Int. This Is partially due to the
strong active market abroad, but as
January Is usually a dull month It
can be seen that this showing Is an
exceedingly encouraging one.
Opera Douse Corner
4th and Stale Sts.
Tin and Granitware
Art Squares
Everything for the House New or SKcniid Hand,
mnne 248-H
Agents tor GRARTEI OAK
Stove and Ranges
Box Apple Market Active
Philadelphia. Feb. 2 Supplies of
barrel apples have tieen very light
this week and consequent to a con
tinued good demand trading has leen
more active than at previous time
; this season. The scarcity of barrel
fruit this week has added greater ac
, tlvlty to the box apple market, which
' has been strong here for the past two
i weeks. Prices as well as Inquiry for
i stock have shown steady Improve'
ment. Fancy boxes are quoted gen
erally around $1.7.") to $2, with poor
stock selling at $1.."0 to $1.70.
The Mt. Hood Store
Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries
and Hardware
Customers will find our fhoc StocK. complete
Blacksmith Shop in connection with Store
FostofTlce in Building
Steady at New York
New York. Feb. 3. There wns very
little change In the apple market this
j week. The movement was good and
I prices satisfactory. The top on the
I best Haldwlns and greenings was $.".
I with avernite good stork selling up
' to $4.."0. Southern wlnesaps and Al
I lierinarle pippins ranged from fo to
$!. The demand for box apples kept
up al $2 to $2. 2.1 for fancy red stock.
with average good offerings at f 1 50
to $2.
Charles L. Coke, a sutiscrlts-r to
the News In Elmlra, N. Y., who Is in
terested In the Hood Klver country,
lu renewing his subscription mukes
the following comments of local In
"You are still keeping the News up
the high standard of typographical
excellence anil Its weekly visit are
looked for most eagerly. We have
had quite a few Hood Klver apples
on sale In our city this winter and
they have caused much favorable
comment. New iork state orchard-
Ists are waking up anil are talking
spraying, etc., on every occasion. A
big thing was made over a bushel cf
near perfects' from a local orchard.
but Hood Itlver and Oregon In gen
eral has them all beat. Success to
In speeches on northwestern fruit
at the annual meeting of the Yakima
County Horticultural I'nlou Satur
day, an attack was made on the
Northwestern Fruit Exchange. It
was charged with Is-lng a New Jer
sey corporation, nor, uaving com
plied with the Incorporation laws of
the state of Washington and not en
titled to do business there. It was
alleged to Iks a dummy for eastern
commission houses. After high feel
ing and division of sentiment the final
result re-elected the old board of
trustees. One hundred and five
stockholders were present, repre
senting 11HM shares out of a total of
$100 Reward, .$100
The readers of this paper will lie
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that silence has
leen able to cure In all Its stages,
and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the ouly positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh, Is'lng a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken
Internally, acting directly upon the
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease ami giving the
patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature In
doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
Pollars for any case that It falls to
cure, send lor list oi testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
(). Sold by all druggists, i.k'. lake
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Diplomas Given Apple Packers
After concluding two terms of
work the Wenatchee Republic says
that the apple packing school of the
Young Men's Christian Association
at laklma has Issued diplomas of
graduation to forty-six who took
the course. The school has been car
ried on under the Instruction of
Frank Klney. who packed the car
load of. apples that took first prize
at the National Apple Sliow at Chicago.
Box Fruit Takes Lead.
The (ilbson Fruit Co., of Chicago,
wnt out n circular last week as fol
lows: "On account of the high price
and poor to medium quality of barrel
apples, box fruit now has the call Ik?
cause It Is much finer In quality and
comparatively as cheap."
Your Opportunity
777 Icrcs 3 blocks to street car; less than a
mile to University of Oregon; miles to Court
house just outside the city limits; beautiful view
of city; all fine apple and pear land, could not lay
better. 50 bearing fruit trees; house and large
barn; fine springs; artesian water in house and
barn. New 6 foot sidewalk all the way to city;
half under cultivation. Best subdividing proposi
tion in the state -lots across street selling from
$150 to $100 per lot. If taken at once will sell all
for 350 per acre, spot cash. No agents.
Address Owner Box 93,
Eugene, Oregon.
A Protest From Arizona
Clifton, Arizona. Feb. 3, 1911
Editor News:
Dear Sir Will you please find
space In your paper for a few lines
from me. Now 1 don't vant to knock.
j but would like to let people of Hood
Klver know that sometimes apples
are shipped f rem there that do not
come up to the standard. One case
I would like for the is-ople to know
about Is a car shipped by Page &
Son to the A. C. Company of Clifton,
Arizona, nnd marked "pack.xl by the
Hood Hlver I'nlon," thnt was surely
not iiu to the standard. Some
were so bruised that not moje than
five or six In a box could Is used.
and the solllcltor for the company
told me today t hat he had returned
a box that had only one good apple
In It. Now, as I have a small or
chard there myself. I am Interested
In an Investigation. The names of
the varieties that were not good are
as follows: Stark, Delaware Keds
Russian Keds and Hen Davis. The
Spltzenburgs came through tine.
It the union wants the packers
tuimtiers I will send them. Could
snv more, but as there Is another
shipment coming, will wait until It
Anyone wanting to know any
more might address James A. Cook
Itox "", Clifton. Arizona.
(let your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from runty
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building.
Notice oF Final Settlement
Notice is hereby GIYEN, that the unrirrsiirn-
ed. being the duly appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate of r.. L. Thomas, de
ceased, haa filed in the County Court of the state
of Oregon for Hood River County, his final ac
count in the matter of said estate, and that said
court has appointed Saturday, the 18th dav of
March. ltl I. at the hour of 10 o clock a m of said
day. and the County Court Room of the County
Court of the state of Oregon for Hood Kiver
County, in the City of Hood Kiver, Orefron. s the
time and place for hearing objections to said final
account and for the final settlement of said estate.
Dated this Feb. 15. 111.
W. E. Thomas
of the estate of E. L. Thomas, deceased.
Prof. C. I Lewis, head of the de
partinent of horticulture at the Ore
gon Agricultural College, has had
thirteen calls for graduates to fill po
sitions of Importance for wealthy
corporations and Individuals having
large orchards, wlthlu the past
month, which he has been unable to
supply, since all of the graduates are
ell her conducting profitable orchards
of their own or have already received
appointments elsewhere.
The demand for trained men with
western experience is not alone for
fruit ranches on the pHflttc coast,
but also for eastern growers who
wish to adopt similar methods. A
large corporation In Maryland, con
trolling thousands of acres of or
chards, w ishes to plant several thou
sand more, and has asked for a man
of sufficient caliber to command a
salary of $2."(H).
An eastern university writes for a
mau to fill the position of head of the
department of horticulture, and the
Canadian department of ugrlculture,
which appointed an O. A. C. man
last June, now wants another. Pa
cllic coast methods are to be In
stalled In large orchards near Cleve
land, Ohio, and an Oregon man Is
wauled to conduct the work.
One of the biggest development
companies on the coast, havlug thou
sands of acres In Its holdings, and
making extensive developments In
volving the expenditure of enormous
sums, will give f 2,H0 to the right
man. and wants one from the O. A.
C. Thirty Dakotans have a tract of
6,'HK) acres, for which they want a
foreman to superintend the planting,
spraying. Irrigation and general
An Immense eastern company
with a capital of over a million,
now making developments In vari
ous parts of Oregon, asks the college
for a man to snperlntent 10,000 acres
of orchards among Its holdings.
Some JXMl acres In Western Washing
ton are owned by a Portland corpo
ration, which has a"ked for a fore
man. A man who has leen waiting six
months to get an O. A. C. graduate
to take charge of his liK) acre walnut
grove near Springfield. Ore.. Is com
ing to the college to press his plea,
and Prof. I'wls has only graduates
of the present short course to offer
him, all former graduates lielng
profitably employed.
In the Yakima Valley nnd other
parts of Washington are large tracts
of fruit lands held by a Seattle firm.
w hich has asked for an orchard su
perintendetit, am) a similar man Is
required by two Portland business
men for their combined holdings,
comprising large fruit ranches In the
Willamette Valley.
At the first of last July the college
had refused twenty requests for grad
uates to till good positions, being
unable to get men for them, since the
demand Is not only for college train
ing, but for western experience. If
I here were ."ill or I'm graduates every
year they could lie placed H'lvan
tngeoiisly The college needs men
for Its ow n ex riineiit station w or k.
j If the legislature now tn session
grants the appropriations requested
for the establishment of new branch
stations, the college will need nine
more men for this one branch of ex
tension work alone, next Jnne.
Notice i hereby irivm that the uml,riirne'd.
. mini at ra tor of the estate of Joneph I'urwr,
decern?"., ha filed hi final account as arlminin
t rat or of Hani entAte. and that r'ruiay. the 17th
day of February. A. O.. ltHl. at the hour of 10
o'clock, A. M., or as on thereafter an the name
can be heard, in the County Court Koom in the
City of Hood Rivpr. Orvon, ha been fixed by
order of the County Court of Hood Kiver County,
Omron. aa the time and place for hearing: ob
ject Minn, to and for the aettlement of mid final
account; and all persona interested in aaid entate
are hereby notttiod to attend at aaid time and
place to preeent objection, if any then be, to
aaid Anal account
Dated thia 16th day of January. A. P. 1911.
Jan 18 Feb IS Administrator.
Notice is herrny iriven that the undemiirned haa
been appoint rd by the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Hood River County, to be adminis
trator of the estate of Frederick DernreM. Inham.
deceased, and all pertwna hnvinir clafmn ajrainst
aaid eetate are hereby notified to preeent the Mime
to me, duly verified, at the office of Jayne A
Wataon, in the city of Hood Kiver, Orvgrin, within
nix month from the date of the first publication
of thia notice.
Date of first publication. December 14th. 1910.
M. H. MlXlY. Administrator.
Notice is hereby iriven that the under iimei),
administrator of the estate of John Nick Enien,
deceased, has filed in the County (Vnirt of Hood
Kiver County, State of Oniron, hia final account
as such administrator of said estate and that
Monday, the 20th day of February, 19! I. at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said
Court aa the time for hearing of objection to aaid
report, ami the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of John Nick
Eiden, deceased. S-i-p-JanlsFcbhS-ftt
Not!. to Creditors.
Notice it hereby iriven that the understated ha
been appointed executrix of the estate of r rank
8. Clark, deceased. All persons having claim
strain t aaid estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly itinuzed and reirularly verified at
the law oil ice of 8. w . Stark, in Hood Kiver. Ore
and all person know ins themselves to be indebted
to sax) estate are requested to pay the same.
Dated thia 7th. day of Kebr. l.'ll.
Nannir E Ct asm.
6-10-c Hots) Kiver, Oregon.
Water VJorliDon the Farm
Td, that' Just what w mesa real wtrr workt: naaia( water la the kltrbea. th bathroom,
the laundry, the bara ia fact, all orer the place. And It all oaoe b thai taak yon MlsIM
lower left band corner of this picture the Leader yera. It a vastly aiOrreal
from the old-faaliioned elevated tank which worked by fravily. for the .
Leader Water Supply System to operated y tamfmatd air-reliable, aafa
and cleanly. Your windmill pumpa ater Into the tank (which ia already
full of air). The air, being elastic, U compressed Into appcr part of la
task, and forces the water out through the pipes.
Thia elves yon a pressure, so that a powerful atream af water la en
tap at every faucet, bo matter where it is lucated. And this mraaa aAi.
tun Jirt-pnuctum, for the pressure ia otwayt m and always ready.
Now, the old style gravity tank wcra cither pat la tha attic ar all.
mated on a high tower out of doors.
Is tt former case, their weight when full, cracked the plastering; or
they overflowed or leaked, flooding the rooms below.
la tha case of the outside tanks, the water ertea t
froze solid la winter, necessitating expensive plumb.
lng bills; or it became hot and stagnant dunaf
the summer and unfit for nae. Tha
Leader Vafor
Supply Systom
avoids alt this, because the alr-ttgfct tank la
eiuirr in the baarment or buried under-
round helow the frost line. Every outfit
empiric with full directions, and Is
easily installed. The Leader System oeeda
no repairs, la euttrd to small buildings or
large, and ia moderate ia price.
Lt us send yon our fraa baokbtt, ""Mow
I 8nlved tba Wale etnpitly Problem." the
story of a msa a no eufraarulir oqutppd
Ma country homa with modera watae
wurks. w
Wrlta for It today, bafora you forget
. U II
Mghv vfff 1
VV0 nT , V.uJ I Hi
s v . i rl lajjii
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Ottlo; Mo. 9 Oak Mtmmt, FftMS 0 m Hmmtt
Speedwell Motor Cars
In your investigation of Cars with relation to value, you will
find the SPEEDWELL among: the few wh ch head the Hat In the
face of high cost having: once been considered the standard of
value, it is ready to prove the needlessness of a price higher than
the Speedwell price. We have seven different models, all Fiftj
Horse Power. A wide range to select from. Roadsters, Touring:
and Torpedo Bodies, with or without fore doors. Ask for a Cata
logue or let us call and show you this high clasa car.
Melvin Woodburn, Agent
Hood River, Oregon
Licensed Under the Seldan Patent
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
Tlio IavMwon Fruit Cumtiany ,
which ha limi one of the Wtfirest
yeur IiumIiu'hk in lt hiHtory, last
week about cleaned up Its apple
shipment liy shipping 7.KI lox of
apples to a New York Inner. The
shipment nearly exhausted the sup
ply which the company lias had In
Its cold storav plant, with the ex
ception of a few cars held In storage
by private parties.
Keturns received tin some of the
shipments made earlier In the season
by the company show Rood results,
one of thetn lelnir the much-despised
Ben Pavls, that variety having net
ted growers who sold through the
PavMsoi) t'ompany f 1 per box.
Read In February Sunset Magazine
San PIcko. The City of Preatns
Come True. lieautirtilly Illustrated
In four colors.
Tetranrtnl Sliiitliiu In the Streets of
San Francisco, Christinas I've.
Now on sale. All news stands, 1."
Hean pump, 50 ft. hose, two rods,
100 gal. tank, also tank for cooking
spray, In perfect condition; used one
season. Cost $70.50, goes at S0.00.
J. J. Knapp. I'hone 3232X. tt
I'pper Valley Land for Sale
Large tract of land for sale In th
I'pper Hood Klver valley. Will sel
In i me t rai l or III s ibdl vide. Terms.
John lioldsbury, Mt. Hood Hotel
Subscribe for the News.
Manufacturing and Repair Work
We are prepared to do It In our large and well .trtpaa1 Manafacrar
lng and Repair listabllshaiasrt.
We would be pleased to have yoa call on us.
Shops HI-143-I45-U7 Fourth St.,0p. Oilbert-Vaagbara, Moo4 Rlrar.Or.
r I Y, i isisi n aarsiysrasassasaaaaiaai
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
jj Fresh and Cured Moats, Fish, Oysters
Phone Main 6 . Oragati
rAJaVJaVA A..AaV,naAaaJk taaaaa a m m m aa aa m m tm
If you want your horses properly
SHOD come to
Jiejct to Sncbtf f&L Vpjon
Phone 157-X
Electrical Contractors
'Bailey C3L Colby
Xarlmcjs Tildg. Thont kOX
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
High Orade Electric Mxtarea t-T-Det Olaa.wara
Westlnghouse Electric Motors Maatlng Apparatus, p.u.
l ull t ine of Macule Wiring Soppllaa
We (luarantee Satisfaction