The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Simplicity and Durability
r 75
MHN'5 MATS, good ones, all styles and about
all sizes. Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values-
Your Choice, Only $1.59
is now in and a finer lot we have never seen.
These shirts positively will not fade and are made
to fit. The best shirts made.
WE have added to our line of Men's Separate
Pants the celebrated PARAGON BRAND.
These are strictly high grade and we are pleased
to be able to offer them to our trade.
;- y f t if
E surely have a fine
assortment in weaves,
styles and prices when it
comes to boys' suits. Spe
cial bargains on those we
got in the Chappell stock.
These we are closing out
at less than manufactur
er's cost. A nice run of
sizes and late styles.
Boys' suits with plain bot
tom, suits that formerly
sold for $2.50, $3.50, $4.00
and $5.00-
Your Choice Now
Men's Extra Pants
E carry one of the largest assortments in men's
extra trousers in the city. All the new weaves
and all sizes up to 50 inch waist and from a Khaki up
to the celebrated Paragon trousers.
Special Bargains in Chappell Stock as Follows
Chappell's $2.25 values now. $ ,35
Chappell's $2.90 values now S1i75
Chappell's $3.00 values now
Chappell's $4.00 values now.
Chappell's $5.00 values now
Men's ''Whip Cord" pants, full cut, 2 hip and 2 side
and watch pockets, welt seams, cuff bottom. .
side taken up and belt loops, the pair olilO
Opppi A I .We are giving: to each
OrLUIHL""a(jy or gentleman buy
ing a pair of American Lady or
American Gentleman Shoes or Ox
fords a nice leather card or receipt
case. This is something you will
find to be very useful.
Fosters' Hose Supporters for ladies,
regular 50c grade; your choice now. OuC
Ladies' Hose Supporters with front pad and belt, n
regular 20c values; your choice now (JuC
Ladies' Wash Dresses, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
values, and big values at these prices, up to i no
and including Saturday, your choice only SliJO
The Pa OS PaSr, The Store That Saves You Money
The picture hIiuwii In liiineKtl.v IIIuh-!
trHtive of the Hot Lake Sainitorlum.
Thl grent Institution of heHling lie
riven It name from the fact thut the
Snuatorlutn lmildlngrt are net on the .
tmnWn of a Mtenmtut; lake formed ly ;
the water from a mammoth ltoliioi;:
Kpriuc From thin great spring
dully there gueheti forth nearly 3.()l..
gallon of highly mineralized
water. Thin water in utilized not
alone In the Hath Hon, Imt alo
for heating the building.
The Hot Lake Sanatorium U nil
tbat the name Impllec, a lm-e where'
Uk people are made well again. In
testimony of It efficiency I the rec
ord of ten thousand patient Htiecvw-
fully treated there during the year
the JDO or more guet and thel'J1)
employe. Kvery poHille conven
ience I provided for the Iteneht of
the patient, tila enclosed veran
da, recreation halls, dance pavilion
with hard wood floor, parlor ami
rest rooms, well lighted loldiief, eti.
all contribute to the comfort ami
expedition recovery of the patient
The Sanatorium i less than two
hundred yard from the depot This
fact alone 1 worth consideration, as
hundred of patient are lirouuht to
the Institution o racked and
wrought with pain and distre that
it would he impossible to transport
them any distance from the main
line of railway.
For t he benefit of tin m" whose ail
A Chain of Evidence
It Convicted a Man of a Clime He
Had Not Committed.
Copyright. 1 JlJ. by American Pr
"Th House of Efficiency"
1110. The mineral water seems
mnwlallj tenefielal to those suffering
from stomach, kidney and skin dis
order, a well a the various forms
of rheumatism.
The bath house I a marvel of com
pleteness and convenience. A score
of expert attendant administer the
baths, and It 1 not unusual to have
patient who tiud It neceary to be
wheeled to the bath bouse, unable to
HNlt themselves In any way, after
having received lew than half a dozen
bath ho far recover that they are
able to walk from the apartment In
the Sanatorium proper to the bath
The Sanatorium building houses
mentis such that the baths do not
seem to bring about the desired re
lief, a first class modern hospital and
surgery Is maintained Here twenty
graduate nurses are employed.
Special round trip tickets are on
sale at the railway stations, which
enable the visitor of the Hot I.ike
Sanatorium to secure t ranspoi Ion
at a considerable reduction.
Those desiring additional informa
tion regarding t Id health-renewing
Institution should address r, V. T.
I'hy, Medical Superintendent and
Manager. Hot Lake, Oregon, and a
handsome illustrated booklet will be
sent them free of charge.
Valley Christian Church Notes transacted and some excellent re
ChrlstlHU Kudeavor Kay-' was P"rt read, which t ha t good
. , .. , . . . work Is being done. After some
observed Sunday evening in a most , , ,
game and lunch, the pleasant event
littlnu way. Mrs. K. W. Sweany e tl) H
wits t he leader, and filled the place On Wednesday evening the "Live
with much credit. Mrs. Win. An- Wire Class'' met at the home of Itr.
hagen sang "Abide With Me," and and Mrs. 1!. K. Wright. 'I lie evening
"A ( lean Heart" was sung by W. K. was Ideal and the turn out eeeent.
t'auller. Both solo were finely ren- ' there Is-lng t hlrty-el-hf present, the
dered ami well received. ".lust a i largest number yet After some bus!
Little I'miisv," by the Hoyce sisters, ness, the people plunged into the
was very nicely sung Mi L veh n , social part of the program 'I here
Zeek recited "At the I'hotogra- i were ga ne-s. readings, sol. is. mid so
pber's," which greatly pleased the . on. The bountiful lunch was served
audience. Crystal Kays also ave a ' In California style. Mils method of
recitation that pleased the lit t le serving was found very sa t i-f.i.t or.v.
ones. Short speeches were made by j The evening wa very delightfully
Ir. It K. Wright. Mrs F. M. IVngh,
Mm. W. K. Cauller, William Walter,
llnlph Klssell, Mr. and Mrs. C. I.
Thompson, Ilea trice anil Km ma
Hojre, Mrs. C L. Morse and Mrs. I.
IVart. The attendance was large
and the meeting was
spent. The hostess sleiMed every
body a good time, and nil I - r saving
"Fine time." Tlie "Llw W ire ( l.iss"
I proving a power ami making li-elf
felt III 'Hid out of the chur.h .
one has ant Idea what this ri,i
Inspiring I means till he attends IlNrotcoa
inemlsT I ducted In the oil a . I lie ,.,n,
throughout. Two new
wrr aecured. The siwlety Is grow- j are new and so me the thoughts
Ing and doing good work. J The class meets Sund.iv iiMt
On Mooday evening the regularjthe parsonage at u o'i I nl -i..n,
monthlr business meeting was lield ' lirlng a bible w Ith you. a- nw nu
at the parsonage
with a fine turn
Much Important business was
Sunday school leave or In l
will find till a big class.
j In January, I'.his, (lustav Jinsinger, j
a literary man. and his wi'e. Mary j
j Jinsinger. rented a house tit 14.". Cniker
', miect. iii the city of London. They I
j lived npnrent!y happily together till
i the htishund took In Uutu Kirkwtsid, a
I typist and stenographer. From that time
j the author mid the typist were seen by
: the neighbors to be frequently togeth
! er. and Mrs. .linslnger was observed
: often in tears. She was in (K)or health,
and a s.eeialist in brain diseases was
' seen to make visits to the house.
(in the K'th of March. I'.miS. Mrs.
j .tinshiger was seen for the last time at
her home. Miss Martha F.llison, living
; opposite, saw her enter her house and
. lose the front .loir behind her. No
1 one after this date saw her come out.
: Mer husband and Kuth Kirkwood were
j seen to come out and go away, both
'separately and together. On the 30th
j of April vans appeared before their
j door and removed the furniture. Miss
j Fliison saw Mr. .linsinger and the
; typist leave the house together.
I The next occupant of the house
i were Peter llartig.m and .lohu Flynn.
They were old men, living exclusive
lives, wearing the meanest clothing
find evidently very poor. They left
the premises after occupying them
three months, never having paid any
rent. The agent for the house report
ed that he went to it and found it de
serted. No one saw them move out,
and it was supposed that they had
done so at night when no one was
Imring the autumn of ll10 No. 145
Cruker street was razed to make room
for n business block. The cellar was
widened and deepened to fit the new
structure. Several feet under the old
cellar floor the excavators came upon
a human body, or, rnther, the remains
of a body, thnt had been considerably
eaten awny by quicklime or some de
structive agent. The place of burial
and the attempted destruction of the
body excited suspicion. The case was
reported to the police, who made In
quiries as to the past oeeu pants of the
premises, and the doings of the Jin
singers came to light. On chemical
analysis the body was found to con
tain traces of arsenic.
The case at once arrested the at
tention of detectives. The apMarnnre
of the typist, the facts of Mrs. Jinsln
ger's depression and that she had not
been seen to leare the house seemed
to Indicate tbat Jinsinger and Miss
KlrkwiHsl had been lovers and that
they had removed Mrs. Jinsinger that
they might marry. If Jinsinger could
iw found living with the typist there
would be sufficient evidence against
him to convict him before any Jury.
A hunt was made for the author, but
for a long while nothing was heard of
him. At last It was learned that he,
accompanied by a girl, hud sailed for
America. A detective crossed In a
faster steamer, arrested him and the
girl, who proved to be Miss Klrkwood,
and took both to London for trial.
Jinsinger was convicted principally
on the evidence thnt has leen tatef
h-re. Miss Klrkwood was acquitted
of being an accessory to the murder
after the fact. Jinsinger was sen
tenced to he hanged, according to the
English law, about three weeks after
his conviction.
One morning in the spring of 1004
Edward Burnes, a tinner living on the
outskirts of London, on going out to
work found a woman lying uncon
scious before bis door. lie carried her
Into the bouse and put ber under the
care of bis wife. She soon regained
consciousness, but could give do ac
count of bertlf, Bbt could not reo
remember her name. Siie was per
mitted to spend the day in the tinner's
house, and when he returned In the
evening he reported the case to a
physician. Through the d.Htor's Influ
ence the woman was removed to a
hospital, where she was entered as a
permanent patient. Two years after
her going there one morning on taking
up a newspaper she g ive a shriek. She
had seen a notice of the coming exe
cution of (iustav Jinsinger. A number
of persons collected about her and
learned from her that the name Jin
singer had brought back her memory.
She said she was Hie woman for
whose murder Jinsinger was to be ex
ecuted. A reprieve was granted to Jinsinger,
who, on proof of tin- identity of his
wife, was released. Subsequently the
detectives made a hunt for Peter Har
tigan and Joint Flynn. After u long
search they found llartlgau and de
manded to know what had become of
Flynn. He eon t radii ted himself iu bis
replies and. being further questioned
by experts In such cases, finally told
that while the two lived together at
14." Croker street the House had been
infested with rats. llartigan had
bought arsenic with which to poison
them. One night Flynn, being ill, arose
In the dark for some medicine he had
been taking, got hold of the arsenic
by mistake and died from taking a
large dose. Tearing that he would be
accused of having poisoned Flynn,
Hartlgan had endeavored to destroy
the tsnly with quicklime; but, failing
to do so entirely, he had buried what
was left of it in the cellar.
Hartiean, being asked why he had
not callisl iu medical assistance for
Flynn. gave two reasons for his failure
to do so first. Flynn had died very
Boon after taking the arsenic; second,
Flynn was a miser with f ln.ixrd hoard
ed. Hartigan. after Flynn's death, se
cured this money and left the prem
ises In the night.
Building Collapses
While being moved yesterday part
of the wooden building formerly oc
cupied by (). P. Dabney collapsed on
Cascade a venue and came near wreck
ing McDonald' store. One of the
show window In the store wa
smashed completely. Fortunately
no one wns hurt The building w as
Is-lng moved to tint Height.
A crew of men sent out by the
Light & Power Co. are going over
the ground between Hood Itiverand
The Italic for the purpose of running
a line between the two cities. When
It I Installed, Mosler will be supplied
w ith electric light
It pays to advertise.
Micro kills the Dandruff para
site, aoothes the Itching scalp,
flvca lustre to the hair and
stimulates Its grow (.Iu A
single application gives relief
and proves its worth. Do not
be bald. Save your hair be
fore too late. Micro Is a
delightful dressing for the
hair, free from grease and
sticky oils. Booklist free.
posrtoss, esiso
Efrclia 12 tl A M . October h. I'M
Sun tit bou n il .Yorth bound
.l.M. Station 1'. .V.
8.00 Hood River 4.00
8.05 Puwerdale 3.55
8.15 Switchback 3.45
8.35 VanHorn 3.15
8.40 Mohrs 3.10 j
8.55 Odell 3.00,
9.10 Summit 2-50 1
9.20 Kloucher 2.45
9.40 Winans 2.35
9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 2.30
10.30 Lv. Dee Ar. 2.00!
10.40 Troutcreek 1.55
11.00 Woodworth 1.35
11.15 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.30
A. WILSON, Agent j
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
new Heilbronner Bldp;.
These are the best ap
pointed offices in the
city. Get a comfortable
office and watch your
business grow.
20 ACUES-1 and one-half miles
south of Hood Kiver, on the West
Side, entire tract get to New
towns and Spitzenbenrs 7 years
old, except 2 acres 3 years old,
with 50 peach fillers of standard
varieties. 10 inches of water;
tine drainage and Rood slope for
irrigation. 2 acres of straw
berries between trees, the bal
ance had two years growth of
alfalfa and clover turned under
last fall, which will insure good
fertalization for several years;
has a beautiful building site over
looking Hood River. For price
and terms call or address
PfVene l62 Xocd Kloer. Ore.
Will cut up in 5 and 10 acre tracts
Our stock comprises the most practi
cal and best tools made for that pur
pose. Our prices give every custo
mer full value for his money,
Hand TPruners
California Patterns, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Genuine Miss. Shears, 9 inch,' $2.00
Swiss Patterns, 2 blades, 9 inch, $1.25
Handle 'Pruners
Rhodes double cut, 22 inch, $2.50
Clyde draw cut, 22 inch, $1.50
Clyde Short Pattern, 21 inch, 85c
Long Tree Pruners
6, 8, 10, 12 feet long, 55c to 75c
Prttning Sabvs
. California Patterns, 12 inch, 50c
California Patterns, 18 inch, 70c
Double Cut, 70c
Deforest pole and hand, $1.40
Pacific Coast Swivel, $1.50
Thonc 14
Is the basis which the WHITE SEW
ING MACHINE is built on. We are
unprejudiced in our claim that the
WHITE is the best sewing machine In
the WORLD. We are only too glad
to show you that the range of work is
unlimited We make the Vibrator
and Rotary machines, the latter being
equipped with the Lock and Chain
stitch, making two machines in one
and possesses other desirable features
too numerous to mention.
FURNITURE CO., local dealer, Hood
River, Ore., before you buy.
Oakdale Greenhouse
(it't In your order now for Tulip,
NitrclHxI. I n ff 1 1 1, llyncInthH, etc.
I'eontiM hIioiiIiI hi' plunti'il In October,
hIko ItuwH ninl MiriibM, If Mootn la
wanted In 11111. (rood Hiipplv oil
hand mid coinlnc. Trv h few I.I 1 1 leu
t m
Tradc Marks
Copy ma hts Ac
Anron MTidlnf iktrh and tfoMrtptlon mmj
quick l? uoortttn otir opinion fro h4.far an
intanllnn ! Etrnhahlv naiaMif mhla. ('nmnnnUk.
lhwl strictly onaJniiJ. HANDBOOK on Ptxttui
tent fr. Oldest avoncr fur Mourlun peUem.
f'ttwiL taken thnuh Muuo A Co. rclrt
dml ftjroncr fur MourluK patent,
ken thniuuh Muuo A Co. racalri
. without cnarta, in the
Scientific American.
A liandeomelf lllnetrafed veklf. I.anreec Nr-
dilation of any teritiOc Journal. lrm M a
7nr ; nur mo nine l ou4 oyaji newto raj erf.
361 Broadway
tKit'Ml I). C.
Taft Transfer Go.
Draying. . .
Wood Yard
For Sale
Offlc. Dion H RMldmc 2X2-11
20 Acres
Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River
Apple Land In the Famous
Oak Grove District
Tn milMout in the it)iwet part of th Homd
Kiver Vt lry. HikkJ Hiv.r, Orctfon.
The tract is partly improved
with 5 acres in younff com
mercial orchard, has fairly
Kood house, barns, etc., and
a fine spring well which is
capable of leinr developed
sufficiently to irrigate 40 or
more acres. This tract is
in the best apple section in
the valley composed of all red
shot soil. The surrounding"
country is being: rapidly de
veloped and growing- into bigr
Hood River, Oregon
Cure Your Rheumatism
at mi:
( Th Houit of Efficiency)
Hot Lake, Oregon
'I'M K
Sell round-trip ticket, (food for
three tnontliH, n Mowing ffi.OO
worth of ncentnodfitlon nt
the NMiHitorluiii, it t Port
land and nil O. W. It.
& N. KtnMonii.
For Inrtlier Information mid llhm
tonted liooklet, nddrPHH Dr. V. T.
I'd.r, Medicii) Snpt. mid Mgr., Mot
I. like, OreKon, nny (), It. & N. Agent,
or write to,
General Paneener Agent,
Portland, Oregon.