The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Absolutely Puro
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
and the food ts finer,
more tasty, cleanly
and wholesome than the ready
made found at the shop or grocery.
nd Ummm mnit Addmm.
Breaking tn aootn.
Two Scot. oiif oli! iiihI the other
vomit:, set out one bright winter Sun
day nioruiug in w:tlk ten miles to kirk.
The sun slioiii- plorlouly. The frozen
road rant; under their feet. The cold,
pure air was as exhilarating as wine.
Tbe younger S.-ot Inoked up nt the
glittering blue sky and s:tid:
"It's n fine day."
The older man frowned and an
sw ered:
"Are. it is a flue day. but Is this a
dar to he talking alxuit days'r"
To Mak Him Sleep.
'Ttifit for duty Is-cmise of Insom
nia" wns the record of a New York
policeman for several weeks.
Inspector Hyrnes sent for the man
and gave lilm a little bit of advice,
thus: Tonight, about midnight, put
on your uniform, belt, hat, revolver,
take night stick In hand and go to
some corner house. Lean against It, and
lean against It hard, as if you were
really on duty. You'll go to sleep, all
right." New York Tribune.
Doubtful Voca'iim.
"There is only one troubie about a
Chinese cook." said the titan from the
"What is that?"
"You can never tell whether he is
luting at Ids work or whether he hus
burnt himself and is moaning with
pain." Washington Star.
Missionary You cniim to be civi
lized, and yet I find you torturing your
captives. Native Pardon, but we do
not call this torturing now. We are
Merely having him. C'levelund Leader.
No Skill Required.
Lltigant-Your fee Is outrageous.
Why, It's more than three-fourths of
what I recovered. Lawyer I furnish
ed the skill and the legal learning for
your case. Litigant But I furnished
the case. Lawyer Oh, anybody can
fall down a coal hole! Boston Tran
script. '
Alarmed Her.
Servant Heavens: I have knocked
the liij flowerpot off the window
Nnlge and it struck a man on the head.
1 Mistress What! My beautiful ma-
; loliea? I'll. senile Blatter.
The Jury Decided That 8even-up Wat
Purely Scientific
One of Mark Twuin's old time M
ries concerned tbe game of sevcu up.
or old sledge. Some Keutuvky Isiys
were arrested for playing this game
under the usual charge of playing a
game of chauce. When they were
brought before the Judge their lawyer
claimed that this game was ut a
game of chance, but was a game of
science. The court, puzzled, asked for
suggestion, and the lawyer declared
that If a Jury of sis gamblers well ac
quainted with the game lu a scientific
way and six deacons be Impaneled
with puck of cards their decision
ought to be determinative. So the sto
ry goes:
"There was no disputing the fairness
of the proposition. Four deacons and
the two dominies were sworn in as
the 'chance' Jurymen, and six Inveter
ate old seven-up professors were
chosen to represeut the 'science' side
of the issue. They retired to the Jury
"In about two hours Deacon Peters
sent Into court to borrow J3 from a
friend. In about two hours more
Dominie Mlggles sent Into court to
borrow a 'stake' from a frleud. Pur-
! lug the next three or four hours the
dominie and the other deacons sent
Into court for small loans.
"The rest of tho story can be told
briefly. About daylight the Jury came
In. aud Ieaeon Job. the foreman, read
the following verdict:
' 'H, the Jury In the case of the
commonwealth of Kentucky versus
John Wheeler et al., have carefully
considered the points of the case and
tested the merits of the several theo
ries advanced and do hereby unani
mously decide that the game common
ly known as old sledge, or seven-up.
Is eminently a game of science and
! not of chance. In demonstration
I whereof it Is hereby and herein stated,
I iterated, reiterated, set forth and
I made manifest that during the entire
I night the "chance" men never won a
J game or turned a Jack, although both
j feats were common and frequent to
the opposition, and furthermore In
I -- V. I . 1 I... . a .
SUppon III una oui nun.1 - 7 iai .
tentlon to the significant fact that the
"chanre" men are all broke and the
"science" men have got the money.
It Is the deliberate opinion of this Jury
that the "chance" theory concerning
seven-up Is a pernicious doctrine and
calculated to inflict untold suffering
and pecuniary loss upon any commu
nity that takes stock in it'"
Forty Thousand
Prescriptions Have Been Filled at This Store
In The Past Ten Years
This record shows better than
anything else the confidence
placed in this store both by
the Doctor and the Patient
Chas. N. Clarke
Hood River :: :: Oregon
I The Grip This Dreadful Disease Takes
i Upon Its Victim.
! The vourse of the dreadful disease,
I sleeping sickness, Is an extremely slow
one. me nrst stage is saia 10 mm a
year or more, and the cause of the dis
ease may be in the blood long before
any symptoms whatever present them
selves. The patient has occasional
fever; Indeed, a disease hitherto called
Gambia fever has recently been recog
nized as the first stage of sleeping
slckuess. it is suld that tbe swelling
of the lymphatic glands of the neck is
a characteristic early symptom. This
was known In 1S03 to Dr. Wlnterbot
tom. who states that slave traders,
recognizing the symptom of a fatal
disease, would not buy slaves who had
this glandular enlargement. The pa
tient feels well and strong and Is able
to go about his usual occupations.
The second stage Is Indicated by a
distinct changw in the appearance of
the patient. His expression grows
heavy and dull; he becomes u pathetic,
lies around a great deal and cannot
exert himself. With the progress of
tbe disease these symptoms become
more marked; walking and speech be
come difficult aud finally Impossible.
During the last week the sufferer lies
In a state of complete coma, from
which tbe Illness derives Its name.
Often during the second stage of tbe
disease the brain becomes affected,
and some of tbe patients try to run
away Into tbe forests or swamps,
where they die of exposure or starva
tion. To prevent this tbe relatives of
a sufferer frequently chain blm down
until the time comes when he can no
longer move. McClure's MagMlne.
To the discriminating Housewife:
We have installed some new machinery and
will now make the tohiicjf, tightest
bread of any flour on Hood River market
if handled rightly. It does not require as
stiff working as others. Next time ask
your grocer for CUPID and if he will not
furnish it, trade with someone who will.
A 11 fj made in Hood TUiJer .
Hood Rtoer fTUCCing Company
Some Famous Men of Old.
The "nine worthies" were Joshua,
DaTld, Judas Maccabeus, Hector of
Trov. Alexander the Great, Julius
Caesar, King Arthur of Britain, Charle
magne of France and Godfrey of Bou
illon. The list varies somewhat, but
this is the most popular one. The
"seven wise men of Greece" were So
lon. Thnles, Plttacus, Bias, C'leobolus
Myson and Chellon of Sparta. The
supKsltlon Is. of course, that these
were not the only wise men In Greece
but the wisest. New York American.
Waiting For Him.
"Yes, mum,'' said Poetic Tete as he
twined an autmun leaf through bis
buttonhole. "I am a great lover of the
romantic. 1 stopped at dls gate be
cause I saw de sign 'Idlewood.' "
"You did?" approved the housewife
"Well, there Is a lot of idle wood down
at the wood pile. Just take this ax and
spilt up half a cifrd." Chicago News.
A Greater Attraction.
Herr Harden told of a meeting at
Gastein between William I. and Fran
cis Joseph. The Austrian sovereign
commented impatiently on the too
pressing attentions of the crowd. "It
won't last long." returned bis ally
soothingly. "Bismarck will be here di
rectly, and then no one will look at
us."-Ixndon Kpertator.
New Spring Dress Goods
7JT6 have just received a tot of Dreso Goodo in tbe lateot novelties), otripeo,
cbechs and mixed goode, all of wbicb are otrictly all wool, from 36 to
52 incbc9 wide, at 50c to $1.25 are exceptionally good valuce. Call in and
look tbcm over. Cde are sure you will like them r(y 4
and be surprised at the values offered lv 1
50 Pieces
20 Pieces
Lot of
that are exceptionally
pretty patterns
in plain and patterns.
Of Ettines. Swiss,
Deneens and Cretons
TAN WELTS.... Men's
100 Pairs Ladies', Misses, Boys' and Children's
Shoes, worth up to $2.50 p
Your choice oliUU
Nice Lot of
Try the American Beauty
and you will get
satisfactory wear and
comfort. Price
$1.25 to $2.50
We msy forgive those who bore as.
We cannot forgive those whom we
bore. La Rochefoucauld.
Mrs. Hubert This well was III the
punt week.
Mrs. .11 in Huuternf Ruthtoti is con-
tineil to her bed with rheumatism.
Mrs. F. (). White visited Friday
ami Saturday with friends In Hood
I i tilth Elliott moved to Wyeth last
wck where he Intends working; this
Furl Noble came down from The
Dalles recently for a visit with tbe
home folks.
Mr. Lock of Menominee Is lu Port-
laud this week disposing of a con
signment of apples.
K. Shelly Morgan came up from
Portland Sunday to look over his
place on Phelps creek.
Otis Barton, Mrs. John McCustlon
ami Carl White have been la grippe
patients the past week.
R. S. t'uhoon Is building n new
barn, 24s:K. Del Way and M. It.
Noble are llie head carpenters.
Winnie Kastiuan and Theltna aud
Farley Elliott weru out of school
this week on account of sickness.
Johnny Elliott camejn from Spo
kane last Sunday for a visit with his
pareuts. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott.
A number of our young people at
tended a surprise party on Miss
Pearl Ebv February 4th. the ticca-
skill being lier birthday.
Mrs. John Dickinson met with a
painful accident Saturday evening ly
slipping and falling on Ice. Her
bruises confined her to her lied the
early part of the week
Mrs. John Follies of Moro visited
Mrs. F. O. White a few days last
week. She w ill Is- accompanied home
by her son Frank, who has Ist'ii as
sisting Rruce Morton on his ranch.
A farewell party was given Etta
Straight Saturday, Feb. 4th, at the
home of her sister, Mrs. U. W. Im
Mar. A large crowd was present
and a Jolly time experienced by all.
Etta left f ir her home at Park Place
Mrs P. A. Heed is having a tussle
with la grippe.
Mrs. Robt. Tnzwell was calling on
friends In Kuthtoli recently.
Mrs. J.S. Hunter Is Buffering from
A severe attack of rheumatism.
L. (). Ilartoti lias licen confined to
the house for the past few days with
an attack of la grlpi.
Ma. J W. Dickinson clipped and
fell recently, resulting In Injuries that
will conline her to the house for sev
eral tiny.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. and Mrs,
V. O. While attended the bistilanie
nt Oak Urove. and report a very
pleasant time.
Mrs. J. W. Forln-s, of Moro, spent
Sunday and Monday with her son
Frank, of Itlverslde farm, and In
calling tin old frlruils In Kuthtoli.
Mr. ami Mrs. It M. (,'tilioon and sor,
Merlin, dined with Mr. F. O. White
Thursday evening, Feb. 2nd, I ho oc
casion lielng Moster Frank's tiflh
Miss Etta Straight, who bn ls-n
visiting with her sMcr, Mrs. It. W.
La Mar, for the past f"W months, re
cently lft for b'T home at Park
Place, Oregon.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of H. W. La Mar Sun
day, February t! Mrs. Itobt. Tax
well and Miss Lena Baker rendered a
few choice solos, with Mrs. L. W.
Way accompanist tin the piano.
A very pleasant farewell party
was given Miss Etta Straight Sntnr
daj evening, Feb. 4th. by her young
friends In Ituthton. Those present
were Misses Emma Noble, Mary
Horn, Tressle llickox, Ernest ine and
i-ulii ftcld, Florence La Mar and
Messrs. Homer Absten, Joe Horn,
Eddie Evans, ( )tto Horn ami Frank
Bids Invited
Sealed bids will be received at my
office until Mondi.y noon. Feb. J0
Hill, for construction of a frame ad
dition to the County Court lloii"i
Specifications lii.'l.v Is' seen n t said
Reserve rljiht to reject any and all
bids. ico. D. CiillMTtson, County
Judge. If
Upper Valley Land for Sale
Large tract of land for sale In the
I'pper Hood Itlver valley. Will sell
In one trncf or w 111 su lull vide. Terms.
John (ioldsbury, Mt. Hood Hotel
Subscribe for the News.
Apple and Pear Boxes
tanley-Smitli Lumber
For Sale A fine lot of hay In the Join the Howling league. We
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood , have the best alley In the state.
Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or lt's have the best team. (.'. A.
2002-x. Richards & Co.
with the:
and get the benefit of Sf-VKNTEEN VKARS SUCCESSFUL EXPE
KIENCE IN HANDLING THIS FRUIT. Our careful attention and
experience shows in the promptness and amount of the returns.
Foot of Third Street Phone No. 65 J)