THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1911 s fO TO NEW "CI FLORSHEIM SHOES Our buyer left Sunday night on a six week's buying trip, his route covering the largest and mo& extensive mer cantile and manufacturing centers of Textiles, Clothing and Thoes in the United States. Our shocks this season are at lower ebb and better cleaned out than at any time during our bus iness career and we are therefore in shape for a larger and more complete assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Clothing, Furnishings, Etc. than were ever before displayed in Hood River. Shipments will begin almost immediately so it will be to your advan tage to watch this space for further announcements. i'RANR A. CRAM ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS -y-7 7 v 7 vrir LOCALSandPERSONALS 1 ' ' ' K. O. Hall l noted as a visitor nt The Dalles Saturday. Mis Haad Smith, with the I'.utler Nanking Company, seRt the week enl In I'ortlnud. C. I. Sonnlehsen, business maua Ker of the News, was a business visl Ttr In Portland Moiid.-iy. Cha. T. Early returned from Sa lem, Thursday, where he njMnt a day or Two attending the sessions of the leuixlature. J. A. ami F. L. Klrebauh came up from Portland Saturday and spent a flay or two herein connec tion with their Interests. (ieo. DlmuilcW anil family. who havelieen llvlnu at Mt. Hood, have Horn To Mr. and Mrs. F. li. Coe. j Tuesday, January .'Slut, a hoy. j K. 1. Mlchell and Miss Mlehell were! guest of friend nt The Dalle Satnr-! day. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Moe left Sattir day for Southern Crilifornia where they will spend some time visiting. 1 ). I. Dahney Sons are hiivinu a larjie show window placed in their furniture establishment In the old opera douse. K. B. London and daiiuhter were guests at the Hotel Oregon Sunday While here. Mr. London visited his ranch In the I'pper Valley. A new cafe has Is-eli opened hi the store next to the Otten liuildinur. moved loto the city and have taken j The place Is equipped with a lunch tip their residence In Wlnan's addi tion. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Strong have been here for a week, as guests at the Oregon. Mr. Strong represents the Oregon Life, which has a good many policy holders at Hood Kivcr. A variety and minstrel show will Is? given at Farkdale Saturday even ing, Feb. Wh, under the auspices of the Fpper Valley Progressive Asso edition The Is-st amateur taleut in ttie I'pper Valley will take part and It Is expected that the affulr will Is highly worth attending. A few minutes delay la treating M.rae cass of croup, even to the length of time It takes to go for a diK-tor, often proves (laDgriius. The infest way Is to keep Chamberlain's Cough P.emedy In the house, and at the first Indication of cro'ip give the c hild a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by all dealers. A. Oil meal at Whitehead's.' Howling alleys now open. I'.lchards 4c Co No. li" Dean (iiant Power Sprayer. That's the one. Next 1'rid i and Saturday. Everybody Is talking about tlie Valentine P.asket Sis-tal nii' fiance at Pine irove hall Feb 14th For Sale A fine lot Icouuter and tables, ami Is neatly fitted up. C. K. Marshull left Saturday for ; Los Angeles where he will join Mrs. , Marshall, who was called there three ' weeks ago ow ing to the serious Ill ness i.f her mother, who has since idled. Mr and Mrs. Marshall will be absent about two weeks. .il. J. VanVorsf, of White Salmon, was lure Saturday. Mr. VanVorst tells us that the White Salmon val ley people are bbout to petition the legislature to divide county with White Salmon as the county seat. The will of the late Frank S Clark was submitted to probate Monday by Attorney S. W.Stark and letters testamentary Issued by the county court to Mrs. Nannie K. Clark, wife of the deceased, to whom an estate was left consisting of real and per sonal .property In Hood Hlver and Sherman counties. Charlie, are you going to the Has ket Social Valentine flay, Feb. 11th, at Pine C,rove hall'.' DON'T forget to see the Hean til ant Power Pump No. 1i" in action next Friday and Saturday. See out AD. Now Is the time to get your pick of of hay in the choice residence building lots In lilv- .1. F. Hatihelder, i P. ('. Young returned Suuday night 1 from a visit to the metropolis, 1 D. D. Hail, the M osier real estate man. was here Saturday and rep rts I prospects favorable for fruit in that j district this year. I Mrs. ijeorge Lynn returned from Portland Sunday, where she went Saturday to consult a specialist In regard to her daughter. A. I. Mason, who has been at Sa lem for several weeks, returned Sat urday after the adjournment of the legislature Representative Derby also spent the week end here. John Watson, a former pioneer Hood P.iver resident, w as here over Sunday. Mr. Watson had an opera tion performed on his throat re cently, but Is now able to be about agHiu. The big wooden building on Cas cade avenue Is-longlng to J. H. Hell bronner has been sold to H. W. Powell, C S. True and E. D. Home wood, who will move It to a lot out of the tire limits. F. A. Massee left Thursday for a month's visit In the east. He stopped a few days at Spokane to visit friends and from there went to Me uominee. Wis , his former home, to sei)d the rest of the time. Mrs. (ieorge Allen and her daugh ters, Miss Mary Allen, Miss (irace Allen and Mrs. Barbara Allen Higgins and son, arrived here Sunday night from New York and went to their country place at Parkdale Monday. Tlios. S. Calkins has bought the business of the Purity Dairy Compa ny from (ieorge Hascall. Mr. Hum call has lieen In bad health for some time, making If Impossible for him to attend to the duties of the busi ness. Mr. Calkins will conduct the business at the same stand and as formerly. An old time spelling match will be held nt Park Orange hall Friday evening. February 10th, between the Frankton and Barrett schools. As therein considerable rivalry be tween these Institutions, It Is ex pected that the contest will be a lively one. After the spelling contest a. basket social will Is- given. 1 1 Is announced that all will be welcome. Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood ervlew Park Most Office. Phone, Odell 3H or phone .Mi. 2002.x. (jet your butter, guaranteed fresh Oet your butter, guaranteed ,resri egg, cream and milk from Purity et". cream and milk from Purity i Dairy Co. Phone M-L. Depot Dairy Co. Phone 68-1.. Depot- Davidson Building. Davidson Building. ,fl ,.,, know that croup can le While 1t Is Impossible to prevent ; prevented'.' OlveClDimls-rlaln's Cough no accident. It Is ncer Impossible to I Kemedy as soon as the child Is-comes I prepared It Is not ls-y otid any- hoarse, or even after the croupy one's purse. Invest 'J' cents in a but-i cough apis-ars, and It will prevent tie of Chainls-rlaln's Liniment ami the attack. It Is also a certain cure you are prepared for sprains, bruises ; for csoup and has never lie-n known and like Injuries. Sold by all dealers to fall. Sold by all dealers A Heart - to - Heart Talk WILL HE GIVEN BY Elbert Hubbard MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 20TH, in the HEIIBRONNER HALL Smkjiett "March of the Centuries" TICKETS, l .OO Oi Sill at tat Mt. n Hotel any Co. Best Wyoming lump coal In (intimity. Transfer V Livery Phone .". For Sale A fine lot of hay in the Mt. hood district. Near Mt. Hood Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or 2002-x. Join the Howling league. We have the Is-st alleys In the state. I,et's have the best team. C A. Richards & Co, HOOD UIVEK SPKAY MFi. CO. agents will demonstrate the famous Hean (ilant Power Sprayer next Friday and Saturday. See our AD. Come and find out how to get H hubainl and w ife at the Valentine Basket Sisial at Pine firove hall February Hth. Free dance If you buy a basket If you want to Is comfortable burn coal. Weareprepared to furnish It In any ftiantlty. Plenty on hand and more coming. We handle the best finality of Wyoming coal. Transfer i. Livery Company . Phone .". If troubled with Indigestion, con stlpatlon, no appetite, or feel bilious, give Chamlterlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will lie pleased with the result. These tali let Invigorate the sfoinnch and liver and strengthen the digestion. Hold by all dee.lers. W. H. Hardluuer came up from Portland Saturday on a business visit. Sunday gave us a touch of true spring weather, the grass being as green as It ordinarily Is in May. Many cases of t he grip are reported about town, some of them of n seri ous nature. Among the victims of this trouble are several who have been left with serious after effects. The News ollice is in receipt of a b;ig of apples containing Winter Bananas and (iravensteins grown oil the place of Millard & Thompson in the I'pper Valley that are In prime condition. The fruit was grown at an altitude of i'.ouo feet and Its tine condition demonstrates the superior keeping quality of apples from that district. rmtmmmmmmmmm One A. A. Jayne has money to loan at 6 per cent on good security. Seasoned Wood 16 in. or 4 ft., de livered to any part of the city. J. J. Knapp, Phone 32J2X. .Joseph A. Wilson, agent for wire wound wood stave pis Order early, as this pipe is not held In stock, but made to order. Store building west of the Hell bronner Block for sale chenp. To lie moved or torn down by March first. For particulars see.). H. Hellbron ner. An attack of grip Is often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy has been extensively used, and with good success, for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have Is-en cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by all denier.' For Kent. Two suites of Office Booms on the second floor of the Davidson concrete building. These are the best lighted, most convenient and easiest of access (.f any second floor ollice room In the city. One of these rooms has a fire proof vault. For particulars, and to see the room, call at Boom S of same build ing. LINCOLN DAY CELEBRATION AT K. OF P, HALL SATURDAY The following program will be given on Saturday, Feb. 11th. at the K of P. hall, Is'glnnlng promptly at 2 o'clock p. in. Everyb-iily Invited. Invocation by Post chaplain. Lincoln's Oettysburg Address Clara Blythe. Origin of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe's Famous Hymn -Mrn. O. H. Baker. Song, Battle Hymn of the liepubllc. Lincoln the Man Fred Dell. Orowth of the Soul of Lincoln Commanders. F. Blythe. Mediation, The Marchers of 'til and 'ii.- Mis Blanche Ford. ' Song, (irafled Into the Army Mrs. Gertrude Ingals. Camp Fire Slavery As I Saw It, Commander O. II. Baker; Primitive Milling, Thos. J. Cunning; Farming Before the War, Newton Clark; Ball roads and Transportation, O. It. Castner; Incident of Antletam, E. D. Calkins; When I Saw Lincoln, (ieo. P. Crowell and others; Itebel Prisons, John A. Wilson and J. W. Blgby. Beading Mrs. Williams. Song, America. Benediction Bev. J. W. Blgby. Patriotic Instructor M. P, Isenls-rg will act a chairman, to keep thlngn moving, and will not allow anything dull. Admission free, and you will be paid to coiue. 1 nousano Nineteen Letters Inquiring about Hood River have been received and answered by us since November 1st, last. The ma jority of these have come from East ern people who intend visiting our beautiful little valley during the com ing season. Judging from the amount cf interest that has been aroused throughout the country in the Hood River apples, 1911 will be a revelation to the old timers. You will see more property change hands and that at higher prices than you ever dreamed of. We are planning our campaign to take care of our share of this business. List your property with us early and we will sell it. 1 You'll Get AH That's Coming To You Here Full Measure and full Quality always TRY LIBBY'S GONDENSED MILK Positively the best ever put on the market; no odor, no strong taste just like fresh milk. One can will convince you. 10c per can at The Star Grocery "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" Perigo & Son 1 Oakdale Greenhouse (let in your orders now for Tulips, Narcissi Daffodils, Hyacinths, etc. Peoua should be planted in Ictoher, also Boxes and Mirutis, if bloom Is wanted In l'.'ll (iood supply on hand and coming. Trv a few I. lilies. FLKTi'H Kit & FLF.TCH KB SMOKING MEAT THE NEW WAY. Too don't nsod a nmnke houiw. Apply WRIGHT'S BMUKE a liquid giT inn two coats, which will impart the rich aroma and delicate flavor of hi kory amoke to the meat, keeping it oound, sweet and Insect free indefinitely. Bold for 14 yean all over U. H. and Can da. Oet the genuine. Fully Guaran teed. Hold only in square quart bottlea with metal cap. Ask your druggist for "Wright's Bmoke". Made only by C. H. WRIGHT CO., sc. City, m. Bold and Guaranteed by KEIR & CASS Real l siiiic Diillclln $0500-20 acres in Willow Flat, one-half in three and four year old trees, balance slashed and uncleared. Terms, one-half down. 9 inches of water, shot soil, on main road. A bargain. $2500 10 acres slashed, in Oak Grove district. Main road and close to store. Terms, $1000 down. $1500-For a home on State street, east of Ninth. Easy Terms. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office OreconHotel Building PHUNI 22H DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH THIS LfEADINO DEALERS HOTLL ORFOON HI. DO., Hood Klver, Ore. SWCTLAND BUILDINO, Portland, Ore. ) 3281 The Ring of an electrical bell saves many a step. The cost of installing call bells, phones, door open ers and such electrical time saving devices is exceedingly small, if you buy your supplies from us. We also carry Electric Lamps and many household accessor ies that are operated by the current. If you would view our stock, something would certainly suggest itself that you could use handily in your nome. 1 DEAN & SHAW Office Phone 3 Residence 272M