The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 08, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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What the Hood River District Land Co. Offers
In Ten Acre Tracts
To sell TEN ACRES at $500 or $G00 per acre, according to
location, on the following terms: 10 per cent cash and one
half of one per cent per month, with G per cent interest on
deferred payments.
To clear the land and set to selected apple trees of stand
ard commercial varieties, and to care for same for five years at
the company's expense.
Argument No. 1
The benefits to the purchaser in following the above plan
are as follows: We send our experts direct to the nursery to
select each tree. An additional inspection is made by the local
fruit inspector, thereby securing a perfect tree.
Our employees are men who have been in the business for
ten years or more and who thoroughly understand setting out
trees. To illustrate: We dig a proper hole, mulch the ground,
pruning the roots and heading the tree properly. We protect
each tree with Yucca Tree Protectors. We cultivate the ground
every two weeks during the growing season, and care for the
property in a thoroughly expert manner up to the time we de
liver it to the purchaser.
Argument No. 2
This proposition enables the man or woman of small means
to retain his or her position and pay for the land out of their
monthly salary, securing for themselves at the end of five years
a piece of property that has doubled in value and should, com
paring with present returns on such property, make them in
dependent for the rest of their lives.
Argument No. 3
The sum and substance of the foregoing proposition is that
money, on the best of security, to develop their land, and at
the end of five years divide the profits, the purchaser taking
about two-thirds and the company retaining about one-third.
Write us for further particulars, or call at our office.
The Hood River District Land Co.
I mi Efce Apple World
Well Drilling:
ODct. No. 9 Oik Strttt
Phonst. 26 or 2002-X
Opera Rouse Corner
4th and State Sts.
Tin and Granitware
Art Squares
Everything lor the House New or Second Hand.
Pbone 24S-K..
Agents for CHARTER OAK
Stoves and Ranges
- nADMrv s O r" ll HOOD RIVER
The Mt. Hood Store
Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries
and Hardware
Customers will find our Thoc ftocK. complete
Blacksmith Shop in connection with Store
Postofllce in Building
Your Opportunity
177 Icrcs'S blocks to street car; less than a
mile to University of Oregon; 1 miles to Court
house just outside the city limits; beautiful view
of city; all fine apple and pear land, could not lay
better. 50 bearing fruit trees; house and large
barn; fine springs; artesian water in house and
barn. New 6 foot sidewalk all the way to city;
half under cultivation. Best subdividing proposi
tion in the state -lots across street selling from
$150 to $400 per lot. If taken at once will sell all
for 350 per acre, spot cash. No agents.
Address Owner Box 1)3,
Eugene, Oregon.
Apple Market Still Improving
New York, Jan. '27. Apple receipt
up to Friday tor the week were
about K.1 earn. Trade Monday and
Tuemluy whh dull aud ttlow, but
WedneMduy and ThiirMdiy wltneHHed
tin-U'Ht demand bo far lu January.
In York mate stock fancy Baldwins
and (ireenlnuH Mold around f., good
$4.L5 to $4 M and No. 2 f :J to $4
Southern appleii are taklnK tbe lead.
WIih'kmjih thin week brining " to $6
and AlhtTiuarle Tipping 't to $5.50.
European markets are strong. I'.x
ports are about half as large as a
J ear ago.
Tin-re Is much better Inquiry for
box apples, but Inferior quality In
many liiHtances checks an advance.
L'p to Friday this week about 14
cars were received, mostly low
grades on account of being overripe.
Good lines of red stock, extra grades,
sell at f2 to 12 25, with fancy apples
at $1.50 to 2 generally.
In Chicago western box apples are
reported to Ik aelling freely and ship,
meiits have been made from here In a
jobbing way lu the past few days ou
a large scale. Various southern and
southeastern markets are drawing
supplies from Chicago, anil the with
drawals from storage here are said
to be phenomenal for January. Ev
erybody seems to be doing a rushing
business who hag any apples to offer
and It Is declared that when the Jan
uary apple report Is made up the
trade generally will lie surprised at
the reduction lu Chicago stocks.
In a Jobbing way prices for fancy
and extra fancy western box apples
run about as follows; Hen Davis
$1.75 to $2, Grimes (jolden, Jona
thans ami (ianos $2 to $2 25 and
Spitz, Home Heautys, White Winter
Pearmalns and Stayman Wlnesap
$2.25 to $2.50, Washington Bellflow
ers f2, Washington Newtown Pip
pius $2.50 and Oregon Keds $1.75
to $2.
The Philadelphia market on box
apples Is lu fair condition, with a
satisfactory movement. A large box
apple dealer in speaking of the con
dition of the box apple market In
general aud the bearish reports and
arguments coming from some quar
ters said: "The best way to flud out
the real condition of the market Is to
go out and try to buy apples. I
haven't many apples on hand. In
fact, I am In the market to buy, and
while the statement cannot result In
any particular good to me, I must
say that the quotations I receive
lead me to ttcllcve that there Is no
such thing as really cheap apples to
Is' bought. The only possible excep
tion I would make would be for
Spit zenhurgs, but, as everyone
knows, these have been In unusually
large supply this season and neces
sarily sell low In comparison with
other varieties and their own usual
This dealer showed quotations
from Chicago on a lot of about 42
cars w hlcli ran like this: Hen Iavls
$1 0. Wlnesaps $2 GO. Hlack Hens $2,
Missouri Pippins $2 25, Jonathans
$2.10 and White Winter Pearmalns
$2.25. lie stated that an offer of 10c
per box on some of these varieties
was Ignored.
lu this market box apples are
bringing about the following prices:
Choice Spltzenhurgs $1.75 to 12, fancy
generally $2 25, with a few Jobbed
from the stores around $2.75 per box.
Fancy Baldwins, sold from stores,
$2 to $2.25, Home Bautys $2 25 to
12 75, Wlnesaps $2 25 to $:!, White
Winter Pearmalns 2 25 to $2 35, Ben
Davis $1.75, Newtowns $2.25 to $2 50,
(iiilden Ortleys $2 50 to $2 75, Hlack
Bens $2 to $2.25 and Staynien Wlne
saps $2 to $2.50.
Interesting Address on Apples
Frank K. Wagner, member of the
distributing linn of (i. M. II. Wagner
& Sons, of Chicago, delivered an In
teresting nddress on "Box Apples"
the other day before the annual
meeting In Minneapolis of the Na
tional Icague of Commission Mer
chants. He said In part:
"The producing apple country may
In divided Into two parts, namely,
from Colorado east as a barreled
apple section and with Colorado ns
the eastern boundary of the box
apple section.
"I feel that I am safe In assuming
that this division Is a correct appli
cation nt present, although we fre
quently And nnthorltles quoted In
our trade papers and from other
sources to the effect that It will not
Ih In the far future when the North
west will Ih lining barrels Instead of
boxes, and equally eminent authori
ties 'stating that at no far distant
date the Fast will be using boxes to
the exclusion of barrels.
"I am neither a prophet nor the son
of a prophet, but i am willing to go
on record as disagreeing with both
opinions, lu the Mrst place, the bar
rel seems to be the natural and most
available package in the eastern sec
tions, while In the West the box
seems to Is equally, by way of nat
ural usage aud economy, the Ideal
package. Tbe standard barrel now
In general use" neems to meet the ap
proval of the eastern buying public
by way of containing to their satis
faction tnree bushels of apples.
"The heaped bushel aud the three
bushel barrel as a commercial feature
will he hard to change by virtue of
Its long-established usage and tra
ditionary sentiment. Any good
banker will tell ui that any effort to
oppose the traditions of trade must
of necessity lower our credit, as such
opposition Is, as a rule, more or less
"From the fact that the north
western apples were first Introduced
In the eastern markets In boxes and
this package has leen consistently
maintained we may well assume
that, while more modern, this pack
age and custom Is equally tradition
ary and should be violated only with
due caution as to results.
"It Is evident that with the Incresse
In the volume of boxed fruit and Its
varying grade and quality, there Is
an Increased tendency to estimate Its
value In dollars and cents lu propor
tion to the aliquot part of a barrel
that It contains. This Is but nut-
nral, owing to the box is-lng prac
tically unknown ns a regular pack
age for apples previously to the last
few years; to the majority of eastern
consumers, while the barrel and
heaped bushel has been the natural
method of computation ever since
they have lieen marketed In the (.'til
ted States lu commercial quantities,
the present so-called standard barrel
being the outcome of the retailers'
demand for a 'liberal three-bushel
"There has been a misconception
on the part of many, not only as to
the volume of fruit produced In the
box states and the Influence on the
apple season's values that a crop In
that section means, but also as to
what really constituted grades and
quotations of the same, and In this
connection I will say that distance
has lent enchantment and has largely
tended toward an Iguoranee and dls
(ellef that Is q,ulte natural. Besides,
the advent of the box apple has been
gradual up to this season.
"The best apple sections In the
West considered lu previous sea
sons that only their fancy and extra
fancy grades and those of their lest
varieties were suitable for eastern
shipment, Isoldes their more western
markets have taken all the choice
grades and such varieties as are com
monly produced In the Fast and suf
fered the most by their comiK'tltlon.
"Sections of the West that pro
duced a quality that graded only on
a par with the East by way of color
nnd finish ulso found nearer and for
elgn markets accessible aud profit
able. These conditions have Influ
enced eastern operators In anticipat
ing western box apples to be uni
versally of the high order of grading
and excellence that in reallu per
tains only to favored localities, so
that It seems there Is still quite a
wide Held for the Introduction and
Utter understanding of boxed
'It Is unquestionably a fact that
the best localities and growers In the
West have Introduced fruit that In
Its excellence of grade, color and as
sortment, and attractiveness of
pack, has appealed to the discrimi
nating buyer as worth the advanced
price nsked and obtained for It, but
it must le borne In mind that the
market for fruit nt $2 ht box and
upward has serious limitations."
To Boost York State Apples
A Hochester dispute!1 to the New
York Pucker says that between 1,200
and 1.400 members of the Western
New York Horticultural society were
present at the fifty-sixth annual
meeting held In that city last week,
and that It was the most successful
In the long history of the organization.
The apple show c.ime up for Im
portant discussion. It was heartily
Indorsed by the convention and an
annual apple show, as outlined In
The Packer two weeks ago, Is prac
tically assured for Hochester. This
show will be somewhat similar to
the ones held In some of the western
cities ami will do everything possible
to make eastern apples as popular
as western.
It Is said that the most Interesting
program Mi" society ever nail was
carried out and that not only were
there scientific discussions of the
problems which confront the modern
horticulturist but also practical talks
by men who meet their problems
every day in t lie year on tneir own
- Wins Point In Damage Suit
The Chicago Packer says that Oeo.
Hae, of Ha-A llattleld. New York,
won his Mrst point last week In his
suit against the Pioneer Fruit Co.
This suit will come up In about six
weeks ami be tried In New York.
The Pioneer Fruit Company sued for
an examination of Itae licfore trial.
Mr. line's lawyer put In an objection
to this, and this objirtlon was ar
gued last Friday Is-fore Judge (llrard
of the supreme court, which denied
the Pioneer Fruit Company's mo
Mr. Hae was formerly the New
iork representative of the Pioneer
Fruit Co.. the big California decldu
ous fruit shipping concern, under a
three year contract, cut off at the
end of two years, so he is suing the
tirm for $50,000 on the balance of his
Teachers' Examinations
Notice Is hereby given that the
county superintendent of Hood Hlver
county will hold the regular examin
ations for applicants for state and
county papers nt Hood Klver high
school building as follows:
For state papers Commencing
Wednesday, Feb. 8th, at 9 o'clock a.
in. and continuing until Saturday,
Feb. 11, 4 p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
ss-lltng, physical geogriphy. read
ing, psychology.
Thursday Written arithmetic.
theology of teaching, grammar.
bookkeeping, physics, civil govern
Friday Algebra, geography, Com
position, physiology, English Litera
ture, school law.
Saturday Botany, plane geom
etry, general history.
For county papers Commencing
Wednesday, Feb. Nth at 9 o'clock a.
m. and continuing until Friday, Feb.
10th nt 4 p. m.
Wednesday Penmaushlp. history,
orthography, reading, physical geog
raphy. Thursday Written arithmetic,
theology of teaching, grammar,
physiology. j
Friday (Jeography, school law,
civil government, English literature.
L. H. A i. r Kit man
Sup't of Public Instruction.
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will Is?
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure In all Its stages,
anil that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the ouly positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh, being a constitutional dls
ease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken
Internally, acting directly upon the
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease and giving the
patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature In
doing Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it falls to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F.J. Cheney & Co , Toledo.
O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Teachers' Examinations
Notice Is hereby given that the
county school superintendent of
Hood Hlver county will hold the reg
nla r examination of applicants for
state amPcounty papers at the high
school at Hood Hlver as follows:
For state papers Commencing
Wednesday, February 8th, 1911, at 9
o'clock a. m. nnd continuing until
Saturday, Kehrunry 11th, at 4 p. m
For county papers Commencing
Wednesday, February 8th, at 9
o'clock a. m. and 'continuing until
Friday, February 10th at 4 o'clock
p. m. C. D, Thompson,
County School Snperlntendent.
Bean pump. 50 ft. hose, two rods,
100 gal. tank, also tank for cooking
spray, in perfect condition; used one
season. Cost $70.30, goes at $40.00.
J. J. Knapp, Phone 3Z3ZX. tf
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-U. Depot-
Davidson Building.
Notic it hereby given that th iindai-nio-nri k
boon appointed administrator of th mtate of O.
A. Rons, (lecoawd. All persona having rlaims
airainftt aaid fwtat are hereby notified to prraent
in aame, amy ana rojruiariy Termed to m at the
law ottice of S. W. SUrk. in Hood River. Orvtrnn.
within aix montha of the Hate of this notice.
Dated Pwember 12, 110. 50-tf-c
Notice ia hereby .riven that the umtemivned hm
been apointrd by the County Court of the State
of Orripm. for Hond River County, to be adminis
trator of the eetate of Frederick I e Forest Isham.
deceased, and all pervona havinir claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present the same
to me, duly verified, at the office of Jayne A
Watson, in the city of Hood River. Orearon. within
ix months from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
Pate of first publication. December 14th, 1910.
M. H. M1KHY. Administrator.
Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned.
administrator of the eetate of John Ntck Kiden.
deceased, has hied in the t ounty Court of Hotwl
River County. State of Dreeon, hia final account
as such administrator of said estate and that
Mondav. the 2mh day of February. 1911. at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said
Court as the time for hearing of objection to aatd
report, and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Kstate of John Nick
F.iden, deceased. V7-p-JanlKcbl6-6t
Notice is hereby liven that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Joseph Turner.
deceased, has hied hts final account as adminis
trator of said estate, and that Friday, the Kth
day of February. A. IV. 111. at the hour of 10
o'clock. A. M.. or as soon thereafter as the same
can be hoard, in the County Court K.m in the
City of Hood River. Oroiton, has been fixed by
order of the County Court of Hood River County,
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob
jections, to and for the settlement oi said final
account, and all persona interested in said estate
are hrreby notified to attend at said time and
place to present objections, if any there be, to
aid final account
lated this ltdh day of January. A. P. 1911.
JanlSFeblS Administrator.
Water VJorlis on the Farm
Tea, that's hut what wc men ml wnlrr avoraj runnlaf watrr la th kltchra. tha baihmtaa.
tha laundry, tha bam Id fart, all orer the plar. Aod it a all dona bv that tauk jix aaa la la
lower left hand corner of thta picture the Lratlrr ayMera. It a r.Mly dinrrcot if .
from tha old-faahioned elevated tank which worked by gravity. For tha
Leader Water Supply Byttrra la operated by comfirtued air reliable, nfe
aod cleanly. Your windmill pumpa ater Into the tank (which ia already
full of air). The air, being elattic, ia compreaMd into Bppcr part of tha
task, and force, the water out through the pipea.
Thia givea you a prearare, ao that a powerful at ream of water ia on
tap at every faucet, no matter where it ia located. And thia mrana a4ja
tU Jkrt-proUctwm, for tha preiaurc ia mluayt 1 and alwaye ready.
Mow, the old atyla gravity tank were either put ia tha attic or ata
aated oa high tower out of doora.
la tha former caae, their weight whan full, cracked the plaateriar: or
they overflowed or leakeil, flooding tbe rooma below.
In tha caae off the outaide tanka, tha water often
froie aolid ia winter, nrceiaitanng expensive plumb. I
nig billa ; or it became hot and atagnanl during
tha summer and uahl lor uae. Tot
Leader Water
Supply System
avoid, all thia, because the alr-ttght tank ia
either in the bwrnent or buried unurr-
S round below the fro,l line. Every outfit
i complete, with full directiona, and ia
eaaily installed. The Leader Syatem needa
so repairs, ia auitrd to small buildings or
amrgc, ana la moucraic la price
Let na aend yott our frea booklet. "How
I Rolved tha Water supply froWm." tne
story of a man mho eucrafuliy equipped
his country boms with modern water
Writ for It today, befora yon forgat
r n w
6 11
kt if
tfYaCW J4J8
v vi '
Apple Land and Orchard Company;
Oifioe, No. O Oak Stromt, Phone 26 or 2002K. Hmmd Hivmf
Speedwell Motor Cars
In your investigation of Cars with relation to value, you wilt
find the SPEEDWELL among the few wh ch head the list In ther
face of high cost having once been considered the standard of
value, it is ready to prove the needlessness of a price higher than';
the Speedwell price. We have seven different models, all Fifty
Horse Power. A wide range to select from. Roadsters, Touring"
and Torpedo Bodies, with or "without fore doors. Ask for a Cata-);
logue or let us call and show you this high class car. r
Melvin Wood burn, Agent
Hood River, Oregon
Licensed Under the Selden Patent
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
Manufacturing and Repair Work
We are prepared to do it in our large and well equipped Manufactur
ing and Repair Establishment.
'We would be pleased to have you call on us.
Shops 141-H3-H5-H7 Fourth St., Op. Gilbert-Vaughan, Hood River.Or.
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters i
Phone Main 6 Hood River, Oregon
If you want your horses properly
SHOD come to
Jtcjct to Snotv S31 Upson
Electrical Contractors
'Bailey fSl Colby
Hartmcjs THdg.
Thone 6QX
Estimates Cheorfullv Furnished
High Oraae l.lectrk f ixtures I p-To-Date Ulaaawira
Westlnghouse I lei trie Motors Healing Apparatus, Tie.
full Line of l.lectrk Wiring Supplies
We Guarantee Satisfaction