The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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the Hood river news, Wednesday. February 8, 1911
Agents For the Celebrated NEMO CORSETS
They are the best corsets made. We have
all styles for stout and slender figures
Hen's and Boys' Suits
7YE surely have some good things for you when it
comes to suits. Think of buying a complete
suit for $2.98, $4.64, $5.48 and up. Then if
you want something better, in fact some of the best
that is made in the land, look over those reductions in
Hart, Schaffner & Marx makes. These are broken lots
that we want to clean up to make more room for our
new spring line soon to arrive. $20 suits now $14.78.
$18 suits now $13.98. Only a few of them left at these
I J A 1 I 1 -
prices dui tney are sure Dig values.
Ladies' House Dresses $1.98
Here are some of the swellest dresses
for the price you have ever had an
opportunity to secure; made of fine
French gingham linens and lawns in
tans, blues and white, trimmed with
braid, lace and embroidery, made
right in style and are worth $2.50,
$3, $3.50 and $4, and are big values
at these prices. See our east 0 j 0 0
windows. Your choice OlijO
SPECIAL-Ladies' All Wool Princess
Dresses at a splendid reduction. Prin-
I Simplicity and Durability
Our New Spring Line of Manhattan Shirts
is now in. If you have never tried one of this
celebrated make you should do so, for they are
certainly the best shirts made.
cess Dress of dark blue Panama, trimmed with braid.
$12 Dress now $9.00
Ladies' Princess Dresses in blue and brown serge,
pleated flounce braid, trimmed with braid, allover net
yoke; regular $16.50 values now $13.00
Ladies' Princess Dress of grey mohair with pleated
flounce, self covered buttons and net yoke, $11.50 val
uesNow... $8.50
Our New Spring Line of Oxfords and Slippers Are Now In
nd they are certainly the finest lot ever displayed in the city.
All sizes and all styles. Just take a peep at our window and
see the new styles.
SPECIALOdds and ends in Ladies' and Children's Shoes;
plain toe and with caps. Kid and calf skin worth $1.50 a pair,
Your choice 98c
Another lot, mostly Misses' Shoes, in kid, light and heavy soles,
worth up to $2 a pair Your choice $1.25
Utz & Dunn Shoes for Ladies, all Rood styles, $4.50 and $5 val
ues, in kid, patent leather and gun metal Your choice -..$2.79
Tlh2 PaUTDS ITaiir 9 The Store That Saves You Money
Valley Christian Church Notes
The congregation met on Thurs
day evenlnK to consider a pastor for
Another year. Th meetluic was
largely attended ami harmonious.
Some excelleut ;ieeclies were made
and Mr. Peart, the present minister,
was kindly asked to return for an
other year.
Things are moving alonn In the
church and the prospects for sub
stantial work are bright. All de
partments of work are leln? organ
ized, which puts the church In lietter
shape for aggressive work.
The Live Wire bible class met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce for
Its third social event. Twenty-nine
iersoas were present. It seems that
uo kind of bad weather can keep the
B. P. 0. E.
February 23d
people away. A Hush light picture
was taken of the class by Hay Kin
dy. (James and miwlc wen- In evi
dence during the evening, so there
were no dull moments. The lunch
was exce,.-iit, and Mr. and Mrs
lioyce shu x ed the people a very tine
time. The class Is growing and do
ing excellent work. On Vedt:sday
evening It will Is- entertained at lr.
and Mrs. K. 11. Wright's and on the
evening of St. Valentine's day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. . K. Tanller
There will le a big time at e.ich
The Indies' Aid Society met at the
home of Mr. add Mrs K 15. Wright
on Thursday afternoon The day
was Ideal and brought out a very
large attendance, there being thirty
five ladles ami live gentlemen pres
ent. A man does not realize what a
mall, littW, Insignificant creature he
Is till he finds himself surrounded by
thlrty-tive women. Say, If the good
Lord was to put woman Into a deep
sleep and take out her tongue and
make man out of It, why he would
beu steam callloie. Don't tell them
that I said this, or I may see stars
before I am ready. At 4:1." the lunch
appeared and said: "A little while
and ye shall see me, and a little while
and ye shall n fit see me." And the
people sid: "Nevermind; we would
rather have you where we can't see
you." And, behold. It was so. The
afternoon was pleasantly spent and
nil had a fine time ami left witli a
good word for the hostess. The so
ciety will meet at the home of Prof,
and Mrs. Win. Auhagen on Feb. l'illi.
This is what you are looking for isn't it: one that does the
work with the troubles left out? You will have an opportunity to
see just such a pump next Friday and Saturday from 9 a. m. to 5
p. m. at the Davidson Fruit Co's warehouse in Hood River. You'll
regret it if you don't see the famovis BEAN GIANT POWER
SPRAYER No. 125 in action. Whether you want a power sprayer
or not. it will pay you to investigate.
If you can't buy a pump come and give us your order to do
your spraying for you with this wonderful pump. We will con
tract to attend to your spraying at reasonable prices consistent
with a first class job and you to !e the judge.
These are specialties and represent goods of unequaled merit.
Our selling agents for NIAGARA SPRAY and NIAGARA AR
Bridal Veil Lumber Co.. Hood River.
Johnson & Hale, Van Horn Station.
Connaway Mercantile Co., Odell.
Send your order to the nearest dealer, but order a Bean sprayer
from us next Friday or Saturday. With these three pest destroyers
you can assure yourself a perfect fruit crop.
A request from you will bring our boo'f, "Successful Spray
ing." It tells the WHY. HOW and WHEN of Bpraying. j
Hood River Spray Mfg. Co.
(From the Enterprise)
Itecause of a disagreement In
wages, a force of seventeen laps left
tlie tilavis ranch on Friday, and the
i small army of little fellows went over
j to Hood Klver to work at $::..' per
'day. Mr. ltlchanlson, the efficient
foreman of the ranch, still has a force
of about twenty men at work.
On Feb. 11th the quarterly meeting
of the Mid-Columbia Odd Fellows
will te held at the local hall In White
Salmon. Four degrees will lie
worked, followed by a big supper.
This association is composed of the
Odd Fellows lodges of Hood Klver,
The Dalles. Stevenson, (joldendale,
(iarsoti, Cascade Locks and this
One of the horses of ('has. Spencer's
$700 team got out of the barn Sun
day night and wandered Into the
yard back of the Neal house where it
fell Into the cess pool, the planks
giving way. The animal was pulled
out and was apparently all right,
but an hour or so later dropped
dead, presumably from a ruptured
blood vessel. This was considered
the best team in the valley anil was
used on the Spencer ranch.
The (irange of this place has pass
ed a resolution favoring the proposed
eight-hour law for women. In other
fruit dlstlrcts we have noticed that
the irange has leen opposed to the
bill ou the ground that it would be a
disadvantage In the picking seasons
when labor Is scarce. As we have
not seen the bill .'omment as to the
justice of the same cannot le made.
It may affect only those lu factories
and stores, anil In that case lj nil
Hy a unanimous vote m Saturday
the White Salmon Irrigation District
decided to Indefinitely postpone the
wiling of bonds for their ISuck Creek
I project Kngineer Stannard out
lined the system of pli- lines, two
J reservoirs, and pumping plant to
I raise to ll'ilsiger hill. He pro
nounced the liuck Creek supply ade
quate, as It had a fall of over ,XM,.
000 gallons every 24 hours. The sys
tem, he salil. could Is- put In for
Kver since the middle of last week
W. C. Hunter, the merchant, has
teen in a precarious condition from
blood poison, due to the prick of a
sliver In one of his fingers. Over a
dozen Incisions were made in his arm
all the way from the wrist to the
shoulder, to counteract the Infection.
Ills condition was so serious that
Miss Kdlth Gill, a trained nurse, was
brought from Hood Klver. At this
writing the gentleman Is Improving :
The Fruit Growers' I'uloti Is en-
deavorlng to secure a spur track
from the S. V. f S., in which event
an apple house will Is-erected down
the dock. Mr Zlegler says they have
a good site there and an abundance
of water couhl Is furnished by griv-
Ify. If unsuccessful, the I'nlon may
try to make arrangements with the :
Hood Klver I'nlon for the handling
of apples to be held In sttirnge, ship
plug the apples for Immediate stile j
through the White Salmon station.
Petitions are out for a division of
Klickitat county and a small part of
Skamania county. The portion as
to territory reads as follows: All
t ha t portion of t he present county of
Klickitat lying west of the range'
line ls-t ween ranges l.'l and 14, east,
and that part of Skamania county
lying east of range line lietween 1
ranges 0 and 10. 'I bis would start ;
ths east line of the new county a
short distance beyond Grand Dalles
and thence straight north to Yakl
ma county. That portion of Ska
ui'inia county to l.e tnken iu Is the
small jog that laps Into Klickitat
and generally known as the I'nder
wood country. A number of the
I'nderwood people have expressed a
desire to come Into a new county as
U would be convenient for them, and
at the sume time tlie.v would Is- a
part of a county that would become
famous for its fruit.
T. Wyers has made a contract
with the Klickitat Development Co.,
of which W. K King of Portland Is
manager, to do Its staging and
freighting between White Salmon
station and Its camp eight miles
north of (ilen woo.. Already fifty
men have lieeu taken through and
the camp may employ 1.10 men dur
ing the summer. In which event the
stage line will run two stages dally.
This Is an important contract for It
means a lot of business going
through the place. Heretofore It has
gone through Lyle, where a stage
line was put on just, on the strength
of this business. Camp Mystery Is
the name given to the camp on the
head waters of the Klickitat river,
where men have been making ditches
digging holes, grading, etc., for the
past year, but no one knows for
whom :r for what purpose. It Is
surmised that It Is for power pur
poses as It Is bucking the Horse
Heaven Company In the same dis
trict. Transfer Honor to Dufur
The Pendleton Kast Oregonlan re
marks: "Representative Gill, of
Hood Kiver, has a plan to have the
speaker of the house of representa
tives chosen from outside the house,
but by members of that body. He
thinks this plmi would do away
with trading. Hut would it do so?
Might it not be a jump from the fry
ing pan Into the lire?"
We are compelled to call the at
tention of the Fast Oregonlan to the
fact that Hood Kiver has troubles
enough without fathering the author
of the above bill and that we trans
fer this unexpected honor to Dufur,
where It belongs. Fd.
Christian Church Revival Meeting
The revival at the Christian church
continues with growing Interest.
The large chorus choir lends t he con
gregation in it rousing serviceof song
each evening. The special solos,
duets and quartets Is-ar a message
to the hearts of the hearers.
A seclal service low lieeti announc
ed for Thursday evening The sub
ject will be '-Mother ii nd Home."
Miss Tidd will sing "The Ohl Fash
ioned Mother."
Sunday afternoon a meeting for
women only will lie held at .1 o'clock.
The revival will continue all of next
January Weather in Upper Valley
The weather record for January
lu the t'ppcr Valley nt the Mount
Hoot station showed that the cold
est day was Jan. Sd, when It was
Vf above zero. The warmest day
was Jan. 7th, .'i.l' above. Total pre
cipitation during the month was H N)
Inches. I'otal full of snow 21) Inches;
amount ou ground Jan. Kith H Inches
amount on ground at end of month
11 Inches, There were 7 clear days,
7 partly cloudy anil 17 cloudy S C.
Malison. Government weather ol.
Kifrcllv. I HI A. M., Ocit-b.f tth. HI I
Son tli hon ml .Yortli boit n d
.1. St tit ions '. ,J
8.00 Hood River 4.00
; 8.05 Powerdale 3.55
8.15 Switchback 3.45
! 8.35 Vanliorn . 3.15
8.40 Mohrs 3.10
8.55 Odell 3.00
9.10 Summit 2-50
9.20 Bloucher 2.45
9.40 Winans 2.35
9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 2.30
10.30 Lv. Dee Ar. 2.00
10.40 Troutcreek 1.55
11.00 Woodworth 1.35
11.15 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.30
A. WILSON, Agent
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
new Heilbronner Bldg.
These are the best ap
pointed offices in the
city. Get a comfortable
office and watch your
business prow.
20 ACRES-1 and one-half miles
south of Hood River, on the West
Side, entire tract set to New
towns and Spitzenbergs 7 years
old, except 2 acres 3 years old,
with 50 peach fillers of standard
varieties. 10 inches of water;
fine drainage and good slope for
irrigation. 2 acres of straw
berries between trees, the bal
ance had two years growth of
alfalfa and clover turned under
last fall, which will insure good
fertilization for several years;
has a beautiful building site over
looking Hood River. For price
and terms call or address
Pfene 1963. XecH Riper. Or.
Will cut up in 5 and 10 acre tracts
Phoni 52
Rrosius Bi ii.iuno Hood River
For Sale A one-horse power elf
trie motor, almost new. Fncpilre at
News office.
Our stock comprises the most practi
cal and best tools made for that pur
pose. Our prices give every custo
mer full value for his money.
Hand Truners
California Patterns, 50c, 75c, $1.10
Genuine Miss. Shears, 9 inch, $2.00
Swiss Patterns, 2 blades, 9 inch, $1.25
Handle 'Prtiners
Rhodes double cut, 22 inch, $2.50
Clyde draw cut, 22 inch, $1.50
Clyde Short Pattern, 24 inch, 85c
Long Tree Prtiners
6, 8, 10, 12 feet long, 55c to 75c
Truning Sabvs
California Patterns, 12 inch, 50c
California Patterns, 18 inch, 70c
Double Cut, 70c
DeForest pole and hand, $1.40
Pacific Coast Swivel, $1.50
Thone 14-
Is the basis which the WHITE SEW
I.V1 MACHINE is built on. We are
unprejudiced in our claim that the
WHITE is the best sewing machine In
the WORLD. We are only too glad
to show you that the range of work is
unlimited We make the Vibrator
and Rotary machines, the latter being
equipped with the Lock and Chain
stitch, making two machines In one
and possesses other desirable features
too numerous to mention.
FURNITURE CO., local dealer, Hood
River, Ore., before you buy.
Contractor for Grading, Exca
vating and Teaming
Both Phones
mm yLrZTTfcJl Bat am
rrtti c
Trade Marks
Copyright Ac
Anron Mtidlnf ft Bkrtcb and dwci tptton mf
quickly urrtin our opinion fr whether mm
Invention la probably patentable. Comrounlr.
tKmaitrtctlyconOdenttal. HANDBOOK on Patent
aent free. Oldeat avenry fur ecunuir patenta.
I at ante tfeen through Munu & (Jo. reoajvi
peviai fioCica, without charge, in thm
Scientific American.
A nandenmety lltnatrated weekly. jiraat dr-
dilation of any antennae journal. 1rn $3
Tr: four montba L 8ultlbyall n1alere.
MUNN & Co.36"5"' New York
H-iuirh omen OJi F Ht Wuhliitflon. li.C
Taft Transfer Go.
Draying. . .
Wood Yard
For Sale
Offlrc Phone 2) Rnidvnc 232-M
20 Acres
Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River
Apple Land in the Famous
Oak Grove District
Tn mil out In tha nouthwfut part of the Hurif
Kiver Valk'x. Hood Kivar. Urayon,
The tract is partly improved
with 5 acres in younjf com
mercial orchard, has fairly
tfood house, barns, etc., and
a fine spring well which is
capable of Imng developed
sufficiently to irrigate 40 or
more acres. This tract is
in the best apple section in
the valley composed of all red
shot soil. The surrounding
country is being rapidly de
veloped and growing into big
Hood River, Oregon
Cure Your Rheumatism
( Th tfouf of Efficiency)
Hot Lake, Oregon
Railroad & Navigation.
Krlln rniiinl-trl tlckcto, rcxm! fur
three tnnntlin, hIIkwIiih ffl.M)
worth if nrcnmoilntliiii nt
th' Sfimttorliini, nt Port
Ihik mid nil (. IV. (.
& N. Station.
For further Information nnd lllm
tnn ted lookef, iiiMrrxH Dr. XV. 'j'.
1'h.v, Mcfllcil Nupt. nml Mxr., Hot
I-nke, Oregon, my O. It. A N. Agnt.
or write to,
General Pansenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.