THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11, 1911 4 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS r m ixHKn kimicsiay MoawiNiui by hood win i:k m;ns company, inc. Hood Kivr. Orfcon W. H WALTuN K I'. MK'HKLI. C. I'. SoSNK'HSKS W. H. WALTON C P. SONNIfHSKN PKsirraT . . Vu PaEMOKNT Se nrrAY-Tr AiRt Enm Man; Subscription, $1.50 a Year In Advance .rard u wcond-ruLU matter. Frb. 10. lK. t th post ofBc at Hand River. Ornrim. und th Art of Msrrh t. If7. The Water Election The action of the city council in calling a special election to vote on the question of buying the private water system has. we believe, the support of the majority of the citizens of Hood River whether they are in favor of purchasing the plant or not. In calling the election the retir ing council has placed the res jonsibility for accepting or re jecting the proposition on the people where it belongs. It has further ojened the way to prac tically end a contention that has become wearisome eve 1 to the staunchest adherents on both sides. Whatever the result, all concerned should abide by the outcome. It would seem that the wiser plan would be to vote to buy the water system and have it own d and controlled by the city until such time as a new system can be installed. If the citizens 'decide otherwise, how ever, they should be ready to support the city officers in any contention that may arise in carrying out the wishes of the voters as expressed at the polls. California's News Boycott According to Professor Gibson, an interesting letter from whom is published in another column, the California press has boy cotted Oregon. When the pa pers in a city the size of San Francisco refuses to give big news like an election in this state, their prejudice runs away with their sense of progress and journalistic enterprise. Not withstanding the fact that the the California press will not print anything about Oregon, the California promotion committees have the gall to flood the papers of this state with boosting liter ature. California boycotting Oregon in a news way is the native son idea enlarged upon. The people of Oregon are to be congratu lated that its metropolitan press gives all the news, even that from California. The Good Roads Bills A joint good roads meeting, called by the Grange and the Hood River Commercial Club, will be held Friday to discuss the proposed bills for bonding and other features that will be introduced in the Legislature at the present session. Good roads legislation is most important, but before these measures are allowed to become laws they should be thoroughly scanned and the taxpayers of the county satis fied that they meet with th ir views. If not, they should sug gest amendments or enter pro tests now rather than after they become operative, when such action will be futile. For these reasons the meeting should be attended by as large a proportion of the taxpayers as possiMe. NORTHWEST NOTES IHnnmrck'K (Jona. lr." mum t lie dlnrtllntr ImhiIIIim' In ' sv.-ntl.- ii'-mm-iimimt nt-ftilly. lVi..e r ti t .1 m--I 1 1 i'l r even nuil w unlrr''l If it - 1 1 1 1 Iimvi rr'fern to tin" Iron tunici'llur of J'riiinii.v. i f roiirw not ; In- Ihik l-vn ilfml tliem" ninny veiir-a It IM menu one of Tticoiiui'n huIiim-Ii. hovw-ver; ami If I lit lilotorlr rlmnu trr fur w hom the lur win iiiiiii-mI ouM re it II w wlint him hni'l"'"'"'!. eiitln It 1m he wotilil turn over In til rnve. Antl the name li, tin iihth til (,f n mall train lielnn roMx-M within the very limit of Seattle. WiU.v. verll.v, tr'Uinr thliitt I"' Imi p il ihf In tlil filial lit .V northwest of ciiiria, thaw Ami lio' the liiwinakerx of the Mate of vVmIiIiiuIoii are ..lire more n.M'int.l.Ml In Ml.vnu'ln for the our .ihh of ilelUierntliiK- on kvn Oil CO OUflW ! LnllU UnLLU UIIUII i SLIGHT ACTIVITY! Althotiun reitl entHle ihirlni; the uiMt month lift Imvii moving loly, a few ale are revonlfl. The Hoo.l lllver liiftrii-t l.anil l'oniiii.v lut col.! Jn m-iv f arily in. lroveil iiili' litnil Im-Ioii-im; to tieorne I.ittlfti.lil. of rank. Or.-itoli, to Mr. Mit'oii ami her ..inter, Mr. Jolnmoii. The trart i ! ite.l on the w est lle ami wit! ! to train. Two lot in U iiiii-om.i iflili'.ioii were alriai kolil hy the itaine t-oiiil .'in.v to W.-r-lcy W. Smith, a liritLli l olmnlila man. The roHrtv ii owned !y MU r.dith Kiiitf. of Portland, a KUter of .1 A. Kl'l1'"-- The Hood Kiver Distri.-t Land ('omatiy ha tiled iaH-r of inooi poratioii with a i'iiital -tirk of SJti.iKKi. The lncoriorator are A T. All. -n, A. It. Sheliey and .1. A. I'.lini;. NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE WENT INTO EFFECT SUNDAY A new time card on the ( W. It. & X. went into effeet Sunday, wliirh make Meveral chani;.' in the for mer H.diedule. 'I'rain :' and 4. t lie Spokane Flyer, are (lUconiiuned and iaen;er for Spokane will now tak? the Son Spokane for t land I rain, which will leave Portland uoliitf east at'.loYlock and reach here ahonl 11 p. m. A new train iiiiml.ered '! and 4 ha leen put on U'tw.en Portland and Walla Walla, leat Ini; t orllaml at 11 p. m. and reaching Hood Kiver almiit 1 o'clock. Tt.e wet lioiind time of thece train will lie the mime a formerly. Xo 1 th Pendleton local going eat. will leave Portland at 7:40 In the morning, getting to Hood Kiver almiit ID o'clock WANT TO ORGANIZE LOCAL 0. A. C. CLUB A nuiiilier of graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural Coll. ge held a meet ing: In the 1'iiiver.dt.v t'luli room Saturday afternoon ami .iicneil plan for the org miz U ion ofanO. A. C Clr.b tor Hood Kiver c ty. All former student of t he college will he aligilile to iucinlerliip and are expected to lie pre.iit at the next meeting. A committee ha heen appointed to draw up working plan for the club, and will report at the nexi meeting. The chili alo planned a HiM'lal event for the near future. Local Rainfall for 1910 The weattier for the year I'.tlu, com pared with other year. wa normal, excepting rainfall, which Iiown a deficiency of nearly 1" inehe. Total precipitation for Pdn. I'.i.lT Inche. From melted uow from l'Xl'l :! inche would give L'J 17 Inche of moisture. Xuiulier of clear day were '2i-. There wa no precip itation during the month of .Inly and August. It. I, 1 1 s it 1(1 II k , 'ooperji t i ve ( Hiserver. Advent Christian Church L'ntil further notice the ervice In tlil church w ill tie held in Hie after noon. Sunday school, 2 p. in ; preaching Her vice, '' p. m Xo morn ing or evening wervice. Thi change i made in the Interest of those w ho live at a distance and find if difficult to travel over had road In the dark. All areinvited. Ttiewrmoii ill he doctrinal fur a few week Come ami hear. Pastor .la. Davison. matter. The good people are hop ing that they will find somet hing if i more moment titan nine foot lied- ! shift and ant i-tipping hill to en . gage tlielr attention, 't here will he ! no dearth of measure some good, i Hume had One that seem t o merit 1 more consiilera t Ion than other I a new lien law. The tentative draft 1 Hi-ek to protect the properly owner from lielng compelled to pay a cop tractor' hill for material The present law work an Injustice to i the owner and make the State a collection agency. The material , men have a ntrong organization which dot not want to . any change In the law, a It serves their i tn-st Interi'st adequately. Shall the time of the legislative session ! wasted In an unprolitahle renewal of the light for tie- removal of the state capital srom Olympla? The (tlestloli lias Imimi settled rep. a' edl.V hy the people of t hi rtlale Olympla I the preference of the vely great majority. It had iaup posed that the Uetloii would never again In raised (III that as-iinipt !on the state authorities have pro ceeded, with appropriations of pnt ; leglelntnreia, to aeuulre large huld- Ing of valuable proiert, n ol v m pi a. Thousand of dollars have heen spent on the present capital build ing and the recent I y completed exectl live mansion. the slate own n lliagtllticellt site f ir lie- new capllol building, t he fouudat ions for w hich Were laid some time ago. Xo reas onable excuse for reinoal ha Is-eii advanced ami there m ill c.-rl alnly be plenty of really Important matter j to occupy tiie time of the coming ssloli. Gems In Terse A A SONG OF TOIL. I TAKE the little kt the gives when 1 go forth at morn. 1 take the little farewell wish upon the breezee borne. I take her little arnu caresa and In the morning light Ho out Into the world of toll to battle for the right. King, anvils, with your clangor! Iturn. forges, tierce and fur! The night shall bring the world of home. Where love and goodness are! I lean to little lips she lifts to my rough lips of love. 1 read the mother hop that shines In eyes that gleam above I hear the roaring city call, and unto It I go Light hearted for th stress, because a child heart loves me so. Swing, hammers, with your clatter! Whirl, wheels and shaft and beam! The light of love shall guide me home Krom out this shroud of steam! I take the little rose she holds and pin It on my breast, t take the tender memory of her word that cheered and blest. I face the urgent purpose of the labor that Is mine. Filled with her trust and patience, her youth and faith divine. Plunge, cities, with your thunder Of traffic shout and roar! I take the task and do the deed While she waits at the door. 1 take the task. I face the toll, I deem tt sweet to be Bound to the labor that s love for love's fine liberty. From morning unto eventide, remember ing her. 1 go t'nder the bending wheel that glides for ever to and fro. Sing, mills, your clattering chorus Pown where the millions sweat! I bare my arms and give my strength And Joy In what 1 get I give and take, and give again, and unto dark am bent Beneath the burden of the task for which sweet life Is spent. But, ah. the wage so dear to have, the little lips that wait. The hearts that ring, the arms that cling, where 1 unlatch the gate! Clang with your mighty revel! Roar, cities, with your strife! And God be praised tor strength to toll For wage of love and life! Kolger McKlnsey. SOMETIMEBER. IF I had my way In creation I'd add a new month to the year, A teason for doing the Joblets Which mock us when now they appear. THE sun would shine brightly for farm ing. Sufficient to lighten your load. But never enough to distract you With dreams of a spin on the road. THE rain should come down with a spatter While Indoors you tinkered with teal. But never the drops should engender A thought of a rod and a reel. THFN" June, with Its riot of roses. And other months all should be clear. The patented month of Sometlmeber Would take all the work of the year. New i'ork Times. BAIT. A DOZEN puffs of golden hair, An extra braid and curl, A dainty swansdown powder I puff. A box of blanc de perle, A bathing suit, a motor coat, A filmy veil or two And little patent leather pumps All shiny, smart and new; . Some silken hose of rainbow hues And gloves of wrinkled kid. A stunning frock of satin pink In frosty laces hid, A picture hat, a string of pearls, A parasol and fan Behold the bait she takes along When fishing for a man! Minna Irving. THE BELOVED. IOVE. your touch Is like the caress of zephyrs. Love, your eyes are deep as the placid sea pools. Lrtve. your voice la clear as the thrush at even Heard In the beeches. LOVE, your smile has all of the gold of noontide. Love, your footfall is like the pulse of music. Love, your presence Is as a benediction Bounty and beautyl Clinton Scollard. HEROES. HE'S a hero! Put him up! Blow the horn and beat the drum. Ask him out to dine and sup. Go to hear him lecture some. Boast about him In the press. Bid the bards their worst to do. Name the newest style of dress After him and cocktail too. He's a hero! put him up! He's a hero! Pull him down! Kick him; he has not a friend. Koast him till he's roasted brown. Joke about him without end. I-augh away his foolish claim. Give to Jealousy full swing. Make a byword of his name. Lie about him anything He s a hero! Pull him down! Anonymous. KATYDID. KATY, what was It you did You have kept for ages hid? Loud assertion of a deed Gives no detail we can read. DID you, on a franchise bent, Hurl a brick through parliament? Or did you an antl roam. Asking to be kept at home? J)' )ID you write a problem book? I 1rt vmi t.rnv, vmiraetf ponkt iau you go upon tne stage. Set a style that was th rage? STILL no answer. We surmise What the deed you advertise We suspect with all this fuss You have Just been doing us. -Selected. THE TREA8URE8. I HAVE lived, and I have loved; 1 have waked, and I have slept; I have sung, and I have danced; I have smiled, and I have wept; I have won, and wasted treasure; I have had my fill of pleasure. And all these things were weariness, Atid some of them were dreariness, And all these things but two things Were emptiness and pain, And love It was the best of them. And sleep worth all the rest of them. Author Unknown. DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Resbden.-e. Oak and Park. Office. Oak and Second Office hours, 10 to 11 a m.. I to Sand 7 tog p. m. Rooms I, 4 and i. Brosius Block. Hood River, Ore. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly answered in town or country, day or night. Telephones- Residence 811. Office 611 Office in the Brueiua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank Home phone.lRea.TlB; Office phone 71 Hood River. Oregon . SHAW & BR0NS0N Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone 34 Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phone 30. Residence. SUB Hood River. Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians (iraduates of the American School of Osteopathy. Kirkaville. Mo. Office in Kliot Building Phone-Office lit Residence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office, Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co. Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-B Hood Kiver. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pinto, D. D. S. Dentist Offit over First National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Residence- Home 131-B Hood River, Oregon DR. E. L. SC0BEE Dentist Open evening by appointment Room 6 and 7, Brosius BuiKlinir. Phone .300 Hood River. Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers Rooms 3 and 4. First National Bank Building Hood River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over First National Bank Phone 168 Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood Kiver, Oregon JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Building Hood River. Oregon J. W. MORTON Lawyer Room 8, Eliot Building - Hood River, Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER- Rooms 14 and l.'. Hall Building Hood River, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building, Phone M Hood River, Oregon MURRAY KAY j CIVII- HNOINLLR AND SURVEYOR ! ('HONS 32 j ftaoHlirs Ht'li.l.lN.i Hood Rivrr P. M. MORSE ! Jity Engineer and Surveyor MANjM.Ka ; NKWKI.I., fiOWTT at WU1 lavKlofl Building Hood Kier, Oregon I ry the laBdlle'l Column. A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brosius Block Hood River, Oregon HOCKEN BERRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone CI ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hail Building Hood Rivbr, Okkuon HENRY N. HACKETT Surveyor Draughtsman Kinds of Subdividing Aci'itraci (Iwi ran teed Phone 41. Residence, 245-K POLK'S GAZETTEER Town and Villa- m Oregon ana Wantilng turn, ffivtagr m Uewrlptlve h ketch of ea'h plare. Location, Hhlppinir KariUllea and a iaal t led lt rer t rj each lSueiaea aad rruieeeiuo. B. L. POI K CO., Iae. Beat lie, waaa. M. NIGUMA Japanese JVovelties Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Oak Street, Horner 1st Phone 160 W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance In best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 306 Oak Street Hood River Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opponita Smith Block. Hood River. l spray and Garden Hose Plumbing hi h. CP. SUMNER 8 Opposite the Post Office Home Phone 20 OVER 68 V CARS' CXPCRHNCC r mJ TsiM MlMt TftAoc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone Mmdlnf a ketth nd rtwerlptkm me nlrklf aerertamin our opinion free whether an invention ! Drohdhlr patent nhte, ommnntrsV HANDBOOK on l'atentt int trmm. OMent eeenrv for murine Detent", I'ntent teken throaeh Muna A Co. reoelM tffftiai nntic without chart, la tbe Scientific American. A hsnrteomslr lllmrtrsied areeslr. I.sreeat Mr. rnlsllim of an? .olentlfle famail. Term. :l a raftr: roar nvintns sl eoia eyan newscasters. atlBreoaJwtt New York dsiuo. I. Urancb Offloe. at t it, WsshlDfton, Leslie Butler, President Truman Butler Banking k Capital $50,000.00 Surplus 5 0,000. 00 Savings Department Hood River, Oregon t irst Class Livery Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer i Gli.NliRAL STOKAOI; We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., H00RDtGRrR Stanley Smith Lumber Company Capital tl0ii.00o.00 -fit :-t r FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON 3fieve is Danger in the old style way of taking medicine. There are hardly two teaspoons of the same size. When a doctor prescrilies a teaspoon ful he means "ftiMy Drops." To each customer that has his prescriptions filled here, we pive Free an absolutely accurately graduated Medicine glass, in which to take your medicine. They are highly recommended by your physician. We want to give you one. Keir & Cass RELIABLE DRUGGISTS & -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon F. McKercher, Vice President Butler, Cashier Safe Deposit Boxes Phone S :oonJ MOOD KIVLK, OktiOON Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley .St and PaonTH 125.000.00 1 MThe Road to means nelt-denlal and economy, but it leads to the goal of success, which will amply repay one for all sacrifices made. Save a little each day, each week, each month, and in a few years you will have a bank account which will Rive you prestige. We want to help you. It w ill be to our mutual advantage if you become one of our customers, and learn by actual expe rience just how we can help you. Deposit your money with us. We pay J per cent interest on savings deposits, 4 per cent on twelve months certificates and give you free use of home savings bank. 1