The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 21, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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is necessary for Xmas trees and
all other extra illumination. Im
perfect installation is hazardous.
Be Sure and Use Our
Xmas Lighting
Our electrical liKhts are as bright
as the sun, moon, and stars com
bined. Our estimates are al
ways satisfactory.
Light is Glorious if We
Install it
Office Phone 3
Residence 272M
h'imh i)' Siihifiritliii
.Iccurnrii (iunvdiitrcil
Phone 41. Residence, 245-K
91 an Acre a Month. No Interest.
Perpetual water right First-class
land. Perfect climate. Tracts ten
acres and up. 'o residence re
quirement. Want salesmen in every
town in Oregon and Washington.
OT Walla Fan Fartlaad. Orasaa
Micro kill the Dandruff para
site, oothe the itching scalp,
tlvea lustre to the hair and
stimulates It growth. A
single application gives relief
and prove Ita worth. Do not
be bald. Save jour hair be
fore too late. Micro is a
delightful dresKlny for the
hair, free from urease and
sticky oils. Booklet free.
The Last Call of the
Did you see this beautiful
article picturing Oregon in
four colors in the November
Sunset? $25,000 is being
spent by Sunset Magazine
on a series of articles
superbly illustrated in four
colors picturing and de
scribing the attractions and
resources of the
Wonderland of the Pacific
We will send you the next three
issues of SUNSET commencing
with the special December issue
in which begins the best serial
novel of the year "TIIKSPELL"
by C. N. & A. M. Williamson
and a superbly illustrated article
infourcolo.s on San Francisco
The Exposition City; and in
addition we will include a copy
of the Noveml)or issue contain
ing the iK'autifully illustrated
article on Oregon
All For 25 cents-Stamps or Coin
Sunset Magazine
Wells Fargo I51dg. Portland, Ore.
liulk n,Mi-rn In any qimntll.v at
Tlie W'tilti- Lunch ( 'omiter
MInh Lottie kliiiiainl am MIkhi-h
r'rnnil mill Kitty Ilrau; will return
thin week from the I'nlverMity of
Vanlilimton at Seattle, where they
are utii'lentH.
Furniture Hale (ioltlen oak drt'HM
er, chiffonier, rovkernml three chalrH,
two Iron liedH, nplral Hprlnx, hII k
Homh inaltrvHrteH am complete cliant'
of iHMl.llntf. $i.-. I'l e 141
W. S. (irll.l.le, Mt. HoixJ'h enter-
prlMim merchant, whh In town Frl-
lay. The Upper Valley's pioneer
Htorekeeper expect to nee (great
chaneH In the upper country lu a
year or two am lelleven it will lie
the nioHt attractive part of the valley.
The Mic Hilver loving cup won by
('. II. Sproat'H car of Spltzenliery; Ik
on illHplay in Lurau ay' wlmlow,
with it picture of tiie exhibit. The
tine cup won by Ji.lih liakel at Spo
kane for the bent ten Iioxch of Ore
Him applcM, U iiImooii exhibition at
Lara way 'h.
A Hpraiui'i ankle will UHiially (Hh
alile the injiireil pcrtum for three or
four week. TIiIh Ih due to lack ol
proper treatment. When Chamber
laln'H Liniment In applleil a cure nia.i
lie effccteil In three or four da.n.
Till 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I r Ih one of the bent ami
iiinHt remai kable preiaratlouM in tint-.
Solil by all ilenlerH.
If you are Hiiffeiinu; from liillotiH-
Mi hx, constipation, imllKeNtion,
cliroulc heailitche, Invent one cent ill
a poetal card, wild to ChamlMTlaiu
Meilicine Company, Den Molnen,
Iowa, w Itli your name anil adilreMM
plainly on the back, ami they will
f irward you a free wimple of Cham-
berlainV Stomacli ami Liver Tabletx.
Sold by all dealer.
Order your turkeyH at Mciu;re
ItroH., thereby Kfttlnu; the hewt corn-
fed turkey) fur your Chrint man din
ner, one that will remind vou of the
li'licloiiri turkey you enjoyed during
the liolida.VH down on the farm. Be
pure and put your order in early,
and avoid theriiph, art those wiio
order lirNt ulilifet the lirnt choice.
I'liene lilrdrt are the tlnewt ever placed
on the market in Hood Klver. I -n't
mix hiicIi a treat. 1'rewh Lantern
oynterri la quart canx. Olymplu oyn
terp In iiart and pint I'lini.
The I'ortl.inil Telegram hii.vh that
the Hood lliver I'.lectrlc Lluht, Power
& Water Company hap been pold to
the Oregon & W aNhiuton Klictrlc
Corporation, which In buying up
power plant around thin nection,
havinu; recently necured tlie Van
couver plant. The ileal Imp been on
fur pome time between the pfock-
holderp here ami A. Welch, of I'ort-
land. but It han been dillicult to jjet
all Interest lined up. It U paid the
price palil for the Hood Kiver cor
poration Ih .7n,IKNl, the purclianer to
iKHime tlie bonded IndebtediieHH,
amount lu to an much more.
The new purchaser have Inti
mated to Mayor Mi lonald t liat they
are willing to cll tlie water plant to
the city for what ll in wort li, deter
mined by an Inventory of Itp value,
bcthfHiiiii what It may. It Ip very
probable that an agreement can 1h
arrived at wtiich 111 be patlnfactory
to all partleM.
W oman's Daily l-'ree
If anyone wiio vlhc to know
about tlie aims and purpone of tlie
American Woman'p Ix'amie will pent
their name and addrePM to Mr. It.
M. Dunne, Hood lilver, Oregon, lie
fore the I'lMh of December, they will
receive the information. The flrpl
ten aupwerliiK " 111 receive the Wom
nn'p Dally for one year free.
Don't Ite a Christmas Rusher
Don't be a Chrlpt map rupher, anil
Ki't red In the face. Order early ami
nave your time and temper You
know what thone bint few dayp be
fore ChrlHtinap are -UK Wis!".! Kl
bert Hubbard
Christmas Dinner at the Mt. Hood
The ChrlHtinap dinner at the Mt.
Hood hotel will be nerved .Sunday
evening from CulM) to :M o'clock.
Table d'hote, fifty cent.
Tlie W hite Lunch Counter Ip iniik
liitf a Chrinlmap npecl illy of bulk
oypterp by the pint, quart or gallon
Order your ClirlnHiwiP trccp of
Kraux, who hap a line pclcctlon.
Set of Kucyclopeilla Ainerleana for
paleclieap. .Iop. A. WIIpoii.
Reward $5.00
For return of pure black cat,
lost from Shadow Brook
Farm. Phone 138.
Th Hiitorio Pit That la Fanead Off
From tha Stall.
. In the orchestra of a London theater
there are only eiulil or tea rows of
Hulls, and immediutely ludillid tlieiu in
the pit, which In walled off by a Imr
rier or fence thut atretchea clear acron
the theater. In the pit 'there are no
Individual aeata merely rowa of long
beuoliea mi which the people alt rather
closely together.
It Is, of course. Impossible to reserve
eats in advance, and people who are
going to the pit have to come early on
the evening of the performance In or
der to secure the best place.
Hence In the rase of a popular piny
a long queue of people may be seen at
7 o'clock stretching from the pit door
all along the sidewalk, waiting for the
houne to open. They keep their place
very patiently In line, united by a com
mon mood of pleasurable anticipation.
One ninnuger awhile ago mmle the
experiment of selling reserved seata In
the pit at the usual price, but to thla
the ilt people objected strenuously on
the ground that they could seldom
know In ndrance Just when they would
And themselves possessed of that hap
py combination of money and an even
ing oft" which would permit of theater
going and preferred to take their
chances waiting In line when the for
tunate opportunity arrived.
The pit Is patronized by people of a
very estimable class and Is often fre
quented by well educated men and
women who wish to save money and
do not care to dress. Whereas a seat
In t lie stalls costs half a guinea (or ap
proximately $2.-ri0, a place In the pit
costs only two and six (or approxi
mately 0 cents), and the play can be
seen very nearly as well.
In the pit the same program that la
sold In the stalls for sixpence Is sold
for twopence, and the pit has a re
freshment bar of Its own which Is
cheaper than the main bar of the thea
ter. Of course the real reason why
there Is a pit In the London theater la
that there has always been a pit. That
In Itself Is sufficient for the British
inlud, but It must be admitted that the
system is on grounds of common sense
an exceedingly gixid one. Bookman.
Th Horn of Britiah Diplomacy, No.
10 Downing Street
Why does the residence of the prime
minister of the kingdom resemble the
dwelling of a retired grocer of simple
tastes? The reply to this Is forthcom
ing. It does not. Jt only pretends to
resemble the dwelling of a retired gro
cer. No. 10 Downing street begins to
reveal Itself as a surprise packet when
you huve rung one of its three belN
aud persuiidinl Its front door to open.
Vou then discover yourself in an en-
tranre hull whose mills, walls and gen
eral slmbbiiieNg would be the instant
niln of a Itloomsbury temperance
hotel, and you perceive that you have
unwittingly done an injustice to the
retired grocer. Vou decide that no gro
cer, at any rule no English grocer.
would tolerate such a kennel.
But when you have penetrated a lit
tle further, and especially when you
have mounted the first fllffbt of stairs.
you will be rendy to remodel your
views once again. Within thirty sec
onds you will have lost your bearings.
Within sixty you will admit that you
are In a palace full of bewildering cor
ridors and endless sumptuosity, with
here and there a glimpse of gome Im
mense and stately apartment. No. 10
Downing street liegius Just exactly
where you might have expected it to
finish. Ita ramiticiitions are innumer
able, Ita geography un eulgma even to
the most ancleut Janitor. From FU1U
potts and Arnold's "The Statue."
Th Ghoat of Clopton.
A grewsome story of Cloptou Ilouse,
Stratford-on-Avon (which Mrs. Gaa
kell visited as a girl) Is told In Mrs
Chadwick'8 book on the novelist
Charlotte Clopton, who was supposed
to have died of tlie plague, was burled
"with fearful haste." She was discov-ercd-wheu
the ancestral vault was
opened to receive another victim of
the plague leaning against the wal!
in her grave clothes; she was. Indeed,
dead, but lu her agonies of despair
and hunger she had bitten a piece
from her shoulder. "Of course she
has walked ever since." as Mrs. Gas
kcll says.
Counter C(.
Tpon beinj, called In the police court,
charged with au assault upon a clerk
at a aodn water fountain, the defend
ant arose and said. "Your honor, 1 am
guilty, but 1 plead a counter case."
Whereupon the aforesaid clerk arose
and replied: "Your honor, the counter
didn't have anything to do with It. I
walked around the counter before I
struck Llm." Case and Comment.
Quit Poetic
"Tell me. Harry," said May Bright
ley's admirer to her young brother,
"who is this other fellow that's been
calling on your sister?"
"I don't know his name." replied
Harry. "1 Just call him 'April show
ers.' "
"What for?"
Because he brings May flowers."
Th 8oft Answer.
"John, don't you think I have worn
this pair of shoes long enough?"
"No, dear. If they were long enough
ynu wouldn't hnre hud those corns."
Honston Post.
Th Qrtr Annoyane.
Mrt. A. -Didn't her constant singing;
In the tint annoy yon? Mrs. B.-Not
o much as the constant fist In her
singing. -Boston Trsnscrtpt.
.III ! cnarq.4 lor at lh rat t 25c r month tor
lutuillo thra lln.a-n lay. bats mould
accompany copy. Ihanaia a)0H br th 10th ot
th. month. Aa m.dlum tor reaching th p.osla
TToud River Valley H JRUM Society
Phono 1H6.
u Hartwiir. brannient: Haruld lleruhnar.
aeeretjtry; ljMlie liutler, ireaurer.
7antd Room and board for boy attending-
' hiKh achuol. Tel. 244 1- 4&-MU.
ant VAX) bound team for keep thia winter.
Call A. C. rlullam, Oregon Motel. 4n-51c
Wanted-To buy amall potatoea and rarrota for
feed. VV rit or iihon loo, caltii.a. Vienta, Or.
6o-lp .
T on Atfency-Loni offers. $., $700. Ixni
uwnt-$m V0. 11000. turn). $l.V-. Itjo0,
TXAH). Apply to A. W. Onthnk. 305 Oak St. 40-tf
Tf you hav any build in you want moved or
raied tee J. I. Neaiucn. 4-zp
Binder Sewfnir Machine Company-New Hood
River Salesroom opposite rirat National Bank.
Machines sold, rented, exchatiKud or repaired.
Needles and supplies 60-1
T have the exclusive airency for the Hood Kiver
x valley for the Keeley Lva, and keep aame on
hand for delivery at any timo and place, as or
dered. Also will do cleaning of rugs. Mrs. M,
Morris, I'hone !i4-K.. 61-62-p
anted By industrious young man, occupa
tiou in any line of work, moide or out, dur
ing the winter. Phone 2i4 K. fc. U. Kexford
Situation Wanted As watchman or work
around private place or inside railroad work,
Understand gardening, some alout flowers and
poultry. JuHt arrived from Pituburg. J?a, John
Shepard, Hood Kiver. Ore. 60-53p
anted Position in charge of an orchard. Man
with family, Experienced. W. U. Yuerger.
phone 32a2M.60-l-p
Iur Kent Two large rooms suitable for house
keeping, nar corner 12th strwt and Strana
han Ave.Mrs. K. CWillia. 4-51-p
Fur Kent-Furninhed room, furnace heat. Phone
Mrs. Newman, 27ti iK. 46-51 p
Turniflhed Room to rent with bath. Apply Chris
Kaney at Willis' pool room. tf-4-.flc
Wanted Room and board by younir man. must
be homelike and within 15 minutea walk to busi-
neae district. Give narticulara and unce. Ad-
drees "P", Newa Otlic-e. 61M
Manted Fumiahed house or three or four fur-
' nished room, for hirht housekeeping. Modern
conveniences. Write K O. box 3111. Hood Kiver,
Oregon. 60-62-p
'p'or Sale Fine driving and saddle horse, 7 years
old. Bound and gentle; totreiher with open
buggy, new thia lummer; harness, cowboy saddle,
bridle, winter and aummer lap rubes. Good cart
for muddy woather. Will make an attractive
price on entire outfit for quick sale. Phone 306L.
Wanted A good milch cow. Address M. B.
Gilles, Hood Kiver. Ore., or phone
For Sale-Team, aged 1" and 12. weight 1175. en
tirely fearless, true pullers: new harness and
spring wagon, all for $225. Address "C" care of
Hood River Newa. 4-l-p.
Fur Sale Light team and hamesa. Price $150.
K. Taiwell. K. F. D. No. 3 4tv-fl
LVr Sale-Appei-son Jack Rabbit. The finest all
around forty horse power Automobile in the
country. It ia specially built for hill climbing.
Will sell cheap. If interested call on A. C. Hal
lam, Oregon Hotel. 4a-51c.
iPor Sale A few fine Blown Leghorn cockerels,
thoroughbred, of beat strain. I'hone ltf'M, J.
L. Carter. 60-51-p
por Ssle-A good cow. Phone 13L 61-2-c
r Sale Fresh Jersey cow. H. W. Krussow.
I'hone 2ma-M. 61-52-p
Por Sale or Kent Typewriters, new or second
hand, on easy terma. A. W. nthank. 40-tfc
For Sale Alfalfa and wheat hay, delivered. S.
J. Frank. K. F. I). . 4S-tfc
UVr Sale Two lion heating stoves. No. 30 and
31 with water cutlers. I'hone NIX. M-51p
Curley Transit for Sale Complete engineers
tradsit with solar attachment. Guaranteed to
be in first class condition. Price $J25. J. L.
Ilenderaon, Inc. Hood Kiver. 4-51p
TPor Sale Almost new. Smith Stump Puller.
cable and !u lbs. st-el hooks. Price $60. 1.
A. Koundtree. one mile south of blancher Sta
tion. Mt, Hood K. K..M-M-p
T oat A gold fob buckle and charm with initials
H. J- L. Finder please return to News otiice.
Lost Between Christian church and depot,
black silk umbrella with gold handle. A. F. G
engraved on handle. Mrs. S. Copple. 51-2-c
Lost A pair of eye-glassea in a black case
Kindly leave at News office and receive re
ward. 51-54-p ,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Hood Kiver County.
In the matter ot the estate of E. L. Thomas,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
being the duly appointed, qualified and acting ad
ministrator of the estate of E. L. Thomaa. de
ceased, has tiled in the county court of the state
of Oregon for Hood Kiver county, his final ac
count in the matter of said estate, and said court
has appointed Saturday, the l'ith day of January,
lull, as the time, and the county court room of
the state of Oregon for HI River county, in
Hood Kiver. Oregon, as the place for hearing ob
jections to said final account and for the final
aettlement of said estate
Dated this Dec. 16th. M0.
W. E. Thomas,
Administrator of the estate of E L. Thomas,
deceased decJl-2jan4-U
Tou don't need a smoke
house. Apply WRIGHT'S
HMOKE a liquid giv
ing two coats, which will
impart the rich aroma
and delicate flavor of
hickory smoke to the meat, keeping it
sound, sweet and insect free indefinitely.
Bold for 14 years all over V. H. and Can
ada. t)et the genuine. Fully Guaran
teed. ISold only in square quart bottle
with metal cap. Ask your druggist for
"Wright' Hmoke'1. Made only by
E. H. WRIGHT CO., a..... city, M.
Sold and Guaranteed b
Real siaie Bulielin
$ 1,500 will handle this
$G,5oO ranch consisting of 5
acres, close to town, 4 acres
in 5-year-old trees, house,
barn, 5 inches water, and
tools. On the main road.
No waste land.
$9,5o Seventeen acres
in best nart of the valley,
nearly all set to 1 and 2-year-old
Spitz and New
towns, and 2 1-2 acres of
berries, house and barn, 9
inches of water. $5,000 will
handle this. This is a bar
gain. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO.
Office Oregon Hotel Building
ruoNC S
The price ( U-xt dressed turkeys
Ht retail for Chrlm inns will be 25
cents h pound In I'ortliind
This is the price thnt a leading
house (it the city set on Its freshly
killed product to consumer und will
go far toward fMialillMhliig the value
for all other markets. This year tlie
consumer wl!lj;et the tienefit of more
conietltlon for his Christmas turkey
trade than ever lief.ire, and will
therefore be aide to get his bird for
less, unless lie cares to pay more.
With about six carloads of storage
turkeys held over from the Thanks
giving trade, there w ill lie a sufficient
amount of turkeys to fill all de
mands. As at present understood,
the price of storage birds will range
around 20 cents a pound. The price
i noted for turkeys at Hood Rlyer Is
30 cents.
Distributing Handsome Calendars
Calendars are commencing to make
their appearance and some very
handsome ones are being given out
by the various IhihIijhmh men of the
city. Arthur Clarke Is distributing a
very large calendar of handsome de
sign, the Hutler Banking Company Is
providing its patrons with a beauti
ful date reminder and the First Na
tional ISank is also distributing
timely souvenirs of this kind that
are very attractive.
Get your butter, guaranteed fresh
eggs, cream and milk from Purity
Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot
Davidson Building. J
yw --i
HUAU, nmjittfli
3 rss9
iky .
-.A'.W A
TON? J'l
4- WltT
National Wool Growers Conven
tion and Mid-winter Sheep Show
For the above occasion round trip tickets will be sold
from Hood River by
The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company
Tickets on sale January 2nd and 3rd, 1911, good for re
turn until January 10, 1911.
For further particulars, call on any 0. R. & N. agent
or write to
. General Passenger Agent
are passing; away. It be
hooves you to hurry if you
wish to get a choice of
An inspection of our
will greatly aid you in
making a selection