8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, VEDNB:SDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910 I TIUIIC POICAT TO IS) uuum M n 1 GOODS DEL I V ER ED V R O M V T L y AT l ft y TIME T V E C 1 F 1 ED D y THE PUKCHASEP We are at vour service with a most carefully selected assortment of useful gifts whether for Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, the Best Girl or Anxious Lover OUR GOODS ARE RELIABLE Suggestions For Ladies YOU BUY SAFELY HERE Suggestions For Men Set of Furs, Dainty Aprons, Kid Gloves, Street Suits, Hand Bags, New Raincoats, Fancy Neckwear, Prestolqaks, Silk Stockings, Hair JDrnaments, Bedroom Slippers, Warm Blankets, Down Comforts Our Store GUM Be Closed JScxt jvionday Hftcr X-mas I 3 efer, Silk Socks, House Jackets, Sweater Coats, Silk Mufflers, House Slippers, Linen Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes, Raincoats, Silk Suspenders, Umbrellas, Street Gloves, Dress Shirts, Swell Neckties, Suits and Overcoats Store GCUU Be Open 6cmng9 Thursday, friday and Saturday DOLL Contest Checks must be turned in by 6 P. M. X-Mas Eve FRANK A. CRAM The Doll Contest Will Re Decided SATURDAY, Dec. 24, 7:30 I M. (TT7 V ' 7 VEIGT V V LOCALSandPERSONALS fits Mm. Wni. Ellin, a t)iv, Alln-rt norn-To Mr. anil Monday. Ivc. 10th. Malcolm. Nick Stoaott aud .lude IVciuiett, of The I)allf. were here Tnuriulay on bunlnins eonnei-tel with their profession. The body of Mr. AlU-rt Kitiiktn, .who dlel In Portland Sunday, was burled here Tuesday niornlnir In Idlewllde eetnelery. Xiel, the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. (ieortcv Brown, born Sunday, December lMh, died the same day and was burled Monday In Idlewllde cemetery. Kwte Broslus. who Is a student at the state university at Eugene, sent several days here last week. He Joined the I'nfverslty Glee Club here and continued with It on Its trip. The office floor of the Hellhronner hulldluK Is nearlujf completion. It will provide many additional offices equlpied with modern conveniences, one of which Is an up-to-date heating plant. Messrs. C I'. Uoss and E are now proprietors of the Mood Kiver Hotel Oregon. Both are pop ular residents of the city, formerly engaged In other lines of biiHlness. Miiru Observer. Ir. McKetizle. of Spokane, who bought part of the Jackson plare on the east side, and who Is having It cleared, was here Friday for a short stay. The doctor was one of the most enthusiastic boosters that Hood I'lver had at the NntlotiHl Apple Show. ; Julius Kruttschnltt. vice president ' of the Hurrltnan lines, accompanied by (ieneral Manager J. P. O'Brien! and Chief Englueer Buschke of the O. K Ac V arrived here Thursday on his I t.nirof Inspection. The party whs! in u special train. ! The White Salmon Enterprise sa.vs ! that ll.rt.ert Williams, well kniwnj Vucco Tree here. . ft Saturday for Minneapolis I n"",,B- Mrs. Icl Kind left last week for j San I'rancisco where slie will spend 1 some time visiting friends. 1 ieo. Blodgett rif the I'pper Valley i'fl Saturday for Portland and Liter will go to southern California to ! spend the winter Christian Science services are held in Heading Itiiiiro, No. !. Davidson building, Sunday at 11 a. in. and Wednesday at s p. in. Sunday school at in a. in. Leonard J. Wyeth left for Eos An- Mrs. '. A. Eldrldgelsat New berg. Ore., as the guest of her tnot her for the holidays. The regular monthly meeting of the Puller Vallev Proirresslve Asso- elation will 1' next Monday ! Sa "nl"-v- w,,t"re h wl" "I1""1 night, ami a large attemlance Is re- i quested. The Hood lilver Abstract Com pany, which has rented t lie apart ment In the new Heilhronner build ing next to the (ilacler ottiiv, will move the first of the year. I several months Mr. Wyeth will stop at San Francisco for a few days j i Islt with friends. , I Next Sunday morning In the I'nl- tariau church at the Christmas ser j vice, Mr. MacDonald will speak on . "I Ivine Incarnation." There will le I mi Ti ii'rliwt uvrrli-u Homer oreeu, wno lias lutl charge of the Columbia River Orchards at I White Salmon the past summer, re- turned to Hood l'.lver Saturday and j from here went to Ireland, Indiana, i for u couple of months' visit. He will return In the spring. Construction on the new laundry building Is about half done. Wet weather has Interfered with the work, which It was hoped to push more rapidly. The old laundry build ing will 1 removed when it is va- bndiy bitten 1 y a dog while at his raiert. anrl the lots It stands on will I father's ranch In the Hood Ulver val- i i 1 tint on sale i ley last August, has (j far recovered .. Dimer , . ,. . . Anew street Is being opened from I l"t1 """ -v.f- ....o,.-. i-.fh .ir.t. .m the i-,.r...n I-'urm ' from the Injured ankle this week. M. H. Craft and wife of Mount Hood, former residents of M osier, arrived In town Friday and will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Bulletin. Kay Early, who has been sick with typhoid fever at Eugene, returned home this week accompauled by his mother, who has been In the I'niver city City during his llluess. Nello Sext ai, who was so very Pastor E. McOmber will preach next Sunday morning from the sub ject "Love's tiift," and In the evening the subject will be "No Koom In the Inn." A welcome to all Is extended to these Christmas services at the Methodist church. power el"c Enquire at where he will remain until March, Mr. Williams was the forerunner of t he Minneapolis emigration to White Salmon It was his advertising that sturted the movement. Six years H he came to Hood l'.lver. looked tilings over, then crossed over the oliniibla and pnsqs-cted White Sal mou. lb- bought one thousand res lu his present Ideal location. trnct. It Is just above State and I has leen named Adams street. The j new highway Is lelng made by the ' owners of the Paradise Farm prop erty and when completed w ill form the natural connection for the new i Franktoti road. L. L. Day, a resident of the Phil- Iplnes, where l.e holds a government ! position, was here Wednesdaay as the guest of Ids brother,.!. II. Day. Mr. Day left the Philippines neveral j months ago and came to Hood I Kiver. after having vi-dted Europe. I He Is Interested in hemp growing in the Islands, and was located in t lie i same town with Louis Henderson. 1 ervle w Park. He will return to the Philippines . phone .V! j Join the Bowling league. We have the l-st alleys In the state. I-t's have the best team. C. A. I Klchards & Co, For Kent Eight room house, partly furnished, free spring water, electric lights, special rate to good party for the winter. J. F. Batch- Those wishing dental work done ! elder, 'pho ne .V;.1 would do well to call on Dr. Kowiev For Sale A onc-borst- I trie motor, almost new. I News otlice. Plain sewing done at '.i!4 Hull street, on the heights. Children's I clothes u specialty. Now Is t he time to get your pick of ! choice residence building lots In Klv- .1. Batcheldir, after the holidays. 'rotectors at White- ' A full line of poultry supplies at j Whitehead's. Furnished Iioiisr Javne. Phone "'-i.' for rent. A. A. Set of Em i lopeilia America mi for sale cliea p. Jos A. W ilson. Lease for kale on business building. 1 Call up Style Shop, Phone 1 18-M. Don't let the rabbits eat your trees. . Buy your tree protectors at White le ad'a Saw filing, furniture repairing, roof j repairing. Wright' t'arpenfer shop. Phone 'i x Dr. Uowley, dentist, who used to, ls-locaterlhere.ilis returned and Is J now located in the Ferguson Bldg. ( Lots for Sale In the new Middle ton sub-dlvlslon on the Heights. j In the Fergus mi Bldg. and get his prices. Work guaranteed. i Make the Mt. Hood IL.tel vour winter quarters. Spei.lal rates by I week or month. The homelike hotel. Courteous service; excellent table. Notice Is hereby given that the pen lor meinls-r of t he firm of John land Henderson Ac Compau will is i In the Hood Kiver office on Saturday of each eek. The greatest danger from In linen .a Is of Its rcnnltliig In pneumonia. This can Is- obviated by using ( IihiiiIst Iain's Cough Kemedy, as It not only j Furniture Sale Oolden oak dresser, .chiffonier, ris'ker and three chairs, two Iron Is-ds, spiral springs, silk ; Hons mattresses and complete change ! of Is-dding. e7 Phone 111. Many persons find themselves af fected wit h it H-rslstent cough after ' an attack of Inlluen.a. As this cough ' call Is promptly cured by the use of , i hainls-rlaln's Cough Kemedy, It 'idioiihl not Ik allowed to run on until It ls-coines troublesome Sold j by all dealers. j Order your turkeys at McOuIre j Bros., thereby getting the Is-st corn fed turkeys lor your Christmas din ner, one that will remind you or the cures Influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease tOW rds pneil- I ,..,.,,. InrUv von er.h.ve.l .l.irln.r monla. Sold by all dealers t he holidays down on the farm. Be I can tit you out with a nice oak sure and put your orders In early. mantle, build your book cam-, and avoid the rush, as those who Terms easy. John Inland Mender- nt..r ,.,,i, ..mi l,l...r i., i,u r,i ,.i. , -lit .wt ,i,u ,,.(,,. i.... on. Inc. or soft wood. Will do mv l-sf to Thee birds are the finest ever placed Oet your butter, guaranteed freah give you Just what you want at the on the market In Hood Kiver. Don't ft, cream and milk from Purity lowest possible price. J. M W right, inUs such a treat. Fresh Eastern Dairy Co. Phone 6fl-L. Depot ! Building Contractor. Carpenter oysters In quart can. Olympla oyn Da Maori Building. ahop phone 44 I j ters In quart him! pint cana.- Insurance Money to Stay Home -Fire Insurance premiums In the state of Washington, a considerable part of which have been contributed to San Francisco for many years, will hereafter be paid to home com panies or to general agencies within the state. The Pacific Board of Fire I'nderwriters, a San Francisco Instl- Itution, has long controlled the Northwestern field for t lie foreign companies. This board has uov abandoned Its claim to jurisdiction In the state of Washington. The tirst beueflts of this fiction should be felt by the companies organized, cap italized aud controlled by residents of the state, like the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association. It Is sim ply another phahe of promoting the "Made In Washington" Idea. Hill Promises Railroads James J. Hill played Santa Claus this week by visiting Oregon and promising new railways. Exten sions of the Oregon Trunk Line from the present proposed terminus at Bend south through Interior Oregon, the pushing of the I'nlted Kallways westward to Tillamook and the building of an Independent Hill pass enger station In Portland, were some of the things the Empire Builder outlined. Fast Mall Wrecked Fast mail train. No. !), westbound, went Into the ditch Saturday morn ing two miles etiat of Kowena. The train was in charge of Engineer Lar com and Conductor Allison. The engine tank and the forward pair of trucks left the track. The cause of the accident Is under Investigation. No one was Injured and very little damage was done to the track. Koche Harbor lime best made, at A. Whitehead's. The Evolution of Booster Bill VII. Improves His House and Grounds Whan Bill Blua had the grouch dias It struck hit house and premises. Th UGLY MICROBE hit his yard, His horns and phiz, and hit them hard. But when Bill Blue was sans ones mori His frouzy outlook mads him sors. His horns he startsd in to groom And took some sunshine for his gloom. New paint upon his house was sssn. Hs trimmed his lawn and kept it clean. Ha ssidi "I'll brighten up this place. I'll comb Its hair and wash Its facs. "There's nothing puts a town ahsad Like pretty homss and lawns, no saia. -THE VILLAGE BEAUTIFUL FOR MINEI" Crlsd "Bill the Booster," "Make It shins!" Property We nave for sale and can show you Orch ard lands in all stages of development from the raw state to full bearing Orchards, in cluding some of the finest bearing orchards in the Hood River Valley. If you want to see the best properties on the market, at the most reasonable prices, let us show you and you will be convinced. Devlin & Firebaugh TMIi LI3ADIN0 DEALERS I'HONi; 14 1 Hood River, Oregon Hotel Oregon Building Swetland HuHtling, Portland, Oregon S20 Acres OK Fine Red Shot Soli Hood River Apple Land In the Famous Oak Grove District Ten miles out in the enuthwt part of the Hood Kiver Velley, Hood Kiver, Oregon. The tract is partly improved ' with 5 acres in young com mercial orchard, has fairly good house, barns, etc., and a fine spring well which is capable of being1 developed sufficiently to irrigate 40 or more acres. This tract is in the best apple section in the valley composed of all red shot soil. The surrounding country is being rapidly de veloped and growing into big money. FRANK U. rORSBHRU, Owner hood River, Oregon Oakdale Greenhouse Jet In j our orilcrn now for TtillpN, NiiivIhkI llaffixlliM, 1 1 TMclnl l)H, etc. IVoiimh hIioiiIi! I it' 1 l fi n t -f In ) t ot T, I lll-MI KlINt'H Hllll .SlirilllH, if llloillll in wiiii ted in lull Wood Hiipply on IiiiihI iiihI t-oiiiiiiK. Try n ft-w I.IIIIi-h. KM "IV 1 1 Kit A KMITHKIt Trio Orchestra Muhic furnitthed for all occasions. lnMtrununtatun fntm thrws? tivfai in anv num. ! ber lifsirvd. Adir or phon C. O IN AIM 64-X or 26L Hud Kiver, Oreffun Do You Want to Buy Orchard 'Japanese JVovcltks Kutane and Tokyo Dishea. Bamboo furniture. M. NIGUMA Oak Street, Turner 1st Phone IbO LUNCH ...GO TO... THE WHITE LUNCH COUNTER C. . MICHAPJDa 4 CO.. BLDO Oylmrt, Oymlmr Cocklailt Oymtmr Sandutichmu Ham Sandwichma Urn; Etc. The Beet Cup of CulTee in the City-TRY IT Taft Transfer Go. Draying. . . Wood Yard HAY, FLOUR and FEED for Sale Office Phon 2 Knudrnre 232-M Spray and Garden llose PlumDInij WW- CP. SUMNER Opposite the Post Office .ne I'hutie 20 Simplicity and Durability Is the basis which the WHIM IN1 MACIIINK Is built on. We are unprejudiced in our claim that the j VVIIITI; Is the best sewing machine In I the WORLD. We are only too glad to show you that the range of work is unlimited We make the Vibrator ; and Rotary machines, the latter being equipped with the Lock and Chain ; stitch, making two machine! in one and possesses other desirable features too numerous to mention. ! See STLWART HARDWARE ft I LRiNITURR CO., local dealer, Hood River, Ore., before you buy. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.