THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1910 5 M N M grXXTTTXTTTTTTTTTTgYYTTTTTTTTTT: THE SQUARE DEAL STORE ' CARRIES IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF Farm Implements Extension Harrows and Orchard Tools Bicycles and Bicycle Extras Fishing: Tackle Guns and Ammunition Gasoline Supply Station Z. McT OJVA. LD HOOD 'RIVE'R, OHEGOJ S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON NKW KKSIHKXTS We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., HO?&&" White :: River :: Flour Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread ASK YOUR GROCER If you want your horses properly SHOD come to SH1VELY & McGlLLl VARY Jcjc1 to Snotaf S3L Upson Don't Leave the Hood River District WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley Natural advantage for fruit arrow in c uneicelled. land prices hT doublad in lant two years but ara not half that asked fur similar land in other auctions Buy now before speculator add their profits. Commercial Club of Mosier MOSIER. OREGON 6 Miles East of Hood River, Oregon NICHOL & HADLOCK ORCHARD LANDS AND CITY REALTY Brosius Building, Corner Second and Oak Hood River, Oregon New Electric Supply and Fixture Store We have opened a new store with a complete line of Electric Supplies, Electric Fixtures and Glassware, on Oak street, next to S. E. Bartmess furniture rooms. We are agents for the J. C. English Co., Portland, and carrv many of their high grade electric fixtures in stock. We have just received an especially fine display of new fixtures, artistic table lamps, Tiffany glass ware and Christmas novelties which we are offering at attractive prices. BAILEY & COLBY, Electrical Contractors Residence Phone 268-1. Office Phone 60-X COMMENTS ON VALLEY'S VICTORY Sproat (lets Ovation Mood IMver, town mix) valley, nan Imh'U In a tate of exeiti'ineot nine news wax received from Spokane telling thfitC. H. Sprout hail twconie the Apple Klnj? of the world by win nliiK the aweepMtakeH prize with carload of SplUetiberK applet entered In the National Apple Show. Town people und rancher to the number of nearly 1000 were at the depot when the Hood Hlver crowd arrived from Spokane. The band, augmented by cowbell and tlu liorim, wuh ou haud and a parade carried the prlzewln tier through the Htreets and de tunneled Hpeeche. Anhlund Tiding Wins Again Hood Hlver people are again re Joking, Word came today that Manager Sproat'star of SpttzenbergH had won the commercial cup at C'hl cago. Thin In an especially fine prize, a f.KK) loving cup, offered by the commercial orgauUatlouH and clubH of Chicago. Word wan alo received today that the carload of applet in charge of J. C. Skinner, secretary of the Commer cial Club, and tx-liig exhibited In the Kant, wai arousing much comment at the National show In Chicago, where Mr. Sproat's car took the prize. Oregonlan. Avery Bros. Win Avery Brothers, of Hood Hlver, were awarded a large silver cup for the best carload of Yellow Newtown apples at the National Apple snow, the cup Ix'lng presented by the Inter national Apple Shippers' Association of Chicago. A. 1). Helm, of Ashland, Ore., was given the silver cup for the best packed car of fruit. The cup was presented by the Chicago Associa tion of Commerce. Salem Says Make It Unanimous Hood Hlver Is again to the front. One of her growers was awarded the grand sweepstakes prize of the third Nationnl Apple Show, held at Spo kane. The prize consists of $1000 In cash and a gold medal banner, and It was awarded to C. H. Sproat, who entered a carload of Spltzeu- Itergs, his rating by the judges being U!l "'!. lift's make It unanimous and call It liK points. Salem Statesman. The Dalles Happy Hood Hlver got away with that carload prize at the National Apple Show at Spokane. We are mighty glad of It, glad It came to Oregon, happier still that It came so close home. Palles Optimist. REPORTS FOR CITIES OF GREATER NORTHWEST H. H. lunliip, staff representative of the Pacific Hullder and Engineer, In the Power and Factory edition for DecemU'r comments on Im provement work in Hood Hlver as follows: W. (t Aldred has the contruct to grade State street at $10,000, also Twelfth street from State to city limits, with macadam, nnd concrete curbs and gutters, at f 11,000. Hood Hlver has put In five miles of macadam this season. The countv ! commissioners handled the work; ! there wns no contract. H. I), (iould hasjiikc completed the laying of 5,000 feet of eight-Inch sewer pipe for the city, at an estimated cost of $0..KH). H. H. ltartlett has Ix-eu rushed with work all the season. At pres ent he has over twenty residences and bungalows under construction In the I'pper Hood Hlver Valley. These buildings range from $:,000 to $0,000 In price. Frederick & Arnold have lieen hav ing a very busy season. They have Just completed the construction of the Otten block, a one-story brick building. .ri0xS.", with a pressed brick front. The contract amounted to f 12,000. They are also .busy on the $ 10,000 Ferguson block, a ".0x100 two story brick building, and four bun galows at Dee for the Oregon Lum Iter Company, at an approximate cost of $i00 for labor only, as the material Is being furnished by the lumber company. L. D. Hoyed Is erecting the Hell bronner block, a $.'10,000, three-story, 50x100 brick building. The front will be of pressed brick, with pressed blue stone trimmings, making a very at tractive new homo for the four stores which will shortly occupy It. The ofllces are on the two upter floors. Modern Bungalow for Sale ttcnutlful home on Oak street, near Ninth. Lot 50x100, nicely terraced, good lawn and many choice flowers, Including roses and chrysanthe mum. Six rooms, pantry and bath, bullt-ln bookcases, buffet. china closet, window seats. Sleeping porch, full basement, wash triys. John Lk.i.and IIf.mikhhox, Inc. (let your butter, guaranteed fresh eRR. cream and milk from Purity Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Depot Davidson Building. BACKYARD ROOSTER TAKESJIRST PRIZE Poultry fanciers, says thlr-ego-nlan, were dumbfounded Weiu-day, after all of their effort Id the breed Ing of pet stock, to And that a "chlckn-ralser,"' an be styled himself, "with a few hen and one rooster out lu the back yard," had brought the rooster to the show ami won first prize In the White I'ghorn class. . .. 2 The rancher' name I W. It. Brown, living ou Hural Koute No 1 and having postotllce box No. .l. That I all that 1 known of the "chlcken-ralser" at the poultry show. Secretary Murray wa appealed to for au explanation a to who Brown I. "He appeared Just Is'fore the show opened," said the secretary, "with bis rooster under his arm, and took one of the pens, saying that the roos ter's name wa lien, and that his wife thought a good deal of the fow 1 and he hoped that nothing would hapien to Ben." "Ben" 1 a beautiful bird, and when the Judge began scoring Mm they at once observed that he was very close to perfect. When they finished he had a mark of !M some thing phenomenal In poultry con tests. There were over 60 entries In the White Leghorn class and 1'cn wa far In the lead. "It goes to show," said one of the Judge, "that prize-winning birds are uot always found In the pens of Un professional breeder. Beu' comb Is a beautiful feature of the bird, an evidence of good health and pride. Look at how he stands. Notice the curve In hi tall and those two long white feather. There Is perfect curvature there; and the feet could any be of a better color of yellow? He Is a fine bird and no mistake." PLANS LARGE TOWN OPPOSITETHE DALLES L. H. Gray, president of the Citi zens trustee Company of Seattle, who recently purchased extensive slve realty holdings of Leon Curtlss, In Klickitat county, situated ou the Columbia river opposite The Dalles, has filed the largest plat for a town- site ever presented to the couuty commissioners of Klickitat county. The new town will be known as Granddalles, and Is situated north and west of the North Bank railroad station of the same name. The plat, which was approved by the commis sloners and filed with the countv auditor, contains 1451 lots. MclNNES ELECTED AT WHITE SALMON After the warmest municipal cam paign that White Salmon has had J. C. Milniics was elected mayor, John Wyers, George.Purser and Win. Wells, coiiiicllnieii. and M. .1. Van. Vorst, treasurer. The election brought out the larg est vote, say the White Salmon I'm terprlse, the town ha polled, the men registering H5 and the women 75 votes. Last year total vote was !!. It was the first vote of women In Klickitat county and Mrs. San ford Smith IimI the way. They han dled the ballot like veterans, taking It coolly, no fl uster nor hysterics, and on the average voted fjulcker than the men. The otlicial figures are as follows Mcltmes, UN; Wolfard, !)0; Wyers, Kit; Purser, 1J."; Smith, v; Manly, "; Wells l no opposition) W; Van Vorst (no opposition) lv,. 'RIZE CAUSED WATCH TO STOP SUDDENLY What strange turn of fate canst his old watch, which he had carrli for nearly 15 years, to stop at the same hour he was Informed that he had won a new one, Is the perplexing problem Walter NV Weber, a Hood Hlver apple packer, Is trlng to solve. Mr. WelHT Is a member of the State Horticultural Society and has a ills ilay of fruit at the apple show In Portland. Last week he eutered five boxes of Spltzenltergs In the com petition for the lest-packed display In the Hood Hlver show. The first prize In this class was a gold watch, offered by Lawrence & Smith, Hood Hlver orchardlsts. At 9 o'clock the night prizes were awarded, Mr. Smith Informed Mr. Weber that he had won the watch. An hour later as Mr. Weter, proudly and somewhat nervously, was about to substitute his new watch for his old one. he noticed that the old time piece had stopped at 0 o'clock. "In the 15 years that I carried that watch, it never stopped before." said Mr. Weber. "I've Iteen wondering about that ever since." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, anil act directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre scrlls'd by one of the best physicians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It is coin posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two In gretllents Is what produces such wonderful results In curing catarrh Send for testimonials free. F. .1. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Plllsjfor constipation.1 If you are suffering from bilious ness, constipation. Indigestion, chronic headache. Invest one cent In a postal card, send to Chatuttc rlnlu Medicine Company, Pes Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the back, and they will forward you n free sample of Cham Itcrlatn' Stomach and Liver Tablet. Sold by all dealers. GROWERS TO ORGANIZE APPLE SELLERS AGENCY As a result of the recent apple show held at Portland It Is expected a plan of cooperative selling w ill be arranged by the fruit growers of the tiorthwest, and Initial steps to or ganize will be taken within the next J0 days. President Atwell of the State Horticultural Society Is taking the lead In the matter, and will Issue a call to growers of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to organize such au apple selling agency with a capi tal of $5u0,00o. The Idea was Incorporated In the annual address of President Atwell before the society and orchardists of the Pacific northwest will act upon the suggestion, believing It will effect great economics In disposing of the annual crop. The association will be patterned to some extent after the fruit associations of California and their successful methods followed In marketing. Candy Nuts Olives Pickles Clams CD p Good Things To Eat Especially Selected For Holiday Shoppers I 3 v. o w 3 in sr 3 o H. o fut c3 Chase &. Sanborn's Coffees and Teas The Finest Grown at The Star Grocery Perigo & Son r o cr w ct- o n p j. Kraut Oranjes Bananas 6rapefruit Something Electrical For All is just what you willYind in our superb showinjr of thinps elec trical. You would be surpris ed to view many of the' little articles in every day use, that can be attached to the current. Electricity Saves Time in every one of these specialties, and decreases the cost. It's time you considered purchas ing. Perhaps an iron, heater, drop lijrht, or chafing1 dish is what you need - at any rate, come to our store and look around. DEAN & SHAW Office Phone 3 Residence 272M Water Works on the Farm Yea, that's Just what we mean real otrr works; ronniaf watrr in tht kitchen, lha bathroom, the laundry, the barn in fact, all orer the place. And It t all done by that tauk jroii ar la lha lower left ban4 corner of this picture the Leader System. It a vastly dinerent from the olu-faahioned elevated tank which worked by gravity, far the Leaner Water supply Byitera ia operated by comprised air reliable, aafe and cleanly. Your windmill pumpe ater Into the tank (which ia already full of air). The air, being elastic, la comprewed into upper part of the tank, and forces the water out through the pipea. This givea you pressure, so thkt powerful stream of wster Is on tap at every faucet, no matter where It ia located. And this meaoa oAi tutt ftre-prottction, for the presaure is !wiy and always ready. Now, the old style gravity tanks were cither put in the attic or tit mated on high tower out of doors. IS Iht former case, their weight when full, cracked the plaitering; or they overflowed or leaked, flooding the rooms below. In the case of the outside tanks, the water often froze solid in winter, necessitating expensive ptumb v I lug bills; or It became hut and atagaant during toe summer sod unnt lor use. to Leader Water Supply System emMt sit this, because the air-tight tank la either in the basement or buried under ground below the frost line. Kvery outfit la complete, with full directions, and is easily installed. The Leader System needs do repairs, is auiten 10 amau Duiioings 01 large, and is moderate in price. Let us snd you our fre booklet, "How I Kolved the Water supply Problem," lha story of s nun wbo succeasfultr equipped his country horns with, modern water worka. Write for It today, before you forget k ir ascaes I 1 M J trm m mm Apple Land and Orchard Company Off loo, No. 9 Oak Stroot. Phono 26 or 200 2 K. Hood Rtvor For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK WHEN YOU WANT Manufacturing and Repair Work OF ANY AND EVERY DESCRIPTION W e are prepared to do it In our large and well equipped Manufactur ing and Repair Establishment. We would be pleased to have you call on us. FINE HORSESHOEING SNOW & UPSON Shops HI-143-1 45-1 47 Fourth St., Op. Qllbert-Vaughan, Hood River ,Or. HOOD R,IVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. SCHM ELTZER, Seoretary Abstracts, Insurance, coiveguclDg and Sorctg Boitfs JT have the only complete set of Abstraet Books in Hond River County and art in position, to extcuts all work with promptness and accuracy. II 'e represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Com panies doing business in Oregon, and can give the fire insurance obtainable for the money. Our reputation as conveyancers ii known to all. All of our icork is guaranteed. Come to us when you want Surety Bonds of any description. Office In the DAVIDSON BUILDING. N. E. Csrnsr CsissSs Annus snS ThlrS Strsst Homo Phono HOOD RtVOt, OREBON SMITH BROS. Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON We have just put on our shelves complete new stocks of Canned and Bottled Goods, Teas and Coffees and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders. PHONE 47 FREE DELIVERY NOW ON DISPLAY Our new line of Christmas Goods can now be shown to you at our store. It is finer and larger than ever before. See It Before You Buy We have presents for younjr and old games, etc., for the children, useful presents for older ones, beautiful gifts for the beautiful ladies (and also for the handsome young men), and still nicer gifU for the elderly people. Let us show you. Keir & Cass ft KELIAHLE DRUGGISTS J3 Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon