THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1910 is Mr, and Mr. Q. W. Frazier went down to Portland Friday for it Hliort VlHlt. Mrs. (). 1. Dabney .wan In Port land Friday nnd Saturday of laHt week. Mrs. l I. MlnrlcliH Ih aide to lw up hkuIu, after a severe slee of appen dicitis. Mm. h. W. Day, of San Francisco, will be at the Ha wley Millinery store In the Otteu building, for four da.VM ending Saturday night, Dec. :Jrd, with a complete Ilia of hair goods at w holt'sale. prices. For Policyholders Is the ONLY Consideration in Oregonlife The Policyholders' Company Thas why discriminating buyers of life insurance give Oregonfife preference. That's why no other life insur ance company did so large a business in Oregon in 1 909 as flregonTifc That's why in 1910 OrcgonTifC is surpassing month by month its magnificent record of last year. Qregonljfc , the only life Insurance company exclusively Oregon. BEST FOR OREGONIAWS Home Office, Corbett BIdg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland A:L Mills L. Samuel Garence S. Samuel RESIDENT CEN. MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER " E. N. STRONG 1 )ISTI I(T Wants the Money- not very much, but bvahts it. 80 acres near Valley Crest school; large clearing; good house. $G0 per acre. Good terms. The Best Ranch in Gilliam County to exchange for Hood River land. 4G2 acres; well watered; fair build ings; good fence. Hood River District Land Go. Smith Block, Corner Third and Oak Phone 175 Yucco Tree Protector at White head. IxHter Kelley ami wife, of The Dalle,- were guests at the' S. V, Stark home Inst week. Buy your butter, milk and cream from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone 68-L. Davidson Building. It. ('. Hill, of. The pHlle. spent Thanksgiving day with hi father, Marshall Hill, ami Hitter, Mr. I. II. Htigglns. Mr. F.rnest Cole came down from Fir postoflice, accompanied ly her granddaughters, Kutti and F.sther Harrttt, to send their vacation holiday at the home of Mr. and Mr. Frank ISarrett. Attention, Woodmen. .The Mod ern Woodman lodge will hold a busi ness meet lug Monday evening. Dec. .'ith,at "::(. A big tiamiuet will he werved at the conclusion of the busi ness session. All member are urged to lie present. MAN ACS Kit HOOD RIVER WINS AGAIN, AT CHICAGO hart" hint evening n telegram wa received here Htating that the car of Hood filver Kpitzeiiburgs went to Chicago had won the tlrt prUe and HwecpHtakcM at the fair being held at that place. Thl I the car of Spltx cent to the National Apple Show at Spokane by ('. H. Kproat. Hoc he Harbor lime lies t made, at A. Whitehead'). Copy for ud vertlsements must Is? In the olfiee by Monday noon. Don't let the rabbits eatyour trees, liuy your tree protectors at White head'. For Sale A one-horse power elec tric motor, almoHt new. Kntjulre at News office. (.'. 1. ThompMon went to I'ortland Monday with a display for the apple tihow being held in that city. II. M. Huxley, manager of the MohUt Apple (j rowers' Union, came down to Hood Klver for Thanksglv. Ing. Mr. ami Mrs. F ('. Dar.o, of The Dalles, spent Thanksgiving In I loud Klver, the guests of Mr. and Mi-h. A. L. Page. Miss Artie Morgan, of Heppner, made a Hliort visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ilanilsnker, returning Wednesday, theiSSrd. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall returned from F.astern Oregon last week and will make Hood Klver their borne this winter. Miss lteth F.dgington, who Is at t -tiding schnol In The Dalles, came down Wednesday to spend t lie vaca tion with her parents. T. S. Ilandsaker, pastor of the Christian church, was at Mosler Tuesday attendnu the District Con vention of the Chrlstlun church. Mrs. W. F. Laraway, accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. I'. B. Lar away and Mrs. Amy (Jove, and her son, Thurston Laraway, were pas senders for I'ortlaud Friday morn L. J. Canlield, of the O. It. N. depot force, went down to St. Vincent's hospital in I'ortland Thursday to receive treatment for blood poison ing In his arm. He was able to re turn to Hood Klver Sunday and Is doing nicely. The quarterly dinner given the A. It. I'ost by the Woman's Kellef Corps will le served at the K. of P hall on Dec. ith. Member of the W, It. C. are requested to come and bring full baskets of good things. Chairman of Committee. Miss Verna Smith, who will sing at the Baptist church tin the evening of Decembers, Iihs a rare contralto voice. She Is rapidly winning favor in the musical circles of Portland. Those who hear her cannot fail to have a treat. Miss Smith Is a stu dent of Prof. Moutleth and is one of his pianists In his studio. Tickets for the entertainment are on sale at the KlerX; Cass drug store. In appreciation of their untiring efforts In behalf of Hood Klver's dis play at Spokane, the Commercial Club, at their smoker Wednesday evening presented Ch.-is Hall with a fine gold watch and E. H. Shepard with a diamond stick pin. The watch was beautifully engraved "Presented to Charles Hall by the Hood Klver Commercial Club, 1110, which was done by W. F. Laraway. The pin was furnished by Arthur Clark", the Jeweler. Doth tokens were jj'ven as a surprise and are highly prized by their recipients. W. O. ALDRED Contractor for Grading. Exca vating and Teaming Both Phones Simplicity and Durability is the basis which the WMITP. SEW i INU MACHINI: is built on. We are ; unprejudiced in our claim that the i V Mill; is the best sewing machine in j the OKI. I). We are only too glad to show you that the range of work Is unlimited. We make the Vibrator and Kotary machines, the latter being equipped with the Lock and Chain ' stitch, making two machines in one and possesses other desirable features ; too numerous to mention. See SILWAUr HAKOWARF. & , I CKNI I I'RL CO., local dealer, Hood River, Ore., before you buy. I WHITE SWING MCHIE CO. CLASSIFIED COLUMN 4artlaaantt. lor IdltrtlM yndtr this IwidlKf will cnargae tor at tse rata at 25c par aaanth lor , (usually) thraa llsaa-se Sltpla,. Cash should accoMDanj cap. otlMnalaa aa,abia b tha I Oth ol tha month. A a MeslMM lor reaching tha paopla , I ha MaM Ue alana aae itnticellag. SOCIETIES HoodRivi7 VaTkrr Homsne Socwty-l'hTlflo I E. H. Hsrtwig. president; Haruld Hershner, I aecratmriJaalw Butler, treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICES To Exehanice What have you to trade fur gilt edire besineaa prufMjaitioa in Portland? K. A. Hitcheock75 No. 2nd trot Portland. 46-4vc ' Wanted Sacond band apray pump to work in barrel in amall orchard . F. C Stout. 45-4-p Wanted Two hundred boxee find "aecondu" 1 Newtown, and apiUenberca preferred. W. ' M. Kollock, phone 46-a-p anted Room and board for boy attending high echooLTel. 244 L. 4-5lp. ant 1300 pound team for keep this winter. CaHAiJJ. HallamOrrgon Hotel. 4-51c w? BUSINESS NOTICES Loan Airency-Ixiana offered. tV, $700. Lnana wanted-tOO, tuUU. flOOO. llZiK. tl&UO. tAM. S2M). Apply to A. W. On thank, V. Oak St. 40-tf If you bava any buildinaT you want moved or raiaed aee JT. JJealurhi4-ap EMPLOYMENT anted A location on a ranch. Hava had ex oerienea In Dlantina", pruninir. aprayinir and eultlvatina. alao lorur experience with horsea; am married, no children. Phono 241-L. 46-4-p Stewart 'anted-B induatriuua youna man. aeeuua- tlou in snv hnm nr mil Hurir.e tha mt, PhunJ4 K. E G. keifuiti. s-Sl ' REAL E8TATC AND RENTALS Uuomi for Rent Livht houeekeepinir and lulv lvin. Nleepinc rooma 12 and up. Mrs. J. W. kiKby. 45-44-p 'To Let For the winter, a email houae to re x aponaible partiea. Addreaa Mra. L. Hoyden. K. F. U. 3. 45-4A-C TTor Rent-Two nicely fumiahed rnoma within A one block of I'ontoltice. phona I'UH. 46-4M X?ot Rent-Small houae. fumiahed. Rent nun A mat to ratponaible partiea. K. F. U. No. 3. Mra. L. b(jyden. 47-5nc tVr kent-Two larire rooma auiuble fir houae- keeuinir, near corner 12tb at roe t and Strana- han Ave. Mra E. C. Willia. 4s-61"p T,"Vr Rent -Fumiahed room, furnace heat. Phona A Mra. Nnwmin. 7ti K. 4-61p Purniahel Korm to rent with bath. Apply Chria 1 Raney at Willia' poi room tf-4H-61c HOR8ES, COWS, PI08, CHICKENS, ETC. por Sale -Fine drivinir and aaddle horen. 7 yeara old. sound and gentle; bwether with open bunny, new thia aummer: harness, cowboy aaddls. bridle, winter and aummer lap robes. Good cart for muddy wosther. Will make an attractive price on entire outfit for quick sale. Phona 306L. 47-50c Wanted -A irotid milch Gillea. Huod River. 47-50 cow. Ore., Addreaa U. B. or phone 2usL. Lr SaleA aailille pony cheap if taken soon. A. A N. Foley, one mile weat of town. 4&-4H-P Por Sale-Team. aed 10 and 12. weight 1175. an 1 tirely fearlesa. true pullers: new harness and ipnni wsicon. all for fSib. Addreaa "C" ears of Hood River News. 46-1-p. Wr S la m CThe only thing we lack to make young and old happy is Sleds Niagara Mfg. Co. advises shipment of duplicate car; this should arrive December 10. We are authorized to book orders up to arrival at SPECIAL PRICES This will be the finest and lowest priced line ever shown anywhere. Includes 21 Styles and Prices Remember Our Toy Shop Is not in thewindow, but fills a well lighted space onthe Main floor50x2o, and 100 feet of shelving. back(KljoceUing. Automobiles, Flying Hachines, Steam t-ngines Everything Our Doll Line is immense and jsjein forced with Furniture. Tableware. Wash Sots. Kitchen Stoves. Brass Rods, Go-Carts. Games and FlaymCardsofevery kind. The Furniture and Crockery Department is full of presents. 117 Sots Carvers' Manufacturers Samples, marked way down. llOo flvketKnivos. marked way down. Hardware and Furniture Por Sale-Light team and harnesa. Pries fisu. K. TaswelL R. F. D No. 2. -& 1 Vor Sale-Aooersun Jack The nmat all. around forty horse power Autorrwbi!e In the country. It is specially built for hill climbing I Will aell cheap. If interested call on A. C. Hal lamOreuon Hotel. 44-Slc. FOR SALE Por Sale or Rent-Typewriters, new or second 1 hand, on easy terms. A. W. fmthank. 40-tfc Pjr Sale-Alfalfa and wheat hay. delivered. S 1 J. Frank. R. F. U. 3. -tfe. Por Sale Two box heating stoves. No. 3U and A 31 with water cuilera. Phona ttX. H-51p furley Transit for Sala-Completa engineers tradait with anlar attachment. Guaranteed to he in first clasa condition. Price 16. J. L. Henderson, Inc. Hood River. 4-5lp LOST AND FOUND T sit-Black silk umbrella with detachable nsfur- I al wood handle. Finder please leave at this I office. 4H-4H-C T oat A gold fob buckle and charm with initials A- H. i L. Finder please return to Newa office. ! 47-M I Oakdale Greenhouse i iet In your orders now fur Tulips, J Narcissi. Ilaffixlils, Hyacinths, etc. I I'eontis shoiiM 1m- plunted In Octolsr, also ItuwH and MiruliH, If liloom is, ... l luff . , 1 vtniitrii in lirii. iiiiihi supply (n hand and coming. Try a few ijllles. FLETC'HKR & FLKTf'H KK rawar and CA wreck on the Great Northern, followed by fire, burned up a car load J. A. DONAGHUE Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly of Per.dleum) Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Tor. Otflca and Resiuencs, 411 Fourta street Pacific Hhons Msin Ull The Dalles. Oregon N 6S YEARS' xPcmcNCC Trade Marks OcaiONS Copvriomts Ac A nrone aendlng a tketch and description aaay esilraif sscertstn our opinion free whether aa invention IS prooahly pacsntahts, CoBimunlcsr tlonaatnctlyeon81eiitlsl. HANDBOOK on Pstsuta tent free. Oldest agency for aecunuf psients. Parents tsAen tbroosh Munn A Co. reoalsa asscia Aottcs, wit hoot cba-ea. In tha Scientific American. A hndorTi.r IHaatnuM VMklr. f rrM Hf. eulfttion tt nf trrintiflo V'tir-oai. Tmn, ft fnr: fnur montbt IL 6uUl by ul ntiifitr. MUNN & Co.3818""-'- New York Branch ufllce. SB t St. WasblnstuD, IX C Company Of XIJ I M