THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1910 5 H M if if If f THE SQUARE DEAL STORE CARRIES IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF Farm Implements Extension Harrows and Orchard Tools Bicycles and Bicycle Extras Fishing Tackle Guns and Ammunition Gasoline Supply Station 2. McDOJVALD HOOT) 'RIVE'R, OTtEGOff :xrr; M DAVIDSON REPLIES TO ATTACK IN GLACIER S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREOON IV KW RKKinKXTS We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and . cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., HRDtG"o'J." White :: River :: Flour Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread ASK YOUR GROCER If you want your horses properly SHOD come to SH1VELY & McGlLLlVARY flcjct to Snobo S3L Upson Don't Leave the Hood River District WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley Natural advantage for fruit rowing unexcelled. Land price have doubled in laflt two year but art not half that anked for aimilar land in other section Buy now before speculator add their profits. Commercial Cluh ok Mosikr MOSIER. ORlKiON 6 Miles East of Mood River, Oregon NICHOL & HADLOCK ORCHARD LANDS AND CITY REALTY Brosius Building, Corner Second and Oak Hood River, Oregon a iLts r jus a7 r ik. -a v. tor? frrA? AT thA Otf fi- JaTT KM S V. H. H. Bailit W. E. Colby 19II' i ' jw f mm w ! U' ITTMJK f BAILEY & COLBY ft Electric Wiring and Fixtures All kinds of Electrical ( Supplies at Moderate Prices $ Ridnc Phone X- Wj( Office and Display Room al 117 State Street Shop Phone 272-K jft5fr ?r To the Editor of the News: Ah-rtertlonn have ln repeatedly made In the Glacier that I have atock In the company which bought the preHent water BVHtem. I wish to nay that I have no atock In the com pany which uwua the water ftyetem and never expect to have. The only poHHlhlllty of my having any Is In caxe the court orders the recent sale net aMlde, which U very unlikely, at the company sold the property a the highest price obtainable and got the caul). Thine Htatementu have of courae lieen made to Injure me and my Interests In Hood Klver In gen era). A hlMtory of thin continued warfare upon me, personally, and my buHlneHH In teres tn, and the source that It emanates from, In not with out Interest to the public. Since the jjurchane of the Tucker Spring In the early part of -190.J, by Mayor McDonald and hid party, the question of building a competitive municipal water system nas been prominently and almost constantly before the public and has been ad vertlsed abroad very extensively by the (Jlacler as the city admlulstra tlon news organ, and more or less by other papers. Developments lu the recent bond Injunction proced Ings before the federal court have brought prominently to the surface some very Interesting, not to say startling. Information. In order to draw definite and correct conclus Ions It Is not out of place to consider that the agitation has emanated from two sources which are closely related to each other, both In bus! liens and politics. The first and original source of this agltattou was for the purpose of gratifying two disgruntled stockholders of the de funct Hood Klver Klectrlc Light, ! I'ower & Water Co.. vlr: N. C. Evans laud Mayor 1). McDonald, who had I previously leen managing the water and light business. Second, the de sire of the mayor and his associates In Jthe bauklng business, who were (also In control of the city govern- I incut, to haudle aud distribute the ! large fund arising from the sale of the bonds. During the time 1 of this controversy there has been a i verv close resemblance !etween the I management of the First National Bank and the city couucll. For In stance: D. McDonald, councilman, mayor and director First National Bank. A. D. Moe, councilman, city printer and mouthpiece aud director First National Bank. E. O. Blanchar, councilman, city treasurer and cashier First National I Bank. ! J. M.. Wright, councilman and con I tractor for First National Bauk. ' A. J. Derby, city attorney and at J tomey for First National Bauk, j (i. I. Slocum, councilman, nephew j of E. Smith, a heavy stockholder and a director In the First National I Bank. I During all of the time which this ! controversy has been going on a J majority of the city government has been made up. of otllcers or attaches I of this bank, or their relatives, and I they have been In a position to con j trol the city funds for several years back. 1 The (ilncler, published by A. D. I Moe, has beeu very active In the j warfare against the water system j by conducting a "Boll the Water" campaign and publishing much abusive and disgusting matter, one of the objects of which. It Is now ap parent, was for the purpose of at tracting the attention of the public aud taxpayers away from the fren lied effort of his business partners acting In the dual capacity of selling the city bonds at any cost, and get ting the money Into their own hands. The deal would have been consum mated at a loss of over $.V),000 to the taxpayers of this city but for the In tervention of the federal court, which says that the attempt to sell the bonds without advertising was un lawful. The old adage that "misery loves company" Is well Illustrated by an i editorial In the Ulacler last week, In which the editor seeks to draw others Into his class. He knows the odium he has brought upon himself In attempting to appropriate to his own use the sum of f.V) paid him as chairman of the street committee, which he disgorged after keeping It over a year without having turned It Into the city treasury, ns should have been done. He also knows the opprobrium brought upon himself and associates when the Federal court decided that the attempt to sell the city bonds without proper advertising was unlawful, nnd he also knows what the attitude of the public will 1m when It actually learns that the city was plunged Into debt more than three times the limitation of the city charter, by his associates, which has Iwen done with his ap proval; so, In order to feel less lone some, apparently, he undertakes to put the private water company In the same class by Insinuating that It has a "soiuew h i t unsavory past." While "to err Is human," neither the private water company nor any of It members deserve to lie criticised by the city printer nor any of his associates whom he proposes to re turn to office. He evidently hopes to continue the Improvident, unlaw, f ul effort of the present administra tion. It Is gratifying to know, how ever, that among those who hold over as councllmeu there are men who will verve the city lu an honor able manner If not overpowered. People, generally, understand that to spend S'JO.OOO or any other sum to bring the Tucker Spring water to the city for a permanent or tempo rary water supply, would lie money wasted. This Is not admitted, how ever, by those Interested lu handling and distributing the fund nor bv those who expect to profit by con tracts and other jobs or by selling powder and tools to the contractors, and which the mayor Is In position to furnish. The contractor would hardly be In position to buy else where, as such a breach of business etiquette might Involve the accept ance of the work, and unlike the city sewer system, of which Mayor Mc Donald was Inspector for the city, the contractor who took the liberty to make his purchases elsewhere, might be required to put the pipes to the required depth Instead of leaving them some five feet nearer the sur face of the ground than he was paid for, and where, In one Instance, the ends of the sewer pipe did not meet. but were counected by burlap. This brings up the Intense Interest manifested by (Ity Printer Moe, erst while city councilman and chairman of the street committee under a for mer administration, who wan active In having several hundred dollars worth of work done on the street lu front of Ms-residence, the expense for which he approved as proper to Is? paid out of the tax money, but which class of work Is required by the charter to be paid by the prop- erty owner ami lias U-en paid for In that way In most cases, and who makes an affidavit to aid the bunch. In It he tells what he has been told, as be terms It, which Is In a large pnrt untrue. He undertook to bring pressure to bear upon Mr. Van Horn to drop the Injunction proceedings, but the pressure, apparently, was not heavy enough, as the suit still stands. The testimony In the suit shows that the council meeting which au thorized the making of the disgraceful Keeler contract was held outside of the city hall, and that there was no record of the proceedings of thecouncll showing this meeting to have been held until the suit was brought, when the minutes appenred on the records of the city the following day, and that the city recorder evaded the question on Sept. 17th as to hav ing made any contract with Keeler Bros., when he had signed the con tract himself on August 3th. It was noted that Mr. Keeler was a frequent visitor to the First National Bank upon his visits to Hood Klver, and It was also the duty of the city treasurer, E. O. Blanchar, to know how the city Quances stood, but not withstanding his Intimacy with Mr, Keeler and his knowledge of the city finances, he professes Ignorance of the Intentions of the city council In the matter, although his bank, through his combined act ns city treasurer and bank cashier, has actu ally taken up $10,00t, of city war rants, while over $17,000 In city warrants have Iteen Issued and registered as not paid for want of funds, and the limitation of the city charter Is but $.,0O0. The mayor Is a director In this same bank and had signed the Keeler contract a month previously. It Is bis duty, also, to look after the bank's Inter est, as well as the Interest of thecltv. Now the sale of these bonds for ;10 ears at 6 per cent means more of a loss to the tax payers of the city than the entire proposed cost of the ater system as offered by the writer when In charge of the matter. The mayor and his party would not con sider the purchase because the price was too high In their opinion, but It was perfectly agreeable to make a private contract, contrary to law, for the sale of $90,000 worth of city bonds thereby making a direct loss f more money than the entire price ofthewstpr system. Did his bank need the deposits which would prob ably lie unused six months to a vear? Did he need the business In the line of selling powder, etc., to the contrac tors, or did he think the dear public. hose Interests he Is so carefully guarding, would te delighted to make somebody a straight present of over $."0.00(). One percent on $!),. 000, or $:0 rr annum, for IKl rears would be $ 27.0UO and the Interest on Interest paid during that time would make the total more thnn $.'0K. I am not suggesting who were to t the Iwnetlclarles under the agreement but there must have been enough Inducement In sight to keep the mat ter quiet until a couietitor In the bond business learned of the matter and let the secret out. It Is reported that the water Is bad. However, no bad results have !een shown. Matson threatened to "get even" aud hus persistently tried to have the water condemned. It Is to be hoped by all heavy taxpayers, like the writer, that the water will always remain good, but If not It Is morally certain that any loss sus tained by the owners, whoever they may be at the time, will have to be paid for by the city on account of the acts of some of tha city officials above mentioned by refusing to pro vide protection for this water by or dering drains and sewers as request ed about six years ago, and again suggested by the state board of health more than a year ago. In stead this lot of officials has sought to have this water supply con demned and enconraged rather than discouraged leaving filth on the ground above this spring, accordlug to their own reports. If the above scheme had leen car ried out It might have been consid ered good banking, but could hardly be considered good city government, except by those Interested In hand ling the funds. H. F. Davidson Bald Adv. Water Works on the Farm Yes, that' juat what wf mean real watrr workl; runoiaf water In the kltrhra, tha We laundry, the bars la fact, all orer the place. And it a all done bv that Una. lower left band corner of thia picture the Leailrr Rvatrra. It a va.tiy diflrrrnt Irora the oid-Iaamoncd elevated tank which worked by gravity, for the Leader Water Supply By.trm iaoperatrd bytJmxiW air rrliable. safe ad cleanly. Your windmill pumpa ater Into the tank (which la already full of air). The air. being eUttic, la comprrued Into upper part of the lank, aad force the water out through the pipe. Thi give you a preaaure, o that a powerful at mm of watrr I on Up at every faucet, do matter where it l lucated. Ami thia mrana o4j htu frt-fnuaum, for tbc preaaure ia alwayi en aud alwaya ready. Now, the old style gravity tank vera either put la the- attic or lt ated oa a high tower out of door. In Ut former caaa, their weight when full, cracked the plantering; or tney oversowed or leaked, flooding the rooma below. In the caaa of the outatde tanka, the water oftea froze aohd In winter, nrceaaitating expensive plumb ing bill; or it became but and atagnant during inc ummer ana unni tor uc The Japanese JVovelties Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA Oik Street, Corner 1st Pione 160 HOCKEMBURRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitect Hall Building Hood River, Okboon You'll Never Get Left if you buy your groceries here. If you'll honor us with a call you will find here about the finest showing of high class groceries you can imagine. Come, if you so wish, only to look. SOLE AGENTS Barringlon Hall Steel Cut Coffee and Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees rTHE STAR GROCERY- T'ccd eJftings tc at PER1GO &. SON Something Electrical For All is just what you willfind in our superb showing of thinps elec trical. You would be surpris ed to view many of the little articles in every day use, that can be attached to the current. Electricity Saves Time in every one of these specialties, and decreases the cost. It's time you considered purchas ing. Terhaps an iron, heater, drop lijrht, or chafing dish is what you need- at any rate, come to our store and look around. DEAN & SHAW Office Phone 3 Residence 272M fi it ft p MBA IIP 41 I Leader Water Supply System 1 all thia, heauae the alr-tlght tank la 2f" Jf ' ? r in the txisKment or buried undrr- fj, JV JjljZU f;V 1 nd beluw the frot line. Every outfit V J' iiSiSV 'i mplrte, with full directiona. and ia "TV. ' W r avrM eithr ground it eaatly installed. The Leader Svstem nreda do repairs, ia auited to am all building1 of targe, ana ia moderate u price. Tjt ua aend vou Anr fA K&nh !t I Holved the niur Supply problem." tha a"rr ot a man mho eucoaafuliv aqulppd Ma country noma with, modara watar worka. V - Write for It today, before you forget bathrwia. yoa aea la the mm Apple Land and Orchard Company Off loo, No. 9 Oak Stroat. Phono 26 Of 2002K. Hood Rtvor Fancy Apples in Fancy Packages Our Specialty Fancy Packages, containing one to 112 Extra Fancy Hood River Apples. Send a Sample to Eastern Friends Express prepaid anywhere in United States or Canada. :::::: ROBINSON, DeREDING & CROCKER Commercial Club Booth Hood River. Oreeron WHEN YOU WANT LVlanufacturij and Repair Work OF ANY AND EVERY DESCRIPTION We are prepared to do It la our larte and well equipped .Manufactur ing and Repair Establishment. We would be pleased to have you call on us. FINE HORSESHOEING SNOW & UPSON Shops 14 1-H3-1 45-147 Fourth St.,0p. Oilbert-Vaujhan, Hood Rlver.Or. R,IVER ABSTRACT CO. J. rvt. BCHMCLTZER, Saoretary Abstracts, listriBK, CfivegaiclBf ul Sortfi Boids H' have the only complete set of Abstraet Books in Hood River County and are in position to execute all work with promptness and a-ccuracy. W represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Com.' panies doing business in Oregon, and can five the fire insurance obtainable for the money. Our reputation as conveyancers is knou n to all. .411 of our work is guaranteed. Come to us when you want Surety Bond of any description. Otlca In tha 0VI050 IUIL0INB. J. t. Cerntr Cattail Aiaaua an Thlre ftraal Homo Pboetm HOOD fUVOt, OREGON SMITH BROS. Successors to JACKSON cV JACKSON We have just put on our shelves complete new stocks of Canned and Bottled Goods, Teas and Coffees and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders. PHONE 47 FREE DELIVERY NOW ON DISPLAY Our new line of Christmas Goods can now be shown to you at our store. It is finer and larger than-ever before. Sec It Before You Buy We have presents for young and old games, etc., for the children, useful presents for older ones, beautiful gifts for the beautiful ladies (and also for the handsome young men), and still nicer gift for the elderly people. Let us show you. Keir & Cass ft RELIABLE DRUGGISTS ft Smith niock, Hood River, Oregon