THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1910 3 Again we feel that we are prepared to serve our patrons in a thoroughly satisfactory way by showing good, reliable, new goods at prices that are absolutely the lowest that can be made on Good Merchandise FOB Fft and Specials 1 Specials AY SAT ROM A 16 Oz. Cotton Bat for 2c 85c Seamless Sheet 81x90, for 66c. Boys' High Top Shoes with large Klondike eyelets and two straps at the top-Heavy Soles, well sewed. Craker jacks Size 12 to 2. Regular $3 grade for $2.3 9 Size 2 1-2 to 5 1-2. Regular $3.25 grade for $2.49 Any $1.25 Umbrella in the house for 98c SHOES for Women with Tired Feet For women who stand on hard floors, for the busy housewife, for women who like to walk, our ACME CUSHION SOLE SHOES afford errateful relief. These shoes PRICE contain insoles of genuine Australian Wool Felt, making a soft bed into which the foot sinks to perfect ease the result is equal distribution of pressure and better circulation'. Flexable outer soles add to the comfort. Stylish in appearance, perfect fit and excellent wearing qualities. PRICE $3.50 $1.25 Bed Spreads for 89c. $2.25 Bed Spreads for $1.69 15c Pillow Case, 36x45 for 11c Children's Fleece-lined Underwear, size 18 to 34. Pants and Vests CtAaSol 1 Or for Boys and Girls ZpeCiaI 1 VC Men's heavy ribbed, fleeced lined Underwear. Regular price 50c SpCCifll 37C Men's Corduroy Pants for $3.50 SHOES of all Descriptions Children's tan button, black button and high-top shoe3 for school wear $2, $2.50 and $3 Ladies' Patent Button with Cravenette or Velvet top for $4.00 Ladies' High Top Gun Metal Shoes for $4.50 Ladies' High Top Tan Shoes for $5.00 F?ll hhr new shipment now here. We can fit any shoe with Rubbers from IUUUC1 a number 5 in Babies to number 8 in LadiesFirst Grade Rubber. Hats Men's Suits! Men's Suits! Hats $25.00 Suits for Listen Men! You have the chance of your life to Save Money! $ 1 4.98 $22.50 Suits for $ 1 2.98 $20.00 Suits for. $ 1 0.98 $17.50 Suits for And some of the Greatest Bargains for $9.00 and $10.00 you ever saw Any $3.00 Soft Hat for 98c, Black and Colors $9.98 MORLAN LATHROP WILL HOOD RIVER BOYS GO TO BAD? I-Varfiil that Hood Klver parents are neglecting to have tlirlr boys properly Instructed In the Christian faith, l. It. Stokely addresses an open letter to fathers mx mothers on" tlit subject. He says: Christian people of Hood Klver, lathers, mothers, mlnlsterrt ami teachers, why are the boys absent from our Sunday schools? We see little children, itrown people and girl there, liut where are the Io.vm? Why are they nearly all fitment? In It Is-cause parents are Indifferent, or In It Is-cause they lack Inllueiice aud the power to control? Can It tie that when they come chaff In given Instead of wheat, or self presented liiMtead of ( hrlsf! Shall we not fear Mint our churches are Hearing the breakers. If the Iio.vh are absent In the pres ent (feneration, wl" ot lint ti men and Iio.vh Ik- absent In the licit? What need ft church houses; then? Will they not Htnnd tin inoimmeutH to fin liiHtltutlon of the pant? Shall we forget God? Can the apple of Hood Klver Have? Can ttiene orchard lands cleanse? Will not a time come when we will wIhIi He were ours? "On to, now, ye rich. Weep and liowl for your miseries that hIihII coiue upon you." "Shall man lie more righteous than hln Maker?" "lie not righteous overmuch, neither make thyself overwlse." Will Sunday liall gamen turn out Rodly men? Will dunce halls nend recruit to the pewn? I-t's have them come mid Htudy that wonderful book, ho Hlmple that any may learn, ho deep that none can fathom. lt'H teach them to love It because of It Intrinsic worth, and because of It pource. Ia'V lend them to know the lovellneHH of lllm who npoke and never mini Hpoke. I-et'n deHlre them tilled with that Spirit, resisting whom Ih death, vleldtiikC to whom Ih life, lii-t'n train them up in me Hhould go. PORTLAND MAN BUYS COLLINS HOT SPRINGS Collltm Hot Springs, one of the well known resorts on the tipMT Columtiln rlvtr, Iiiih been purchased by K. A. Young, of Portland, for merly ft heep king of Fastcrn Ore iron, from CfiptnlnC. F. Itelcher, who wiiv wnerelti tney I. It. STOKKI Y. yearn. Mr. Voting plans to Improve the property In such a ivnj h to add greatly to the comfort of the patrons of the hotel. Both partlen to the transaction decline to make public the coiiHlderatlnn, lint It Is known to have lieen a cotiHidc ratite sum, an renort property In the Hot Springs area near White Salmon has com up In price In the last few yearn, due to the lamely increasing patronage liy Portland and Hood Klver people. STATE GAINS FROM NATIONAL FORESTS For the INcal year elided .lutiettl lant, the I". S. Ilepnrtinetit of Agrl- culture annoiiiicen the LTi per cent of National Forest revenue which will go to t he states for road and school purposes amounted to $."0,r.M.M. Thin wan f ii7,4(.d (Kt more than lant year, or an Increane of a little over l. percent. The p'aymentnnre an offset to the loss of Income from taxable proerty Hiintulneil through with drawal of the forent land from entry under the public lam Iiiwh. The amoiiiitn which will go to the varioun ntaten are an follows: ArU ona, $."!. 'JL'O.HS; Arkannan. ,!H4.44; California, f i!0,T."2.!M ; Colorado, $:().- MMi.l'.l; Florida, 7(Ni.:iS; Idaho, 074 ."; Kaunan, $1,IHI4 t!7; MlnncHota, $t,"i7.:t7; Montana, f s;j.(;rs.:is; Neb raska, $JJi 2.i; Nevada. $1(1.314.3:1; New Mexico, $-.,r,:. .".3; North Dak- otu, $i'-'UVI; Oklahoma, fUtl .10; Ore- iron, 5:ri.(.(.i.i ; jsoiitu nakota. SOS.'Ct; Ftali, f:W,!H:i.4!l; Washington. flM,t!71.V.t; Wyoming. $.l4,704,.r)4. Noteworthy In the especially heavy Increase over the amounts lant year 111 certain ntaten. In California the amount rone by over l!."i per cent. In Idaho by over X per cent and In Oregon by nearly 50 jht cent. The Increanen are the result of Increased nctlvlty In national forest timber ales In these states ami are an earn est of what will happen an the timber supply which the government Is car ing forcomen Into full demand. Since the cut of tlmlicr will always be limited to what the forests will keep on growing, the Income to the states will lie permanent, not transitory, as would have been the case If hasty and Improvident exploitation had lieen permitted. According to the calculations of the department of agriculture ollielals the states will eventually receive many Mine; what the forests are now yielding them, for Mien Is an yet on the whole only a very restricted demand for the gov ernment's tlmlicr. COUNTY CONVENTION HELDTHIS WEEK The Hood Itlver County Suuday School Convention will be held In Hood Klver thin ye'ir, at the Chris Man church, Friday and Saturday, iHremlier L'nd and :trd. Prepara tions tire being made for a splendid convention, and matters of Import ance to Sunday School workers will be discussed. Speakers and workers of prominence will lie present and take part In the program. Four sessions will lie held, a program of which follows: FRIDAY AFTERNOON Praiae and Prayer Service A. B. CASH Welcome REV. HANDSAKF.R Importance of the Cradle Roll. Sons by Primary Claaa. Appointment of Committee. The Beginners In the Sunday School MISS GRACE TURNEY The Equipment of the Model Sunday School REV. C. A. PH1PPS FRIDAY EVENING Sons Service and Scripture Reading. The Importance of Religious Education REV. HARRIS Duet. Addreaa REV. C. A. PI1IPPS Benediction. SATURDAY MORNING Praitie and Pnalms. Prayer ... REV. E. McOMIIER Training for Citizenihip. REV. F.. T. SIMPSON 10:00. Friendly Helpem MRS. E. J. N1CKEI.SF.N Solo BELLE ELLIS 10:30. The ReliRiouti Poet of Inrael REV. J. R. HARGREAVES llrOO. Riiiht and Wrong Method, in Teaching a Claw REV. C. A. PHIPPS SATURDAY AFTERNOON Song Service. Scripture Reading and Prayer REV. H. J. WOOD Superintendent'. Half Hour work, being one of the Holy Grail pictures. I'rof. McLaughlin's address, which wan very Interesting, wan on the origin and history of Thanksgiving day, and proved to hln listenerti that It Is not a purely American Institu tion, but really as old as history It self, although It has been a national holiday for only about flftjr yearn. Other features of the program were equally Interesting. 2:00. :20. 2:4.'.. S:1.V S:20. 3:30. 4:0(1. 7:30. 8:00. 8:35. :40. 9:1S. :3fl. n u lL m W J& Wl 1:30. 1:H. 2r00. 2:30. .Vim. 3 ;). 4:00. M. II. O'DELL BurtineM SemHn. If neat inn Box. Round Tahle on Organized Clawvea. Cloaing Exerciaea. Thanksglvlnit and Memorial Service Thursday afternoon at the high school, exerclneH Is'llttlng the tlay were held In the afternoon, which were well attended. The program consisted of musical selections and addresses by meiiils'rs of the faculty and ot hers. Ilev. V.. A. Harris, pastor of the Congregational church, gave the memorial address and unveiled the picture hung In memory of Raymond Ingallrt, until recently a metiitter of the high school. The picture was one which will, no doubt, prove an Inspiration for students In their EXPERT Watchmakers and Jewelers Diamonds Jetvelry Cut Glass Silver Spoons We carry a full line of Diamonds in stock. Our Umbrellas are something new and fine. We purchase the most of our Goods direct from the factories 21 JEWELED. mm We Engrave our goods free of charge. We riount our Diamonds at home. Buying for two stores places us among the leading dealers Our Prices are as Lotv as any Eastern House Our 5tock is unlimited. We pay Cash and do our own work. We are Masters of our business and will please you if you will allow us. 1 1 1 II M N 11 II M 11 M ri I II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II g The Oldest Jewelry Store in the County h LARAWAY II U n ii ii n innnDonnnnnDnnnnonnonnnnnnnnnnannnannnnnnncLi oerated the place for a tin nil ht ofj