THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1910 2 fknVlmnp CnnAc for old. middle aped and young. The largest and best assortment in the city. 2nd floor. p il THE PARIS FAIR The Store That Saves You Money Books of every sort. Little Story and Picture Rooks, all the new Novels, Poems, Gift Books, Etc. 2nd Floor. A New Overcoat for Christmas What is there that would be more appreciated by father, husband or brother than one of our Rain Proof, All-wool Overcoats made by Hart, Schaffher & Man With this name on the garments you know you are petting the best made. We have a good supply in all sizes. $17.50, $18, $20 and $25 other makes for $5, $8, $10 and $15 A Fine Sweater Coat or Overcoat for the Little Boy. Dolls or a nice Sweater Jacket for the little Girl, Rain Coat or Cape. For the Ladies we have one of the finest lines of Tailored Suits, Coats, Capes, Shirt Waists, Skirts and Rain Coats, Furs and Fur Sets (a splendid line to choose from) Toilet Sets, Cut Glass, Fancy China and Silverware, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Glove Boxes, Albums of all kinds, Post Cards and Photo, Military Brushes, Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets Teddy Bears, Puss in Boots, Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Mechanical Toys, Wagons, Sleds, Doll Buggies, Doll Beds, Balls, Games of every kind. Drums, Horns, Trains, Pianos, Furni ture, Cradles, Chairs and hundreds of articles on both floors that would make A Happy Gift for Old and Young DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon RaaidesM. Oak and Park. Offlca, Oak'and Second Offira hour, 10 to 11 a m.. I to 3 and 7 to I p. m. Ruoroa i. 4 ami i. Broalua Block. Hood Rivar. Ora. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawarad in town or country, day or night Teiaphonaa-RaaidencaUl. Offlca til Offica In tha Broaiua Build Inc. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offica ovar Firat National Bank Homa phona.'Raa.71B;!Offlea phona 71 Hood Rivar. Onaroa SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phona M Hood Rivar, Orefon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Mom phone 30. Reeidenea. SOB Hood Kivar. Oregon Cprrifct Hrt tcaasscr lc Marl "Business Men's Ticket" Two ticket will W in the tiel.l for the cougideratiou of t lie voters of the city Uxt week. The 'liiirflnewa Men' Ticket" han the most hearty eiHlorKement of the New for the fol lowing reaxoux: lt. It in headeel by an able at torney wbose acta an mayor will te In conformity to law ami the tax payer will U' greatly benefited through a legally correct adminis tration. SihI. The ticket 1m i-i mi pi of men who have not mixed up in the water fight and who are in a poul-1 tion to deal w ith the water queotlon on Itn merits and as the people may desire by their vote. :'.rd. The ticket contains names of men who are In favor of city street improvements and the advancement' of the city's Interests in general. K. M. Ilartwlg. who is the candi date for mayor, is well known to the citizens of Hood Uiver. Me is at present deputy prosecuting attorney and secretary of the I'.usiness Men's Forty Thousand Prescriptions Have Been Riled at This Store In The Past Ten Years This record shows better than anything else the confidence placed irf this store both by the Doctor and the Patient Chas. N. Clarke GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River :: :: Oregon For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See 5TRANAHAN & CLARK r WOOD & HUGGINS Fancy and Staple Groceries 1 t Preferred Stock, Heinz's 71 varieties Pickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Uutter, Etc. Splendid line of canned Tomatoes and Corn at IO cents Y SOLE AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE LOUR 2 t !..Your 6rder5 will receive onr best attention... j Association. Me is a man who had the courage of his convictions and who would make a splendid executive officer. Messrs. C. K. Marshall, H. I'. Smith ami Jan. Stranahan, who are named on the ticket for councilmen, are well kuown business meo of this city and the fact fliat they do not Udong to any "cliiiue" or "clau" places them In position to serve the city In a most acceptable manner. A. W. Outhauk, who Is the nom inee for recorder, Is at present city school clerk and au old time resilient of the city. His election to otfice would mean a most efficient dis charge of the duties of his office. A. ('. Cass, the nominee for treas urer Is a well known citizen and fully qualified for the office. The business men who had charge of the circulating of the petition for the "Business Men's Ticket" met with most flattering results during the brief period they spent In secur ing names. The petition curries about ) names of representative business men. We would urge all our readers to vote for the "Husiness Men's Ticket." Nobody Knows "(1 Lord how long?" I have lived In Hood Klver for several years and have been fighting for water ever since I have leen here, and If my meiuroy Is right It seems to me that the city council has lieen scrapping the water company for the past six years and they haven't a drop of water yet, I guess that It's about time that they give up the ghost nnd turn the administration over to some one who will ijult the everlast ing scrapping and get down to busi ness. I don't think that the city will ever get a water system through a council that Is always on the fight. I't's elect a new council and give them a chance. A Common Votkii. Evans Leads Tight X. C. Kvans Is leading the fight for the re-election of our present mayor. Voters should not forget that n vote for McOonald and his associate Is a vote for Kvans, and In favor of keep ing the city behind Kvans In his liti gation with the old water company. i Another thing should be remem bered. The mayor and council can do nothing In the way of buying the i present water system until the ques tlon has lieen submitted to and rati fied by the voters of the city. Xo matter who Is mayor or who are councilmen the people will decide all such questions. Si iiwriiikh. Htute of Ohio, City of Toledo, Ku cas countv, ss. Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior part j tier of the tirtn of K. J. Cneney & Co., i doing business In the City of Toledo, i County and Mate aforesaid, and I that siild firm will pay the sum of j One Hundred Dollars for each and j every case of Catarrh that cannot be ! cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh jCure. Krank J. Cheney. Sworn to i Is'fore me and subscrllied In my pres. I ence, this tith day of Im-cuiIst, A. f. Iss'i. -A. XV. tileason, .Notary Public. .M-al. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the 'blood and lyuioiis surface of the I system. Send for testimonials free. ' F. .1. ( heney A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Mr. and Mm. Thou. Schoolcraft ol j IMIley, Ore., spent the ThanksglTlng Opening of Heights Club The attention of our good citizen, old and young. Is drawn to the Im portant movement to be inaugu rated this coming Thursday evening on the Heights. In the rear of the Baptist chnrch a public reading Christian Science services are held In Reading Room, Xo. i, Davidson building, Sunday at 11 a. m. and XX'ednesday nt 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a m.- WANTED Japanese wants days work at cooking and houseclean ing. Address H. Yama, 14 Oak St., phone 160. Trio Orchestra Music furnlfthed for B oecaaiona. Instrumentation from three pieces to any num ber desired. Address or phone C. O. IN EWIVI AISJ 64-X or 269-L Hood River, Oregon Old Virginia Farms For Sale Send for free Illustrated catalog; largest list In Virginia. CASSELMAN & CO ..Richmond, Virginia. Do Not Delay Your Fall Planting OUI AUTUMN CATALOa raady la leptaatbaf Mailt Fraa aa liauatt Mh WWW mi m I 1 1 1 1 mm i r o vacation with their uncle, K. DrHdley, nnd family. RO0EO 'fruit. shAdc VND ORNAMENTAL STRAWBERRY VHSUSk PLANTS 7Ww Win Ba iBir9rwaiwa rlvad t-vm rRAHOB. OIXAHD. IAPAB th afOBM Mi " MUanociiirtiawradr. Barl artara cur aaiao raaarvatloaa. ASK rON CATALOG NO. l PORTLAND SEED CO. rOITLAHD, OUM M Icre kills the Dandruff para aita.aootheathe Itching-scalp, Clvea lustre to the hair and atlmulates Its growth. A alngla application fives relief and provea ita worth. Do not be bald. Save your hair be fore too late. Micro la delightful dressing for the hair, free from greaae and sticky oils. Booklet free. HOYT CHCMICAL COMPAftV aasTkasa, aaiaon room has heen prepared, and will le opened Thursday evening. A large (attendance In asked for. to give en couragement to this much-needed enterprise. A library Is also to lie es tablished, and to Initiate this, each one Is requested to bring a book, new or old. This Is worthy the sup port of Hood Klver. H. A. M acDonai.ii, Sec'y. Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn returned Saturday from Kastern Oregon, where they spent a week with their guns. Mrs. Woodburn not only en dured the hardships of climbing long and steep hills, crouching In pits and fences covered with weeds, but sue ceeded In bringing down her share of , ine teainery trlls. .Mr. and Mra Woodburn had a tine time and if all Is well, will put in a month or more next year, gxlng In their car and camping out. They will go prepared to hunt coyote, of which they saw several. A. C. BUCK ' Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broaiua Block Hood River, Omron MURRAY KAY CIVIL UNUINBER AND SURVEYOK Phone 32 BROSIUS Bt'll.DINQ lloon Rjvkr STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Trie. Butler Banking Company, of Hood River, Ore. At the Close of Business, Nov. 10, 1910. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $520,027.70 Bonds and Warrants 12,837.79 Office Fixtures and Furniture 5,171.00 Cash on Hand and in Other Banks 155.5G8.81 $093,005.30 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Earned Surplus and Undivided Profits 52.22G.07 Deposits . 591,378.63 $693,005.30 The Story of the Cherry Tree I generally aieociated with Washington' Birthday. Lit tle George chopped down v the Cherry Tree. Youlaow the rest of the tory. We have another cherry story that will interest you and we want to tell it to you. , It it about COMPOUND QierryJuiceCough Syrup It's tart and laaty irrup that doeaat upaet your saataaca aof damns your digratioa aa Boat coull KmaTxx 6a bl1 it doe cura eou4a tad coUa quickly. ( A aingU doaa will leliera tha tighteat and Boat atubbota cough, four doara will atop Too coaghaai aad a 25c. kottla will break up tha want cold you ever had. Sold in three popular aizca, 25c 60c, $1.00. C. A. PLATH, Druggist Store Or. M. H. Sharp Or. Una U. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Oretluatea of the American School of Oataopathy. Kirkimlle. Mo. Office in Kliot BuiidinaT Phone-Crnca U'L Rcatdenra 1QS-B. Uood Kivar. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D.' Dentist Offica. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Office phona 2H. Reaidance phona 28-B Hood Kivar. Oregon II. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Firat National Bank Offica-Home phona 131. Raaklanca-Homa 131-B Hood Rivar, Onaroti DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open cveninffa by appointment Room 6 and 7. Broaiua BuikJinir. Phona 9u0 Hood Kiver, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood Rirar. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers Rooma 3 and 4. Firat National Bank Buiklina: Horid River, Ontoo E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over Firat National Bank Phone 168 Hood Rivar. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Buildinc Hood Rivar. Orevon J. W. MORTON Lawyer Room ft. Kliot BuildintT Hond River. Oretron ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Roorna 14 and IS. Hal) Build in Hood Rivrr, Orairon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Kliut Buiklina. Phona 3HNM Hofrf River, Orejrnn P. M. MORSE 'ity Engineer and Surveyor MAMAGRa Nkwkll. Gnamirr A Wiul Oavidaon Ruiklinc Hood Rier. Onwm POLK'S a (n GAZETTEER A Boalneaa ntraetarv of each City, Town and Vlllaaa in Orrma and Maahlnctoa, tlvlna a Iteacrlptlva Hketrh of aach place. Icalki, Hhlpplna Facllltte and laaal. fled IMrwIor; at aach llualaaaa asd frofeaaloa. R. L. POI.K CO., laa. aaaltla, VVa.a. .