THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1910 7 PARADISE We now have for Sale PARADISE FARM. It consists of some of the most desirable land in Hood River Valley. We can sell you a large or small tract. Call and see us. G.D.CuIberfSonS Phone 142 Well Drilling: Quick ; Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY H00O RIVER, OREGON Ollct. No. S Oik Straet Phonal. 28 sr 2002-X Speedwell Motor Cars In your investigation of Cars with relation to value, you will find the SPEEDWELL among the few which head the list. In the face of high cost having once been considered the standard of value, it is ready to prove the Heedlessness of a price higher than the Speedwell price. We have seven different models, all Fifty Horse Power. A wide range to select from. Roadsters, Touring and Torpedo Bodies, with or without fore doors. Ask for a Cata logue or let us call and show you this high class car. Melvin Woodburn, Agent Hood River, Oregon Licensed Under the Selden Patent SrsT Class Livery a Phone 5 I Transfer and Livery Company Freight and Baggage Transfer I GUNERAL STORAGE HOOD RIVLR, OREGON zJ VLakl I Ivfl L. IVIL-.M I lirillL. I L P. C. YOUNG. Proprietor Jj Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters i 1JUTTER AM) EGGS f p Fit EE .1X1) I'EO.Wl'T DELI I 'EE 1 ' C Phone Main 6 Mood River, Oregon r 4 T5he Opera Rouse Corner 41 h and Stale Sis. WE ARE SHOWING OUR LARGE FALL STOCK OF Heaters Stoves Ranges Linoleum Tin and Granitware Furniture Carpets Art Squares Rugs Mattings Everything for the House New or Second Hand. Pbone 248-K O. P. DABNEY &. SONS, HOol Agents lor CHARTER OAK Stoves ind Ranges HOOD RIVER I -BOJTES ! n Apple and Pear Boxes Stanley-Smith Lumber COMPANY MORTON OBJECTS TO NEWSPAPER STOR Editor News, Dear .Sir: I noticed quit? a lengthy article In the Hood Klver Glacier of Nov. 10, 1010, pertaining to the Mor ton Injunction petition being with drawn, which petition nought to en join the sale of the $1)0,000 municipal water bond Issue. Since the "learned" attorney repre seiitlug Mrs. I'earl Morton saw fit to have published In wuld paper an oath from her to the effect that C. D. Nick elsen and I bo misrepresented to her that she was compelled to withdraw her sworn statement. I desire to make a few brief remarks at this time for the benefit of those who may be misled. C. I). Nlckelsen and I went over to White Salmou together and securing the services of a notary public pro ceeded to the residence of Mrs. I'earl Morton. It wan stated to her that lu order to get a hearing on this sutt before the federal court It was neces- sury to have a complaining witness outside of the state of Oregon and who owns property in the city. copy of the Hurt Van Horn petition was theu read to her, word for word and she then read the petition she afterwards signed anil swore to. 1 am not aware of, nor do I lelleve there were any misrepresentation made to the said Mrs. Pearl Morton by us. In regard to this matter. I know nothing about Mr. liutler orC. M. Wolfard In this connection for I never talked to them about this Ini unction sutt. Mr. CV M. Wolfard was not present when the papers were signed nor at any time when C. 1). Nickelsen and I were there. In closing this article I wish to say that Oregon has lieen my home for more than thirty-five yearn and that 1 have held Dosltluns of honor and trust at the hands of the ieople of different counties of this state, also of the state at large, and I think this is the most uuscruuulous treatment ever shown me by any newspaper in the state. .1. W. Mohton logalTransTers OF REAL estate List of real estate tranters for the week pnilinir November l'J. 1910. as furnished by the Hood Klver Ab stract Company: Marlon T Henderson to Nellie F McCune 10.(15 acres east of Odell Hood Klver Orchard Land Co to Anna M Hughes 2 acres In Barrett district Flora K Hartley et al to George F Ogden 10 acres Willow Flat W Koss Wlnans to Fred S Holsteeu lot 1 and east half lot '2 block Idle wllde FredS Holsteen to V Koss Wlnans 40 acres near Wlnans (J Y F.d wards to lone Scholl Scott JO acres on the east side F T Hull to Joseph A Moore, 10 acres near ( idell M Sue Armstrong to IKoy Arm strong, undivided half of 7 lots of Paradise acreage F. T Folts to Otto F. KeadeS'i1 acres In 1'pper Valley I-e A Ainsbary to White Motor Car Co 40 acres on east side J F ltatchelder to Irvine Kay Ache son lot In Klvervlew Park addition .1 F Katchelder to Harold llershner lot In Klvervlew Park addition Orton A (iraliam to W C Kepass & A K Hlggs 10 acres In I'pper Valley Orton A Graham to Frederick J Fe wings 'M acres In I'pper Valley Hnrry F Francis to A O Anderson li).' acres in Oak Grove district FlUabeth A Itrlggs et al to Anna M Younkln (i acres south of town J F Hall. Jr, to ( has Hall 1'iO acres In I'pper Valley :iVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION FOR CLERK-CARRIER DEC. 3 An examination for clerk and car rier mill Ik- held at the postoflice In this city on December :l, l'.tlO Age limit, 1 to 4.1 years, on the date of the examination. Married women will not be admit ted to the examination. This pro hibition, however, does not apply to women who are divorced or those who are separated from their hus bands and support themselves, but they are eligible for appointment only as clerk. Applicants must lie physically sound, and male applicants must Ik not. less than ." feet 4 Inches In height without boots or shoes, and weigh not less than 1 '.'." pounds without overcoat or hat. For application blanks and for full Information relative to the examina tion, tpiallllcatlous, duties, salaries, vacations, promotions, etc., address Immediately 'I'M. I hnllli W. Hl.oi'XT. Secretary Hoard of Civil Service Fxamlncrs, Hood Klver, Oregon. Ituy your butter, milk and cream from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone 68-1.. David-ton Building. KiH'he Harbor lime best ma le, at A. Whitehead's." County Court Proceedings The following claims were allowed at the monthly meeting of the county commissioners: Bushoug & Co., office supplies, $:w,50. Cottage Hospital Association, care of Indigent, $2. Win. F'oss, one cord wood, $0. Glass & I'rudhomme, oflice sup plies, $8 l'J. E. H. Hartwlg, services Juvenile cases, $50. Hood Klver News Co., printing, $3.50. F. E. Harris, ball rent, election, $5. Hood Klver Light A Power Co., $54.05. Irwin Hodson Co., office supplies, $13.05. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I HE BUTLER BANKING COMPANY t Hood River, In tha Stata of Oregon, at tho elcae of business November 11th. la 10. RESOURCES and diacounta I 5O7.8ai.00 Overdraft, secured and unsecured 12.1V9.70 Bonds, eecuritiea. etc. 12.837.79 Banking- house, furniture and flx 6.171.00 Other real estate owned None Due from banka (not reserve banks) ... None Due from approved reserve banka 120.5ii2.74 Checks and other cash items. 1.445.62 Exchanges for clearing-house 425.32 Cash on hand ...... 3S.1S5.13 TOT X S 693.606.30 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In t 60.000.00 Surplus fund - - 25,000.00 Undivided profits, leaa expenses and taxes paid - 27.226.67 Due to banks and bankers 3.809.87 Dividends unpaid None Individual depoaita subject to check 479.325.12 Demand certificates of deposit 40.471.64 Time certificates of deposit 44.695.97 Certified Checks 715.00 Caahier'a checks outstanding 746.98 State depoaita None Savings Depoaita 21.561.06 Notes and bills rediacounted None Bills payable. Including certificates of deposit for money borrowed None Liabilities, other than those above etated 53.00 Total 1 693.606.30 State of Oregon. County of Hood River, as. L Truman Butler. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. TRUMAN BUTLER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November. 1910. A. A. Jayne. Kntar. Puhli Correct Attest: LSHLia BUTLKB, E. H. French. Directora. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF the hood river BANKING & TRUST CO the close 74.119.98 914.78 6.066. 00 12.452.06 1. 500.00 13.634.63 22.08 383.86 3.326.21 At Hood River in the State of Oregon, at of business Nov. 10. 1910: RESOURCES Loans and diacounta f Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from approved reserve banka Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing house Cash on hand Total I 113.408.54 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in f 25.000.00 Undivided prefita less expenses and taxes paid 1.329.14 Due to baaka and bankers 10.49 Individual deposits subject to check 48.933.60 Demand certificates of deposit 1.487.07 Time certificates of deposit 7,23a 77 Cashier's checks outstanding 63.05 State deposits 4.116.35 Savings deposits 14.248 07 Bills payable, including certificates of deposits for money borrowed 11,000.00 Total I 113.408.S4 State of Oregon. County of Hood River, sa. I. R. W. Pratt, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. W. PRATT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1910. J. at. Scrmeltzir, Notary Public. Correet-Attest: J. H. OsBoasa, C. G. Pratt, C. H. Stkanahan. Directors. LEGAL AND OTHER NOTICES SUMMONS , In the Circuit Court of the State of Orwron. for Hood Kiver County. Cora Sinclair, plaintitf. vs. rank rl. Sinclair, defendant, lo frank H. in- lair, the above named defendant: In the name of the State nf Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against ynu in the above entitled suit on or before r'ri- ay. the 8th day of January. A. D. 1911. that beinir the last day fixed by said Court for you to appear and answer said complaint, and if you fail ao to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, namely: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract De- ween plaintiff and defendant: for the care. eon. trol and custody of the minor children: and for ueh further relief as to the Court mav seem meet and proper. This summons is published in pursuance of an order of the Hon. W. L. Brad- haw, judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 19th day of November. A. I). IV 10. The date of the nrst publication hereof is November 23rd. 1910. and the last publication will be on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1911. and the same will be published for six consecutive weeks. K. H. HAKTWIU. 47-1-e Attorney for Plaintiff, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. Anna E. Jones. Plaintiff, vs C. V. Jones. Defendant. To C. W. Jones, de fendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and newer the complaint tiled against you in the hove entitled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first puhfU-atkm of this summons, hereinafter stated, and if you fail to appear and answer aaid complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, namely, for a divorce from the defendant upon the ground of deeertion. You are notified that this summon' is sen-ad upon you by publi- tion for six weeks in the Hood River News by order of the County Judge of said county of Hood Kiver. made Nov. rcnrt, lUl. directing said sum mons be ao published for a period of aix weeks, requiring you to appear and answer said com plaint on or before six weeks from the Hate of the first publication thereof. The date of the first publication of this summons is Nov. 23rd, 1910. S. W, 8TKK. 1-c Attorney for I'laintifT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the tenuity of Hood Kiver, ap pointed administrator of the estate of John cNaughton, deceased, and all persons hsvmg laims againut the said estate are hereby notified I rMimred to present the same lo the under lined, duly verified according to law. at the office of Hutler Hanking Cmipany in Hood River. Coun ty of Hood River, Slate of Oregon, on or before x months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication October 2K. 1910. H. I KK I'Atifrr. Administrator of the Kstateof 4S-48C John MrNaughton. leceaaed. Home Phone Co.. rental, $9.50. L. E. Morse, help, $39 50. Portland Chamber of Commerce Exhibition space, $75. Joe Pelletler, 1 coyote scalp. $1.50. It. E. Robertson, cord wood, $. E. C. Smith, Incidentals. $13.05. Stanley-Srnith Lumber Co.. lumber for roads, $:':i.ft4. D. M. Shearer, two coyote scalps. $.1 W. A. Stark, care of lawn, $15. Taft Transfer Co., 1 cord wood, $7. l.'ulon Oil Co., oil, SSJ.M. Samuel Woodward, two coyote scalps, $.'. (Just Westerlerg, 1 bob cat, $2. A. C. Kuck, Justice fees, 11.05. L. E. Morse, Justice court fees. $l6.:to. F. E. Jackson, justice court Juror, $1. E. E. Itogess, Justlcecourt Juror, $1. Simpson Copple. Justice court Ju- ! for. $1. Emmet Tompkins, Justice court Juror, $1. T. W. Blagdon, Justice eourt Juror, $1. J. II. Ferguson, Justice court Juror, 11. Koy Slocum, Justice court Juror, $1. C. I). Nlckelsen, Justice court Juror, James Englssh, Justice court wit ness fees, $3.10. Wm. Leuti, Justice court witness fees, $3.10. Wm. Kelcbow, Justice court wit ness fees, $-i 10. Chas. Hamilton, Justice court wit ness fees, S3. 30. Kols?rt McKay, justice court wit ness fees, $3 30. Win. Itelchow, Sr., justice court witness fees, $3.10. Ed Clark, Justice eourt witness fees, $3.10 Hood Klver Glacier, advertising and printing, $0.50. John Leland Henderson, surveying roads, il 1W. W. L. Clark, services rod vtewer, $:'4.70. T. A. Keavis, services road viewer, $24.70. F. C. Howell, chairman, $10. V. C. brock, road warrants, $3,- 4M.82. Modern Bungalow for Sal Beautiful home on Oak street, near Ninth. Lot 50x100, nicely terraced. good lawn and many choice flowers, Including roses and chrysanthe mums. Six rooms, pantry and bath, built-in bookcases, buffet, china closet, window seats. Sleeping porch. full basement, wash trays. Job Lbla.nd Hendbrson, Inc. Don't let the rabbits eat your trees. Buy your tree protectors at Whitehead's. r Benjamin Clothes Made in New York and carried exclus ively by the most prominent dealers in all cities. We are now showing the correct models; vpnr 1 rrrp acenrfmpnf nf rrrmrc nnrl Kmtimc S lr- c;vuu noon $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 nana oonnnnannnnaooaoDonnnonnnnnnn J. G. Vogt For Ten-Acre Improved Orchard Tracts PHONE 1913-K W. G. E. SMITH SPECIAL PRICES ON BUGGIES AND HACKS To make room for a Carload of Mitchell Wagons soon to arrive we are making 5ome very attractive prices on Buggies and Hacks for next Ten Days. See them before buying. : : : : Blowers Brothers Phone 99 Cor. Oak and First Buy the Boy a Watch and teach him punctuality. With a watch in his pocket he will have no excuse for being late for school for ::::::::::: : OUR : WATCHES : ARE : RELIABLE HOOD RIVER'S JEWELER Opposite Hutler Hank OPI-N KVI-MN05 In Urosius Block