The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 23, 1910, Image 1

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NOV. 23-24-25-26
r .4
C. . Sproat Won the Ccdeted 'Prize
For Finest Carload of Apples
In This Rational Contest Hood HiVer ProVed
to the World Her Supremacy to Grobv
the Finest Ipples in the Land
Five humlrtMl enthusiastic Hood
ltlver resident assembled at the
railroad Htutlon here Friday to wel
come the nii'inlMTM of the Ooimneretnl
Club returning from the National
Apple Show nt Spokane. The
Hhrleklng of locomotive whlMtlen, ex
ploding Ire cracker, cow bell, tin
lioroH and cheering greeted their ar
rival. In the height of the din a
porter on the train ran over to Chan.
T. F.arly, MUperlntendent of the
Mount Hood Kallroad, mid Hhonted:
"Say, bo, what' all thin noise for?
Im the governor on the train'.'" "No;
It'ti all on account of a few Hood
ltlver appleti," replied Mr. F.arly.
When the noise subsided, the dele
gation hum Hiirrounded by eager
ijueHtloner and the street cornerH
were blocked by enthusiastic apple
grower congratulating each other
on the victory.
Among those who returned Friday
were Charles Hall, president of the
Commercial Club, under whose man
agement the exhibit were placed at
the hIiow, and K. H. Shepard, who
liad charge of the decorations.
"The people of Hood IUver and
theHtateat large do not yet know
The distinction of Helling the first
car of Hood ltlver fancy apph-H In
Iowa Ih awarded to Chrl Dethman,
who recently made 11 visit to hi
home state. The car wan Hold to a
MB grocery house In Detilson, where
Mr. Dethman formerly lived.
To notify the people of Dcnlson
mill the locality what they thought
of the Hood ltlver fruit, t he firm lu
nerted a quarter page advertisement
In the Dohlson paper rending In part:
"Hood ltlver apple from the
vorld-famoiiM valley where rain and
sunshine meet, drown and packed
by the Hood ltlver Apple tirowers'
I'lilon. Finest liox Apple In the
In commenting on the fruit, the
paper May In a new article:
"Uur reader will notice theadver
tWment of Hood ltlver apple of The
Halle-Isrodorson Co. In till Issue.
Some sample of these famous npple
are hIiowii In The Bulletin's show
window, and they are wonderful.
Thl 1 the first shipment of Hood
ltlver apple that ha ever been
brought to thl city, a it ha al
wa.v been ImpoHHlble to get them
heretofore. Thl Hhlpinent came a
the result of iv talk with Clan Deth
inan, of north went of lenlon,
whom brother, Chrl., left here In
l7it nnd went to Hood ltlver, where
he I now a director In the apple
raler' organization mid raise Home
of these famoii apple. The apple
are acked In boxe and Hell at a
higher price than other apple, but
they nro worth more."
The cup which will be Riven for
prize at the Annual Fruit Fair are
on dlnplay In the hIiow window of
ijirnwny'H Jewelry Htore. They are
up to the UHiiat high standard fur
IiIhImmI by thl llriu, are beauties and
will lie prized by the winner. All
prize lire now ready with the ex
ception of the engraving of a few of
the medal, which will Ih- completed
In n few day. 1 he cup ra litre In
size, but each one 1 It neighbor
rival In lieuuty.
the Hlgnthcanc.i of t he award made
to Oregon apple at the National
Apple Show," nald Mr. Hal, "a
Hood ltlver ha received honor
never before taken at an tipple show
In the Ciil ted State. It not only
took the grand Hweepstakes prize,
but first prize on the carload of Spitz
enlierg and lirst prize on the carload
of Newtown I'lpplnn, It alo got
flrnt prize on the liest three box
"On all of thene exhibit It received
the award by the blghcHt number of
points ever given by the judge at a
National Apple Show. We are nat
urally highly pleased with the renult
locally, but even more ho In that we
have won for Oregon with an apple
exhibit the highest honor that It or
any other ntate ha ever received.
All of the Spokane exhibit will be
sent to Chicago, where they will 1m;
displayed In conjunction with other
features. Hood ltlver eople will Ih"
there to tell the crowd about the
ntate, and a painting of the valley
will Ih exhibited with the apple.
We have nothing but good feeling
for our treatment by the National
Apple Show official and the Spo-
The Methodist church for Home
week has been planning for a Kally
Pay November -t h, when an at
tempt should Ik- made to provide for
the new church building fund. The
day came dark and dreary. No day
thl season ha the rain fallen so
profusely and continuously, but In
spite of the Inclement weather the
planned-for Kally Day was a decided
success. The Sunday School led out
with an offering of f 1K, and then,
after a sermon by the pastor, on the
"Secret of 1'ower," the congregation,
with deliberate determination, got
their slionldern under their burden
nnd In a few minutes "'.' persons had
contributed over $.".0iM. Seldom, If
ever, have we een such magnani
mous giving. Not one of the :!! per
sons contributing gave less than $.".
With such a noble start, and with
that spirit of thrift which ha made
II I ltlver famous, the Methodist
church Is sure to realize her Ideal.
Work on the building will lie re
Hiimed at once, anil next summer a
handsome and spnelou church w ill
add to the homelike appearance of
I M'M lit i f ii I State street.
Hood ltlver' real estate men got
together Wednesday night mid took
the preliminary steps toward organ
izing a realty board. A committee
on organization was appointed, n in
sisting of C. D. Nickelsen, .1. F. Hatch-
elder and .1. I.. Flrebaugh. The by
laws of the Portland organization
will be hit 1 1 red and the rules for the
conduct of the local board made to
conform to them a nearly a possl
hie. .1. A. Fpplng was chosen chair
man and I. mil Henderson secretary
f the temporary organization. The
firm represented were: (ieo. I). Cul
bertson Co., Hood ltlver Itealty
Co., Devlin At Flrch.'iugh, I. I'-I.and
Co., Shelley V Shelley, .1. A. P.pplng.
W. .1. linker A Co., Wyeth & Allen, .?.
I. Henderson Inc.. I, F. Hatchelder,
A. W. Onthank, Mr. Marlon Mac
kane people In general. The exhlli
It from Ashland, Wenatchi-' and
other section were fine, but accord
ing to the judges we had the best.
"Hood ltlver will have an apple
hIiow of It own here thl week that
will not b anything like the Na
tional Apple Show In magnitude but
In pack and quality will not be
surpassed by any apple show ou
K. H. Shepard, editor of Better
Fruit, considered an expert on apple
culture, said that the exhibit at the
Spokane show thl year were of let
ter quality and pack than at any
preceding show, and that growers
all over the northwest are Improv
ing va.stly lu both growing and
packing fruit. The competitlou at
the big show each year, he sahl. 1
proving an Incentive to greater per
fection. Henry Avery, who grew the car of
Newtown that took first prlz ', and
C. H. Sprout, the grower of the prize
car of Sultzenbergs, have given their
permission to have the fruit exhibited
In Chicago and have received offers
from several big fruit houses ti buy
t hem at a large Increase over t he cur
rent price.
I he Hamburger Club, limited to
six members, held two notable af
fairs last week at the beautiful home
of the president. The first event was
held Tuesday evening, when the
guests sat down to a table laden
with a supply of hamburger steak
sutlicient for the employes of a large
sized lumlier camp, shoestring pota
toes ditto, and other satisfying vi
and. The feed was strictly a bach
elor affair, and the guests made suc h
an attack on the Inoffensive ham
burger that they have since been
ashamed to look a butcher shop in
the face. One member lu particular
I said to have stowed away so
much of the "burger" that he had to
be assisted from the table.
On Wednesday evening, hambur
ger having palled on the appetites
of the local epicures, they purchased
a fifteen-pound turkey at .'III cent
A Thought For Thanksgiving
..VVyy UNPCRwoon s underwood
HY shouldn't we be thankful when the fields of every county
In every state the forty-eitfht where farmers till the soil
Have yielded such a liberal toll of Nature's welcome bounty.
The wealth of all the commonwealths, the rich reward of toil?
per, and having secured the culinary
service of a noted lady cook to pre
pare It, put their feet under the table
nnd caused the roasted dark brown
carcass of the national bird to van
ish completely. The only thing left
was Id cent. This wa t he change
out of live dollar after paying for
the turk.
The club members are contemplat
ing giving a pork and bean festival
given on St. Patrick' dav and t fie
tripe will be served in the proper
shade of green, with a bunch of
shamrock on the side. If shamrock
can't be secured, the side dish will be
stewed chrysant liemums with caper
sauce. This Is a new dish just com
ing into vogue In Kansas and Insane
asylums, and Is said to be stunning.
After this, the club anticipates giv
ing a llmburg'T tea. Thl will, of
In the near future, to lie followed bv I course, be the strongest feature it nr.
ft tripe social. 1 lie latter will be lug the bannuet season, and nreiia-
ration will lie made to care for
those who are overcome bv this
powerful delicacy. It Is expected
that It will be necessary for the club
to reorganize after theltmburger tea.
and on mat account It has uot an
nounced any further plans.
I he Athletic Club has cleaned up
me ground norm of the track and
made a tine play ground, which will
lie flinch enjoyed by the athletes and
others Interested In sports. The foot
ball game Sunday, in which Hood
ltlver came off victorious, wa hel l
Events of World Wide Interest Ticturcd For Busy Headers
ill : ;i
W 1 WlS&6tM
'Mi.'-.. v., : .' .-. : .
The Chronicle aay that work on
The Dalle electric street car Hoe wan
commenced Wednesday on Unlou
street, at the edge of the O. K. Sc. N.
right of way, and the work will b
rapidly pushed to completion. Steel
for the track U on the road and Is
exacted to arrive here within the
next three days, and In the mean
time the workmen will get the ties
laid and ballasted and In readiness
for the laylDg of the steel.
The rail In the city dltrlct will be
of 90 pouud steel and will be Kid on
wotxlen ties that will be Imbedded In
concrete. This part of the work
will not be done, however, until the
sewer are conntructed and the
street paved, which will probably
be next year. Thl Is necessary be
cause of the wording of the franchise
which wa granted Mr. Thomas last
spring, and which provides that the
"tracks shall be constructed on the
established grade of the streets ex
cept where the grade Is not estab
lished, and In that case the tracks
shall conform, a nearly a practica
ble, to the present surface of the
thoroughfare, and If a grade Is later
established, the track shall be
brought to the same grade within 00
days' time."
The franchise provides that work
must be commenced within eight
months after the franchise becomes
operative, and this stipulation of
the permit has several weeks yet to
run. The road must be In ooeratlon
within two yvara.
The road will not only carry pass
engers, but will also have a freight
aud express service.
During the night Monday someone
entered the I'arl Fair store through
the small window at the rear of the
building by removlug the screen and
breaking the glass. Practically no
clue ha leen obtained, although It
I thought the mau was rather largs
as be took with htm a suit, stse 40.
One stack of clothing was badly torn
up so It I not possible to determine
at present whether more than the
one suit was taken. After taking
what he wanted from the stock the
burglar carefully replaced the cover
over the stack of goods.
The man also secured 73 cents la
pennies from a drawer In the desk.
overlooking a drawer next to this
which contained $ In pennies. No
other part of the Htore was disar
ranged, and a yet 1t can not be defi
nitely stated whether or not any
thing else was taken. Efforts are
being made to find the party who
committed the burglary.
7 fyi-W
fll MRS. WILL 1 1 AM C. StOR Yl
News Snapshots
Of the Week
The annual borse show In New fork city and the nntionnl live stock show In Chicago will keep the reeleri of til.xHlrd anuim
buay until Dec. 3 talking of t lie respective merit of their homes, cattle, sheep and ho Kin Allien of Hcllum wa sur
rounded by mob St opening of parliament, who demnnded suffrase. Marfan A nglin. the nimou artrwi, Is serii uily
111 In Chicago, Pletro MnscHgnl. the famous Italian rouiposcr. la con. Inn to the I'nlted States to produce his oits "liou-i"
for the first time next month. Mrs. William O. Story has started tier (Igbt for the prwkisnr; f tb labtars tks AmrUas Usrwiailei Has Is as aa
mini right In which many of tbs prominent sortaty woman of ths sotintry tak part.
A deal wu closed last week trans
ferring the property of the Fashion
"rable to C. A. I'.ell, owner of thi
lt. Hood Hotel property. This
property, pxixluo fi-et. at the corner
f First and ( ak, adjoin the hotel
property and for thl reason wa a
leslrnl'le piece of real estate for Mr.
Hell. Possession will be given In
May, nt which time Mr. Hell contem
plate removing the present build-
bur and Improving the property.
.lust the natuae of tin1 building to be
erected ha not been determined, but
It will probably be a business block
Stranahan A Katlibun, the propri
etors of the Fashion Stables, nro re-
ported to have purchased the tint at
the foot of Oak street, where they
will erect an up-to-date livery stabln.
During the blowing of whistles Frl-
Viy on the return of the Commerclftl
club member from Spokane, a lady
rushed out of a shop and looked up
and down the street for the fire.
pylng a little dirty faced youngster
hi the strivt she etniulreil of him.
Can you tell me w hem the fire Is,
oim . diving her a si lewlxe glaucs
tie replied, "w. don't von know
what that Is.' That ain't no 0;
that 'cutis" llooil l iver's got lbs
biggest tipples In the worlJ."