The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 16, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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At the ('onKrcKatlonal church next
Sunday iimrnliiK the mMlor Mill
Npeuk on "TlmnkKlvInu; ('oiiMlileivi
hh a Fine Art." In the evening the
theme of the mrvlee will U "Mimic
for NouicleM Liven." The choir will
take the firit half of the Her vice with
ti Hpcclul program.
The nuhject of the nerrnon ut the
Alliance CliiiH'l next SuhiImv niorii
tg at 11 a. in. will le, "HoIIiich, or
( an We Live Free From Nlu In Thin
Life?" Autl lu the evening at 7:.'IU,
"The Return of Jeriu rhrlxt to the
F.arth, or In It 1'crMonal?" Thupuh
He Im cordially Invited to attend.
At the IlaptlHt church Sunday,
Nov. L'tith, morning womhlp at 11
o'clock. In the rwrlen on "The Time
of Hope." the mitiject will he. "The
JewlHh Idea of the lay of the Lnnl."
In the evening, "JeHiix In the Kellg
loim Kxerclmit of IIIh TIiiich." The
Young I'eople'M Society will hold a
iiieetlug In the church Wedm-wlny
United Itrethren church. Sixth and
Oak HtrcctH, Kev. J. It. 1'arHonx, niln
ImUt. Sunday Hchool at 10 a. tn.
Next SHiiday Ih to lie olmerved hh
Young I'eople'ii Day. The aHtor
will prench a Hpeclal wrinoii to glrln
nnd young I ml lew at Sul
Jtrt, "The Young Woman Who Saved
Her Country." At thin Her vice the
iiiiihIc will Im furnUheil lv a large
thorn choir of young jveople. Junior
at L':.'!( p. ni, ('. K. at t!:l" p. m. At
7:'!0 t ht Hdiiir Hervlce and Hermon to
lioyw ami young men will lie IIIiih
t rated liv a ntereoptlcan. A com
mittee of tlve voltuteered to provide
a tiouiiiet for each young person
In attendance at thene HervlccH.
Stephen A. Maylierrry. a Hood
Klver resident, (lied Hiiddenly Sunday
night from a Htroke of apoplexy.
Mr. Mayherry wan born In Tenne"
nee In ls.'t3 nnd came to Oregon in
lltns, where he him since retilded. He
Ih Hurvlved liy IiIh wife, three daugh
ter Mr. Harry Hackett. Mrs. J. J.
Ward and Minn Mamie Maylierry
and two norm.
The funeral wan held at the Ilap
tlHt church, the wrvlcen lietng con
ducted liy Kev. J. H. HargreaveH.
The liurlal aervlce wan conducted liy
the local lodge of Mhhoiih.
Mark Weygant, the well known
Mount Hood mountain guide, and
MIhm Iteulah Jones were married at
the home of the lirlde'n parents at
Mount MoikI Tuesday afternoon at
2:110. The ceremony wan Mrfonned
hy Kev. K. Mc()mlr, pantor of As
Imry MethodlHt church.
Notice In hereby given that the pen
lor memlier of the llrm of John In
land HenderHou & Conipativ will be
In the Hood Klver office on Saturday
of each week.
Subncrllie for the Newn.
Devlin & Flrehaugh announce a
nuiulier of hh Ich during the week,
among them I'd acreH U-longlng to
1). K. Kichter of MlnneapolU to Hen
ry Kodmau, uear Summit, for f.ViOO.
The tract udjolim Mr. Kixlmun'w.
Mr. Kichter nnd his son arrived here
thin week anil will improve the other
twenty they own and build on It.
Thirteen acre were alno Hold by
the Devlin & Flrehaugh Company to
Herman (illcher of Two Klvers. Wn.
ThlH place belonged to the Hood
Klver Orchard Land Co. and Ih Im
proved. flv acren being In bearing
and the rent Het to young tree. It
Ih xl United near the Stanley. Smith
planer anil wan Hold for f IWXKJ. W.
D. Ih'aver aUo bought a ten acre
tract from thin firm for which he
paid $i7."i0 with the agreement that
the llrm would take care of It until It
Ih four yearn old.
Two acren were Hold to S. K. Nes
bit for $7(M) anil M acren of the Oien
hurst unimproved tract to L. Cam
tennen for :t,MM. O, L. Craton
bonght ten acren for $1,. 7X1 and two
Jap took 20 acres of the Kills place
for fii.lNHI, which they will Improve
and Hell. Another Hale wan 1.1 acren
on the went Hide to M. K. Iizler
Two very quiet weddlngn were ho.
emnUeil Sunday, Nov. l.'t, at the renl
dence of the mother of the brlilen,
Mm. I. D. Hlnrlchn. when Raymond
Mark ley and Minn Clara Hlnrlchn
nnd O. L. Craton and Minn Hulda
Hlnrlchn were united In matrimony.
Rev. J. Hemhucr, olllclatlng.
Thene two well and favorably
known brlden Hpent the Hummer In
Kurope, returning home lu Septera
lier. Their marriage wan to hnve
taken place In the early part of Oc
tober, but owing to the accidental
death of their father. 1'. D. Hlnrlchn,
wan deferred.
Mr. and Mm. Craton will live on
their farm at Monler and Mr. nnd
Mm. Mark ley will renlde near Dee on
their farm.
Says Hood River Will Win
Harold Dabney, one of the packem
who helped to pack the car of Spitz
enburgn which wan nent to Spokane,
lielleven that It will prove a winner.
Young Dabney, who In one of the
miiHt expert packem in the valley,
nVtuM'tid t I l I k.l 11 t Sit II lL u tt 11 II 1 1 UlUl t 1 1 t
carload In place at the exhibit.
I can fit you out with a nice oak
mantle, build your book canen,
countern, cablnetn, anything In hard
or Hoft wood. Will do my Is-Ht to
give you junt what you want at the
lowent poMHible price. J. M. Wright,
Itiillillug Contractor. Carpenter
shop phone 4ii. ' - .
Copy for advertisement) must lie
In the olllce by Monday noon.
The director of the Commercial
Club announce that they will call for
a 20 per cent payment on the public
ity fund at once. When the siiliscrlp
tlonn were taken up hint Hprlngthe
club made an arrangement to collect
ten per cent of the fuudn each month,
but hnn not called for It regularly.
It In uow lu need of fundn and will
notify Dubncrlberii that a prompt
payment of the twenty per cent nx
HCHHinent will be appreciated.
The club nan taken up no many
publicity matterntn connection with
apple dlMplaynxand other thlngn that
It it In called upon for a much larger
amount Hiiddenly than It expected,
and will therefore need more fundn.
We l.elleve that the citizens of
Hood Klver and the valley are pro
grennlve and ulwayn denlre the bent
In the way of entertainment.
The exceHHlvely buny He a on now
being on the wane, one naturally
turnn to noma Hort of nmunement for
relaxation of mind and body. I'lne
(irove (irange han lieen very fortu
nate In Hecurlng numeroun attrac
tionnfrom the Itrltt Lyceum Bureau,
which will aptiear here from time to
time during the winter.
ISesa (Jearheart Morrlnon, Interpie
tlve reader, will entertain at I'lne
(irove hall Saturday evening. No
vcmlier L'tith, In a varied program.
She In an artlnt of great ability, hav
ing the happy faculty of winning her
audience at the start and holding
unbroken Interest to the finish,
which comeii all too soon to her de
lighted hea rem.
She han received return calln from
all polntn vlnited, which attentn to
her popularity.
Do not forget the date, Nov. 26th,
and later on we will let you know
of other good thlngn In store for
you. Watch for the paper next
week. L. K. N.
Preparation for the public read
ing room which the Men'n Club on
the height will open are progrenHing
and It 1 ex'Cted by Kev. Mr. Har
greaveH, who ha the matter In hand,
that It will be ready for line on
Thanknglvlng Day. It In expecttd
to necure book for lending from the
Htate library and other HnurceH. The
room are being fitted up In a very
attractive manner and the cause Is
being Hiipporteil by many who feel
that It In a worthy one.
Advertisement! tor Insertion under this heading
III bt charges' tor at the rati ot 26c per month lor
luiuall)) three llnes-ns Silplay. Caeh ihould
accompany copy, otherwise payable by the 10th ol
the month. As medium lor reaching the peopla
Mm. J. O. Shoreman, of Spokane,
in the guest of her n Inter, Mr. Frank
M assee.
Mm. Mark Cameron entertained
the I'rlncilla Club thin week at her
home In I'lne (Jrave.
The Sunday nchool wan reorgan
ized lant Sunday, after a vacation
during the buny Heanon.
Mm. Nel Hagen and daughter,
MIhh I'alma, npent two day of last
week shopping In the city.
Apple picking and packing are
about over and every thing In nhape
for winter.
H.E. Redlield had the misfortune
to Injure hln left hand ipjlte badly,
lonlug the end of one finger.
There wIM be a program and "ban
ket nodal" at the nchoolhoune on
Friday evening. Nov. 2.1th, the pro
ceedn to go toward the purchane of a
flag for the nchool.
Saw tiling, furniture repalrlnir.jroof
repairing. Wrlght'n Carpenter Shop."
Hood River Valley Hainan. Soriety-Phone 1HS.
E. H. HartwiaT. preeiilent; Hsruld Hemhner.
aecretaryj Leslie i ButlerA treasurer.
WantedTo buy a rood driving horse. Weight
pounda. Phone 2'KJ-M. 4.i-Kip
To let for the winter for hia keep Younar.'irentle
horae: will drivo double or amide; weivht lMl
11m. Addreaa Mra. L. Boydc-n. K. V. U. No. 3. 44-47
TV) Exehanire What have you to trade for g-ilt
edKO beatneaa prupoeition in Portland? F. A.
Hitchcock. 75 No. 2nd street Portland. 45-41-e
Wanted Second hand apray pump to work in
harm! in Bmall orchard. K. C, Stiut. 4.WM-n
anted Two hundred boxes arood '"seconds"
Newtowna and Bpitzenbenra preferred. W.
MKollock phpneJL.4-4i(-p
Gillette Razor Bladee Don't throw away old
Gillette Dittoes. Will re-Bnarpen them at 2 l-2c
each. Mail to Semmer Specialty Co., Kiom B.
etiSJelferaon St.. Portland. Or-aTon. 43-46
Loan Airency Loans offered. $501), $700. Lnana
wanted-t'lOO. K00. 11000. li . I !:). 20uo.
tinOU. Apply to A. W. Onthank. 305Oak St, L 4o-tf
Sinarer Sewina; Machine CV. New Hond River
Halesroom opposite 1st Nat. Bank. Machidea
sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. Needles and
supplies. 44-47
VVntd Boy between 15 and 20 year of axe to
help on milk wairon from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m.
every afternoon. Apply at Milk Depot, Davidson
building. -46c
Wanted At once, ft girl for irenerml houaewrk.
Small family. Good wafeti; luK-L. 43-46
anted A location on a ranch. Have had ex
perience in Dlantinir. pruninir. SDraytnir and
cultivating, also Ions experience with horaes; am
mimed, no children. f'hone 241-1 45-4rt-p
Dor Rent Ten room house, partly furnished; hot
and cold water; electric litchta; wilt be vacant
about November 1st. J. F. batcheider, Phone 6H.
LJooms for Rent Light houriekeepinir and lolnr-A-intf.
Sleepins- rooms $2 and up. Mrs. J. VV.
rTt Let For the winter, a umall house to re
sponsible parties. Addrusa Mrs. L. Boy den. K.
F. D. 3. 45-4H-C
For Rent Two nicely furnished momi within
one block of t'owt office. Phone 102B.46-49e
For Sale Cheap Handsome bay drivit k mare
(speedy trotter) weurht 10.r0to 1100, years old,
very easy keeper. Safe for lady or child to drive.
Barvain if taken at once. Telephone 201 K. 44-4?p
For Sale A small hone weiKhtm about 650 or
700 pounds. Phone 2172-K. 44-47
For Sale-A few fine R. I. Red Cockerels for
breeding purpoees. Bred from heavy winter
lay in strain. E. F. Batt.-n. Phone 12 M 44-4 7 p
T have for sale rood shoat piirs. First call, firnt
supplied, as they won't last long. Phone 132
L. or Adell 1. 44-47p
r Rale A aaddla Donr ehsao if tekai nut A
N. roley, one mils west of town. 4S-4b-d
Pr Sale -Team, aved 10 and 12. weiarht 1176. an
tirely farUna. true pullers: new harness and
prim waa-'in. all fur t&h. Addreaai "C" ear of
Hood River New.. 46-1-p.
pW Sal or Rent-Typewriters, new or second
hnd, on easy terma. A.. W. Onthank. 40-tfc
Eot-A strina- of coral beads. Tuesday .renins:.
Oct. IS. Kinder please return to the office) of
John Leland Anderson. Inc. and receive reward.
T ost-Black silk umbrella with detachable natur
sl woml liandle. Kinder please) leave at this
office. 4o-4-c
T net Autoniobile tire chains, some place la
-UWood River Valley. Suitable reward for their
return to Dr. M. V. Shaw, Wo;d River, Ore. 44-47e
Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of the State
of Oretron. for Hood River County, to be adminis
tratrix of the estate of Stephen R. Reed. deceased,
and ail persons having- claims sarainat said estate
are hereby notified to present the aame to me,
duly veriried. at the office of Jayne A Watson, in
the city of Hood River. Oretron. within six months
from the date of the firat publication of this
notice. Date of first publication. October 12. Wlu.
41-4lc Liklla Younu. Administratrix.
Notice ia hereby ariven that the underaie-ned
has been, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Hood River, ap-
pointea aiiminiatrator or the estate of John
McNautrhton. deceased, and all persona havina:
claims ag-ainat the said estate are hereby notified
and required to present the aame to the under
aiirned. duly veriried according to law. at the office
of Hutler Hankins: Company in Hood River. Coun
ty of Hood River. State of Oregon, on or before
six months rrum the date or the first publication
of thia notice.
Date of tint publication October X. 110.
Administrator of the Kstate of
43-4XC John McNaua-hton. Deceased.
Do Not Delay
Yot r Fall Planting
OUR AUTUMN CATALDO rudy h teataajtwr
Mallei free levuest
W RDGiea
fruit, shAdc
Oear anaasl tinperteitieais ear ao
rived froaa FRAJIO, I0LLAKA.
JlPsJf and the ilMH aad 4e
BBeeUeetorkearaaewready. larly
srdara ssaara saiee reaarvaliaiie
Oakdale Greenhouse
iet In your orders) now for Tulip,
NarrlnHl. DaffoililM, Hyaclnthn, etc.
IVoiihh nhoiilil In plnntfd In October,
alno Hones am) .shriili). If bloom Id
wanted In 1911. (Jood mipply on
hand and tomlnir. Try a few Llllletj.
Water VJorizs on the Farm
Tea, that s Just what era ancaa real wotrr teerii ranalaf wster In the kltchea, the batkrouea,
the lanndry. the bars la fact, all over the place. And it all done bv that Uek yoa eee ta Uer
tower left band corner of this picture the Leader aystetn. It vsatly diflcrcat
from the old-fashioned elevated tank which worked by gravity. For tba
Leader Water Supply Bystcnj is operated by tomfrtunl air reliable, safe
aad cleanly. Your windmill pumps eater Into the tank (which ia already
full ef air). The air. being clastic, is compressed into apper part of the
tank, aad forces the water out through the pi pea.
Thia gives you pressure, so that a powerful at ream ef water ia on
tap at every faucet, no matter where it ia located. And this means a&e
sis jlisfraVUiM, for the pressure ia eVsyoyJ ew and always ready.
Now, the old style gravity tanke were cither pat la the attic or ait.
Bated aa high tower out of doors.
I) tba former case, their weight when full, cracked the plasteriag; or
they overflowed or leaked, flooding the rooms below.
la the esse of the outside tanks, the water of lea
froac aolid ia winter, aeceaeitating expensive plnmb
tog bills; or it became hot and etagoant during
IM summer aad uaut lor use. Tba
Leader Water
Supply System
avoids all thia, because the air-tight Unk ia 1
either in the basement or buried under-
t round below the frost line. Every outnt 1
i complete, with full dtrectiona, and ia '
easily installed. The Leader System needs
no repairs, ta suited to small buildings or
large, and ia moderate ia price.
Tet ua send yon our free baeklet, "How
noivea ut natsr Supply Problem," the i
story of a Base wbo auceesafully equipped ,
hie country home with, modern water
works. r
Wrlta for ft today, before you forget
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Off loo. Mo. B Oak Stromt. Phono 26 or 2002K. Hood Rlvo
Established 1900
Capital, $50,000. Sarplui and ProfiU, $45,000.
An. Bankers' Assn. Travelers Checks
National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. A.
Has Paid to Policy
and is now holding for their protection
more than Twenty Million Dollars
L Jl (. 9 J J
A. B. COMBS, Manager for Oregon
417 Marquum HIJg. Portland, Oregon
Founded Over 42 Years Ago
91 SV
mi d n 22 nm
11 aW w.1 rt J- m W KM i.
Chicago, Illinois
For Rates or Information Apply to
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.
If you can't afford to Pay Your Premiums
How Can Your Widow
Pay Her Bills?
Insure now with the
" Can use one or two more good clean men
Over 500 Policy Holders In Hood River County
GEO. W. DIMMICK, Mt. Hood, Oregon
Phone, Odell 33