THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1G, 1910 A FI 1M(C I IFAP Jul II 11 HJLMvUJ JJJJLainAil Over a Ten Foot Embankment, Landing On a Boulder Three Feet High and Beady for a Demonstration Next Day That's the Record of our c In C,Can you conceive what an awful jolt those springs must have received over 2500 pounds making a straight drop of ten feet and never breaking a spring? If that doesn't prove perfect material and workmanship in Springs, then we can't realize your opinion of perfection. CThe jar was so effectually broken that not even the glass front was cracked. CThe right front wheel landed squarely on that boulder, and instead of snapping the front axle off short, which would have happened on almost any other car. r irty It Bent and Twisted the Axle Without a Break Does That Prove Good Material? CThe unit power plant and three point suspension which we have been talking so much about, proved its worth in the awful wrench. Not a Single Part Was Thrown Out of Alignment Isn't Thai Conclusive Proof Of The Worth Of The CHALMERS THIRTY? ta (3 f 11 TO m PIESMT COMPA fIU ill if THAT'S ALL- THAT'S ENOUGH