The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 16, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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(OmtlnuMl From 1'aiz 7
I In- roiliitv villi iii the liittiiiftvt
iiiiMiinM In nit follow:
oIIIi'n'h I it i (HI. illll Mlffriljji Itlllflnl
niccit, u ratitliiif t(i t i .'i.vTn. re-,
l.l nlll-MX (if M. till I i ii III (,f Mf-
:m.i Yen. 4sJ
'"1 i.
vii mi t ji ii t hi irl 7.lnur the hii'Ii.ih( ( n
It fi.r ii ml tin ('oiiHiriictliiii mill l
in rt i ii I ni net- il a I rn i it.-1 iiiHane
lit r i ) td lie lix nti'il, 1n ttu tllxctv-!
Hun iif t In liininl d( t nih-tn'M d( tht
Ori-iion stmt 1 iik.i in- . luin, lit nr
within five inlli'M of titlier of Ihi'l
follow Im; iltieK, tu wit: Kukrl
iltv. I Viiillt-tiiii. or I ' ill hi. in Kiint-1
i-ru Orvjjon. to lit i-h ttt-d "Tin Kaxt-i
"itii i in (inn stati- llnHpitMl ." !
:&:.'. Vtn. tan 1 1
:i:; No.
An net t (i -Uvt , mi tin lirt Moiiilnv j
In June, l'.lll, ilelenufYn to a coiidti- ;
Intl. nuii convention, to In lnIJ on i
tin Nft'onil Moiulti.v 1n Oetoler.
1H1 1. for ivvIhIiik tli Constitution
f iIih State, Hinl jirovldlnjf for
ulitniilon iif the iiro'xim"! Conptt
lution. bo revinel. In the lejral
voters of t tie Stme for ii)o(tion or
reject Inn on the rtnt Moiiilav in
April. l'.Hi
:si4. Yen. LVi
x. .vio
For anieliilmcnt of Seel tout li ami 7.
Article IV, of the Collf-titUtiotl of
l hi Stat., to provide a -separate
diKtrtct for the election of each
State Senator anil ench State l!ep
tpKetitafive. :!M Yes .!".;!
:wC. No 4!4
For u amendment of Section
Article I, of the lonntitutioii of
Oregon, liv omit I ini the ivnnln,
"nm! nil taxation nlwill lie equal
nml uniform, '' and ln.-rtii in lieu
thereof, the word, "taxen i-liall be
leTled and collected for public pur
poxett only, and the power of taxa
tion nhall never lie nnrrenilered,
Miuiiended. or contracted awav.'
.ills. Yen. j
.'Si-11. No. 401 .
For HUieudment of the Oregon Cou-i
Ktltutlon. Article IX (XIXl auth-j
orUlnjr the creation of railroad
illHtrlctH and the purchae and con-1
ftructloii of railroad, or other;
highway hy the State, counties. ;
municipalities, and railroad din- 1
trlct. creation of lien upon prop-1
erty and levying taxes for the pay-
inent of the same.
!M, Y'es. 4t
nil. No. 4'4
For an Hniendtiient of Sect inn 1 of:
Article IX of tne ( otinl It u tion of ,
the State of Oregon, directin; H :
uniform rule of taxation, "except
mi proierty specilically taxed." '
authorlzlni; t lie levy and collection :
of taxes for state purpone and for 1
county and other municipal pur-1
pose upon different classes of
property, and apportioning state
taxes anionic the several counties ;
as county obligations. 1
;;i.! No. ".Tit
An act providing for the payment of
lOWI.iHJ anuuully to the Jude of
the Kijhth .ludl.lal Hisirict. by j
Maker county, In addition to the j
annual salary of $Mi imi received,
by him from the State. !
.114. Yes. 2U
:;l.-. No. i;i: !
A bill for au act to create the County j
of Nesmlth out of a portion of the j
northern part of Ilonicla county
and the southern part of I.anei
county; providing for It nricaiiua- ,
Hon, tiitnii the salaries of the otfi-j
rprn thereof, and for adjusting ft-j
nnnces Ix-tweeii the three counties.
:fli. Yes. -7."i
::17. No.
A bill for a law to provide for the
permanent support and malnte-I
nance of Oregon Normal School at
Monmouth. Folk county, Oregon, ;
by levying an annual tax of one-!
iwenty-fifth of a mill on the dollar
upon all the taxable property w ith
In the State of Oregon.
:;iv Yes. ."ij.'i :
No. W,
A bill for a law creutlug the County
of Otin. Oregon, out of territory '
now Included In the counties of J
Harney, Malbeur and Urant, pro-1
vldlng for Its organization and for :
the adjustment of finance and !
t ransferrrlng of records ts'tweenj
the several counties affected by the
proposed law. I
Yes -77 i
::-.'l No. ."Ii'
A bill for a law to annex a portion
of the northern part of Clackamas'
county, Oregon, to Multnomah,
County. Oregon, and providing for
transcribing and transferring the1
records of the territory proposed ;
to Is annexed, and fur adjustment
of finances between the two;
::iHJ. Yes. IV,,
:Z. No. W
A bill for an act to create the County
of Williams nut of a portion of
Fane and Pouglas counties, Ore-;
troii ; providing for Its organization:
fixing the salaries of the olficers ,
thereof; and for adjustment of
llnances ls-tween the three conn-
l lc i
:t.'4 Yes. :r,
x::,. No. "i!''i
For constitutional amendment pro
viding f r the p'ople nf each enmity '
to regulate taxation and exemp
tion w ithin the county, regardless
of cniistltutlniial ret rlctlojis or
state statutes, and abolishing poll
or head tax.
.111! Ye '
A::. No. 411
Fnr constitutional ameiidmeut giv
ing to cltle and tow lis exclusive
power to llceiiw. regulate, control,
suppress, or pml.lblt the sale of
Intoxicating ll-'iors within the
muiili IpHllty.
fl. Yin.
A bill for a law reiiilrlng protctloti
for ron engaged In h mardou
For Men, Women
and Children
Black Cat
Hosiery Every Pair
Dress Goods-Reduced Prices
Broadcloth, 52 inches wide, just the thing for
capes, coats and suits, high class quality, superb
finish, price in reach of all; Co mm in navy blue, gray,
brown, black; flton and r!. Tit is yoids beiny so iriile
makes it very chta .
Reduced to Sli48
Ladies' Cloth, SG inches wide, for children's
dresses, capes and linings,
Is great value for the frire.
At 50c
All Dress Goods worth up to $1.25,
for this special sale at OliUJ
In novelty patterns and weaves as well as plain collars.
All Dress Goods, regular $1 per yard,
special QfC
Ms flWrMs"pecals
2 Long black Kersey Coats, sizes 36 and M
42, plain tailored; special . OiioD
4 Covert Coats in gray herringbone stripes, sizes
34, 36, 38 and 42; these are very cheap at n n
$10.50; special price. S9i25
1 Long brown striped rain proofed Coat 10 cn
worth $15, reduced to .. $12i50
1 Long black Rushine Pony, size 40, one of the
newest and most stylish garments of the poo
season, worth $27, special o22iOU
2 Long black heavy storm serge Coats, sizep
34 and 38, high class garments worth $26-S22i00
35 Misses' and Children's Coats ranging in size from 4
to 16 years at special reduced prices that we haven't
room to describe.
Special Sale on Ladies' Suits
1 Black Broadcloth Suit, size 40, plain tailored, a
beautiful suit, good linings and well made, . n
regular $24, reduced to 0l9i75
1 Navy Blue Serge Suit, size 42, plain tailored,
great value at $24.50,
1 Black Herringbone stripe suit, size 36,
regular price $27.50, for.... S23i5D
2 Sheppard Check Suits
reduced to
2 Gray Striped Suits, plain tailored, . .
sizes 36 and 40, reduced to olbiOll
Other Suits to select from that are eiptally as good
values. Call in and see them.
Cooper's Special
Ribbed Fine
Underwear For
Men and Women
employment, defining ::nd extend
ing the liability of employers, and
providing that contributory negll
gence shall not be a defense.
Sill. Yes. "!
A bill for an act to create I In i oiinly
of Orchard out of the imrl heaotern
portion of Umatilla co.imiv. Ore
gon; providing for Its oruani.a! ion;
fixing the salaries of tie ntlicern
thereof; and for adjin-t ineiit of t lie
finances between the two counties.
:!;;!. Yes. I'll!"
No. 'I
A bill for au act to create the County
of Clark out of the northern por
tion of lirant County. Oregon; pro
viding for its oniaiiiz ition: tixiuu
the salaries of t he officers thereof ;
and for adjustment of finances be
t iveen t he two comities.
.E.4. Yes. 1M7
No, .V.-ii
A bill for u law providing (or the per
manent support and inaiiileiiaiiee
of t he Kastern Oregon State Nor
mal School at Weston. I'maiilla
ouiity. Oregon, by ev. lug an an
nual tax of oiie-t welity-tilt h of a
mill on the dollar upon all the tax
able property w ithin the state of
I Iregi ill.
.Kit;. Yes. :::i
:i:7. No. f7
A bill for a law to annex a portion of
the territory in t he eastern part of
Washington county. Oregon, to
Multnomah county. Oregon, and
providing for a transcript of the
rtvnrds of the territory annexed to
be made and recorded in Multno
mah county.
:;. Yes. bi."i
-.Vii. No. W2
A bill for a law providing for the per
tnanent support and maintenance
of the Southern Iregon State Nor
mal School at Ashland, .lackson
county. Oregon, by levying one-twenty-fifth
of a mill on the dollar
on all taxable property In t lie St a te
of Oregon therefor, and limiting in
struction therein to those subjects
promoting efficiency in the art of
:;ia. Yes.
:M1. No. 'Ml
An amendment of Section of Arti
cle I of the Constitution of the
State of Oregon, prohibiting the
manufacture and sale of intoxicat
ing liquors and the t rathe therein
w it lil ri t he State of I Iregon. on and
after the lirst day of .Inly, A. I
l'.tll, excepting for medicinal, scien
tific, sacramental, and tii'dinnlcal
:HJ Yes. F.I
No. :.::l
A bill for a law to prohibit, prevent,
and suppress t he inauufa. t lire, s;i e,
pnHsesKioli, exchange, or giving
away of Intoxicating liipiors ith
iti the stale of Oregon, except for
specific purposes; to govern the
shipment of the same, declaring
what is Ixtoxicating i'l'ior uitMn
the State of ( Iregon, nml piov idiug
penalty for violations of the act.
-.At Yes. a:
:iF.. No. :..
A bill for an act creating a Hoard of
Commissioners of nine rs to
examine t he subject of employee
indemnity for Injuries sutained Iti
the course of their employment,
and to prepare a measure to be
presented to the legislature gov
ernlng the same, and report to the
liovernor of the State on or Ik f oe
the 1st day of February, !ill, and
Appropriating IF1"" for purposed
of t he act.
H4'l. Yes.
:i4T. No.
A bill for an m l prohibiting Hi
ing of fish from the waters of Kogue
Fiver, or of any of Its tributaries,
by any means, except with hook
and line, con. monly called angling.
.'4v Yes. tinl
:!4'.. No. -.Mil
A bill for a law to create the County
of Feschutes. Oregon, out of the
nort h west portion of Crook county,
begon; providing for its organiza
tion, the salaries of Its otlicers. and
et t lenient of the finances betw een
the proposed county and Crook
i'i. Yes. ;i4:i
i..l. No. 4
A bill for an act providing for tin
creation of new towns, counties
and municipal districts excepting
drainage and irrigation districts of
les than one county i or changing
the bouudaiies of existing comities
by a majority vote of the legal
titers of the territory within the
boundaries of t lie proposed muni
cipality, and providing that per
cent of 1 he number of legal voters
within such territory may petition
for t he creat loll of a new municipal
corporation, and providing for the
appointment of ollicersand adjust
ment of the finances of ! in new
corporation, ami the method of
procedure to create the same.
Yes. 4j
."n'i:!. No. :tt
An amendment of Section 10 of Arti
cle X I of the Constitution of the
Sta te of Oregon . permitting coun
ties to incur indebtedness beond
$.".( mmi to build permanent roads,
and providing that debts for per
manent roads may lie incurred on
approval of a majority of those
voting on t he (piest Ion.
:WA. Yes. 7i'.i
.S.Vi. No. l'.MC
A bill for a law to amend the direct
primary law by extending its pro- 1
visions to presidential nomina-1
t ions, allowing voters to designate
their choice for their party caudi-l
dates for President and Vlce-Fresi-!
dent; for direct nomination of!
parly candidates for presidential
electors; fi.r election by party vot- j
ers of delegates to t heir party na
tional nominating conventions,
each voter voting for one delegate;
for payment of delegates.' actual
traveling expenses, not exceeding i
two hundred dollars for each dele-
gale, and extending the publicity .
rights of candidates in the State
nominating and general election1
ca mpnlgtl books.
:..".;. Yes. 4-0 :
:;.-,7. No. :is
A bill for a la w creat ing a board of
people's Inspectors of government,
providing for publication of an
ollicial State magazine, said hoard
to be the editors and publishers
thereof, the printing to be done by '
t he st a te Printer; all books of pub
lic ollii ials nbject to examination '
by the board of Inspectors and re
ports thereof published in said '
magazine: all expenses of t he board
f r printing and publication of
magazine, salaries, etc . not to ex- j
ceeil one d ol la r for each registered
voter In the State; fie magazine
shall Is mailed every two months
to each registered Voter a t public
:;:.v es. :;74 1
:u No. 77
For au amendment of Article IV.,
Constitution of Oregon, Increasing ,
Initiative, referendum, and re-call ,
powers of the people; restricting'
use of emergency clause mid veto
power oil State and municipal leg
llatloti; requiring proportional ,
election of metnls-rs of legislative
Assembly from the State at large,
annual sessions, ami increasing
members' salaries and terms of
office; providing for election of
Speaker of House and President of
Senate, outside of members; re
stricting corporate franchises to
twenty years; providing ten dol
lars penalty for unexcused absence
from any roll call, and changing
form of oatli of ..thee to provide
against so-called legislative log
rolling. :!iia. Yes. 41"
:iill. No. 410
For amendment to the Constitution
of the State of Oregon, providing
for verdict by three fourths of jury
in civil caes, authorizing grand
juries to be summoned separate
from the t rut I jury, permitting
change of judicial s. slein by stat
ute, prohibiting ret rial w here a ny
evidence to support verdict; pro
viding for affirmance of judgment
on appeal notwithstanding error
committed in lower court, direct
ing Supreme Court to enter such
judgment as should have been en
tered in lower court; fixing terms
( if Supreme Court ; providing Judges
of all courts be elected for six
years, and increasing Jurisdiction
of'Siipreme I ourt.
:iOJ. Yes. 4:i
:!;::. No :ir;
Koche Harbor lime best made, at
A. Whitehead's
Trio Orchestra
Muiiic furnished for all orca-iicnn.
Inatrurm'ntation f-m three pice to any num
ber desired.
Ail'lres fir phone
tH-X or 2f,9-L Hood River. Omron
Contractor for Grading, Exca
vating and Teaming
Il' h Phone
To make room for a Carload of Mitchell Wagons soon to arrive
we are making some very attractive prices on Buggies and
Macks for next Ten Days. See them before buying. : : : :
Blowers Brothers
Phone 90
Cor. Oak anil First
(irubbinjr. and fruit tree
contract to let on the south
side of Underwood moun
tain. Enquire of S. Free
man, Underwood, or Hood
River Land Emporium,
Hood Kiver.
Spray and
Garden Hose
S Opposite tin Post Oltlr.i
y Hnm I'hofie 20
and get the benefit of SKVt-NTEf-N VtiARS SUCCHSSrUL EXPE
RIENCE IN HANDLING THIS FRUIT. Our careful attention and
experience shows in the promptness and amount of the returns.
Foot of Third Street
Phone No. 65