The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 09, 1910, Image 9

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.hod River
County lap
One Best
The Best
Fruit Growers
Paper in
The World
The National Map and
Publishing Company's
Multi-colored Map of
Hood River County
Showing Railroads,
Triangulation Lines,
Ditches, Elevations
Stream Measurements,
and Giving a
Complete History
of the
County and Its
A Years
Subscription to
Better Fruit
and the
New Hood River
A Reformer
Copyright, 1110, by American Prsas
"Ticket for Buffalo." said a young
lady, opening bur sutcnel and bunting
for ber porteuionnale. Tben suddenly
Hue exclaimed: "Ob, heavens! I'vs
been robbed!"
"Two ticket to Buffalo," aald
young man next In line.
The tickets were banded out, paid
for and one of them slipped Into the
girl's band before she bad time to re
cover from the effect of ber loss.
The young man caught up a suit
case the girl ha 4 set down beside her
and hurried her off to the train. Ear
ing found ber a seat and racked her
suit case, be was about to leave her
when she made room for blm beside
"Please let me know who you are
and the price of the ticket," she said,
"that I may send you the amount"
The young man took an old envelope
from bis pocket, wrote on It John
Sparkllne, with his address, and gave
It to her. Tben they fell to talking of
bow the thief could have got the pock
et book.
"There was but one moment," she
said, "that it was out of my posses
sion. I was sitting in the waiting
room and a candy boy came along. 1
had small coins inside my glove, and
I laid my bag down on the seat beside
me while I paid for some candy."
"A candy boy is the most dangerous
thing a girl can meet," said Mr. Spark
line dryly. The girl looked up at him,
but as bis face was perfectly serious
she continued:
"A man sat in the seat next the one
in which I bad the satchel"
"What did be look like?"
"I haven't an ldea.r
"What do you mean?"
"You evidently weren't attracted by
the man's appearance."
Again she looked at him.
"Are you sure you wouldn't recog
nize blm again?"
"No, I wouldn't"
The couple talked for three hours.
which seemed but one, and when they
were within a short distance of their
destination the young man turned to
the girl and said impressively:
'Did you ever take the first step In
"No," she replied In astonishment
"I have."
"Ob, heavens! Are you a criminal?"
"I stole your pocketbook."
Tou stole my pocketbookf
"Alas, I must confess it"
"But you have loaned me half as
much as It contained."
That came from remorse."
"But it seems to me the remorse
came very quickly."
"I couldn't bear to see you troubled."
She looked at him sldewlse.
"I don't believe a word you say."
lie took the portemonnaie from his
pocket and banded it to ber.
"Please don't have me arrested," he
pleaded. "I am the child of poor but
dishonest parents, who taught me to
steal when I was a little boy."
"I thought you said something about
a Qrst crime.
"Did I? They taught me to lie too."
"Poor child!"
"When I saw you lay your bag on
the seat between you and me I could
not resist the temptation. Ob, why did
you leave it there?"
'I'm so sorry. I didn't know I was
tempting any one. Why don't you re
form T'
'I haven't any one to reform me."
'But is it necessary that you should
have some one for that? Can't yon
do it yourself V
"No; I'm too far gone."
"What do you want any one to do
to help you?"
"Why, I think that if I could see
you once a week ana you wouia en
courage me I might pull through to a
permanent reformation."
She thought awhile, then said:
"If you really think I can help you
I shall be very glad to have you come
every Saturday to tell me tnat you
haven't picked any one's pocket dur
ing the week."
"Oh, how I thank you! I know you
can save me and make an honest man
of me."
'The only thing that troubles me,"
she said thoughtfully, "Is that I must
tell father, and I'm afraid he'll ob
Tell him to go to Mr. William
Evans, Locust street lie la in
terested In me and knows something
to my advantage."
When they reached the station the
penitent handed the girl out to a car
riage, and she drove away, giving him
an encouraging smile and promising
to let blm know the decision in bis
case. She told her father about It and
he gave ber a scolding. But she
forced him to make the inquiry of Mr.
Evaus. When be bad done so he said
lo his daughter:
Sis, the fool killer Is coming tola
evening to carry you away."
"What do you mean, papa?"
"Evans, whom I have long known.
tells me that this man Is Jack Spark
lino, his nephew, worth half a mil
lion and full of the Old Nick. I've
given permission far the young rascal
re call."
"But he did steal my purse."
"Of course he did, and with a view
to making your acquaintance."
'Ob, my goodness gracious! And I
told him he might come on Saturdays
to assure me be badn't picked a pocket
Work ou the new Hetlbronner
building has been pushed so fast that
part ol It will soon be ready fur oc
cupancy. The Klaus front on the
lower floor will be put in place thin
week. Other fittings on thl floor
will be Installed at once and this
portion of the building will be ready
for tenants by December Int. The
hall on the top floor of the building
is being laid with a rock maple floor
and will be equipped othtrwiwe to
make It one of the most complete In
the state. In size It Is one of the
lurgestln Oregon, outside, of Port
land. It Is expected to have the hull
ready for occupancy by the 10th of
the month.
The other floors of the building
will then be pushed along ho as to be
finished by the first of the year.
An Argument for Northwest
No stronger argument than this
can be laid before the eaterner and
middle westerner who is thinking
about coming to the northwest and
taking up land. Prices for ull pro
ducts of the soil are higher In the
northwest than anywhere ele, the
market is always good, with the de
mand exceeding the supply. When
the cltlos of the northwest have to
Import their eggs from Kanims and
MIhhoutI there Is certainly an ample
field for new settlers on the rich agri
cultural lands which the trio of
northwestern states offer to the new
Copy for advertisements MUST be
In the office by Monday NOON.
ill kt chargtS lor at ttia rst tl 25c par month lor
(usually) thrtt Knot no slsolat. Uth should
accompany copy, othontltt parabl b tha I Oth ol
tho month. At maOlum tor raachlna lha paopla
lha Naa atanda alona and snsicslltd.
fjood River Valley Humane Society -Phone 186.
AiE. H. Hartwur. president: Harold Herahner.
aecretary; Leal ie Butier. treasurer.
anted To trmde a two aeated hack for a top
bu(ry. Phone 2113L. 42-i5-c
anted Uao of a horae and bug-fry one month
for ita keep. 1. R. ShelUn. Oreson Hotel.
anted Second-hand Faultlese No. 2 atump
Duller. C. E. Gov. R. F. D. No. L Phone
320 K. 42-4SC
anted To buy a aood driving horse.
13)0 pounds. Phone aHO-M.
TV) let for the winter for hia keep Young-.'jrentle
horae: will drive double or aing-le; weight 900
lbs. Addreaa Mra. L. Boyden, R. F. D. No. . 44-17
To Exchang-e What have you to trade for gilt
mIm iMinM, nnuwiaitimi in Pirtlanill F A
Hitchoock. 75 No. 2nd street Portland. 46-4M-C
Wanted Second hand apray pump to work in
ben-el in email orchard. F. C. Stout. 45-44-p
(Iillette Razor UU-lee-lJon't throw away old
'-"Gillette blade. Will re-sharpen them at 2
each. Mail to Semmer Specialty Co.. Koom B.
-ra jtmram at., Portland. Oregon. 43-44
I uan Airenry-Loans offered. M. I"00. I.oans
"wanted-HOO. tutt, uuo. $U9io. tttn.
r.iVjApply tcA.Whank. rt Oak SUji'Mf
Cin-rer Sewing- Machine Co. New Hood River
--'h lee room opposite 1st Nat. Bank. Machidea
aold. rented, exchanged, repaired. Needlea and
supplies. .44-47
anted Japanese wants daya work at cooking
and housecltmninir ft ilil H Yam 11
uak or rnone 160. 44-Kp
anted Boy between IS and 20 years of age to
neip on milk wuun rrom 1 d. m. to 6 u. m.
every afternoon. Apply at Milk Depot. Davidsoo
ouiiatng. 43-4-ie
X7 anted At once, a girl for general houaewrk.
' ' Small family. Good wagea; 1U6-L. 43-46
Wanted A location on a ranch. Have had ex
perience in Dlantinar. Drunina SDravin? and
cultivating, also long experience with horses; am
married, no children. Phone 241-L. 4&-4M-p
Wanted-A cook at Cottage Hospital. See Su
' ' perin tenden t 46-48
tr Sale Five or ten acres choice apple land
near Barret school house. Will take work
part pay. o. M. bddie. telephone 13M. 42-40 p
'Two Furnished Rooms for Rent. Call at W.
1 Powell. 13th and Columbus or Phono 317 M.
42- 4SC
pVr Rent Ten room house, partly furnished; hot
and cold water; electric lit-hta; will be vacant
about November 1st. J. F. Batchelder. Phone 56.
43- 46
Uooms for Rent Light housekeeping and lorix--Mm.
Sleeping rooms (2 and up. Mra. J. W.
Rigby. 4S-4H-P
'T'o Let For the winter, a small houae to re-
sponsible parties. Addreaa Mrs. L. Boyden. R.
F. D. 3. 45-px
TTVr Sale Cheap Handaome bay drivir g mare
(speedy trotter) weight lOoOtollOO. 8 years old.
very easy keeper. Safe for lady or child to drive.
Bargain if taken at once. Telephone 201 K. 44-4 7 p
For Sale A small horse weighing about 650 or
700 pounds. Phone 2172-K. 44-47
UVr Sale A few fine R. L Red Cockerels for
- breeding purposes. Bred from heavy winter
laying strain. E. F. Batten. Phone 2012M 44-47p
T have for sale good ahoat pigs. First call, first
--supplied, as they won't last long. Phone 1932
L. or Adell 9L 44-47p
r Sale A saddle pony cheap if taken soon.
N. Foley, one mile west of town. 45-4H-P
For Sale or Rent Typewriters, new or second
hand, on eaay terms. A. W. Onthank. 40-tfc
"Cor Sale Fully equipped grubbing machine.
A with 130 feet of cable, price (100. Phone Odell
215, or address M. H. Allen. Parkdale.42-45-c
Lost A string of coral beads, Tuesday evening.
Oct. IX. Finder please return to the office of
John Leland Anderson, Inc. and receive reward.
Water Worlrs
Tea, that's Just what w mesa- real walir workt;
the laundry, the barn la fact, all over the pi are. Ai
lower left hand corner of this picture the Leader 8y
from the old-fashioned elevated tank which work
Leader Water Supply System Is operated by corner
ad cleanly. Your windmill pumps eater into the t
full of air). The lr, being; elastic, la compressed 1 .
Uo-, and forces the water out through the pipes. fPTTf.'M t1 K( A VTI'AT?
This gives you a pressure, so that powerful AUIN $l.OJ i 1
tap at every faucet. Do matter where It is located. ,
htU trt-froUUioH, for the pressure is aV-voyi so
Now, the old style gravity tanks were either f
Sated oa a high tower out of doors. .
IS tit former ess, their weight when full, era)
tbey overflowed or leaked.
In the case of the outside
froze solid in winter, nere.
r- II X"V
. fl
ing bills; or it becameft yfV!
the summer and uant i t -
a. t
voids all this, vcVTf
either in the baaen
E round below the fr
i complete, with f
emjilr instsillrd. Th
do retMirs. u uiteii
large, ftad U modera
T,t us snd you rm
I BolVtMl ttl4 Malff
story of s man wbo
his country boms
Write for It toda1
".1. :&tesm&maA
.t .
out Automobile tire chains, some place in
Woorj Kiver vauey. ouii-lDie rrwinj ior ineir
return to pr M!ShawW(liverJJJre.4-47e
Nntiee is herebv riven that the undersigned has
hmn annointed bv the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Hood River County, to be adminis
tratrix of the estate ol btepnen re neea.aeceasea,
and all nemns having claims against aaid estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me,
duly veritiwl, at the office of J syne A Watson, in
the city of Hood Kiver. uregon. wunin six monins
froas the date of the first publication of thia
oe. Date ox hrst publication, uexooer 12. iiu.
4Mc Dklla Young, Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
ha Lwi hv the Countv Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver. ap
pointed administrator 01 tne etsie 01 jonn
MtNaughton. deceased, and all persons having
claims against the said estate are hereby notified
and required to present the same to the under
signed, duly verified according to law, at the office
of Butler Banking Company in Hood River. Coun
ty of Hood River, State of Oregon, on or before
aix months from the date of the first publication
of thia notice.
Date of first publication October 26. 1910.
Administrator of the Estate of
43-48C John McNaughton. Deceased.
Friday, November 11, 1910
Chicken a la Royale
Oyster Stew
Ripe or Stuffed Olives
Sliced Cucumbers
Lettuce with Mayonnaise
Tomato Aspic
with Mayonaise Dressing
Boneless Smelt with Sliced Lemon
Fried Eastern Oysters
Tartere Sauce
Salmon Steaks, Gerkins Sauce
Escalloped Oysters
(individual dishes)
Small Fillets of Beef
Mushrom sauce
Fried Chicken a la Champignon
with Green Peas
Stuffed Shoulder of Lamb
a la Italienne
Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus
Leg of Veal with Dressing
Mashed and Boiled Potatoes
French String Beans
Cauliflower in Cream
Sweet Potato Souffle
Apple Pie Hot Mince Pie
New England Pumpkin Pie
Nesseloode Pudding
Strawberry Ice Cream
with Napoleon Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
I o n H nnH r.i 'V
mj r 0 l. m I , A a -
WOOD & )Show
Fancy and Sta'r Bi3 Event
Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57. ma, VVenatchee
Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple th Hood River Fruit
line of canned Tomatoes anp First Honors
LHLIE BITI.ER. Presihent
F. MoKF.RCHER. Vkb-Prksidest
SOLE AGENTS FOR PI Vim tehee I exhlliltlns ft fine car
iplts from the 'Mhmere dlntrlot
I Axlilauil a car of extra Que New-
...Your orders will receive',"". ?r- sprt,"t .Myt, ' un"
iai jiiiiK' are huvhi; i imi tne cur
itz from WVna tehee, the Ash-
I ear of Newtown aud Hood
Tr' ear f Sjijix anil New towns
-tin- only earn In the display In
U li there I any competition and
Hooil Hirer applex xhoultl take
h weepHtakei) an! carload prises.
he AHhlaml and Canhniere apples,
I'nloii luauaircr declares, are as
' (rnit ax anyone could wish to
and difpcl the Idea that Hool
er in the only place that can row
- apple.
Rim FR RANrfT1'" U!li ,,s'-v t:lk''" "s 1 whole Mr-
DUIauLilY Dill 1 lYl.'oa t hiivh, I uot (julte as large as
one lat jcar, hut in addition to
HOOD RIVER i"r1"'"1 t'xhi,,t,, ,,,,n are very
Ke nuiuher of h tun II exhlhlts of ex-
Surpk""K'-v 1""' 'lu'lty. He
'k lit heard people i;oInf about
inn: "Well, there U no mistake
.nit Hood Kiver tieini; here this
ir with both feet."
The decoration for Hood River's
libit U nald to le the finest ever
ide at Spokane, the electrical dls
ij belnif a very attractive feature,
addition to rows of Incandencent
mm around the exhibit and the
me In Unlit over both cam, they
trimmed and fetooued with Or-
Capital, $50,000.
Fresh Newtown Cider Grape Juice
Wants the
in nrnpe.
car load of Hood Kiver people
II leave here Thursday nlnbt at
j MitfiteMlon of l ha. Hall, prenl
ii t of the rotmncrclal t'lub, to te
thehov Friday when the prtxes
II lie awarded and It I linred that
ryone who I ifolnu to the show
then-on that day and make It the
od Kiver day. A npcclal car has
'ii ennaired to take the Hood Kiver
ople to Spokari" and It will leave
rt Tlmr Imv ti!ilit. irlvlnu vluttursi
not Very mUCh, b"" ,,,,rt' I rl lay at the how and
n ir ii urnliiir mi a to brlnn the party
bO acres near V alltue Saturday mornltur.
large Clearing, gC.r intention of K,An are A. T.
npr irrp flnnil tpJ''11- I'raiik A. Cram, W. U. i'ltlruer,
ptrdtltf. UUUU L"-lin,,1 p.utler, 1". It. Mollcr, ( raw
d I'iimion. ,1 wHph Hall, M. f.
tl. n-.i n.-.u I Shelley & Shelley. K. K. Younic
Tne Best Rancn """;;'' ';'! w-
I. ( lllaiuliar. .1. !.. Montiroin
, . ,, I! I'. Itartlett. i ha Hall, P. M.
to exchange for IIividon, n. k. urwir, r. k.
,r.t u .irxhall. M. M. Iuiican, C. II.
4G2 acres; well waUniw.n.
ings; good fence.
To Observe holidays
e II I Kiver Merchant' Aoc1a-
Hfinn R hpr niQl 'iin.- b..i-.- wm ixi.Ma.i I
IIUUU nil CI UlOllln,,Merw.t,. following holidays:
la accordance with a rettolutlon o(
lankxirtvlni; day, I'hrlHtina, New
Smith Block, Corner Third a:r l' lv- Ut wahinntoirs
rthday, Kei.. i.".', Metnoiinl Pay,
iv M, July tth.
Notice Slure will Ik c I owed all
.y on 'rhaiikKlvlu; lay, 'I'hiirsj
.y, Nov I'tth.
It v order of the Association.
during the week!"
Sr (ilatltr for SaturJay Pinnrr