THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1910 7 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon fUaklenc. 0k utd Park. Otflea. Oak'and Second Offlcahoura. 10 to U a. m., t to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Rooma t. 4 and S. Broaiua Block, Uood River. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawarad In town or country, day or nla-ht. Tekphonea-Kcaideneaeil. Offlca13. Otflea in th Broaiua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Otflea over Firat National Bank Honw'phoM, Rea.71B.;omca phona 71 Hood River. Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone U Hood River. Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phona 90. Residence, SOB Hood River. Oregon Dr. II. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, ; Kirkavill. Mo. (fTc in Kliot Building ' PKon-Olfic HL Kuaitlenre 102-B. I Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Reeidence phone 28-B Hood River, Oregon MURRAY KAY CIVIL LNOINLER AND SURVEYOR Phoni 82 Baoaiua Bmii.uino Hood Rivk HOCKEMBUKRY & BARTLIHT ARCHITECTS Davidaon Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbiicct Hall Builuinu Hood River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broaiua Block Hood River, Oregon Japanese JVovcltks Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA Oak Street, Turner 1st Phone 160 H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Firat National Bank Office Home phone 131. Reeidence-Home 131-B Hood River. Oregon DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evening! by appointment Rooma t and 7, Broaiua Building. Phone 9U0 Hood River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers Rooma 3 and 4. Kinrt National Bank Building HoimJ River, Ort-gon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over Mrel National Bank Phone IGM Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Building Hool River. Oregon J. W. MORTON Lawyer Room ft, Eliot Builuing Hood River, Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooma 14 and IS. Hall Building Hood River, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law K.liot Buikling. Phone 30HM Hood River, Ontin P. M. MORSE Jity Engineer and Surveyor MANAOre. NawaLU Gofwrrr aV Walk DavMaon Buikling Hood River, Oregon POLK'S rp GAZETTEER A nnalneae Director e each CUT, Town and Village la Oregon and Washington, giving lerrlpllve ' m Hketrh or earn piare, Hhlpplng Karllltlea and a rlmwl iiirloti mt earn llualaeee ead I'rofeealva. R. I. FOLK a CO., In. Heat tie, . Taft Transfer Go. Draying. . . Wood Yard HAY, FLOUR, and FEED For Sale Office Phone 29 Residence 232-M PLUR-DE-LIS -MILLINERY- All the Latest Fall And Winter Shapes Moderate - Prices Bartmess Building 20 Acres OF Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River Apple Land in the Famous Oak Grove District Ten milm out in tite m.uthwmt irt of the Hmk! Kiver Vatlry, H.Kjd Itiver. OreKon. The tract is partly improved with 5 acres in young com mercial orchard, has fairly good house, barns, etc., and a fine spring well which is capable of being developed sufficiently to irrigate 40 or more acres. This tract is in the best apple section in the valley composed of all red shot soil. The surrounding country is being rapidly de veloped and growing into big money. FRANK II. FOKSBERti, Owner Mood Kiver, Oregon 7j 1 "jjyij N TRY A SAMPLE of our TEAS, COFFEES, Etc. We are not afraid to have them thoroughly tested before taking your order. We know what our groceries are and want you to know, too, for the better you know them, the surer we are of your custom. Had you thought about Mince Meat? The Star Grocery 6000 THINGS TO EAT Torino (EL fon S. W. STARK MAKES STATEMENT!) VOTERS I accepted the urgent request of friends to become u candidate fur Judge of the circuit court In the Sev euth district, comprising the coun ties- of Uood Ulver, Wasco and Crook. While uo experienced lawyer can afford to aescpt the oftlce, yet, for the purpose of giving the attorneys of the Seventh ludiclul district a chance to carry their cases through court without delay, I agreed to be come a candidate fur circuit Judge, and. If elected, to discharge the duties of the olllce Impartially, with out delay. Irrespective of politics and without fear or favor. My opponent, W. I,. Bradshaw, the Democratic Incumbent, has been la ofllce over ulneteen years, for which the people have paid him over $"7,000. He has made successful In vestments and Is now financially well fixed In tils old days, tils long reign In olllce Is not due to bis abil ity, for over fifty per cent of the cases npiM-aled from his court nave lieen reversed and sent buck for new trial, but because the experienced lawyers enjoyed a practice that did not warrant them In accepting the olllce, and he was elected three times nracticallv without opposition. A term of olllce Is six years, and no man should hold olllce over two terms. I, therefore, npieul to the voters of Mood Kiver, Wasco and Crook coun-J ties to support my candidacy for the - ,1! - I I. 1 .. .1 I. ...... onice oi circuit june, iM-iieviut; iuai you desire an administration of the olllce that will Iks more progressive and yet, at the same time, conserva tive. . Yours lies pec tfully, S. W. Stark. (Paid advertisement) WIDE PUBLICITY FOR CHICAGO LAND SHOW The Pacific Northwest will be well represented at the big Land Show to be held In the Coliseum, Chicago, from November L's to Deceralier 4 of this year. The transcontinental railroads which have exhibit cars touring the country with displays of Washington products, will send them to Chicago for the show. Both the (ireat Northern and Northern Pacific have such cars, while the Ore gon and Washington Kullrcad has secured the central space In the big show to advertise the products of lands along lis line In the northwest. After the clone of the Land Show, the exhibits will again lie sent on their trip through the eastern and southern states, attracting the at tention of the country to the north west. In one town, Springfield, Ohio, where the (Ireat Northern's car recently sciit a few hours, the audit In charge mailed the following report of the event : "At this place In two days, the loth and 12th, we have had alioiit 4,'AX) visitors In the Washington ex hibition car and pit u red nanus of 1,17s for mailing list and have dis trlbted over ."i.lHW pieces of printed matter, put Into the hands of people who have a great object lesson us well of the resources of the country. After seeing the car and understand ing where the material Is from, peo ile sought the printed matter; some even went so far as to offer to buy It, not having seen the 'free sign.' " localIransfers of real estate HOOD RIVER APPLES WILL GO TO PANAMA J. J. McOllllcuddy, banker and merchant, located lu the canal tone at Panama, was here last week vis iting J. F. Butchelder, and lucldeul- ally for the purpose of purchasing Mood Itiver apples. Mr. Mclillllcuddy has heretofore been supplying the better class of residents In Panama with upples. but has been dealing In eastern fruit. He says that they do not keep as well as western apples aud therefore wants some of the Iiest keepers he can get. Having been Informed that Hood Itiver had the best to be ob tained in this line, he came here aud will receive shipments for the next six mouths ut the rate of 2."0 boxes a month. He will take choice or sec ond grade, as he says this quality will ii)"et the requirements of the district. In regard to the progress being made on I'ticle Sam's big ditch, this resident of the tropics says that the work has been so well organized that It can almost lc conducted now by a novice. Everything In regard to the big waterway has been fig ured out to a hair, so that It Is know n now exactly what Is to lie done, as the work progresses, two years from now. The laborers, who are largely negroes, receive 0 cents a day, but white labor and help of all kinds commands a high figure. LIVELYCAMPAIGN FOR WOMAfTSSUFFRAGE One of the most Interesting ques tions to be decided on November H In any section of the northwest is the woman's suffrage question, which will lie settled by the voters In Wash ington. Coming before the electorate In the form of a constitutional amendment, the suffrage will require a favorable vote of two-thirds to win, but having theuctlve support of hundred of women and the lene lit of their two years' campaign, with practically no organized oppo sition, the amendment stands a good ehnuee of passing. It will appear on the official ballots as an amendment for article 0 of the constitution, re lating to the qualifications of voters within the state. The rather unex planatory title may lose the amend ment some votes, the voters not b'.-lng Informed as to which Is the suffrage amendment. In fact the careless vote has hardly received the serious consideration which It de serves. The women who are work ing for the amendment will be nt the polls, distributing literature aud using every effort to win the votes of the men. Wants the Money- not very much, but tuants it. 80 acres near Valley Crest school; large clearing; good house. $55 per acre. Good terms. The Best Ranch in Gilliam County to exchange for Hood River land. 462 acres; well watered; fair build ings; good fence. Hood River District Land Co. Smith Block, Corner Third and Oak Phone 175 Fancy Apples in Fancy Packages Our Specialty Fancy Packages, containing one to 112 Extra Fancy Hood River Apples. Send a Sample to Eastern Friends Express prepaid anywhere in United States or Canada. :::::: ROBINSON, DeREDING & CROCKER Commercial Club Booth . Hood River, Oregon Well Drillings Quick ; Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Offlca, No. 9 Oak Strtet Phonal. 28 ar 2002-X Lint of real estate transfers for week ending October 111, 11)10, us reported by the llooil Kiver Altstnut ( Company. I H It Von Klelnsmld to SC Arm strong 10 acres south of town Ilarrlette I.amar to Win Kllisoii ' lot 3 and 4 Mock 2. Idlcwllde John W (ietehell to K It Watts, lid 7 ami 10 Mock It Harrett Slpma ad illtton J I' Thompson to l'anl Hansen small tract in Willow Flat ' Fine D Stephenson to K K Stanton 10 acre went of town S It Simonton to Jan S Slmonton east 75 feet lot 1 Mock 9 I'nrkhurst The Oregon LuiuImt Co to Win .1 I'eilerHon lot 4." Klvcrxlile llerUTt 11 Lnngllle to P.erthn wood, Hotith third of lot 4 Mink Parkluirnt Kllzalieth IMltin to leo F Ogden acre In Willow Flat Thou i ItUhop to John W (ieti In il lot ti Mock II Itarrett Slpma addition Lonlce J Schiller to -M W Itandall X acres In Willow Flat MARRILlT IIVK KTI HK-KKIK On Tnendny afternoon, October at the nome of Mr. and Mr. I'. I.. TompkliiN MIhm Held, alnter of Mr TompkliiM, and II. J. Overtnrf were married. Mr. and Mr. Overtnrf will renlde In Head, Crook county, when the latter Ik Intercxted In t he lumber IiiihIdchm. Itcv. II. A. Macloiiall olllclated at I he wedding. WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS FOR CLEANER CITY The civics committee of the Wom an' Club auk everyone lnterewted lu a cleaner town to help them In a plan they In-lleve will greatly elimi nate the neeeHnlty of the annual clean-up dayH. They have arranged with a local drayman to collect rub IiImIi of any kind at stated Intervalx for the email price of 'Si cent h thin price, of courne, not applying to wagon loadn. Anyone wlHhing their tinmen added to the lint pleae phone at once to any memtxT of the com- tnlttee. It everyone help and thus iHfoinc a boonter. Mum. Cuah. If. I'AKTNKIl, Mum. Cham. Hai l, MliH. J. II. IlKII.HIIONNKIt, Mum. U. I). Goi l.l), Mum. IIakhy ItAii.KV, Mimh K. May Davidson. If you want your horses properly SHOD come to SHI VELY & McGlLLl VARY Jcjct to Snobo CSL Upson NICHOL & HADLOCK ORCHARD I - I CITY LANDS ----- REALTY Brosius Building, Corner Second and Oak Hood River, Oregon HOOD RIVER GHOICE OVER OTHER PLACES (luy Y. Edwards A Co. report the sale this week of the J. C. Itoggs place Just south of town to Charles Fields, of llockford, 111. There are six acres In the tract, all In three and four-year-old trees. Mr. Itoggs will remain on t tie premises until next spring, when Mr. Fields nnd his family will take pos session. Hood Kiver was Mr. Fields' choice after looking over the other Impor tant fruit sections of the west and northwest. Notice to Apple Packers The Apple (Srowers 1'nlon ropiests all packers who want to pack ap ples this fall to call at the olllce of ( he union au1 register their names and place of residence, (iood pay and a long season of work guaran teed nil experienced packers. C. II. Sl'IIOAT. Malinger llood Itiver Apple linnvcrs I'nlon. Oregon, the Last Call of the W est By W.ller V. Worhllt Henutlfiilly Illustrated lu four col ors, In Novemlier Snnst Magazine. Now on sale at all news stands l.'i cents. CIRCULATING LIBRARY You can read all the late and popular fiction for two cents a day, minimum charge of five cents for a book - - - - Piler Booh and stationery store Hotel Oregon Building H . H . Bailiy W. E. Coly tr i it si i .!. id BAILEY I COLBY Electric Wiring and Fixtures All kinds of Electrical Supplies at Moderate Prices Shop Phone 14